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Buuck’s rented a nice flat on the Hong Kong side which was only six or seven blocks from the main street. We moved into Hongkong ((Kowloon)) on the following Thursday and Friday ((ie 4th & 5th December)). The children and I went to Phillips House, a boarding house mainly for missionaries on the Kowloon side of the Harbor. I had sent most of our big things and the little furniture we had to Buuck’s flat.

On Thursday (4th Dec) we received orders to strike camp, the reason given was that new battle stations had been allotted to the Corps, so the remainder of the camping season was to be spent in getting acquainted with them.  That day I moved all important equipment back to Hongkong and on Friday and Saturday we were kept busy taking the various units out to their new stations.

So far, the Band due in for the Races on Saturday, but Far East situation so fluid that even that may be off.

HMS 'Prince of Wales' and more Fleet in Singapore, it's supposed/hoped it will help Japs to change their minds, though 'HULL HINTS HOPE ABANDONED' says evening paper. I can't believe that.  ((Cordell Hull was an eminent US politician)).