Lai Chi Kok Road 264 -1930s and Present

Lai Chi Kok Road 1930s and Present, looking to northwest along Lai Chi Kok Road from Shek Kip Mei Street.  The red arrow* points to the pre-war shophouse at 264 which remains standing today, and a few shops farther up is Nam Cheong Street.

(*Edit Oct 14, 2023: The red arrow in the upper photo is slightly off.  It points at the fourth unit counting back from the larger corner unit at Nam Cheong Street.  It appears #264 is the third unit according to Map 1965.1.)

The central feature on the top photo is the rail along Lai Chi Kok Road which invariably suggests it was Kowloon's early tram service.  Upon additional reading of the source page, I learned that this rail was used to transport reclamation material from Tai Kok Tsui (大角咀山丘 - a small hillI) to the army barracks (west of Yen Chow Street).   By the time my family moved into the neighbourhood about a decade later, the rail has been removed, so its existence is revealed by this photo.

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Date picture taken