Diary pages from this date

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Outdoor a.m. roll-call

Wt 131 lbs.

Bathing beach opened

News of death of Hitler - Goebbels suicide - Ribbentrop replaced

Another lovely day.

Outside roll-call 8am.

Fixed up G’s mirror. Path Hosp. Ckhse. Helped G with garden.

Lorry in 7pm with oil.

Hitler dead? Adm. Donetz/Ikes over. [?] Goebbels committed suicide? British land on Borneo. Berlin captured 2nd. General Runstedt captured in Hosp German Navy surrendering in Denmark. Nicabar [Nicobar?] Island attacked by British. Laval interned in Spain.

Went to stream (nullah) and washed hair and clothes.   The kids were having a grand time sluicing each other.

Outside roll call.  They did it with two inspecting parties.  

To older girls' meeting where Mrs Joan Witham gave a talk.

Newspaper says Hitler died at his bunker, and Goebells committed suicide.

Worked in afternoon.  Wrote a little of story, beginning Chapter 8.

Sat on grass with Rosaleen and Sheila playing bridge hands. (practice)