on-going construction off hollywood road

Submitted by boardnasty on Thu, 04/29/2010 - 17:56

i live in central just off hollywood road and for as long as i've lived here there has been construction working going on. as far as i can see from my window there is no progress over ground, for the past 2 years workers have been installing huge long pipes and rebar deep into the ground.

the site sites between hollywood road, pottinger street, lyndhurst terrace and cochrane street, can anyone tell me what is going on here and what the plans are to construct?

big thanks :)

Submitted by
prophk (not verified)
Thu, 05/20/2010 - 14:15

This site is 20% owned by Henderson Land acording to their 2009 Annual Report - http://www.hld.com/en/pdf/investor/annual/2009/land_bank.pdf and has been vacant for at least 10 years from my memory.  As you observed, they have recently started pumping in a lot of cement and rebar so my guess is they finally started the foundations of the redevelopment.

Its an odd-shaped site of only 9,067 sqft with a maximum of 93,733sqft GFA for the final development. If site coverage is 80%, then the floorplate would be around 7,254 sqft per floor with a maximum of 13 floors. This is just speculation on my part.

I will try to dig up a planning permission document or something with more information.

wow how do you know this stuff? thanks i literally had no idea about what was going on down there. any more information you might be able dog up would be great to know.

thanks again :)