10 Sep 1941, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

Submitted by brian edgar on

New Governor Sir Mark Aitchison Young arrives and is given a 'rousing welcome' at Queen's Pier. Those present include Major-General Christopher Maltby, Sir Atholl and Lady Gertrude MacGregor, George Kennedy-Skipton, Maurice Frederick Key, Selwyn-Selwyn Clarke, Sir Vandeleur Grayburn and Lady Mary, J. P. Pennefather-Evans, T. E. Pearce and Mrs. Pearce, American Consul-General Addison Southard, Professor Lancelot Forster and Drs. N. Macleod and G. D. R. Black.

Within 25 minutes of leaving the Pier, he's at the King's Theatre taking the oath of office. The speech of welcome is made by J. J. Paterson, tmanaging director of Jardine Matheson, who stresses the importance of Hong Kong 'as a port and as an outpost of the British Empire'. Sir Mark replies that he's long been aware of this importance and he states he's already learnt he'll find here in outstanding measure the quality which he values above all others - 'willing sacrifice and unwearying service in support of the cause for which the Empire is at war'.

Sir Mark decides to broadcast to the Colony on his first day in office. He gives an 'inspiring' message in the course of an interview with E. I. Wynne-Jones, Post-master General and Chairman of the Hong Kong Broadcasting Studio:

...I am convinced that it is only by working together, and by working with all our might, that we can do our bare duty in this crisis of human affairs and it is only so that we shall be able to stand up as free men in the years to come.

Sir Mark hopes that the separations brought about by the evacuation will soon be over - he informs listerners his own wife and daughters are in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). He assures those who have suffered 'hardship' through the evacuation measures his liveliest interest and sympathy, and acknowledges that some feel there have been 'inequalities' in the way they were applied.


In the evening a meeting of the Evacuation Representation Committee (husbands of evacuees) is held at the Peninsula Hotel. The organisation's balance sheet and 'receding financial position' are discussed at some length.


The Hong Kong Daily Press, September 11, 1941, page 1; page 5; page 6; page 7

Evacuation Committee: Hong Kong Telegraph, September 15, 1941, page 3

Date(s) of events described