Isis Theatre / 新都戲院 [1966-1999]

Submitted by OldTimer on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Seating capacity: 1 screen, 1,183.

Address: 47 Moreton Terrace, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.  Evangelical Free Church of China Tung Fook Church is the current occupant at the site.

The origin of the English name "Isis" is a mystery.   Isis was not a familiar word for probably most Hong Konger's.  Perhaps the owner thought it would apeal to Westerners who knew about Middle East history and religion like the ancient Eygptian goddess.  The Chinese name 新都 literally means new capital.  Of course, there are other theatres in Hong Kong where their English and Chinese names have different translation or message.

Isis Theatre operated during the period December 24, 1966 - October 1, 1999.



Photos that show this Place



tngan, thanks for the feedback.  Sharp observation.

Working in this project is a re-learn of my HK geography.  When a theatre retires, its space and proximity to population can make it ideal for a church.  They can move in fast (everything in HK runs fast, my impression), no capital/construction cost, and don't have to bear singly roof and ground maintenance cost.

There was a news article a few days ago about HK the most unaffordable housing market.  The pressure to develop and re-develop must be tremendous.  Some of the retired  theatres located within high rises I am working on last about 10 years.  Regards, Peter