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The families in the United Kingdom have had no official news of the fate of their loved ones in Hong Kong, but worrying rumours have been cicrculating and today Sir Percy Harris, the Liberal member for Bethnal Green, South-West, brings them to the House of Commons:

The Japanese, as is known by anybody who has studied the happenings in China during the last four or five years, are a cruel and brutal enemy, ruthless and savage in their methods, and they stop at nothing. They take murder and rapine in their stride. The appalling stories that have reached me of the treatment of the civil population in Hong Kong want a lot of explanation. I thought that we were to have a Secret Session, and if there had been one, I would have mentioned to the Government some of the stories of most sinister, appalling and horrible incidents that are gradually being spread about the country. I am informed that, rightly or wrongly, the Government are preventing the circulation of these stories because of the bad effect they might have on morale not only in this country, but in Australia and the East Indies. I do not believe it is right to spoonfeed our people. If these stories have a foundation in fact - and I believe they have - they are bound to creep out sooner or later.

Earl Winterton (Conservative, Horsham and Worthing) agrees:

We all know what he has in mind, as it is a matter of common talk, but may I suggest to him ((Harris)) that he should invite the Government to make such statement as they see fit about the treatment of our nationals in Hong Kong, and tell us quite frankly whether or not the appalling stories that one hears are true?



New kitchen staff (work every 3 days)

Russia declares war on Japan?

Received extra bread ration.