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(l. Cassidy) ((the first initial looks like a lower case L))

Rose / Ponting

Well Honey I was awake early - a little before 7 and I thought of you perhaps going to bed or sitting in front of a fire listening to a wireless - I hope you have a set.  Then at 4.15 today - I was out on the hillside with Miss Spry - she put up the tea.  Sandwiches, bully and some fresh lettuce she was able to scrounge! and some scones.  We talked a lot about you all - she was wearing a nice brooch she said you had sent her.

Margery came along about 6 with a packet of cigarettes - she went off again as she had a party of young folks.  Dora came later and gave me 2 packets and Mrs Fairburn (Constance Bonell) gave me 1  - that's been all my loot!

I bought a jelly powder at the canteen and some Carnation Cream - I made the jelly last night but of course it didn't "jell" - However I got it put into the Diet Kitchen "frig" and it came out splendidly.  I sliced a banana and put the bits on top. - and we had coffee and biscuits.  Rosie Spry came too - I just asked her this afternoon - and Wynne-Jones came across to return my frying pan so he stayed too!  Last year we had pate de fois gras but the jelly was lovely.  It is now 8.45 - 11.45am with you - perhaps you're in Church - more likely seeing to the tiffin at home.  How I long to be with you.  I'm feeling much better - my "spruey" mouth is nearly gone.   So Cheero Darling
                    AIAW    Your BB

Warm & muggy. Mosquitoes around again. Bit of sunbathing on the roof.

Music stand for Steve. No walk. 


No news.