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Mrs. Anne G. Lacey marries Philip Edward Farrington, a works foreman.


The Teia Maru anchors off Stanley. On September 19 it had loaded repatriates from Shanghai.


Greg Leck, Captives of Empire, 625


Wedding - Phillip Eden Patrick Eamon Farrington & (Mrs) Antoinette Susan Lacey (Rose). 

Jap object to Gimson signing passports + certif. of identity ((sp?)) as C.S. & Rep. of HM British Govt, HK. 

Windy & wet.

Saw G a.m. for a little while & had cup of tea. Talk with Steve pm. G there. Went up to see her & say Goodbye at 8pm but so many people being there spoilt it. We kissed Goodbye at 9pm but I couldn’t say anything of what I had thought of saying.

Tae-a Maru arrived 8.15pm & anchored in the bay.