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At Shamshuipo the entire camp attends a play written by one of the prisoners. The Golden Road is set soon after a time everyone's yearning for: the end of the war. A POW rushes home to be re-united with his fiancee but discovers she's married someone else:

Her explanation that 'two years is a long time' was greeted by the audience with the tense silence of men who recognized in it a horrible truth.


Andro LInklater, The Code of Love, 2000, 120

Dreamt of being hanged by Plumb & Steve, watching machine gun fire & being at school & of Rosen & me having a turn to do at Hall’s wedding with guitar & mandoline.


Walk with Steve pm.


Eve called.

((Comments on Jones' vivid dream:

  • I've seen it noted that Jones was a hangman at the prison.
  • Jones had prison-officer colleagues named Plumb, Stevens and Rosen, so I've assumed they're the people mentioned here.
  • Hall was about to be married - see tomorrow's entry in Jones' diary. But there's no mention if Jones did play any music at or after the wedding ceremony.))