News of Manila raids.
Diary pages from this date
The water supply is restored this morning. Franklin Gimson is grateful to the Camp authorities for working with the Governor's Office to bring this about. Nevertheless, a delighted Hasegawa tells him that the internees should proceed 'with the construction of tanks, wells, latrines etc. in order to prepare for any emergency'.
Franklin Gimson Diary, Weston Library, Oxford, p. 104 (recto)
Overcast, NE wind.
Store partition & wood.
Water on at 7am.
Lorry at 1pm with veg & papers.
Patton’s Army advance 10mls on 55ml front. Cross Moselle N of Metz. Kyushu bombed 9th. 80.B.292. Kweilin occupied by Japs 10th. Concern re Wangs condition 11th. Forli occupied 9th.
With Steve aft.