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Pages tagged: site news

Map performance improved

Submitted by David on Tue, 12/07/2010 - 22:02

If you've ever tried the "... more places" link over on the left of the page, I bet you've only tried it once. It was just about unuseable.

I'm pleased to say that the recent round of work in the boiler room has made it a lot better. I've just posted up the finished version, so I'll be grateful if you'll try it out and let me know if it works ok: "... more places". (It works fine in Internet Explorer 8, but it's still slower than I'd like. You'll get much better performance if you use FireFox.)

Gwulo sells out

Submitted by David on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 12:10

You'll have noticed that Tuesday's photo is a bit different from the usual. But what won't have been obvious is that it's a first step towards selling old photos on Gwulo.com. Here's the story so far....

From time to time people ask if they can buy copies of the photos shown on this site. Each time I've explained that 'sorry, they aren't my photos, so you'll need to contact the owner.' Then a couple of months ago the lightbulb went on and I thought, hold on, if people want to buy old photos of Hong Kong, why shouldn't they buy them here?

A timeline for Hong Kong's buildings

Submitted by David on Thu, 08/20/2009 - 22:07

This new feature helps you see how a given location has changed over time.

How to use it

To try it out, please start with the Place for the current HSBC building in Central.

On the right of the screen you'll see a new menu item 'Previously at this location', showing a single option, 'HSBC Headquarters Building (3rd generation)'. Click it, and you're taken to the Place for that building, along with associated notes and photos.

A catalogue of Hong Kong's history

Submitted by David on Thu, 03/26/2009 - 09:00

Shall we build one?

We've made a good start: batgung.com already has 900+ places, 1,800+ photos, and several thousand notes and comments. But recently I've been thinking about how we can keep it growing and improving, and would like to hear your ideas and feedback.

Why bother?

Let's clear up one obvious question first – we already have the internet as a catalogue of Hong Kong's memories, and Google to search it. Do we need anything more?

A better way to locate photos

Submitted by David on Tue, 12/30/2008 - 22:18

We've made some changes so that it's easier to give photos a location. That in turn will make it easier to search for photos that you are interested in.

What it is

If you look at a photo (the software we use to run this site calls them 'images'), you'll now see a new section 'Places shown in this photo:'. And, ta-da, it is followed by a list of the places you can see in the photo.

Similarly, if you look at a place, you'll see a new section 'Photos that show this place', which ... well, you know already.