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When, however, on a Saturday night at the end of June the first lot of meat really arrived, the camp was in a fever of excitement. 'Meat!' 'Meat!' the magic word was passed from mouth to mouth as the carcase of an old water-buffalo arrived and was dumped into the kitchens. In the dark it was chopped up and cooked at once to prevent its going more bad than it was. We hung about on the verandas long into the night smelling the vapours from the kitcehens.


William G. Sewell, Strange Harmony, 1948, 166-167


See also tomorrow's entry, and that for January 29, 1944.

Beef ration arr'd in evening

Cloudy, hot, showery, better pm. S wind.

Dispensary sink.

Planted potatoes for Stones, made little boats for G. ((For "Stones" see http://gwulo.com/node/25983))

?C but over.