To search for specific photos, or to only show photos from a certain decade, please enter your selection below then click the Apply button. You are also welcome to explore Gwulo's galleries of photos.
Title | Year |
"A46 Country girls HK" |
1960s |
"Chinese Junks HK" |
1960s |
"A12 Star-Ferry HK to Kowloon" |
1960s |
"A47 A cowherd HK" |
1960s |
"Actress HK" |
1960s |
"A13 Street scene of HK" |
1960s |
"A52 Hong Kong Harbour" |
1959 |
"Chinese Taoist HK" |
1960s |
"A14 Fruit stall" |
1960s |
"A52 Hong Kong Harbour" |
1959 |
"Boat Woman HK" |
1960s |
"A19 Peninsula Hotel Kowloon" |
1960s |
"A57 Chinese funeral" |
1960s |
"Vehicle Ferry Pier HK" |
1960s |
"A21 Repulse Bay HK" |
1960s |
"A60 Business centre HK" |
1960s |
"Ancient Chinese Costume" |
1960 |
"A22 Repulse Bay Hotel HK" |
1960s |
"Boat Woman HK" |
1960s |
"A23 Hong Kong by night" |
1960s |
"A Natives of HK" |
1960s |
"A25 Aberdeen HK" |
1960s |
"Fortune-tellor HK" |
1960s |
"A29 Kowloon Canton Railway Station" |
1960s |
"Altar of Buddhist HK" |
1960s |