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The London Daily Express returns to its slogan 'Remember Hong Kong' for an article on page 13 that, citing a New York report of two days ago, gives a brief account of the experiences during the hostilities of Bishop Cuthbert O'Gara.

The Bishop saw surrendered British officers and men bayonetted during the hostilities ((December 25, 1941)) and he and his 32 fellow Maryknoll missionaries believed they were next, but were saved at the last minute by the sudden departure of the Japanese soldiers after a message on a field radio. They were imprisoned in a graage instead.

The Bishop is currently the Vicar Apostolic at the Yuanling Mission in China's Hunan Province.

Fine, cool, dry.

Good news re Russians in paper also of retirement of Jap troops in Solomons.

Repatriation stronger.

Bowl of fish head congy [sic] with Steve.

Home with Eve.

No celebration for Double 10th in town.

Absolutely no news and rather fed up - no money either. I spent 2 hours tonight grinding 1 lb of peanuts into butter - you roast them and salt them and then put them through a very fine mincer. I have got a rare lot of butter now - it is very tasty and full of vitamins and protein which we lack. Goodnight Darling. I think of you all the time B.