Diary pages from this date

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Dr Erooga said Mabel had a goitre – that he saw it when she was in Queen Mary Hospital (just before the war) with dragging foot.

The BCC puts up a notice warning people to be wary of passing on or too easily believing rumours, the prevelance of which has been causing 'undue anxiety and heartburning'. The Reverend Wittenbach had preached to the same effect in May. This new intervention was equally well-meaning and equally fruitless!


MacNider Papers, 'Court/I.W.C./Rumours', 45

Departure of Americans postponed from June 15 to June 23.

I heard yesterday of a man who  was on page 62 of a letter  to his mother.  It is of course in the form of a diary.  I wish I could have kept this up too but I'll explain how difficult, in fact impossible  it has been.  Parcels are coming in now and we have had a few - 2 nice ones from Inspector Warburton which we shared - Glover and I - with some of the Inspectors.  Then  a big one  - no name on it but I think it was from Dr Li Shu Fan - a very nice one from S.N.Chan and one today  from Ah Min scored out and C Hung put in.  D.O.K.  who that is.  I'll have a lot to tell you when we meet.  I long for you always.  B. 

German lesson.


No news.