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Poor Mr. Kershaw ((William, aged 45)) died today, such a shame, as he almost got better and actually went out of hospital for a time.

Pat Cullinan ((Police, he had TB)) came back from x-ray yesterday, said he saw Father Moore who asked to be remembered to us.

Did a bit of 'Catholic Action' in evening, by speaking to Elizabeth (Betty) Aslett about coming to choir practice tomorrow.

Death of William Kershaw, aged 45. He was a medical storekeeper.


Geoffrey Emerson, Hong Kong Internment, 1973, 271

Tony Banham: http://www.hongkongwardiary.com/searchgarrison/nonuniformedcivilians.html#_Toc43367490

Tues   Well I was chucked out of hospital last Thursday - I'd been in 3 weeks and a day.  I didn't feel quite ready to go but they need the beds badly.  I had another blood count on Saturday - good - count up to 3,050,000 and Haemoglobin 70%.  Then I had an injection of Parnaemon - a very fine Dutch liver extract stuff so I hope to show excellent results next Monday or so.   I have been promised another bottle of Hepetex too so that should do me good.  I got an International Red Cross letter form today and have sent it to Jimmie Blair to try and get news of you.  I am feeling stronger in myself which is all to the good - my back aches a good deal still, however.               Today is Edie's birthday.
  It can't be long now Darling      All my love.   B.