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Raid on.

Water in hydrant in am but not in taps yet.  

Joint Communion Day.  Went to see Mrs Taylor, then heard plans so left. 

Rumours: the new Jap premier has committed hari kari ((harakiri, ie ritual suicide)) and that Japan has sued for peace: we offered 7 points, 3 of which they have accepted, 4 being considered.

Roosevelt died on 12th April.

'Church Congress' in afternoon.  I read report on Girls' Clubs.  Many other papers read – there wasn't time to read them all out.

Benediction in Quarry (grotto).  Father Hessler's birthday.

Sandbach / Myhil

New air-raid warning notice – No food or water queues – Chairmen not allowed to go about with armbands. Instrs. for serving of food must come from Jap. authorities.

Bright, warm, Wind to S later brought clouds.

Clinic, medical chest. 

A/r, but no action 11am – 12.30pm.

Water on, did some washing.

Allies 65mls W of Berlin. Himmler expresses anger re Allied methods in capturing towns & at the number of places surrendering. Coburg captured (11th) 1st, 3rd & 9th Armies expected to meet .

No postcards this month.