1941 SCMP staff

Thanks to Henry Ching for the attached photo. He writes:

I notice that in your Person posts there are some employees of the South China Morning Post Ltd who were interned in Stanley. I thought you might be interested in the attached photo, taken in February, 1941 of the editorial staff of the Morning Post and the HK Telegraph. A few are in the photo. I name below those who were interned or POWs (or away from HK).
Standing, numbered left to right:

 - 4: Richard Cloake (an Australian, interned at Stanley)
 - 8: Ken Seyer (HKVDC POW)
 - 12: Charlie Allen (HKVDC POW)
 - 14: Alec Greaves (left HK in late 1942 and joined BAAG).
Sitting, numbered left to right:

 - 3: Harold Brokenshire (on leave in Australia)
 - 4: John Luke (Interned at Stanley)
 - 6: F.P. Franklin (RE POW)
 - 7: Ben Wylie (General Manager, interned at Stanley)
 - 9: Vincent Jarrett (interned at Stanley)
 - 10: Stewart Gray (left HK on leave just before the war)
 - 11: Stella Bander (interned at Stanley)
 - 12: George Giffen (interned at Stanley)
 - 15: A.T. (Tinker) Lee (HKVDC POW).

The photo was taken on the roof of the old SCMP building, to mark my father’s 25th anniversary with the newspaper. The dome (its base is visible top-centre) is on the then King’s Theatre.

Date picture taken
1 Feb 1941



I am a genealogist currently researching the family of F P Franklin.  Is there any chance that I would be able to have a digital copy of this photo for my client?  My business email is tribalstory@gmail.com

With many thanks

Amanda Thorley

Tribe Genealogy and Archiving