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Another US Independence Day.

Cloudy, hot, showery. S wind.

Window in Lep.

Awfully fed up am.

(Rumours. Enough British troops in Luzon to re-take Singapore & HK. Chinese warned to be ready for an attack on Colony. Chungking & Red Armies converging on Ning Po)

Dug potatoes pm 7lbs Gs

Doreen for shorthand.

Worked in afternoon, typed much of Catholic Youth Magazine.  Father Hessler sick.

Went to see Mr Burnett with my 'exercise' - 400 words about camp life. He said it wasn't bad.., but to me it sounded like a school composition compared to his which he read to me as a sample. He has offered to help me with narration, and told me to report on the food queue as if writing a letter, and he will criticise it.

Clifton went into hospital.