Great Aunt Dora or Dorah Choy when she passed, was in the first graduate class of Hong Kong University, possibly in the 1930s when her last name was Cheng or Jan. No idea how the Chinese surname(family name) was translated into the British spelling at Hong Kong University on Morrison Rd.(?) or Street on the island, Hong Kong side of the Colony....
I meant she, Cheng May Hing(Dorah Choy) graduated No. 1, first place in her class at Hong Kong U(niversity).
The HKU website says "The first female student was admitted to HKU in 1921, Rachel Irving," (source). So that would have the first women graduating around 1924.
How do I locate the names of all the Hong Kong U graduates in the pre war days HongKongU? I like to look up great aunt No. 6, English name Dora(h), Chinese name sounds something like Cheng May Hing. I can recognize the Chinese writing of these 3 Chinese word should I see it printed out on the computer screen...Also, I was taught that Dr. Sun Yat San, the founding father of Democracy who lead the 1910(1) revolution to overturn the Ching government. What years did he attend Hong Kong U's medical school and did he ever practice medicine before he went into politics and became a revolutionist and brought in good things such as no more bound feet for all women and no more pig tails for all Chinese men.
Name list of Hong Kong U graduates-female students
Great Aunt Dora or Dorah Choy when she passed, was in the first graduate class of Hong Kong University, possibly in the 1930s when her last name was Cheng or Jan. No idea how the Chinese surname(family name) was translated into the British spelling at Hong Kong University on Morrison Rd.(?) or Street on the island, Hong Kong side of the Colony....
I meant she, Cheng May Hing(Dorah Choy) graduated No. 1, first place in her class at Hong Kong U(niversity).
The HKU website says "The…
The HKU website says "The first female student was admitted to HKU in 1921, Rachel Irving," (source). So that would have the first women graduating around 1924.
Name list of HKU graduates?
How do I locate the names of all the Hong Kong U graduates in the pre war days HongKongU? I like to look up great aunt No. 6, English name Dora(h), Chinese name sounds something like Cheng May Hing. I can recognize the Chinese writing of these 3 Chinese word should I see it printed out on the computer screen...Also, I was taught that Dr. Sun Yat San, the founding father of Democracy who lead the 1910(1) revolution to overturn the Ching government. What years did he attend Hong Kong U's medical school and did he ever practice medicine before he went into politics and became a revolutionist and brought in good things such as no more bound feet for all women and no more pig tails for all Chinese men.
You could try contacting the…
You could try contacting the University Archives to see if they can help.
First class with "Chinese " women
When did Hong Kong University first admit "Chinese women" who made the grades to go to college at HongKongU?