To search for specific photos, or to only show photos from a certain decade, please enter your selection below then click the Apply button. You are also welcome to explore Gwulo's galleries of photos.
Title | Year |
West Wing reality 1 |
???? |
West Wing reality 2 |
???? |
West Wing reality 3 |
???? |
RAF Kai Tak new swimming pool 1963 |
1963 |
RAF Kai Tak swimming pool 1971 |
1971 |
Boundary Path (not Tramway Path) |
1920s |
Pg.126: The Great Visionary |
???? |
Detail from page 126 |
???? |
Pg.78: Constabulary Duties |
1890s |
Entrance to PB3, Wong Nai Chung Gap |
2008 |
Kowloon Praya |
1890s |
typhoon |
1927 |
Pg.87: Trappings of Authority |
1902 |
Detail from Page 87 |
1902 |
proposed West Wing |
2010 |
Mohan's advert 1955 |
1955 |
Hong Kong Fire Brigade |
1880s |
Once Upon A Time |
???? |
Pg.42: An Extravaganza of Signage |
1952 |
Detail from page 42 |
1939 |
Mount Austin Hotel |
1897 |
Club Germania |
1908 |
Waterfall Gardens |
1905 |
Detail from page 78 |
1890s |
1930s Aberdeen Harbour |
1935 |