80 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries

Canadian private parcels were given out - mostly soap, clothing and cigarettes.

Saw Charlie Rozeskwy re magazine.

At 12 we had first babies' rehearsal on the Bowling Green.  Some of them are worse, but some better than I expected. 

Had apple pudding (tin) tonight.

Mrs Joan Witham gave a talk about Convents at girls' club.

W. Spark died, aged 62.

Letter from Uncle Bert ((in USA)) saying 'Can we send you anything?' !!!!!!! (even a safety pin would do!)

Death of William Spark, a purser with Jardine Matheson, at the age of 62.

William Spark gravestone.jpg
William Spark gravestone.jpg, by brianwindsoredgar


In connection with the parcels I have had raffles every evening for residue food stuffs and also toilet requisites from the Americans. On Saturday I got my store of clothing, a khaki towel, woollen and cotton singlet, grey and white underpants which was very good.

But the piece de resistance was the glorious parcel I got from you which were released today and Boy oh Boy is it a good one even tho' it is three years ago since you sent it to me, from Woodwards Stores in Vancouver. I have the contents on show on my bed for everyone to see. The first impression is did we wear beautiful clothes like that before and will we wear any like them again. I was amongst the first five people to receive my parcel and Nimase was in charge of mine with a Formosan guard and they tore the wrappings off my parcel to ribbons, wouldn't let me see the list of contents. Shook out every one and then flung them at me, asked all sorts of questions about cost etc. oh they are a lousy lot of people these Japs. I'd like to, bash them. I don't actually know whether I received everything or not but nevertheless I'm glad and very grateful for what I have got. Thanks a million Dear.

Last Thursday I went to see Prof Digby who made another thorough examination of my bottom, he says that another operation is necessary to the anus margin at 8 o'clock position but owing to my condition being so lacking and deficient in vitamin b he doesn't recommend doing anything here and will be better to do the job after we are released and my health built up. I also saw Dr Grooga on Monday, I suffer terribly from cramps due of course to the shortage of salt and general malnutrition.

I have received letters and a postcard dated March, April and July from you in the past week and very grateful for them. The news continues to be of the very brightest and we are all full of confidence that our time will come soon. Germany is bound to pack up soon and Japan cannot last long against the might of the Allies.

Death 114 – William Spark (63)

Canadian private parcels distributed (Cigarettes, clothing, toilet articles)

Warmer, damp, low cloud.

Hosp chimney & TB ward lavatory.

Much warmer.

Many Canadian parcels had had their contents stolen.

Jap accused French Ind.China of rec. supplies by air from US. US makes disparaging remarks re Pacific R.N.?

1st Multi-vitamin pill issued!

New Moon.