Diary pages from this date

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Got Limelight story back from Mrs Jenner, her criticism: characterisation isn't good; it is far too long; characters subservient to the plot rather than the plot dependent on the characters; it won't sell as it is but the plot is quite good.   It was a shock to hear that the conversations were confusing and garrulous.

Swimming in afternoon.

Peg and I played Mrs Smalley and Joyce (? who), and called a small slam and made it.

No playing of gramophones or other musical instrument during roll-call, otherwise they will be confiscated

Hot, cloudy, NE wind.

Window panes for Lep. window.

Thompsons room change with G. ((Not sure which Thompsons))

German lesson.

Med. inspection by Hackett of workers. B.P.125

∴ warm.

Lorry with 2 days veg & private parcels.