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Title Year
1975 wanchai map
1975 wanchai map

1982 wanchai air view
1982 wanchai air view

1979 wanchai air view
1979 wanchai air view

4-fold panorama postcard of Hong Kong (1906) sent to Berlin on 9 Feb 1911
4-fold panorama postcard of Hong Kong sent to Berlin on 9 Feb 1911

Postcard of the Blue Funnel Line, Alfred Holt & Co. by Mr. Walter Thomas
Postcard of the Blue Funnel Line, Alfred Holt & Co. by Mr. Walter Thomas

4-fold panorama postcard of Hong Kong sent to Berlin on 9 Feb 1911 (back)
4-fold panorama postcard of Hong Kong sent to Berlin on 9 Feb 1911 (back)

4-fold panorama postcard of Hong Kong sent to Berlin on 9 Feb 1911 (4)
4-fold panorama postcard of Hong Kong sent to Berlin on 9 Feb 1911 (4)

4-fold panorama postcard of Hong Kong sent to Berlin on 9 Feb 1911 (3)
4-fold panorama postcard of Hong Kong sent to Berlin on 9 Feb 1911 (3)

4-fold panorama postcard of Hong Kong sent to Berlin on 9 Feb 1911 (2)
4-fold panorama postcard of Hong Kong sent to Berlin on 9 Feb 1911 (2)

4-fold panorama postcard of Hong Kong sent to Berlin on 9 Feb 1911 (1)
4-fold panorama postcard of Hong Kong sent to Berlin on 9 Feb 1911

Registered letter sent to London by Captain R.C.D. Bradley, S.S. “Kutsang", I.C.S.N. Co., Ltd.
Registered letter sent to London by Captain R.C.D. Bradley, S.S. “Kutsang", I.C.S.N. Co., Ltd.

Hong Kong University Golden Jubilee First Day Cover sent to Mr. J.L. Youngsage of Diocesan Boy's School on 11 September 1961
Hong Kong University Golden Jubilee First Day Cover sent to Mr. J.L. Youngsage of Diocesan Boy's School on 11 September 1961

Master William Thompson Rochester’s Hong Kong Identity Card
Master William Thompson Rochester’s Hong Kong Identity Card

A postcard of S. S. "Hong Kong Maru" of Osaka Shosen Kaisha (OSK Line)
A postcard of S. S. "Hong Kong Maru" of Osaka Shosen Kaisha (OSK Line)

Master William Thompson Rochester in 1946
Master William Thompson Rochester in 1946

Master William Thompson Rochester in 1944
Master William Thompson Rochester in 1944

Master William Thompson Rochester in 1943
Master William Thompson Rochester in 1943

Master William Thompson Rochester’s photos of S.S. ‘Lok Sang’ of ICSN in 1946
Master William Thompson Rochester’s photos of S.S. ‘Lok Sang’ of ICSN at Victoria Harbour in 1946 (3)

Certificate of Competency as Master of a Foreign-going Steamship to William Thompson Rochester (Cover)
Certificate of Competency as Master of a Foreign-going Steamship to William Thompson Rochester (Cover)

typhoon by royal observatory hk 1971nianxianggangtaifengteji
typhoon by royal observatory hk 1971nianxianggangtaifengteji

king star bar
king star bar

1946-03-27 Lantau' Plane Crash
1946 Lantau' Plane Crash

img 5344
img 5344

Certificate of Competency as Master of a Foreign-going Steamship to William Thompson Rochester, with signatures of Governor Sir Cecil Clementi and Colonial Secretary Sir Thomas Southorn, registered at the Harbour Office, Hong Kong in 1929
Certificate of Competency as Master of a Foreign-going Steamship to William Thompson Rochester, with signatures of Governor Sir Cecil Clementi and Colonial Secretary	Sir Thomas Southorn, registered at the Harbour Office, Hong Kong in 1929