Inscriptions for cemetery sections 17-47

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This list was compiled by Patricia Lim with the help of Cliff Atkins. It is part of the research for Patricia's recently released book, Forgotten Souls: A Social History of the Hong Kong Cemetery. Thank you to Patricia for generously letting us publish the list so that everyone interested in Hong Kong's history can benefit from it.

Some brief notes on each of the columns:

  • "Plot" gives the location of the grave's plot of land within the cemetery, and uses a Section/Row/Number format. For example, Sir Robert Hotung’s entry is numbered Section 11B/Row 13/ Number 2 and will appear in this list as 11B--/13/02-.

    The section numbering follows the standard used by the cemetery staff, with the exception that some of the larger sections have been further divided to make it easier to record them. eg cemetery section 16C appears as sections 16Ci and 16Cii in the list. The location of each section within the cemetery can be found on this map. Further maps will be provided to identify the location of given rows and columns within each section.
  • "Inscription" shows the text copied from the inscription on the gravestone.

Other notes:

  • Unlike other lists on, this list is not sortable - it's just too long.
  • If you make a note of the Plot for a given grave, you can look up who is buried there in "List of Burials ordered by Plot". See the pages listed in the menu at the top-left corner of this screen.
  • More information to follow once I've worked out how to put on the website.
  • If you use any of this information elsewhere, please quote Patricia Lim as the source (and a mention of is always welcome!).
Plot Inscription
17---/01/01- Brevet Lieut. Col. G.F. Houghy Captain B.S. StanhopeLieut. F Hacket Lieut. J.R. Cockell Lieut. T.F. Bowen Surgeon C.W. Powell Surgeon V. Campbell Assistant Surgeon Orr Assistant Surgeon Dauney Quarter Master W MacDonald
17---/01/02- To the memory of / Arthur Wolf / Able seaman, Royal Navy / who died in the Royal Naval / Hospital (H.K.) 12th Sept. 1939 / aged 20 years / erected by his shipmates / in H.M.S. 'Delight' late of the China Station
17---/01/03- IHS / William Long / stoker petty officer / H.M.S. Durban / died Nov. 20 1939 / age 34# 9886
17---/01/04- IHS / Alfred James Hixon / able seaman / H.M.S. Danae / died January 11 1940 / aged 37# 9896
17---/01/05- Erected / by the / Captain / officers and crew / of H.M.S. / Cleopatra / to their / deceased shipmate / Hong Kong / 1853
17---/01/06- IHS / James T. Wright / Able seaman / H.M.S. Alert / died 9.2.48 / aged 20# 9882
17---/01/07- IHS / Robert Harry Smith / able seaman R.F.R. / H.M.S. Durban / Oct. 3rd 1940 / aged 41# 9998
17---/01/08- D.T. Thorburn / able seaman R.N. / D/JX 135147 / H.M.S. "Cicala'' / 20 March 1941 aged 26 / sadly missed / "Thy will be done" / father, May, Stella# 9980
17---/01/09- 14440443 serjeant / C.T. Jardine / Royal Artillery / 4th September 1953 age 27 / dearly loved / sweetly remembered
17---/01/10- Died at Canton / A.D. 1858 / Ordy. J McLauchlan May 29 Ordy. C. ??ard June 10 Ordy. R. Robey June 13 Ordy. C. King June 13 Ordy. J. Climenson June 14 Ordy. E. Eccles June 21 Ordy. F. Langton July 16 A.D. 1859 Ordy. M. Shea Feb. 18 Awmr. E. Usherwood May 25 Ordy. M. Cullen Oct. 1 Canton-River A.D. 1858 Ordy. H. Crinter Jan. 30 Ordy. R. Rogers Feb. 13
17---/02/01- Sacred / to the memory / of / Lieut. John Hanmer, R.N. / obut. 10th January 1862 / aged 34
17---/02/02- Sacred to the memory / of / Colmer Lynch, Esq. / Captain H.M's 87th Royal Irish Fusiliers / deputy assistant adjutant general / in Southern China / who died at Hong Kong on the 21st December 1860 / aged 27 years / this monument is erected by his brother officers in token of their / regard and esteem
17---/02/03- IHS / John Isaac Raven / stoker petty officer / H.M.S. Medway / died Jan. 12th 1939 / aged 34# 9811
17---/02/04- Sacred to the memory / of / Stanley Arthur Maydell, stoker petty officer Royal Navy / H.M. Submarine ''Pandora'' / died / 6 March 1939 / erected in remembrance by / his sisters, brothers and messmates
17---/02/05- IHS / Joseph A. Cooney / stoker / H.M.S Medway / died April 1, 1939 / aged 20# 9831
17---/02/06- IHS / Cyril H. Boxall / able seaman / H.M.S. Birmingham / died April 4, 1939 / aged 23# 9832
17---/02/07- IHS / William G. Haynes / able seaman / died April 26 1939 / aged 32# 9836
17---/02/08- IHS / Harry Rubie / able seaman / H.M.S. Falcon / died Jan. 11 1940 / aged 32# 9897
17---/02/09- IHS / Frederick Fallick / ordinary seaman / H.M.S. Dauntless / died May 7 1940 / aged 21# 9922
17---/02/10- PLY/22549 Marine / A.G. Bowden RM / H.M.S. "Tamar" / 19th November 1940 aged 35 / Forget we not# 9960
17---/02/11- Annie Foreman / died 5 September 1941 / aged 30 years# 10012
17---/02/12- Marjorie Muriel / Cunnison / beloved wife of Ian Philip Maxwell / Cunnison / 21st March 1963 age 36 / Thy will be done# 11723
17---/02/13- 22954870 L. Bdr. / J. Quinn / Royal Artillery / 15th January 1967 age 30 / In loving memory of / my dear son / may he rest in peace
17---/03/01- Sacred / to the memory / of / Ensign Frederick T. Blake / 67th Regiment / who died at Kowloon 27th September 1862 / aged 23 years / this tomb was erected by his brother officers as / a mark of their sorrow for their loss
17---/03/02- IHS / Leslie Frank Lindley / ordnance artificer / died Ocrtober 9 1936 / age 27
17---/03/03- IHS / Richard F White / mechanician / HMS Cumberland / died Nov. 21 1937 / age 30# 9710
17---/03/04- IHS / Edgar George Abbott / Petty Officer / H.M.S. Parthian / died March 5, 1938 / aged 30# 9710
17---/03/05- Ernest H Inchcomb / police sergeant / R.N.Y.P. / died April 13, 1938 / aged 50# 9739
17---/03/06- Sacred to the memory / of / Frederick Brownlow / able seaman Royal Navy / H.M.S. Diana / died / 8th May 1938 / aged 24 years / This shrine was erected in / remembrance by his shipmates
17---/03/07- IHS / Francis b. Temme / chief petty officer / H.M.S. Robin / died May 12, 1936 / aged 43# 9743
17---/03/08- IHS / Harry J. Stickells / able seaman / H.M.S. Medway / died July 1, 1938 / aged 36# 9761
17---/03/09- IHS / Frederick G Pitman / chief petty officer / H.M.S. Birmingham / died Oct. 16th 1938 / aged 35# 9788
17---/03/10- IHS / Derrick W Farr / able seaman / H.M.S. Dainty / died Dec. 26, 1938 / aged 20
17---/03/11- IHS / Sidney J. Fakely / chief stoker / H.M.S. Medway / died 6.1.39 / aged 37# 9809
17---/04/01- top - Sacred to the memory of / Marianne / the beloved wife of Major General Brunker / commanding the forces in China and Japan / died at Hongkong 1st July 1868 / aged 53 years / I know whom I have / that which I have committed unto Him who trusts that day / 2 Timothy 1 Chap. 12 verse / also to the memory of / H.E. Major General J.R. Brunker / husband to the above / who died on the 24th March 1869 / aged 62 yearsLHS plaque - also / to the memory of / H.E. Major General J. R. Brunker / Lieut. Governor of Hongkong and Comg. H.M. forces in China and Japan / who died on the 24th March 1869 / aged 62 years / be thou faithful unto death and I wil give thee a crown of life Rev. 2.10 / blessed are the dead who die in the Lord Rev. 14.13RHS plaque - Sacred to the memory of / Marianne / the beloved wife of Major General Brunker / commanding the forces in China and Japan / died at Hongkong 1st July 1868 / aged 53 years / I know whom I have / that which I have committed unto Him who trusts that day / 2 Timothy 1 Chap. 12 verse / also to the memory of / H.E. Major General J.R. Brunker / husband to the above / who died on the 24th March 1869 / aged 62 years
17---/04/02- IHS / William Johnson / stoker / H.M.S. Hermes / died Feb. 10, 1934 / aged 24# 9502
17---/04/03- Sacred to the memory / of / Wilfred G Martin / musician R.N. Band H.M.S. ''Hermes'' / passed away peacefully / 21st March 1935 / erected by his messmated and comrades
17---/04/04- IHS / E. Slayford / able seaman / H.M.S. Medway / died April 20 1938# 9517
17---/04/05- Sacred / to the memory / of / Charles William Ward / stoker I, P/KX 79238 / H.M.S. "Grimsby" / died 20th May 1935 / aged 27 years / R.I.P.B J & Co. # 9524
17---/04/06- IHS / James Kidston / able seaman / H.M.S. "Capetown" / died Sep. 3 1935# 9542
17---/04/07- IHS / Adrian Claude Herod / petty officer / H.M.S. "Capetown" / died Oct. 9 1936 / aged 28# 9118
17---/04/08- IHS / Alexander Hislop / able seaman / H.M.S. "Odin" / died Dec. 3, 1936 / aged 24# 9634
17---/04/09- IHS / James H. Williams / sick berth petty officer / died Dec. 12 1936 / aged 38 # 9641
17---/04/10- IHS / Frederick G Smith / able seaman / H.M.S. "Dorsetshire" / died Dec 1936 / aged 35 years# 9643
17---/04/11- Herbert Sanders E.R.A. H.M. S/M Regent / / who died in the R.N. Hospital Hong Kong / Oct. 18th 1938 aged 29 years / the beloved son of / Herbert and Thirza Sanders / Stamford, Lincolnshire / brother of Kathleen Sanders / and fiance of Lois Cicely Avery / Llangollen, N. Wales# 9789
17---/05/01- IHS / Herbert Makin / perry officer / H.M.S. Berwick / died Feb. 3rd 1935 / aged 35# 9501
17---/05/02- Sacred to the memory / of / Thevor [sic] Handel Hughes / able seaman Royal Navy / H.M.S. Adventure / died / 22nd January 1935 / This stone was erected in / remembrance by his shipmates
17---/05/03- Sacred to the memory / of / William John Willgoss / leading stoker Royal Navy / H.M.S. Adventure / died / 14th January 1935 / This stone was erected in / remembrance by his shipmates
17---/05/04- IHS / Edward Home Bain / able seaman / H.M.S. Whitshed / died Feb. 18th 1934 / aged 31# 9430
17---/05/05- IHS / Anthony Dunn / petty officer / H.M.S. Osiris / died Jan. 12 1934 / aged 37# 9416
17---/05/06- IHS / Herbert W.J. Curthoys / able seaman / H.M.S. Herald / died Dec. 15 1933 / aged 24# 9411
17---/05/07- Sacred / to the beloved memory / of / Frank Percy / only child of / Percy and Sarah Jane Croft / of Whytleafe, Surrey, England / who fell asleep / 1st September 1933 / aged 32 years and 6 months / 7 years member of / Royal Naval Yard Police / "Called to higher service"Moses & Co. # 9394
17---/05/08- IHS / Frederick Noel Bunt / leading cook / H.M.S. Caradoc / died June 8 1933 / aged 28# 9376
17---/05/09- Sacred to the memory / of / Norman R Stirling / petty officer Royal Navy / H.M.S. Veteran / died 26th December 1932 / erected by his shipmated and brothers
17---/05/10- In loving memory / of / Sub Lieut. C.C.W. Bourchier / who died 4th March 1912 / aged 22 years / An only son most loving and beloved / into thy hands we commend his spirit# 7832
17---/05/11- Thomas Harold Harding / able seaman / H.M.S. Cornwall / died 6-1-33 aged 37# 9349
17---/05/12- William Richard Fowler / stoker petty officer / H.M.S. Hermes / died 6.11.32 aged 37# 9335
17---/05/13- Christopher Young / able seaman / H.M.S. Cornflower / died 27.9.32 / age 29# 9385
17---/06/01- Thomas Kirk / stoker mechanic / H.M.S. Constance / died 12.7.49 aged 19# 10503
17---/06/02- William Henry Martin / stoker mechanic C/SKX561259 / H.M.S. Triumph / died 14.9.49 aged 24# 10517
17---/06/03- Walter Innes / able seaman C/JX238228 / H.M.S. Encore / died 21-11-49 aged 32# 10533
17---/06/04- Ronald Courtman / ordinary seaman C/SSX860090 / H.M.S. Belfast / died 25.11.49 aged 18# 10535
17---/06/05- Robert Leslie Bowes / signalman D/JX712291 / H.M.S. Jamaica / died 23-1-50 aged 21# 10549
17---/06/06- In loving memory / of / James Jobson / P O cook of H.M.S. Berry Head / died at Hong Kong / 25th Dec. 1945 / aged 30 years / beloved son of / Mr & Mrs E.A. Jobson / of Harrogate Hill, Darlington / erected by his family and shipmates
17---/06/07- David McManus / able seaman D/JX159833 / H.M.S. Tamar / died 20-6-50 aged 26# 10589
17---/06/08- Jack Hanson / MNE 1st Cl. PLY/X5090 / H.M.S. Kenya / 26th November 1950 aged 37 years# 10823
17---/06/09- Joseph Harry Jordan / able seaman D/SFX847841 / H.M.S. Blackswan / 26 December 1950 aged 24 years / Still loved and mourned by his / mother, brother, sister, Tom, Joyce / Jeannette, and in-laws Rose, Jim / Thy will be done R.I.P.# 10329
17---/06/10- James William Dornan / chief E.R.A. D/MX52194 / H.M.S. "Tamar" / 1st mrach 1951 aged 38 years / A little way to walk / with you my own / only a little way / then one if us must weep / and walk alone until God's day# 10637
17---/06/11- David Boyle / shipwright TO P/MX55083 / H.M.S. "Charity" / 24th June 1952 aged 35 years# 10731
17---/06/12- Archibald Scott / S.B.A. R.N. P/SMX874019 / H.M.S. Charity / 26th December 1952 aged 21 years / your memory is as dear today / as in the hour you passed away# 10771
17---/06/13- H.F. Room / P.O.R.N. P/JX 136876 / H.M.S. "Modeste" / 11th September 1953 aged 37 years / God's finger touched him / and he slept / in loving memory# 10822
17---/07/01- Thomas Rigg / stoker mechanic / H.M.S. Black Swan / died 25-5-49 aged 20# 10998
17---/07/02- IHS / George Thomson Parks / civilian officer / H.M. Dockyard Hong Kong / died 26th February 1946 / aged 31 years / R.I.P.# 10256
17---/07/03- Edward Treheran Farr / cook / H.M.S. Black Swan / died 19-7-48 aged 20# 10960
17---/07/04- In remembrance of / Geoffrey Brian Butterick / leading writer / of / H.M.S. "Tamar" / born 27-9-27 / died 29-7-46 / erected by his shipmatesWm. Nodes & Co. # 10305
17---/07/05- Kenneth William Kingston / ordinary seaman D/JX820046 / H.M.S. Hart / died 24-4-50 aged 19# 10563
17---/07/06- Richard John Minns / boy seaman C/JX839097 / H.M.S. Constance / died 2-5-50 aged 17# 10567
17---/07/07- J. Young / able seaman R.N. / C/JX128232 / H.M.S. "Susssex" / 4th July 1947# 10807
17---/07/08- Captain E.F. Gower / RHKDF / died 9th Sept. 1953 / M.L. 1323
17---/07/09- Ralph Shearman / A.B.R.N. D/JX842871 / H.M.M.L. 1323 / 9th September 1953 aged 23 years / In our hearts / you will always stay / loved and remembered / every day# 10820
17---/07/10- A.C. Knight / A.B.R.N. D/SSX 879526 / H.M.M.L. 1323 / 9th September 1953 aged 21 years / Oh for the touch / of a vanished hand / and the sound of a voice / that is still# 10819
17---/07/11- R.G. Morris / A.B.R.N. D/SSX 835915 / H.M.M.L. 1323 / 9th September 1953 aged 21 years / We love you too dearly / ever to forget / sweetest of memories / are all we have left# 10818
17---/07/12- W.D. Parnell / A.B.R.N. D/SSX 836292 / 9 September 1953 aged 21 years / Time passes, shadows fall / beautiful memories / outlive all# 10817
17---/07/13- Raymond Keyte / P.O.R.N. P/JX 795885 / H.M.M.L. 1323 / 9 September 1953 aged 22 years / Remembered with great pride / as a devoted son / and beloved brother# 10816
17---/07/14- G.C.X. Merriman / Lieut. R.N. / H.M.M.L. 1323 / 9th September 1953 aged 23 years / Terar dum prosim# 10815
17---/07/15- In loving memory / of / Henry Glencross / able seaman of H.M.S. Berry Head / died at Hong Kong / 26th Nov. 1945 / aged 23 years / Beloved son of / Mr and Mrs S. Glencross / of Carlisle, Cumberland / erected by / his family and shipmatesWm. Nodes & Co. # 10239
17---/08/01- In remembrance of / Charles Percy Hooton / leading patrolman / of / H.M.S. Tamar / born 9-9-22 / died 20-7-46 / erected by his shipmatesWm Nodes & Co. # 10300
17---/08/02- In loving memory / of / Peter / only son of Mr and Mrs Ashdown / of Sussex, England / died 18th May 1947 / aged 20 years / The light that shone around him in life / gleans more beautifully in after life / remembered in reverence / by his shipmates of H.M.S. Cockade
17---/08/03- L. Cartlidge / leading stoker mechanic / R.N. D/KX 92208 / H.M.S. "Gambia" / 27th November 1947 age 29 / "O hear us / when we cry to thee / for those in peril / on the sea"# 10425
17---/08/04- James C.L. Cook / able seaman P/SSX871380 / H.M.S. Comus / died 15th Sept. 1954 aged 20 / For ever in / our thoughts / of your loving / father and sister# 10923
17---/08/05- Edwin Barker / A.B.R.N. D/SSX 868856 / H.M.S. Tamar / 14th October 1954 aged 23 / Inserted by your / ever loving wife Jessie / baby Sheena / always remembered# 10579
17---/08/06- Kenneth J Elliott / able seaman P/SSX 889828 / H.M.S. Newcastle / died 4th Mar. 1955 aged 20 / "Treasured memories" / from / his loving / mum and dad and family
17---/08/07- Roy G.A. Hubbard / A.B. (C.D.3) C/JX 904388 / H.M.S. Tamar / 6th Sept. 1955 aged 22 / A place is vacant / in the home / which never / can be filled# 11006
17---/08/08- Roger A Lowson / lieut. R.N. 811 squadron / H.M.S. Centaur / 26th March 1956 aged 25# 11058
17---/08/09- Brian W Hailstone / lieut. R.N. 811 squadron / H.M.S. Centaur / 26th March 1956 aged 26 / At the going down / of the sun / and in the morning / we shall remember them# 11059
17---/08/10- Wilfred A. Hewitt / Chief E.R.A. P/MX 53114 / H.M.S. Newfoundland / 15th May 1957 aged 36 / At the going down of the sun / and in the morning / we will remember you Wilf / your sorrowing mum and dad# 11194
17---/08/11- Ernest S Linton / Surgeon Lt. Cdr. R.N. / H.M.S. Tamar / 16th Aug. 1957 aged 37 / Beloved husband of / Ivy May Linton / Forever in our thoughts# 11163
17---/08/12- Ernest Sydney Howes / eng. mech.1st. R.36299 / H.M.A.S. Voyager / 5th April 1958 aged 31 / Cherished memories / of my beloved husband / as the father hath loved me / so have i loved you / Myra R.I.P.# 11210
17---/08/13- In loving memory / William Henry Coton / (Bill) / who died suddenly / 25th July 1959 / Always remembered by his / wife and children in the U.K. / At the heavenly gate / I shall meet him / some day I know not when / and clasp his hand / in the better land / never to part again# 11219
17---/08/14- James Edward Elletson / able seeaman P/J971977 / H.M.S. Hartland Point / died 6th June 1962 age 21 years / In the midst of life / we are in death / thy will be done# 11519
17---/08/15- Lai Kow / steward O. 608 Royal Navy / H.M.S. Tamar / 26th Nov. 1962 aged 43 years[Chinese characters]# 11555
17---/09/01- Lieutenant / J.A.R. Ward / 6th Gurkha Rifles / 27th November 1958 age 30 / R.I.P.# 11252
17---/09/02- 2nd Lieutenant / P.J. Barrett / The Royal Warwickshire / Regiment / 17th July 1960 age 24 / In ever loving memory# 11373
17---/09/03- illegible
17---/09/04- In / loving memory / of / Lt. John Jenkins R.E. / a soldier of the cross / 20-6-1939 - 27-10-1960# 11399
17---/09/05- Captain / D.G. Wright / Royal Corps of Signals / 4th May 1962 age 32 / David / in loving memory / from your family / Mummy, Gordon, Audrey, Graeme# 11507
17---/09/06- In loving memory of / Gordon Newbitt / civilian officer / Air Force, Navy and Army / Hong Kong / born 22nd July 1925 / died 15th November 1962 age 37 / Deep in our hearts / he will always stay# 11552
17---/09/07- Major / T.P. Rhodes M.B.E. / 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own / Ghurka Rifles / 18th December 1962 age 42# 11556
17---/09/08- Captain / G.D. Stroud / Royal Army Educational Corps / 7th Gurkha Rifles HK / 25th December 1962 age 26 / "Whosoever believeth in him / should not perish / but have everlasting life" / St. Join [sic] 5.16# 11559
17---/09/09- Flight lieutenant / Royal Air Force / 28th December 1962 age 26# 11560
17---/09/10- Captain / I.M. Horsley-Curry / Royal Corps of Signals / 25th July 1963 age 31 / Rest in Peace# 11592
17---/09/11- Captain / I.S. Stevens / Army Air Corps / 25th July 1963 age 29 / Deo dante dedi# 11591
17---/09/12- Major / P.R. Richardson / Army Air Corps / 25th July 1963 age 37 / Thy will be done / on earth / as it is in heaven# 11590
17---/09/13- 24088813 fusilier / S.L. Duffy / The Lancashire Fusiliers / 16th January 1968 age 17 / Remembrance / is a golden chain / that links us / till we meet again# 11753
17---/09/14- 3865709 corporal / J. Daly / The Lancashire Fusiliers / 31st March 1968 age 44 / In loving memory of father / God rest his soul / Patricia, James and Kevin# 11758
17---/09/15- In loving memory / of / Richard John Wiggins / radio officer RFA Service / passed away 27th August 1970 / aged 24 years / much loved son of / Joyce and Ronald Wiggins / of Bristol, England# 11841
17---/10/01- Flying officer / W.R. Pickering / Royal Air Force / 23rd August 1949 age 25 / Beloved son of / Clive and the late / Elsie Pickering / of Redcar, Yorks# 10511
17---/10/02- 19036485 trooper / H. Beresford / 4th Queen's Own Hussars / Royal Armoured Corps / 29th November 1950 age 21 / Life's sun set / when you went away / God keeps you until / we meet some day
17---/10/03- In loving memory of / Capt. K.G.W. Wilson R.A. / of Blandford, Dorset / aged 27 years / killed on 29th Aug. 1949 / in a flying accident at Kai Tak / while serving with / 1903 A.O.P. flight / Loyalty, love and happiness / he gave in full measureWm. Nodes Ltd # 10614 [?]
17---/10/04- In memory of / Lieut. Brian Ernest Gerber / 34 Light Anti Aircraft Regiment / Royal Artillery / who died at Kowloon / 9th March 1950 / aged 22 yearsHK Marble Co. # 10554
17---/10/05- Subaltern / SarahE. Perkins / Queen Alexander [sic] Royal Army / Nursing Sister / 19th March 1950 age 23 / God takes the best / for reasons divine / but memories last for ever# 10556
17---/10/06- In loving memory of / Lieutenant J.L. Wilkins R.A. / passed on 2nd September 1951 / aged 24 yearsHK Marble Co. # 10875
17---/10/07- Flying officer / P.J. Abrey / Royal Air Force / 14th August 1950 age 23 / In honoured / and treasured memory of / our dear son / "Quicquid agas age"# 10601
17---/10/08- In memory of / Lieut. Derek Fred Houseton Carter / 34 Light Anti Aircraft / Royal Artillery / who died at Kowloon / 10th May 1951 / aged 23 yearsHK Marble Co. # 10648
17---/10/09- 22026778 / Pte. Leslie Francis Penry / died 21st August 1950 / age 20 / this stone was erected by his / comrades of 'S' and 'C' companies / 1st Battalion, the King's Shropshire / Light InfantryHK Marble Co. # 10603
17---/10/10- 2/lieutenant / M. Mulholland / The Royal Ulster Rifles / 27th June 1952 age 21 / son of Lt. Col. and Mrs S / Mulholland of Whimple / Devon and Donaghadee / N. Ireland# 10333
17---/10/11- Flight lieutenant / P.R. Starkings / Royal Air Force / 25th August 1952 age 25 / Remembering always / thanking God / for a perfect love# 10333
17---/10/12- Major / L.E.E. Skuse / Royal Artillery / 29th September 1952 age 33# 10757
17---/10/13- In loving memory of / Winifred / beloved wife of / Capt. G.B. Martin / born 26th Jan. 1907 / died 17th June 1953
17---/10/14- 7265772 corporal / J.B.S. North / Royal Army Medical Corps / 4th February 1953 age 23 / He was young, he was happy / he was very very gay / The world lay open / at his feet# 10779
17---/11/01- in memory of / Gnr. Robert William England / 49 Field Battery / 23rd Field Reg,. R.A. / died 24th July 1951 / aged 24 yearsWm. Nodes Ltd # 106665 adjacent markers-# 10331 # 10328# 10330 # 10327# 10329
17---/11/02- T/14531630 L. Cpl. / M. Adcock / Royal Army Service Corps / 25th September 1946# 10326
17---/11/03- T/14929091 driver / P. Timerick / Royal Army Service Corps / 25th September 1946 age 19 / In everlasting memory / each day we miss you more / all at home / R.I.P.# 10325
17---/11/04- 1491852 gunner / R Heathcock / Royal Artillery / 25th September 1946 age 28 / In the midst of life / we are in death / rest in peace# 10324
17---/11/05- J.C. Boardman / leading signalman R.N. / D/JX170243 / H.M.S. "Tamar" / 25th September 1946# 10323
17---/11/06- T14880775 driver / B.T. Partrick / Royal Army Service Corps / 25th September 1946 / Age shall not weary him / nor the years condemn# 10322
17---/11/07- 7665361 corporal / S.S. Cameron / Royal Army Service Corps / 25th September 1946 age 30# 1032
17---/11/08- Colonel / C.H.D. Wild M.B.E. / The Oxfordshire and / Buckinghamshire Light Inf. / 25th September 1946 age 38# 10318
17---/11/09- 1875821 flight sergeant / R.S. Bond / wireless operator / Royal Air Force / 25th September 1946 age 21 / Fearless into God's arms / he flew / and by God's divine plan / we will meet again# 10317
17---/11/10- 1815869 flight sergeant / J.W. Holden / navigator / Royal Air Force / 25th September 1946 age 25# 10316
17---/11/11- 1624960 flight sergeant / J.K. Hazeldine / pilot / Royal Air Force / 25 September 1946 age 22 / Some may forget you / now you are gone / but we'll never forget / no matter how long# 10315
17---/11/12- 1522726 warrant officer / A. Christie / pilot / Royal Air Force / 25th September 1946 age 22 / safe home / safe home in port# 10313
17---/11/13- In loving memory / of / Roger / beloved little son / of / Matthew and Barabara Davis / born 29th August 1940 / died 3rd January 1947 / Safe in the arms of Jesus
17---/11/14- Arnold Basil Lindsay Edmonds / lieutenant Royal Marines / 40 Commando Royal Marines / who died 23rd August 1949 / aged 29 years / In loving memoryWm. Nodes Ltd.
17---/11/15- In loving memory of / R.O.M.S. / Herbert Charles Raymond / Hawkins, Bedborough / 40 CDO Royal Marines / died 25th Dec. 1949 / aged 30 yearsWm Nodes Ltd # 10556
17---/12/01- The Royal Scots / The Royal Regiment / In / sacred memory / of / Major R. Scott / who died at Hong Kong / on 4th February 1939 / aged 42 years# 9821
17---/12/02- In loving memory / of / flight sergeant R.C.S. Allin / Royal Air Force / 18th October 1939# 9876
17---/12/03- Captain / C.G. Richards / Royal Engineers / 2nd September 1941 age 38 / The Lord gave / the Lord taketh away / "Thy will be done"# 10010
17---/12/04- HK/18262239 Corporal / Cheung Shiu Wah / Hong Kong Dog Company R.M.P. (Royal Military Police) / 8th September 1966 age 26# 11706
17---/12/05- In / memory / of / Col. Arthur Basset Hearle D.S.O. / Commander Royal Artillery, Hong Kong / born 12th February 1884 / died 30th September 1935 / Behold I have given him for a witness to the / people, a leader as a commander to the people / (Isiah 55.4) / Be thou faithful unto death and I will give / thee a crown of life / (Revelations 2.10 ?)
17---/12/06- Flying officer / G.R. Murphy / Royal Air Force / 9th August 1934 age 26# 9458
17---/12/07- W. Greenhill / captain / Chinese labour / corps / who died / 18th Feb. 1920 / aged 33 years# 8421
17---/12/08- In loving memory of / Francis Dalgarno Gilliot / de Berthilleux / lieutenant R.A. / who died at Hong Kong / on May 12th 1935 / aged 24 / younger son of / Joseph J and Anne M Cillo / Rest in peace
17---/12/09- In memory of / Lt. Col. Hugh Cecil Dallas Huxham / RASC died 16th August 1946 / the adored husband of / Lilian Huxham / erected by his wife / the officers and men of the / Royal Army Service Corps Hong Kong# 10309
17---/12/10- In loving memory of / Olive Batley / died on duty 24th February 1949 / through the Cathay Pacific / Airways crash on Mount Butler / aged 24 years / "As a star that is lost when the daylight is given / she hath faded away to shine brightly in heaven" / erected by her loving mother / sisters - Mary, Ivy and EdithWm Nodes Ltd. # 10484
17---/12/11- In loving memory of / "Frank" / Nathaniel Wellington Francis Moore / died 24-2-1949 / aged 30 years / "I thank my God upon every / remembrance of you"Wm Nodes Co.
17---/12/12- In loving memory / of / Archie / beloved son of / ?? and Roger / of / Amisham / 1885 - 1949
17---/13/01- C/SG / J.G. Murphy / South Wales Bordererd [sic] / 3rd February 1966 age 39 / Eternal rest give to him / O Lord / and let perpetual light / shine upon him# 11681
17---/13/02- In loving memory of / Florence Jane Wall / died 30th August 1950 / aged 30 years / from her loving husband / and daughter, Pauline / R.I.P.Wm Nodes Ltd. # 10605
17---/13/03- In ever lasting / memory of / Dulcie / youngest daughter of / Lieut. Col. Christian R.A. / and Mrs Christian / who died October 11th 1929 / aged 18 yearsB J & Co. # 9109
17---/13/04- F.M.W. Watts / lieut. / Northants Regt. / who died / 25th March 1920 / aged 28 years# 8427
17---/13/05- W.E. Waymark / captain R.A.M.C. / who died / 10th Dec. 1919 / aged 48 years# 8397
17---/13/06- James D. Struthers / lieut. / 87 Co. R.G.A. / who died / 8th August 19191 / aged 36 years# 8373
17---/13/07- J Beardsworth / lieut. / 87 Co. R.G.A. / died 29th June 1919 / aged 28 years# 8364
17---/13/08- R.I.P. / To / a beloved / son / John Severn Fuller Capt. R.F.A. / who died March 15th 1919 aged 23 years / after 4 years service in the Great War / Quid fas et gloria ducunt / blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see God# 8343
17---/13/09- illegible
17---/13/10- IHS / John Basil Roland Bacchus / Lieut. Col. R.A.P.C. formerly of / The Royal Warwickshire Regt. / called to rest Feb. 19th 1926 / R.I.P. / And God said let there be light / and there was light Gen. 1.3/on kerbs - Mary Adelle Bacchus his wife / called to rest August 3rd 1961 / Pray also remember in the Lord# 8867
17---/13/11- In / loving memory / of / William Frederick Crosthwait / M.C. M.A. / Royal Army Chaplains' Dept. / called to higher service 28th December 1930 / age 41 / "While we have time, let us do good unto all men"A S Lee & Co # 9193
17---/13/12- In loving memory / of / Molly / wife of / James Webley Hope / The South Wales Borderers / who died / 28th January 1931 / also of / Tango / her beloved alsatian / who died 18th January 1931B J & Co. # 9204
17---/13/13- Girlie / In loving memory / of / Agnes Jean Mitchell / wife of Gerald John Mitchell / Royal Army Ordnance Corps. / died 10th May 1932 / Beloved by allon urn - With loving remembrance / of / "Girlie"J S Lee & Co. # 9293
17---/14/01- In loving memory of / David John Tennant / born 7th April 1946 / died 1st August 1953# 10808
17---/14/02- Pilot officer / C.E. Tighe / Royal Air Force / 8th July 1953 age 22 / In memory of our dear son / to all the world he was one / to us he was the world# 10803
17---/14/03- Flying officer / M.D.B. Chapman / poyal Air Force / 21st January 1954 age 28 / Tresured memories of / our dear son / "Until the day breaks / and the shadows flee away"# 10853
17---/14/04- 3045608 Flying officer / K.J. Kirkcham / Royal Air Force / 1st March 1955 age 26 / A beloved son and brother / Ever in our thoughts# 10968
17---/14/05- Flight lieutenant / W.E. Willis / Royal Air Force / 15th July 1955 age 25 / Sacred to the memory / of our dearly loved / and devoted son / and brother# 10998
17---/14/06- Flying officer / J.C Shipman / Royal Air Force / 22nd March 1956 age 22 / Treasured memories / sliently kept / of a son we loved / and shall never forget# 11057
17---/14/07- Major / A.F. Bernard Cavendish / Royal Army Ordnance Corps / 20th May 1958 age 41 / From this world / of flesh set free / we know him living / unto thee# 11223
17---/14/08- Captain / F.J. Killick / Royal Army Ordnance Corps / 19th May 1958 age 41 / Your Kindness / and love dear / forever in our hearts / Betty, Sian, Richard# 11224
17---/14/09- 22653462 L/corporal / E. Usher / Royal Army Medical Corps. / 2nd October 1953 / age 20 / Deep in our hearts / he will always stay / loved and remembered / every day
17---/14/11- S/54926 s/sergeant / J.W. Cox / Royal Army Service Corps / 3rd November 1953 age 37 / Silent thoughts / bring many a tear / of one we miss / amd loved so dear# 10835
18---/01/01- In loving memory of / our beloved mother / Christine Knight / nee Cheung / born 23.9.33 died 15.2.1966
18---/01/02- In loving memory / of / Frederick Charles Perry / died 26 July 1967 / beloved husband of Phyllison flat stone - Phyllis Emily Perry / 1914 - 2002 / R.I.P.
18---/01/03- 3874 Sergeant / W.H. Whittaker / Hong Kong / Volunteer Defence Corps / 7th December 1943 age 42 / Dearly loved / sadly missed / by loving wife / and daughter Anna
18---/01/04- In / loving memory / of / Alistair Mackenzie / accidently killed 1949 / age 23 years / son of Mr & Mrs R. Mackenzie / Dumbarton, Scotland / Always in our thoughts
18---/01/05- In loving memory / of / Martha Salmon / died 3rd May 1950 / aged 31 / Rest in peace
18---/01/06- Walter Morris Thompson / [Colonial Administrative Service] / died 5th January 1952 / age 47
18---/01/07- In loving memory / of / George Flynn / died 24th August 1952 / aged 52 years / Forever in our thoughts
18---/01/08- R.I.P. / in loving memory of / William Henry Latimer / born 2nd April 1902 / who died 14th August 1954 / Nona
18---/02/01- Sacred to the memory / of / Ruth / dearly beloved wife of / William Bruce / mother of Sheila[illegible]
18---/02/02- S.SJT / R.S. Bell / Hong Kong / Volunteer Defence Corps / 26th December 1941 / In loving remembrance / your adored family
18---/02/03- on open book - Sacred to the memory / of Helen / the beloved wife of D.C.W. Fitches / who ascended from this transitory abode / on 15th October 1945 / aged 41 years / and while she lies in peaceful sleep / her memory we shall always keepbelow open book - "And while she lies in peaceful sleep / her memory we shall always keepon foot stone - Rest mother rest in quiet sleep / which we sorrow o'er thee keep / WinifredWm Nodes & Co. Ltd. # 10225
18---/02/04- In loving memory of / Vera Handyside / born 26 August 1920 / died 8th January 1948 / None knew thee but to love thee / nor named thee but to praiseon foot stone - With love from / Mummy and Daddy# 10479
18---/02/05- In loving memory / Sydney Charles Collins / beloved husband of Barbara / and father of Rowena / 1914 - 1947 / Greater love hath no man / than this, that a man / lay down his life / for his friends / St John 15.13
18---/02/06- In loving memory of / Vera Isabel / beloved wife of / L.H. Winch / who passed away on / 3rd September 1948 / aged 37 years / The Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure / Deut. 28.12Wm Nodes & Co. Ltd. # 10465 #10918
18---/02/07- Alexander Jonathan Lewis / born 29th May 1900 / died 23rd October 1948 / Hong Kong
18---/02/08- In ever dear memory of / David Mann / who died in Hong Kong / on 2nd November 1948 / aged 36 years / "One of God's best"
18---/03/01- In loving memory / of / John Moore McDonald / born 26th August 1901 / in Scotland / died 4th November 1966 / on Hong Kong# 11715
18---/03/02- Tuula Margrethe Rooke / born October 4th 1968 / died October 8th 1968 / The Lord is my shepherd / I shall not want / he maketh me to lie down / in green pastures / he leadeth me beside still waters# 10027
18---/03/03- In memory of / Edward Frank Warburton / born 13th September 1902 / died 1st July 1970 / Rest in peace
18---/03/04- In loving memory of / Paul Oscar Peuster / born 7th July 1881 / died 3rd June 1942 / Yin King [Cheng] Peuster / born 12th August 190? / died 18th February 1970 / Paul William Peuster / born 14th October 1925 / died 9th August 1942 / Always in our thoughts / your children and grandchildren
18---/03/05- Sacred to the memory of / Jay Alexander / beloved wife of David Alexander / director of Urban Services / died March 16 1973 aged 53 / At rest# 11907
18---/03/06- In loving memory / of / FLT/CDT George Herbert Fowler HKVDF / born 17th March 1912 / killed in an aeroplane accident at Kai Tak / 24th August 1940 / In God's care and always in our thoughts / erected by loving Mum, Dad and familyon urn - from / Mum and Dad# 9941
18---/03/07- In loving memory / of / George Fowler / born 31st July 1881 / died 25th August 1949 / God saw the way was getting rough / the hill too steep to climb / he gently closed his weary eyes / and whispered 'Peace be thine' / erected by his loving wife and familyWm Nodes & Co. Ltd. # 10512
18---/03/08- Sacred / to the memory / of / William Hill / sanitary inspector / born on 28th January 1886 / died on 30th December 1937 / [Chinese characters] erected by Li Wai ChingJ S Lee & Co. #9721
18---/03/09- In loving memory of / Lionel Edward Longbottom / aged 50 / who passed away on / 12th July 1936 / Rest beloved until / we meet again
18---/04/01- In honoured memory / of / Robert Cecil Roberston / M.C. M.D. MCCP PHD OTHRN FRRPS / / born in Kilmarnock 16th Dec 1889 / died Hong Kong 4 August 1942 / during the Japanese occupation / after a most distinguished career / captain in RAMC during the first world war / Pathologist to Shanghai Municipal Council / head of Division of Pathological Services / Henry Lester Institute, Shanghai / Commissioner of Health and Chief Technical / expert for the League of Nations in China / Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology / University of Hong Kong / A man greatly loved# 10110,
18---/04/02- In loving memory / of / James Coghill Brown / died / 15th June 1940 / age 52 years / father / of / Jamesina C Eastwood / dearly beloved wife of A.L.G. Eastman / died 24th February 1947 / age 34 years / R.I.P.Lee Woon Kee # 10368 # 9924
18---/04/03- In loving memory / of / James MacDonald / government marine / surveyor Hong Kong / 1882 - 1921 / beloved husband of / Elizabeth MacDonald / born at Millport / Scotland / 30th June 1866 / died at Melbourne, Australia / 3rd Jan 1921 / 'Nearer my God to thee' / erected by his engineering associates and friends as a / token of esteem"Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter thou inside the joy of the lord"
18---/04/04- In / loving memory / of / Percy Burn / cadet / Hong Kong Civil Service / died Dec. 27 1927 aged 32 years
18---/04/05- In loving memory of / James William White / late executive engineer of the / Public Works Department / Hong Kong / beloved husband of Myra White / born at Portsmouth / 29th September 1879 died 10th July 1923 / This stone is erected by his engineering / colleagues as a token of esteem / "They shall walk with me in white / for they are worthy" / Rev. Chap. 3 verse 4
18---/04/06- In / loving memory / of / Alfred Forbes Gordon Eastman / died / 27th May 1950 / age 17 years / R.I.P.# 10685
18---/04/07- In loving memory / of / James Henry Kynoch / who died 5th Feb. 1926 / aged 42 / Deeply mourned / Till the day breaks & the shadows flee away
18---/04/08- In / loving memory / of our son / James John Hirst / who passed away / on Jan 16th 1931 / aged 22 years / In our hearts foreverJ S Lee & Co. # 9200
18---/04/09- Sacred / to the memory / of / Sydney Ashworth / Assistant Government / Marine Surveyor / who died 5th July 1932 / aged 40 / erected by his colleagues / as a token of esteem / beloved husband of / Ethel Annie Ashworth / who died 25th February 1979 / in England
18---/04/10- In ever loving memory of / Francis Meade / who died in Hong Kong on 19th June 1935 / aged 48 years / "One of God's best"# 9527 [on urn]
18---/04/11- In memoriam / William Murrray Stratton / Engineer-in-Chief / Canton - Kowloon Railway / Canton China / born in Edinburgh Scotland / 16th July 1882 / died Canton China / 10th August 1935 / Grace McLaran Stratton / wife of / William Murrray Stratton / born Edinburgh 7th June 1884 / died London 1st January 1949CEW & Co. HK # 9537 # 10497
18---/04/12- In / loving memory / of / Laurence J.F. Griffiths / died 2nd Feb. 1936 / aged 35 years / erected by his / loving wife BeatriceBrown Jones & Co. # 9579
18---/04/13- To / the dear memory of / Florence Ada / wife of / Frank Arthur Hopkins / who died on the 27th May 1936 / aged 50 years
18---/05/02- In loving memory of / William James Tutcher / who passed away 5th April 1920 / aged 52 years / Only good night /In memory of / his beloved wife / Elizabeth / who died in Scotland / 20 April 1947
18---/05/03- In memory / of / Harold MacFarlane / government bacteriologist / died 7th Feb. 1919 / aged 42 / this stone is erected by his wifeCW & Co. # 8330
18---/05/04- Sacred to the memory of / Frederick Alan Biden / born December 22nd 1877 / died September 29th 1918 / and of / Marie, his wife / who died at sea September 15th 1916 / R.I.P.
18---/05/05- In memory / of / William Leonard Carter / late captain and adjutant / Hong Kong Volunteer Reserve / who died on the 4th July 1917 / aged 40 years / erected by his brother officers and comrades
18---/05/06- Emma Maude / wife of lieutenent J.F. Pearce I.A.S. / died 29th January 1917 / aged 45 years# 8203
18---/05/07- Lieutenant Commander Arthur Edward Davey R.N.R. / (Royal Navy Reserve) born May 15th 1875 died whilst acting as / assistant harbour master / August 15th 1916 / This stone is erected in affectionate memory by a few of his friends# 8168
18---/05/08- In / memory / of / Thomas Henry Martin / died 4th August 1916 aged 49 years / and / Elizabeth Ann Martin / died 28th Nov. 1941 aged 70 years / R.I.P.# 8165 # 10024
18---/05/09- In / loving memory / of / Donald Kenneth Rotherham / Lieut. Royal Navy elder son of Kenneth / & Francis Rotherham of Coventry England / born Nov. 22nd 1889 died March 24th 1916 / "O true brave heart! God bless wheresoe'er / in God's pleasure great universe thour art to-day"# 8146
18---/05/10- In / loving memory / of / Maria Hazeland / died 3rd Feb. 1916. aged 77 years / Thy wil be done
18---/05/11- In loving memory of / Jeanie Chalmers MacGregor / "Jean" / beloved wife of / John C. Fletcher / born Nov. 12th 1884 / died December 3rd 1920# 5468
18---/05/12- In loving memory / of / Joseph Taylor / beloved hufband of / Alaira [?] Shand / born 9th Feb. 1894 / died 18th Feb / 1933 / "Time flies but memories remain"Brown James & Co. # 9358
18---/05/13- To the / dear memory / of / Alice Janet Lockhart-Smith / wife of / Wliiam James Lockhart-Smith / who died on 24th October 1933 / aged 28 years
18---/05/14- In memory of / my beloved husband / John Daniel Lloyd / who died on 24th January 1935 / aged 51 years / Si alter: monumentum neugiris / celere circumspice nente
18---/06/01- Sacred / to the / memory? of / C.W.C. Bishop / born 1899 / died 1941
18---/06/02- In / loving memory / of / Elizabeth / wife of / R.H.A. Craig / Hong Kong Civil Service / who died / on the 25th September 1909 / aged 49 years / Blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see the God / R.I.P. / God is love
18---/06/03- 126 / Baluchistan / Infantry / sacred to the memory / of / Alfred Turner Rowlandson / Lt. Colonel 126th Baluchistan Infantry / killed in Kowloon / July 19th 1913 / R.I.P.# 7957
18---/06/04- Peace perfect peace / Harry John Watson / born October 29th 1865 / died August 31st 1909 / erected by his loving wife and children
18---/06/05- Sacred / to the memory / of / Dr. William Hunter / Government Bacteriologist / died 9 June 1909 aged 34
18---/06/06- In loving memory of / Lewis Audley M Johnston / C.G.S.(Colonial Government Service) / Postmaster General Hong Kong / eldest son of the late / Wm. Johnston Ballykilbeg M.P. / born 12th September 1865 / died 30th September 1908
18---/06/07- Warren Delabere Barnes / Colonial Secretary Hong Kong / died October 28th 1911 / aged 46 years# 7799
18---/06/08- In / memory of / Alexander Thomson Walker / late of Public Works Department / died 27th July 1913 / in his 40th yearCEW & Co. # 7961
18---/06/09- In ardius fidelis / in / loving memory / of / Major Charles Marlay Fleury / R.A.M.C. / died Sept. 5th 1913 / age 42 / After toil - - - - rest# 7957
18---/06/10- Agnes Mary wife of / William B.A. Moore / died 6th December 1914 / and of / Ethel Eileen his second wife / died February 28th 1923 / I will never leave thee nor forsake thee
18---/06/11- In / loving memory / of Mary Emiul / the dearly loved wife of / Lieut. Colonel I.F.R. Thompson / 25th Punjabis / and eldest daughter of the late / P.E. Tillard Esq. / Manchester Huntingdon / died March 28th 1915 / aged 42
18---/06/12- In loving memory / of / Anne Elizabeth / the dearly loved wife of / Robert Chapman / died 3rd June 1915 / aged 48# 7957
18---/06/13- Margaret Winifred Winslow / born March 31st 1916 / died April 18th 1916
18---/06/14- In loving memory of / Tony / infant son of / William James and / Beatrice Carrie / born 3rd and died / 24th December 1920
18---/07/01- 16th September 1909 / Enid Kemp 22nd December 1909 / "Safely folded"
18---/07/02- Hilda Marie Taylor / 1st December 1907
18---/07/03- In loving memory / of / Alice Mand Sharrock / of / Earlsheaton, Yorkshire / died August 1st 1908 / "Thy will be done"
18---/07/04- To the dear memory / of / Walter Godfrey Stackwood / deputy ord. officer / beloved husband of / Agnes Stackwood / wh passed away after a / short illness / August 16 1908 aged 49 / Until the day dawns# 7399
18---/07/05- In Christ / Francis Warren Captain R.A. / OB Feb. 13 1907 aged 35 / He bringeth them unto the heaven where they would be
18---/07/07- In / memory / of / Douglas Halburton Windsor / Admiralty works department / died April 11th 1905 aged 27 years / son of Rev. E. Windsor vicarage of / St. Mary's Barnstable Devon / This cross is erected by his brother officers and his / loving parents as a mark of esteem and affection / Blessed are the pure in heart
18---/07/08- In loving memory / of / Abigail Gambrill Brown / widow of / Rev. John W. Brown DD / St. Thomas Church New York / died at Hong Kong 14th February 1905 / aged 61 years / Eye hath not seen nor ever heard / neither have entered into the heart / of man the things which God hath / prepared for them that love Him
18---/07/09- Blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see God / in / loving memory of / Lieutenant commander / Edmund Henry Ellicoe R.N. / of HMS "Whiting" / youngest son of John Henry Jellicoe / Captain, R.M.S.P Ct. / born September 1875 / died at Hong Kong Dec. 30th 1904Garret & Hayson # 6894Southampton, England
18---/07/10- In / ever loving memory / of / Herbert Canton / staff surgeon R.N. / who departed this life Feb. 21st 1903 / in his forty third year of his age / "Ours the pain his the gain" / "Uphold me father in my loneliness / a little longer aid me give me strength"B & J Co. #6671
18---/07/11- Auf wiedersehn / Surgeon T. Marles-Thomas R.N. / H.M.S. Robin / born 29th October 1872 / died 3rd December 1904 / son of / the Revd. W. Marles-Thomas M.A. / [Gwilym Marles] / of Llwynrhydowen Cardiganshire
18---/07/12- Sacrd to the memory / of / Ernest Joseph Meugens / of / the harbour department / Hong Kong / who died 24th July 1907 / aged 47 years# 7238
18---/07/13- Sacred / to the memory / of / Edward james Campbell / engineer commander Royal Navy / H.M.S. Kent / died Novermber 29th 1911 / aged 41 years# 7904
18---/07/14- In / loving memory / of / Lieut. H.R. Kunhardt R.N. / died Dec. 8th 1913 / aged 33 years / The love of God is broader / than the measure of man's mind / and the heart of the eternal / is most wonderfully kind# 7986
18---/07/15- In loving memory / of / Constantine J Dedeoglou / born 1882 / died 4th January 1939 / and / Hippocrate J Dedeoglou / born 1889 / died 20th January 1943 / Alcibiades Dedeoglou / 1883 - 1948Greek inscriptionRest In Peace
18---/08/01- Arthur Sidney Boag / Carlyle / "Archie" / 4 years and 9 months / 28th March 1900
18---/08/02- Sacred / to the memory of / C. Guy Blood / who deaparted this life / 14th July 1908 / aged 33 years
18---/08/03- Hier ruht / in Gott / Fern von der Heimat / mein einziger geliebter Sohn / Hans von Varghmann / Kaiserlich Deutscher / Konsul / * 21 Februar 1853 / + 5 Juli 1908
18---/08/04- Sacred / to the memory / of Annie / the dearly beloved / wife of / Captain G.A. Parke / Army Ordnance Dept. / who died Jan. 13th 1908 / aged 42 / Thy will be done
18---/08/05- George W. Wateline O.B. / July 16th 1900 / 36 years / Gone but not forgotten / R.I.P.
18---/08/06- Sacred to the memory / of / William Bennett / boatswain - Royal Navy / age 34 years / of H.M.S. "Argonaut" / died 16th August 1899 / erected by Commd. & Warrant Officers, R.N. / China Squadron 1929 / as a mark of respect
18---/08/07- IHS / In loving memory / of / Marion / wife of John I. Plummer / died 14th October 1900 / aged 54 years
18---/08/08- Sacred / to the memory / of Dora / the beloved wife / of / J.W. Jones / who died 17th October 1900 / aged 35 years / Forward into triumph / forward into light
18---/08/09- sacred / to / the memory of / Robert Parnell / boatswain of / H.M.S. "Humber" / who drowned in Hong Kong / harbour on the 15th November 1900 / aged 52 years / "Thy will be done" / erected by the captain, officers / and ship's company as a mark of respect
18---/08/10- In / affectionate memory / of / Nicholas Belfield Dennys Ph.D. / for many years a resident of this colony / and formerly of her Majestys / naval, consular and colonial services / who died in Hong-Kong / on the 8th December 1900 / while in the service of / British North Borneo Company / age 61
18---/08/11- In' loving memory / of / Dolores Evangeline / 'Eva' Ballantine Dykes / Blessed are the pure in heart# 6409
18---/08/12- In / loving memory / of / Alice Maud Mary Barrett [nee Prince] / the dearly beloved wife / of / Lieutenent A.I. Barrett / Indian Staff Corps / who went to her rest on / March 10th 1902 / Memor# 6509
18---/08/13- In ever loving / memory / of / Frank David Thompson / who died at Hong Kong / 25 January 1902 / To die in hearts we love is not to die
18---/08/14- To the dear memory / of / Mary Millicent Doyle / born January 14th 1875 / died March 12th 1907 / while on a visit to her brother / Lieut. W. Butterworth R.N. / Unspotted from the world
18---/08/15- In loving memory of / Edward Bowdler / born February 1st 1831 / died October 4th 1907 / and / of his widow / Annie Bowdler / March 1st 1924 / In my father's house are many mansions / I go to prepare a place for you / St John's Gospel Ch. 1 and 2 / Angel banks conveted him / to that blessed realm above / and through the countless ages / rest sheltered in God's love / A.B.# 7270 # 8732
18---/09/01- Erected / in loving memory / of / Alexander Lawson Walmer / Kildrummy, Aberdeenshire / Scotland / born 4th July 1863 / died 31st March 1900
18---/09/02- IHS / Bertie Walter / second and dearly loved son of / William Evans Morrell and / Lawrence Alicia his wife / born in Calcutta 4 Nov. 1875 / died 6th March 1900
18---/09/03- In loving memory / of my wife / Josephine Fox. who departed this life on Easter Sunday 1900 / aged 23 years / Her soul from it's body released like a bird / took wing and flew straight up to HeavenBJ & Co. # 6235
18---/09/04- In / loving memory / of / William Arthur Matthews / Captain Royal Artillery / died at Hong Kong 19th July 1898 / aged 30 years# 6043
18---/09/05- In memory of / Evelyn A. Govett R.N. / who died September 3rd 1899 / age 17 years / while waiting to join H.M.S. Hermione / "Alive for evermore"E Bingham105 Fulham Road Lon. Eng # 6163
18---/09/06- Sacred / to the memory / of Hugh McCallum formerly / government analyst/and late secretary of / Sanitary Board / Hong Kong / who died / 30th June 1898 / aged 45 years / Requiescent in peaceB J & Co. # 6038
18---/09/07- Away away to angel land / In loving memory / Elizabeth Mary / died 24th May 1899 aged 40 years / Ella / died 26th June 1883 aged 19 months / Frank / died 6th January 1896 aged 3 years / the beloved wife and children of Jas. Mudie / "There is no death what seems so in transition / this life is mortal death / in but a suburb of that life Elysian / best protect we call Death"
18---/09/08- To the memory of / Lieut. / Willm. Ramage Dawson / R.A. / younegst son of the late / Col. John Ramage Dawson / 2nd Brigade / Scottish Division, R.A. / of Balado, Kinrossshire / Scotland / who died at Hong Kong / 27 September 1897 / aged 27 yearsB J & Co. # 6038
18---/09/09- In loving memory / of / Mary Constance / Reilly / wife of Captain Reilly / R.A.M.C.# 6093
18---/09/10- In loving memory / of / Major George Kenrick Moore / of / the 24th regiment / and A.P.D (Anti Piracy Defence?). / who died at Hong Kong / on the / 20th October 1876 / aged 39 years / The blood of Jesus Christ / cleanseth us from all sinB J & Co.
18---/09/11- Sacred / to the memory of / Helen Emma widow of / Lt. Colonel Robert Chalmers / Comd. 14th Bengal Lancers / who died in this colony / on 23rd May 19082 aged 57 / deeply regretted and mourned / Them also which sleep in Jesus / with God bring with him
18---/09/12- Rest in peace / dearly loved and / never forgotten/Elizabth King 22 Feb. 1857 - Dec. 23 1902/Letitia Scott- Borrows / Oct.6 1884 - Feb. 1974/Patricia Will / July 21 1915 - Jan. 18 2007 # 12070 # 11916 # 6648
18---/09/13- Rest in peace / dearly loved and / never forgotten/Elizabth King 22 Feb. 1857 - Dec. 23 1902/Letitia Scott- Borrows / Oct.6 1884 - Feb. 1974/Patricia Will / July 21 1915 - Jan. 18 2007
18---/09/14- In the Father and love of Christ / Hugh Keith Arbuthnot lieut. R.N. / died at Hong Kong 16th Feb. 1903 / in his 29th year / R.I.P. / If I remain in the uttermost parts of the / sea - even there also shall they hand lead / me and thy right hand shall hold me / erected to his memory / by the torpedo lieuts. and others in the China Squadron# 6670
18---/09/15- In loving memory / of / my sister / Lydia Astahova / died 8th May 1948 / "Sleep in peace, dear" / Here also / lies an urn with the ashes of / Capt. Arthur Bridgford / who died on the 28th May 1971 / from his wife / sister of Lydia Astahova / God bless his soulWm. Nodes & Co. # 10448
18---/10/01- Sacred to the memory / of / Frances Dorothea Stella / younger daughter of / Surgeon General A.F. Preston A.M.S. / who died at Hong Kong 27th November 1893 / aged 19 years / And they shall be mine saith the Lord of Lords / on that day when I make up my jewels. Mal 3.17 / With his arms and carry# 5559 B J & Co.
18---/10/02- E.L.H. Denison / engineer R.N. / H.M.S. Barfleur / died / September 1st 1898 / erected by his brother officersB J & Co. # 6060
18---/10/03- IHS / R.I.P. / In loving memory / of / Felicia Ida Helen / wife of Sir William Robinson K.C.M.G. / Governor of Hong Kong / who died 8th October 1894 aged 35 years / also of her infant son / born and died 3rd October 1894 / Thy will be done / God shall wipe away all tears / from their eyes
18---/10/04- IHS / R.I.P. / in loving memory / of / Maurice Earl Fremantle / lieutenant Coldstream Guards / who died at Government House / on the 16th January 1892 / while serving as Aide-de-Camp / to his excellency / Sir William Robinson / aged 25 years / Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away / for it is then / I will lay me down in peace and take my reston kerbs - Lord, only, that makest me dwell in safety
18---/10/05- In / loving memory / of / Surgeon Captain Richard Henry / Smythe / of Clanmire / Cork / born 14th Dec. 1865 / died 10th Feb. 1892 / What do thou / knowest of me / surely thou shall / .... ??# 5416
18---/10/06- God is love / sacred / to the memory of / Edward Martin Loring / lieutenant Royal Engineers / son of the Revd. E.H. Loring / and of Charlotte his wife / born 29th August 1866 / died at Hong Kong 16th July 1882 / aged 26 years / erected by his brother officers
18---/10/07- IHS / In / loving memory / of / William Kennedy Wylie / [lieut. Hong Kong Volunteer Field Battery] / born at Glasgow 16 March 1858 / died at Hong Kong 27th November 1897 / Also of William Brayser / infant son of W.K. and E. Wylie / born 2nd May died 7th December 1891 / "And with the morn those angel faces smile / which we have loved long service and lost awhile"# 5985
18---/10/08- In loving memory / of / The Honourable Francis Michael St. Aubyn / third son of John and Elizabeth / Lord and Lady St. Levan / Captain 1st Battalion Rifle Brigade / died 28th February 1895 / Deeply mourned by all his family / and beloved and regretted by all who knew him# 5689
18---/10/09- of such as / the / Kingdom of Heaven / In / loving memory of / Cecil Rowland Brook Drummond R.N. / midshipman H.M.S. Centurion / born January 28th 1882 / died July 21st 1897 / Until the day break and the shadows flee away / on kerbs - O glorious end of life's short day of sadness / O crown unfailing and so early won / O blessed course so well and nobly run# 5930
18---/10/10- In / loving memory of / Francis Simpson Ommanney / Lieut. R.N. / son of / Major General E.L. Ommanney R.E. / born 18th March 1953 / died 24th July 1895
18---/10/11- In memory / of / John Bremmer Esq. R.N. / fleet paymaster / H.M.S. Centurion / who died at Hong Kong / 30th September 1896 / aged 59 years / erected by the admiral and officers / of the ship as a token of their great / regard and esteemB J & Co. # 5846
18---/10/12- Peace / on loving memory of / my beloved wife / May Chang / born 22 May 1914 / died 7 April 1948 / Deep in our hearts a memory kept / of one we love and will never forgetWm Nodes Ltd #10450
18---/10/13- Edward Clapham / on kerbs - Edward second son of Frances / and Douglas Clapham born / April 14th 1911 died May 11th 1922 / In sure and certain hope
18---/10/14- William Evan Kekewich Janes. August 24th - 26th 1913 / Suffer the children to come with me
18---/10/15- In loving memory / of / Marion Olive / daughter of William and Olivia Hagger / born / December 4th 1912 / died / October 25th 1913
18---/10/16- John Robert Sinca / born September 3rd 1913 / died December 30 1913 / Jesus called a little child with him
18---/10/17- In loving memory of / Kenneth Maxwell / 'Kennie' / the dearly loved youngest son of / R and R Stevenson / who fell asleep on December 2nd 1914 / aged 5 years / Gentle Jesus meek and mild / look upon a little child# 8071
18---/11/01- In / loving memory / of / Margaret / infant daughter of / Wilfred and Margaret / Owen / April 11th 1929B J & Co. # 9069
18---/11/02- Barbara Annie Tetley / born April 28th 1928 / died October 16th 1931
18---/11/03- Alison Elizabeth / infant daughter / of / Jean and Neill Garland / died 10th December 1932
18---/12/01- In loving memory of / Andrew Graham / aged 14 months / from Mummy and Daddy
18---/12/02- Neil Albert Hawkins / born 13th May 1961 / died 9th June 1962 / beloved son of Robyn and Bert / beloved brother of Lynne
18---/12/03- Baby Crees / 8 August 1962 / Martha Jo Crees / February 1962 / and he knows that all things work / together for God to thee that / love God, to them who are the / called according to his purpose / Romans 8.28
18---/12/04- Tom Patrick and William Harrison / 21st February 1963 / May he who loves the little ones / in such a tender way / hold our babies in Heaven
18---/12/05- In / loving / memory / of / the baby son / of / Leonard and Edith Christopher / 3rd August 1914
18---/12/06- Sacred / to the memory / of / Laurence Arthur Roe / 'Sonny' / died 9th February 1927 / aged 7 years 7 months / Now no sigh of anguish sore / heaven that little bosom moreside - and of Edna Roe / died 2nd November 1928 / aged 6 weeks
18---/12/07- In memory of / Jonathan Tingle / born 17th September 1962 / died 21st September 1962
18---/12/08- In memory of / Georgie / much beloved and valiant son / of / Joyce and Ronald Hsia / whom God gave to us 25th Feb. 1958 / who returned to God 19th Oct. 1962 / Close that wide-eyed gaze / and sleep my child / a hero's welcome waits thee / the laurels on thy brow / and that modest sheepish grin / scarce masks thy joy / at phantom dreams become reality / in an idyllic land / thy dragon in subdued / thou hast come home again / MummyChinese characters on three sides of pedestal# 11545
18B--/04/13- Sacred / to the memory / of / Archibald Clarence Vincent / expense accounts department, Naval Dockyard / died 10th [?] June 1914 aged 44 years / erected by his colleagues as a mark / of esteem and regard# 8035
19---/01/01- Freemasons of Hong Kong / to the memory of their late worshipfull / brother D.R.F. Caldwell as a token of their / affectionate regard and appreciation / of his long and faithful service to the craftWhat man is he that liveth / and shall not see death / shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the / grave Psalm 89 verse 48Daniel Richard Francis Caldwell / born at St. Helena 19th September 1816 / died at Hong Kong 2nd October 1975Be careful to perform your allotted task while it /is yet day continue to listen to the voice of nature / which bears witness that even in this perishable frame / resides a vital and immortal principle which inspires / a holy confidence that the lord of life will enable / us to trample the kind of terrors beneath our / feet, and lift our eyes to that bright morning star / whose rising brings peace and salvation to the faithful and obedient / of the human race / masonic charge
19---/01/02- To the loving memory of / Henry Alexander Allen / born 7th June 1872 / died 29th May 1939/Mary Allen / born 13th Jan. 1890 / died 8th Nov. 1951 / Charles Alexander Allen / born 1st Feb. 1916 / died 3rd Nov. 1996on urn - # 12044
19---/01/03- In loving memory of / Thomas Hughes Hammersley / who died April 29th 1889 / aged 28 years / 'I will fear no evil for thou art with me'Erected by the 9th Co R E / in memory of / their comrades who died / at Hong Kong 1888 - 91 / Lieut. H.O. Blackall 15-1-88/sapper W. Wynn 21-7-88 / " T. Hammersley 29-4-89 / " R Norman 7-5-89/C.S. Major A Sinclair 10-1-91
19---/01/04- In memory of / Herbert Richmond Wells O.B.E. / of the London Missionary Society / in Hong Kong and South China / [Chinese characters]
19---/01/05- [right side] died at Hong Kong/lieut. Hart John Hume 15 April 1872/sergt. Stacey Joseph 3 April 1872/corpl. Grainger Charles 26 July 1874/gunner Birkett Henry 12 Nov. 1872 / " Brewin William 2 Oct. 1872 / " Connors Michael 12 June 1875 / " Coatcher William 11 Sep 1873 / " Holtham Cornelius 7 April 1875 / " McCrossan William 9 Dec. 1874 / Ellen, wife of C.H. Armstrong 3 June 1875
19---/01/06- In memory of / Jane Axtell Schermerhorn / a missionary of the / Pentecostal Holiness Church / born in U.S.A. 1961 / died in Hong Kong 19th September 1938 / Precious in the sight of the Lord is / the death of his saints PS 116-15on urn - "Aunt Jane"
19---/01/07- Sacred / to the memory of /R B Fulford lieut./F H Hale assist. payr./W Worden stokr/C Maloney stokr/J Sleeman Pte. R.M.L.I./F Adams boy/who died during the commission of / H.M.S. 'Leander' in China / from 1886 to 1889
19---/01/08- R.I.P. / In / loving memory / of / Charles Parkin Lee / born 22nd Dec. 1927 / died 5th April 2000 / James Lloyd Howell / born 12th April 1902 / died 12th Dec. 1938 / W.M.C. Lee / died 22nd May 1954 / and / Mrs. Lucy Howell Lee / born 10th December 1897 / died 13th November 1947 / aged 49 years
19---/01/09- Quo fas et gloria ducent / erected by the / officers, non commissioned officers and gunners / of / 6th battery 12th brigade Royal Artillery / in memory of their comrades who were killed / or died while serving in China / from 1857 to 1864. 5/Sergeant Isaac McLean / " William Evans / Bombadier William Anhier / " Peter Turner / [?] maker Charles Bruysden / " James Lynch/gunner Robert Cunningham / " John Garrolan / " John Drum / " John Hopkins / " Patrick Louchran / " Richard Lee / " George McDonald / " George McGranet / " Patrick Mulcaney / " Richard Morton / " Alexander McHardy / " Thomas Pashley / " James Thorne / " Charles Turner / " Robert Woods / " John Williams / " John Bateman/The Lord your God .... [illegible]
19---/01/10- In memory / of / the officers, seamen and marines/of / H.M.S. "Imperieuse" / who died on the China station between / the years 1888 and 1891 / this monument was erected by their shipmates[right side]James Hourigan gunner RMA / died at Hong Kong 13th December 1889/Tomas Solloway private RMLI / died at Yokohama 7th July 1890/John Warren private RMLI / drowned at Shanghai 10th March 1889/Terence Sweeney ordinary seaman / died at sea 1st July 1888/[left side]Frederick ? assistant RAV [?] master / died at Yokohama 22 December 1889/John Allington carpenter / died at Hong Kong 4th February 1889/Charles F Karn leading stoker / died at Yokohama 8th October 1886/Edward A Slanning RO 2nd class / died at Hong Kong 27th June 1888/William Morrison A.B. / died at Hong Kong 26th June 1889
19---/01/11- Erected to the memory / of / Willy Saenger / born La Chaux-de-Fonds / Switzerland / 21st April 1893 / died Hong Kong 6th July 1938# 9763
19---/01/12- [back]Died at Yokohama/gunner W O'Connor on 212th April 1868 / " T Rose on 20th April 1869 / " N Paiten on 3rd May 1869 / " G Kearsley on 16th December 1869 / " T Grogan on 14th March 1871 / " J Freeman on 30th June 1871 / " B Nolan on 30th July 1871
19---/01/13- Lieutenant / W.R.Dawson/Sergeant / D. Bradley/Corporals / A .Fell / F.A. Hyde/Bombadier / B. Warby/Gunners F.C. Jacobs / J. Lucas/A. Deakin/W.E. Dinnie/W. ThompsonErected / by / No. 35 Company / Southern Division / Royal Artillery / in memory of their comrades / who died at Hong Kong / between 1894 and 1898
19---/02/01- R.I.P. / In / loving memory / of / Captain Henry Walter Walker / died 9th February 1940 / aged 73 years/Mrs Tomi Walker / died 25th April 1944 / age 66 years# 9909 # 10436Brown Jones & Co.
19---/02/02- In happy memory / of / John David Humphreys / [Dick] / beloved son of / Henry and Alice Humphreys / died 28th February 1940 / aged 46 years / To live in hearts we leave behind / is not to die# 9908Brown Jones & Co
19---/02/03- John / devoted and loving husband / of / Olive Lilian Acock / who passed to a higher life / 26th November 1939 / aged 60 years / "Now Abideth faith hope and love" / Jaola# 9888Wm Nodes Ltd.
19---/02/04- Sacred to the memory / of / James Sinclair White / died 18th December 1938 / aged 63 years / and his beloved wife / Dorothy / died 19 December 1938 / aged 57 years / At reston foot kerb - Dear / Mother and Father# 9801 # 9802
19---/02/05- [lower right side]2nd Corporal J.J. McKay / died 22.2.92 aged 26 years/bugler C Hopson / died 18.5.93 aged 16 years/sapper C.H. Pinney / died 27.9.93 aged 28 years
19---/02/06- In loving memory of / John Duncan Isbister / native of Greenock, Scotland / son of Captain John Isbister of Firth, Orkney / died 17th Dec. 1938 / aged 67 years / "Here awhile the tired body / to its resting place is borne / to await the last and brightest Easter morn" / "Always in our thoughts"on footstone - Dear Johnnie / from Charlie
19---/02/07- private Samuel Woolfe / died August 5th 1892 / aged 25 years/private John Jones / died August 6th 1892 / aged 25 years/private Edward Brown / died February 22nd 1893 / aged 25 years/peivate Albert Akerman / died June 13th 1893 / aged 25 years/All live unto Him
20---/01/01- Sacred / to the memory / of / William Brand / fourth son of the late / Andrew Brand of / Glasgow / who died of fever at Hong Kong on the / 27th July 1865 / aged 29 years / R.I.P / This stone is erected by the surviving / brothers and his friends as a / token of their esteem / Requiereat in pace
20---/01/02- IHS / Sacred to / the memory of / Henry Dance ERA/W.A. Edwards carprs mate/Frank Haggart stoker/Charles Clarke stoker/Greg Taylor stoker/H.M.S. 'Espoir'/These men dies of / cholera up the / Li [?] River in the / month of June 1886 / 4 lines verse - illegible / This cross was erected in / affectionate remembrance by the / captain, officers and crew of / H.M.S. 'Espoir'
20---/02/01- Sacred / to the / memory / of / Thos. Boulden, R.N. / late boatswain of H.M.S. Perseus / who was accidently killed / at the great fire / at Hong Kong / on Nov. 29th 1867 / aged 33 years and 7 months / erected by his brother officers / and friends in harbour / at that time/A journey like Elijah's, swift, bright / caught gently upwards to an early crown / in heaven's own chariot of all blazing light, with death untasted and the grave unknownon footstone - T.B. / 1867# 3514
20---/02/02- Sacred / to the memory / of / Henry Alfd. Collins Meeson / master's assistant R.N. / who died at Hong Kong by accidental / drowning 29th March 1863 / aged 17 years / This stone is erected by his affectionate motherpn footstone - H.A.C.M.
20---/02/03- Sacred to the / memory of Captain J.J. Riches / S Ship 'Imam of Muscat' / who departed this life / 9th October 1851 aged / 48 years
20---/03/01- Sacred / to the memory of / Elizabeth / the beloved wife of B.R. Abbe MD / of Boston, USA / who died April 4th 1863 / saved from the wreck of the 'Hotspur' / February 19, exposure for many / days in an open boat proved / fatal to her, already / weakened by long / illness# 2636
20---/03/02- In memory of / James Macculloch / native of Dumbarton NS / and late boilermaker of / Messrs. Jardine Matheson Co's / SS Reiver / died 10th Nov. 1868 / aged 38 years / also of John Wilson / head clerk on / Messrs. Jardine Matheson Co's / SS 'Clan Alpine' / died 20th May 1868 / aged 27 years / This stone is erected by friends of the above / as a mark of esteem# 3594
20---/03/03- Sacred to the memory / of / Alfred Arthur / son of Capt. H.W. Short / of the ship 'Zanzibar' / who departed this life on / 20th June 1865 / aged 1 year and 11 months/[8 lines of verse]/also / to the memory of / John Benson Rowland / 3rd officer of the above ship / departed this life on 13th July 1865 [?] / aged 28 years # 3072
20---/03/04- Sacred / to the memory / of / George Brice MD / formerly of Edinburgh [?] / who departed this life in Hong Kong / on January 16th 1862 [?] / aged 42 years/and / Winifred Astor [?] / daughter of the above / who died on 12th February 1868 [?] / aged 18 months
20---/04/01- In memory / of / John Thompson SEA / of the / USS Unadilla / who died in Hong Kong 26th Aug / 1868 / aged 24 years# 3596
20---/04/02- Born / Feb. 15 / 1855 / Miles Monk Magrath / died Dec. 16th 1864 / born Feb 3 / 1855# 2967
20---/04/03- Sacred to the memory / of / /William James R Lugg RA / who was killed when on duty at the / fire in Central, Victoria / on 30th Dec. 1851 / this monument was erected as a slight / token of esteem by the officers / of the garrison / [age 21 USD]
20---/04/04- Sacred / to the memory / of. John Pullin Hawkey / / Principal Medical Officer / to the forces at this station / who departed this life on / the 5th Sep. 1854 / aged 56 years
20---/05/01- In remembrance / of / Henry Smith / born at West Brixton, Surrey, England / December 25th 1840 / died at Hong Kong / December 25th 1863 [?] / aged 23 years / illegible# 2786
20---/05/02- freemaason / sacred to the memory / of / Edward Anthony / native of Kingsbridge, Devon / who departed this life / Hong Kong / the 21st June 1865 / aged 49 years# 3039
20---/05/03- In memory of / Susan Harriet Sophia Baxter / third daughter of Robert Baxter Esq. of Doncaster England / Constrained by the love of Christ / she devoted herself to bear at her own cost / the message of salvation through his precious blood and the quickening of the Holy Spirit / to the Chinese/After five years of increasing toil in establishing Chinese schools in Hong Kong and / Umhatin and in visiting Chinese families she was struck with fever and died rejoining that she had / spent her strength in such a mission 30th June 1865 aged 36 years / Her remains are here interred
20---/05/04- [right face]Sacred to the memory / of / the NCOs / and gunners / of / No. 33 Battery 1889 - 91 / became 25 Co. 1892 -94 / became S.O.R.A. 8 Co. 1894 who / when stationed / at Hong Kong died / 1891 - 94 / erected by their comrades / on leaving for Malta[front]Br. W. Ashdown / died 5 April 1891 aged 35/Cr T Lawless / died 29 June 1892 / aged 27/Cr T Croston / drowned / 12 June 1894 / aged 23 / Cr. C Mead / died 2nd Sep 1894 / aged 26/
20---/05/05- Shropshire LI / KSLI / erected by the officers NCOs / and men of G company / as a token of respect / for their / fallen comrades who have died / at / Hong Kong / 1892, 93, 94[right side]Pte. W Badger / died 10th March 1893 / aged 21 years/Pte. G Probert / died 1st July 1893 / aged 24 years/Lce Corp. A Edwards / died 18th December 1893 / aged 21 years/[left]Pte. M Gibbons / died 11th january 1894 / aged 25 years/Pte. C Cotterell / died 3rd July 1894 / aged 25 years[back]Remember friends as you pass by / that all mankind are born to die / then let your cures on Christ be cast / that you may dwell with him at laty
20---/05/06- Sacred / to the memorny of / Francis Dill Esq. MD / who for three years / filled the [office] post [?] / of / colonial surgeon / September [?] 1846
20---/05/07- In memory / [?] / John Currie / third son of John McCurrie / of the Isle of Arran / Scotland / who [?] resident of Canton / died at Hong Kong / on 1st November 1851 / age 34
20---/06/01- 2nd corporals / G Bates 15 June 1897/C Hicks 3 June 1897/sappers/J Craze 11 May 1888/J Lain 5 July 1894/W C Barr 28 May 1896/T J Thomas 25 May 1900/A Perkins 11 October 1900 at sea / on service in North China / field force / Erected by the officers, non commisssioned officers and sappers of / the Hong Kong Company / Royal Engineers / To the memory of their comrades / who died on the station April 1902[side 2]Lieut. E M Loring / 26 July 1892/DMS W Evans / 7 Mar 1894 at sea/sergt . A B Matthews / 10 Feb. 1893/corporals/J Knight / 23 Mar 1890/W Mansfield / 16 Mar 1893 at Aden/A Child / 5 Nov.1894/
20---/06/02- To the memorny / of the late / worhipful brother / J W Croker / as a token of affectionate / regard and approbation / of his long and faithful / services to the lodge / donated by the members / of St John's Lodge 135 [?] / 1866 [?]
20---/06/03- In memory of / Harry Lyon M.D. / died August 12th 1866 / aged 38 years
20---/06/04- Sacred / to the memory / of / Susan / the beloved wife / of / Charles Edward Moore Esq / who died at Hong Kong on the / 9th October 1868 / in the / 34 year of her age
20---/06/05- In memory / of / Robert Read / of the / Harbour Master's Department / who died on / 1st March 1873 / aged 28 years
20---/07/01- Nicolat Duus / Swedish and Norwegian Consul / at Hong Kong / died 5 December 1861 / aged 31 years
20---/07/02- Eliza Estert / the beloved wife of / Edwin Litchfield Esq. / Deputy Assistant Commissary General / died 28th Jan 1861 / aged 24 years# 2309
20---/07/03- To the memory of / one sergeant and one private / Royal Marines / one A.B. and one O.S. / who died on board / H.M. Ship "Serpent' / This monument is erected / in their memories / R.I.P. / The names of the 4 men / commemorated are cut / on the side faces of the / monument William / Walden and Benjamin / Holton of the Royal Marines / who died in 1850 / Samuel Trewbath and / Richard Aylen in 1852
20---/07/04- Erected / by / the officers / N.C.Os and / gunners / of 38 Company / Southern Divison / Royal Garrison / Artillery / to the memory of / their comrades / who died at Hong Kong / March 1898 - January 1902[left]gunners / E.A. Young / 14 Oct. 1898/W. Little Page / 23 Jan. 1899/P, Liddington / 10 Sept. 1900[right]gunners / T.E. Goode / 9 Dec. 1900/G. Tisdell / 11 Dec. 1900 /R Webster / 8 March 1901
20---/08/01- illegible
20---/08/03- To the memory of / James R Shannon / who died / August 28th 1868 / aged / 67 [?] years and 2 days
20---/08/04- Erected by / Commodore, Officers & crew / H.M.S. Nankin / to the memory / of / their deceased shipmates/left side -Bogue Forts 12th Nov 1856/Fatshan Creek 1st June 1867/Seelon 15th Dec. 1857/Canton 28 & 29 Dec. 1857 /right side -HMS Nankin / commissioned 21 Sept. 1854 / lost from all causes / officers / petty officers / menback - illegible
20---/08/05- In memory of / Sarah / the beloved wife / of / John H. Lockhead M.D. / born 3rd Nov. 1820 / at Petersburg, Virginia USA / died 31st Dec. 1868# 3609
20---/08/06- sacred / to the / memory of / Henrietta Grant / beloved wife of / Andrew Ferguson / deputy / Inspector General / of Hospitals / who departed this life / Victoria Hong Kong / 29 October 1848
20---/08/07- Sacred / to the memory / of / Captain E.B.S. Stanhope / late of 59th Regt. / who died on 13th September 1855 / aged 29 yearson footstone - E.B.S.S.# 1087
20---/09/01- [front]Richard Hallet, ldg. stoker / died at Hong Kong 6th Sep. 1898/Thomas Goodwin A.B. / died at Hong Kong 3rd April 1900/John William Eagleland / died at Hong Kong 26th May 1900 / aged 38 years/William Wyles S.B.S. / died at Hong Kong 30th June 1901/[back]William Barrett / died at Colombo 19 April 1898/James Retallick OS / died at Hong Kong 5 June 1898/Charles Loworth / boy 1st class drowned / off Formosa 28 June 1898/Hugh Herald stoker / drowned at Manila / 11th Sept. 1899
20---/10/01- [front]Sacred to the memory of / Mary Kay / beloved wife of / Alexander Ross / who died 9th March 1887 / aged 62 years[right]Sacred to the memory / of / Jane / eldest daughter of / Alex and Mary Toss / died 26th March 1865 [?] / aged 11 months[left]Sacred / to / the memory of / James Gordon / the 2nd son of / Alex and Mary Ross / died 18th February 1864 [?] / aged 3 years and 9 months
20---/10/02- Sacred to the memory / Augustus Henry Roberts / the beloved son of William Roberts Esq. / of HM Inland Revenue, London / died 5th March 1868 / aged 29 years
20---/10/03- Sacred / to the memory of / Mary / the beloved wife of / John Ford / who died Nov. 29th / 1867 / aged 29 years / Requiescent in Pace# 3515
20---/10/04- IHS / In memory of / Samuel Pearson / engineer P & O SN / S.S. 'Bokhara' (P&O) / who after a brief illness / died at Hong Kong / July 14th 1873 aged 39 years / erected by the engineers / and officers / as a token of respect# 4036
20---/10/05- Sacred / to the / memory / of / Alfred Gale / son of Richard and Sarah Gale / of the parish of Fulham / County of Middlesex / who died December 28th 1868 / aged 35 years / deeply lamented by his / sorrowing brothers and friends# 1868
20---/10/06- right side -Sergeant H.B. Pearse / died / 5th November 1890 / aged 28 years/Corporal W .Angell / died 25th February 1891 / aged 23 yearsleft side -gunner Joseph Gilbert / died / 2nd July 1890 / aged 30 years/gunner Joseph Loveless / drowned at Lyeemun / 24th August 1891 / aged 23 yearsback -gunner John Sweeney / died. 15th September 1891 / aged 30 years/gr. Wm. Nicholls / died 4th April 1893 aged 32/gr. J. Redmond / died 6th September 1894 aged 22
20---/10/07- [side 4]Hamilton J. Fitzhugh / midshipman, aged 16 /Richard H. Ward / clerk, aged 19/George R. Hicks / boatswain, aged 35Brown Jones & Co. Hong Kong
20---/10/08- In memory of / William Watts / late of / the harbourmaster's department / died 31st [?] November 1889 / aged [?] years / this stone is erected by his / [?] brother officers / of the department
20---/10/09- Hier ruhet / Andreas Wilhelm August / Wohlters / geb. 3 August 1842 / gest. 4 January 1888 / age 46# 5030
20---/10/10- Sacred / to the memory / W. McKinney / Caledonia, Co, Tyrone / Ireland / born 1860 / died August 1884 / erected by the members of / Zetland Lodge No. 525 and / United Services Lodge / as a mark of esteem / to departed merit
20---/10/11- In / affectionate remembrance / of / Dora Fry / born 2nd September 1870 / died 10th September 1887 / With Christ which is far better
20---/11/01- Sacred to the memory / of / John H Perry / late 2nd master of H.M. gun boat "Forester" / who departed this life 2nd November 1859 / aged 25 years / Erected in token of esteem by his friends and shipmates
20---/11/02- Faithful unto death / with Christ / which is far better / Lillie Happer Cunningham / born in Macao 13 August 1853 / married in Canton 26th November 1879 / died in Canton 10th December 1886 / "I know that he who doeth all things / well can make no mistake"
20---/11/03- Chas. P C Townsend / surgeon / died Feb. 23 1887 / aged 33# 4942
20---/11/04- In memory / of / Charles Smith / late master of the British Barque / 'Star of China' / born Sep. 25th 1839 / died at Hong Kong / June 17th 1883 / this stone was erected / by a few of his friends / as a mark of their esteem
20---/11/05- Sacred to the memory of / Lilian Isabel / the beloved wife of / Walter Poate / born 15th December 1865 / died at Hong Kong on the / 25th May 1887[same on both sides]
20---/12/01- John Clark C.E. / acting assistant surveyor, Central / who died suddenly in his office / 16th Oct. 1868 / in the 37th year of his life / This stone is placed here / by friends / anxious to record their sense of his / great professional ability, public zeal / and private worth
20---/12/02- In memory of / Phoebe / wife of ?? / who died March 14th 1862 / aged 32 years# 2498
20---/12/03- Sacred / to the memory of / Charlotte Devereux / wife of J.B. (James Bailey) Watson / died at Hong Kong / 31st Jan. 1866 / aged 46 years / Who the Lord loveth he chasteneth
20---/12/04- Here lies the body of / John Hume Hart / Lieutenent Royal Artillery / who departed this life / April 15th 1872 / in the 25th year of his age / Isaiah LX: 19 & 20
20---/12/05- Lieutenant Reginald / Baldwin Fulford R.N. / of HMS Alexander / second son of / ADA ? ....... John Fulford R.N. / born ? ......... 1851 / died 20th December 1886# 4927
20---/13/01- Frieda H. E. Hoege Chan / 1904 - 1966/Chan Shum / 1883 - 1970
20---/13/02- Fenton Robert Archibald / infant son / of / David and Lilian Crawford / died 13 July 1866 / aged 3 1/2 months / Roy Ringan / born 1st Sep. / 1870 / died / 10th Sep. / 1871# 7332
20---/13/03- Alfred G Wilcocks / born 14 Nov / 1859 / died 24th August / 1871# 3880
20---/13/04- Archibald McMurdo / born Septr. 18th 1864 / died Septr. 16th 1866 / aged 2 years# 3355
20---/14/01- illegibleThe only word that can be read on the lowest line is the name of the ship, "Powhattan"
20---/14/02- Sacred to the memory / of / Henry Charles / infant son of / Charles and Mary / Jameson who died on the 29th June 1866 / aged four months# 3324
20---/14/03- Sacred / to the memory / of Ernest Henry Tomlin / born 30 August 1864 / died 15 August 1865# 3129
20---/14/04- Sacred / Henry Seymour / 31 [?] - 11 - 1866 aged 35 daysFrederick Sowley/Mary Jane Huffam/illegible Frederick Henry/illegible# 3382
20---/14/05- illegible, Name, Birdseye?
20---/14/06- Sacred to / the memory / of / Little Nellie / died 13th June 1887 / aged 11 months / The Lord gave and the Lord / hath taken away / Blessed / be the name of the Lord(F.E. & G.D.)# 3462
20---/15/01- Sacred to the memory / of / James William / who died Oct. 3rd 1867 / aged 23 [?] days / also / William Edwin / who died Nov. 3rd 1870 / aged 2 years 3 months / the beloved children of James and Louisa Pearse# 3496# 3227
20---/15/02- Sacred / to / George Samuel / illegible# 3311
20---/15/03- Sacred / to the memory of / Eleanor Darvall Hogg / only daughter of / Allan and Eleanor Hogg / died November 29th 1866 / aged 17 months/# 3306
20---/15/04- Sacred / to the memory / of Charles Richard / son of / Quarternaster R Storey / 21st Regiment / and of / Elizabeth his wife / born January 1865 / died 31 [?] September 1866# 3363
20---/16/01- Sacred / to the memory of / Samuel Huxtable / armourer / of H.M.S. Sans-Pareil / who died / on 23rd November 1862 / aged 46 years# 2586
20---/16/02- Sacred / to the memory of / Augustus Frederick / Hippolyto Da Costa / captain of the British Corps. / of the Royal Engineers / who died at Wang Ma Kok in this island / on the 27th day of February 1849 / aged 27 years/He was the only son of the late / Commander Hippolyto Joseph Da Costa / Pareira Furtado de Mendonca / of north Brazilian descent / and of Mary Ann his wife / third and youngest daughter of the late / Richard Thoughton Esq. / of Lady Place Hurley / Berkshire / England/This stone was dedicated / to the memory of one of the best sons / by his surviving / and broken hearted mother / who with his two affectionate sisters / can never cease to mourn his loss / indeed he was the beloved / highly esteemed and respected / by all who knew him intimately
20---/16/03- Sacred to the memory of / Lieut. Colonel Richard Tomkins / Commng. the Royal Artillery in China / who was killed when on / duty at the fire December 1851 / aged 54
20---/16/04- In memory of / S J C O ... [?] / Framm / of / west ? island / born July 12 1840 / died Dec. 3 1862
20---/16/05- Vincent Edward Eyre / naval cadet / H.M.S. Calcutta / died Feb. 10 1858 / aged 14
20---/16/06- [back]William Bowen ord. Singapore [drowned] July 2 1857/William Barnes ord. Calcutta Aug. 6 " /John Garland private RM " Oct 6 " /John Hutchins stoker " Oct 6 " /George Blackmore AB " Oct 13 " /John Twoney ord. " Oct 14 " /Thomas Deacon Private RM " Oct 15 " /Joseph Hackwell Private RM " Oct 15 " /Isaac Hawkins Private RM " Oct 23 " /John Alderman Boy RMA " Oct 25 " /Robert Lane Private RM " Oct 26 " /James Andrews " " Oct 27 "
20---/16/07- In / loving memory / of / Erica Dorothy Broadbent / born 4th March 1925 / died 16 July 1968
20---/16/08- left side -This tomb is erected / in memory of a beloved father / by his surviving son and daughter / Edward Fischer / and Elias, wife of Alfred Wilkinson / in faith and hope / right side -Here rests the body of / Maximilian Fischer / for 28 years a resident in China / he died in Macao / on the 17 Aug / 1872 / in his 68th year#3970
20---/16/09- Sacred to the / memory of / Caroline / wife of Maximilian Fischer / died at Victoria / 28 June 1858 / aged 52 years
20---/17/01- In memory of / Lt-Colonel Henry W. Lugard R.E. / commanding Rl. Engineers in the China Expedition / died at Hong Kong Dec. 1st 1857 / aged 44 years / this stone is rected by his brother officers serving / with him at the time of his death
20---/17/02- Sacred / to the memory of / Vincent Joseph Biscoe / illegible
20---/17/03- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Captain William Cowper / Royal Engineers / who was killed while on active service before / Canton / 3rd December 1856
20---/17/04- V H Pytton / Capt. R.A. / died 20th July / 1854 / aged 27 years
20---/17/05- John Burd / Danish consul at Hong Kong / died at Hong Kong / on the 7th February 1855 / aged 61 years
20---/17/06- German scriptGeorge Mather Neill / geb. zu Edinburgh dem / 28ten September 1842 / gest den zien November 1867 / zum gedachtniss / von / seinen freuden / des herren / ? wilies heschle ?
20---/18/01- John Black / formerly ship's master / in the P & O Co's Ondine / 1862 / aged 28 years# 2579
20---/18/02- Zum gedachtniss / an / Robert Kiehler / aus Pyrmont / gestorben an 28ster August 1865 / im alten von 24 Jahnren / tiff betrauent von dem Selmen
20---/18/03- illegibleside - Sacred to Frederick ? / ? Whales Smaleend - R Creed 10 Julyside - Joseph Bailey / ? commander of the / American Whale Ship / 'Gilanton' ?end - Sacred / to the / memory / of
20---/18/04- Isabella / the beloved wife of / Samuel Wright Baker / born April 31st 1812 / married April 3rd / and died July 30th 1862 / Blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see God
20---/18/05- Sacred / to the memory / of / George Wilkins / illegible .. died 1867 ? / aged 58 years# 3448
20---/19/01- Sacred to the memory / of / John Day Esq. / barrister-at-law, Middle Temple / born in Milverton / in the county of Somerset / died 21 Sep. 1858 / aged 39 years / acting attorney general
20---/19/02- front -Sacred / to the memory / of / the NC Officers and men of / HMS 95 regiment / who died at HongKong / in the summer of 1848 / this column / is erected by their comrades/back -This column / records the deaths / in the / 95th regiment / from April 1847 / to Aug. 1850right side -Died of fever / from / June to 30th September 1848 / 9 sergeants / 8 corporals / 4 drummers / 67 privates / 4 women / 4 childrenleft side -Died from other causes / 9 sergeants / 4 corporals / 3 drummers / 155 privates / 4 women / 17 children
20---/19/03- Sacred to the memory / of / George Clayton / captain of the 93 ret. / born 2nd May 1839 / died at Kowloon on / the 19th August 1863. from the effects of wounds received / while gallantly acting as a volunteer of the / Anglo-Chinese force under Major Gordon RC / erected by his brother officers as a memorial .... / illegible
20---/20/01- [illegible]Henry Krahan / 89th Regt. / died 1st July 1851 / aged 31 / brother officers in deep regret
20A--/01/01- 22273975 Private / R. Bottomley / The Wiltshire Regiment / 16th June 1953 age 22 / Peace be your rest / dear son / in life we loved you / very much. In death / we do the same# 10796
20A--/01/02- 22272046 L/Corporal / J. Worland / R.E.M.E. / 26th June 1953 age 24 / God takes the best / we know not why / but in our hearts / you'll never die# 10799
20A--/01/03- 22676390 Private / C.G.J. Trowbridge / The Wiltshire Regiment / 8th July 1953 age 19 / His duty fearlessly / and nobly done / ever remembered / Mum, Dad and Sis# 10809
20A--/01/04- 4192524 sergeant / N. Lewis / The Welch Regiment / 19th July 1953 age 36 / A road is ended / a path no more trod / a name in gold / in the log book of God# 10805
20A--/01/05- 22549034 gunner / G.W. May / Royal Artillery / 21st August 1953 age 20 / Why did I lose you so early in life / the dearest and best / loving son God bless# 10809
20A--/01/06- 22559336 signalman / A.A. Bricknell / Royal Corps of Signals / 23rd August 1953 age 19 / My saviour / has my treasure / and i will walk with him# 108090
20A--/02/01- In memory of / 14476381 / L/cpl. Clark R.J. / 40 Infantry Division / Provost Company / Corps of Royal Military Police / died 13 April 1952 / aged 23 years
20A--/02/02- 21005369 corporal / H.E.J. Prince / Royal Corps of Signals / 28th August 1952 age 32 / In loving memory / of Bert / dear son and brother / Peace at last# 18750
20A--/02/03- 22563353 trooper / D.G. Hall / 7th Royal Tank / Royal Armoured Corps / 7th November 1952 age 19 / Eternal rest give unto him / O Lord / and let perpetual light / shine upon him# 10762
20A--/02/04- 22493049 signalman / E.W. Flatt / Royal Corps of Signals / 7th November 1952 age 19 / God bless you / in his keeping / but we have you / in our hearts# 10763
20A--/02/05- 22611775 craftsman / A Hamilton / R.E.M.E. / 20th November 1952 age 19 / Loved and remembered / always# 10764
20A--/02/06- 7010394 L/corporal / J. Dempster B.E.M. / The Royal Ulster Rifles / 26th November 1952 age 45 / Far from home / but not forgotten# 10765
20A--/02/07- 22208168 bombadier / J.M. Riley / Royal Artillery / 15th March 1953 age 20 / Lovingly remembered / by his wife Jean / and baby Lynda# 10782
20A--/02/08- 22586770 private / J.C.W. Needs / The Royal Norfolk Regiment / 21st March 1953 age 19 / Thy way not mine O Lord / goodnight beloved / not farewell# 10783
20A--/02/09- 22736745 private / J.C. Daley / The Durham Light Infantry / 6th June 1953 age 18 / God took him, home / it was his will / but why so young / we wonder still# 10782
20A--/02/10- 22263514 private / J. Gawith / Army Catering Corps / 7th June 1953 age 24# 10794
20A--/03/01- 1151586 gunner / W.I.L. Lane / Royal Artillery / 18th September 1950 age 22 / Time wears away / the edge of grief / but memory turns back / every leaf# 10809
20A--/03/02- 22231549 craftsman / A.W. Andrews / R.E.M.E. / 20th December 1950 age 20 / At rest# 1062?
20A--/03/03- 22367707 private / W. Potter / The South Staffordshire / Regiment / 5th January 1951 age 18 / The waters divide us / your grave we never see / Billy you are always / in our memory# 1062?
20A--/03/04- 22263022 private / F.L. Riches / Army Catering Corps / 6th March 1951 age 24 / In memory of / my beloved husband Les / loved by many / forgotten by few# 10538
20A--/03/05- 14144227 serjeant / K. Mansell / Royal Army Ordinance Corps / 22nd July 1951 age 23 / R.I.P# 10665
20A--/03/06- 22231872 private / J.P. Kinsella / Royal Army Medical Corps / 17th August 1951 age 26 / Sleep on / in God's keeping# 10671
20A--/03/07- 22287631 gunner / J. Colvan / Royal Artillery / 27th October 1951 age 19 / To the glory of God / and in memory / of our son# 18686
20A--/03/08- 22262509 gunner / J. Murdoch / Royal Artillery / 31st October 1951 age 28 / May the heavenly winds / blow softly / on my dear husband / sleeping here# 10688
20A--/03/09- 19042426 gunner / P.J. Lambert / Royal Artillery / 8th April 1952 age 23 / He lives with us / in our memory still / forget him, no / we never will. Mother
20A--/03/10- 22247631 private / H. Harrison / Army Catering Corps / 19th May 1952 age 22# 10721
20A--/03/11- 14469418 L/corporal / H.G. Olliffe / R.E.M.E / 1st June 1952 age 21 / He being made perfect / in a short time / fulfilled a long time# 10724
20A--/03/12- 21003160 gunner / W. Bewick / Royal Artillery / 15 June 1952 age 33 / Death Laid here / a man good, true / a prayer please / it might have been you# 10725
20A--/03/13- 22585761 private / B Finney / The Wiltshire Regiment / 12th July 1952 age 19 / Thy will be done# 10738
20A--/04/01- 22259 private / E.A. Kemp / The Bedfordshire and Herfordshire Regiment / 31st May 1959 age 28 / Whatever else / we fail to do / we never fail / to think of you
20A--/04/02- 19030269 private / H. Nicklin / The South Staffordshire Regiment / 17th June 1950 age 21 / We mention your name / speak of you often / bless you son / you are not forgotten# 10588
20A--/04/03- 22160394 gunner / A.L. Ottaway / Royal Artillery / 20th June 1950 age 19 / At the going down / of the sun / and in the morning / we will remember you# 10590
20A--/04/04- 22186196 signalman / J. Cairns / Royal Corps of Signals / 18th August 1950 age 19 / They miss you most / that love you best / R.I.P.
20A--/04/05- 903823 sergeant / W.B. Felton / Royal Air Force / 28th November 1962 age 24 / Loving memories of / our dear brother / tho' far away / always in or thoughts# 11554
20A--/04/06- M1943800 senior aircraftman / R.D. Kopetski / Royal Air Force / 22nd November 1965 age 20 / In loving memory of / our dear son / a short life but a happy one# 11676
20A--/04/07- 4256404 senior aircraftman / K. O'Neile / Royal Air Force / 17th May 1962 age 25 / Sometime we'll understand# 11510
20A--/04/08- Pray for the repose / of the soul of / 393382 corporal / T. Compell / RAF Kai Tak / 4th September 1962 age 22 / Jesus Mercy, Mary help
20A--/04/09- 4237779 corporal / C.S. Cameron-Smith / Royal Air Force / 4th September 1962 age 23 / Treasured memories of / our dear son / sadly missed / Esme, Robert and Diane# 11532
20A--/04/10- 4248062 senior aircraftman / R. Jones / Royal Air Force / 1st September 1962 age 21 / In loving memory of / dear Russ / so sadly missed / Dad, Val, Aunt Bess# 11533
20A--/04/11- 4249021 senior aircraftman / D. Fleming / Royal Air Force / 1st September 1962 age 23 / Treasured memories of / our dear son / as the sun rises / we shall remember you
20A--/04/12- 4238828 senior aircraftman / F.J. Brown / Royal Air Force / 1st September 1962 age 22 / Ever remembered by his / loving mother and father / sisters and brothers# 11531
20A--/04/13- 1924329 senior aircraftman / G. Ecroyd / Royal Air Force / 13th May 1961 age 26 / Treasured memories of / our dear son / until the day breaks / and the shadows flee away# 11444
20A--/04/14- 2295135 chief technician / L.D. Pilbeam / Royal Air Force / 28th June 1964 age 35 / Treasure memories of / a dear husband / father and son / always in our thoughts# 11637
20A--/04/15- 22631396 private / P.W. Tortice / The Royal Norfolk Regiment / 13th August 1952 age 18 / As we loved him / so we miss him / in our hearts / he is always near# 10741
20A--/04/16- T/22455091 driver / J.M. Hodson / Royal Army Service Corps / 19th August 1952 age 19 / Rest in peace# 10745
20A--/04/17- 22291668 l/bombardier / C.G. Stearn / Royal Artillery / 27th August 1952 age 19 / Deep in our hearts / your memory is kept / we loved you too dearly / to ever forget# 10747
20A--/05/01- 23821621 gunner / G.J. Jones / Royal Artillery / 21st June 1966 age 23 / Heartaches in life are many / but losing you / was the greatest of any# 11703
20A--/05/02- 22231029 sapper / T. Atherton / Royal Engineers / 14th October 1949 age 18 / We have lost / heaven has gained / one of the best / this world contained# 10525
20A--/05/03- 21127483 private / C.W. Gaevie / The King's Own / Scottish Borderers / 27th October 1949 age 19# 10328
20A--/05/04- 22030852 private / E.C. Cox / The Middlesex Regiment / 28th October 1949 age 19# 10529
20A--/05/05- Alfred Bell Searby / marine PO/X5894 / HQ3 Commando Brigade R.M. / 14th November 1949 age 21# 10831
20A--/05/06- Norman W.R. Husband / marine PO/X4145 / 45 Commando RM / 16th November 1949 aged 25 / In God's hand we / leave our loved one / sleeping# 10831
20A--/05/07- 15004059 gunner / T.R. Thomas / Royal Artillery / 2nd August 1950 age 19
20A--/05/08- 4026506 aircraftman 2nd Cl. / E. Hepton / Royal Air Force / 3rd August 1950 age 21 / Though far away / in memory you are ever near / father and mother
20A--/05/09- 3039870 sergeant / D.C. Harpham / Royal Air Force / 4th September 1951 age 23
20A--/05/10- 575588 sergeant / J.C.A. Streeter / Royal Air Force / 1st May 1952 age 29 / Dearly loved only son / who died on duty / for his country / he now knows peace# 10718
20A--/05/11- 3507271 sergeant / A.W. Robertson / Royal Air Force / 1st may 1952 age 24 / Beloved only son od / William and Catherine Robertson# 10719
20A--/05/12- 1809976 sergeant / R.L. Black / Royal Air Force / 1st December 1952 age 28 / R.I.P.# 10757
20A--/05/13- 4046315 senior aircraftman / T. Douglas / Royal Air Force / 26th January 1953 age 20 / Resting where / no shadows fall / till we meet again / our loss if heaven's gain# 10778
20A--/05/14- 641953 sergeant / J. Carter / Royal Air Force / 10th March 1958 age 37 In loving memory of / my dearest husband / gone but not forgotten# 11205
20A--/05/15- 4176186 corporal / B. Deluchi / Royal Air Force / 26th December 1957 age 21 / From your wife Barabra and / baby Elizabeth born 4-2-58 / God understands all# 11188
20A--/05/16- 14450769 sergeant / Harry Gordon Holloway / Royal Army Service Corps / 14th December 1951 age 33 / In loving memory# 10642
20A--/05/17- In memory of / 14185637 / Cpl. Kenneth C Grannell / 1st Bn The Argyll and Sutherland / Highlanders / died 19th Sept. 1951 / aged 25 years# 10668
20A--/05/18- In memory of / 14184773 / Pte. James Donoghue / 1st Bn The Argyll and Sutherland / Highlanders / died 15th Oct. 1951 / aged 25 years# 10602
20A--/05/19- In memory of / 14474935 / Cpl. Alfred Simpson / 1st Bn The Argyll and Sutherland / Highlanders / died 25th Dec. 1951 / aged 24 years# 10697
20A--/06/01- Sacred to the memory of / 14458338 / bdr. Jmaes White / 11[Sphinx] LAA Battery RA / who died at Kowloon / on 30th April 1952 / aged 24 years / 'A comrade loved by all'HK Marble Co # 10870
20A--/06/02- In memory of / 22242038 / Sgt. William Alexander McIntyre / Royal Signals / died 27th May 1952 / aged 40 years / erected by his comrades in 27[com] BDE SIG TPHK Marble Co # 10723
20A--/06/03- In memory of / 22231694 / Pte. Hugh McBride / 1st Bn The Argyll and Sutherland / Highlanders / died 6th June 1952 / aged 26 yearsHK Marble Co # 10780
20A--/06/04- Sacred to the memory of / 22304001 / gnr. William Porter McIntosh / 11[Sphinx] LAA Battery RA / who died at Kowloon / on 22nd June 1952 / aged 40 yearsHK Marble Co
20A--/06/05- In heavenly love abiding / bombadier Stanley Robson / 216 LAA Battery RA / 5th September 1952HK Marble Co. # 107??
20A--/06/06- In memory of / No. 5497668 / R.Q.M.S. Edward William Gates / The Buffs / died 14th June 1948 / aged 31 yearsHK Marble Co. # 10851
20A--/06/07- In memory of / 890870 / Pte. James McAuley / The Buffs / born 19th September 1921 / died 26th July 1949 / aged 28 yearsHK Marble Co.
20A--/06/08- In memory of / 14439833 / Pte. John Michael Murphy / The Buffs / born 5th January 1926 / died 4th August 1949 / aged 23 yearsHK Marble Co.
20A--/06/09- In memory of / 14193912 / Pte. Richard Eric Hancock / The Buffs / born 24th October 1928 / died 221st August 1949 / aged 21 years# 10999
20A--/06/10- In memory of / 222300311 / pte. Sydney Thomas Ray Auger / The Buffs / born 15th October 1928 / died 22nd July 1949 / aged 21 yearsWm. Nodes Ltd.
20A--/06/11- 22204664 corporal / J. Boyce / Army Catering Corps / 28th January 1962 age 31 / Always remembered by / sons William, Michael, James / and dear wife Jennie# 114 89
20A--/06/12- In loving memory of / 22201033 / Gnr. Thomas Edward O'Keilly / 25th Field Regiment RA / died 9th June 1950 / aged 27 years
20A--/06/13- In memory of / 14453411 / Sgt. S.J. Layton / 23rd Field Regiment RA / died 26th July 1950 / aged 24 years / erected by his comradesWm. Nodes Ltd.
20A--/06/14- In memory of / 22250354 / Gnr. Peter Deere / 23 [Gibralter] H.A.A. Bty. RA / 27 H.A.A. Regiment R.A. / died 29th April 1950 / aged 19 years
20A--/06/15- In memory of / 23316060 signalman / Alexander Boyle / who died 26 March 1951 / aged 22 years / from the Royal Signals HQ "X" Infantry Brigade
20A--/06/16- 22059163 / L/corporal Ronald Briscoe / 1st Battalion the Wiltshire Regiment / attached / Headquarters "X" Infantry Brigade / died 26th March 1951. aged 21
20A--/06/17- In memory of / 22233527 signalmen / Benjamin Stanniland / who died 29 March 1951 / aged 20 years / from Royal Signals / of HQ "X" Infantry Brigade
20A--/06/18- 22332710 / Private Trevor Anthony Lewis / 1st Battalion the Wiltshire Regiment / attached / headquarters "X" Infantry Brigade / died 11th May 1951 / aged 19
20A--/06/19- 21188319 / Pte. Charles Broadway / 1st Battalion the Wiltshire Regiment / died 28th August 1951 / aged 21 years
20A--/06/20- In memory of / 6459587 / cpl. Frank Farish / A.C.C. attached 1st Btn. the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders / died 15th Sept. 1951 / aged 31 years
20A--/07/01- 22021962 corporal / R.J. Ballard / intelligence corps / 28th March 1949 age 19 / beloved only son of / Walter and Phyllis Ballard
20A--/07/02- 850524 bombadier / W.D. Partridge / 2nd July age 27 / Always a beautiful memory / of one we loved so dear / forever in our hearts
20A--/07/03- T/22231800 driver / K. Johnson / Royal Army Service Corps / 17th September 1949 age 18 / In Heaven safely / God rest your soul / Mum, Dad, brothers / and sisters# 10518
20A--/07/04- 23847148 / T. Lodge / Royal Artillery / 5th July 1962 age 20 / Though the silent years / slip past / our memories of you / will always last# 11522
20A--/07/05- T/21126788 s.sgt. / Royal Arny Service Corps / 12th August 1962 age 34 / Devoted husband / and loving father# 11527
20A--/07/06- 22263734 sergeant / T. Moore / Royal Artillery / 18th July 1960 age 27 / A heartache, a tear of memory / so dear each new day / we wish you are here / family# 11372
20A--/07/07- 23273479 L. Bdr. / A. MCI. Ross / Royal Artillery / 14 December 1960 age 23 / Eternal rest / grant unto him O Lord / and let perpetual light / shine upon him# 11405
20A--/07/08- 23598188 private / R. Edmonds / The Royal Warwickshire / Regiment / 11th March 1961 age 21 / In loving memory / of / our dear son / may he rest in peace# 11432
20A--/07/09- 28794733 fusilier / L. MCD. The Royal Northumberland / Fusiliers / 19th July 1961 age 22 / In memory of our dearly / beloved son and brother / Mum and Dad# 11456
20A--/07/10- 23519517 gunner / K.W. Hobbs / Royal Artillery / 30th September 1969 age 20 / Tho' the silent years / slip past / our memories of you / will always last# 11469
20A--/07/11- 23775429 gunner / R.C. Cook / Royal Artillery / 28th October 1965 age 20 / Thy word is true / thy will is just / to thee we leave him / Lord, in trust# 11674
20A--/07/12- 23253663 private / Alfred Hawkes / The Green Howard / Stanley Fort Hong Kong / 8th July 1958 age 20 / In God's good care / you rest above / while in our hearts / you dwell with love# 11234
20A--/07/13- 23746697 gunner / A.L. Mulligan / Royal Artillery / 28th June 1962 age 20 / Though the silent years / slip past / our memories of you / will always last# 11520
20A--/07/14- 23491037 corporal / W.J. Mackenzie / Royal Corps of Signals / 29th December 1961 age 23 / Days go past, years go by / but our memories of you / will never die# 11481
20A--/07/15- 2253425 sergeant / Ivor Gerald Gould / The South Wales Borderers / 24th June 1960 age 30 / Rejoicing in hope / patient in tribulation / continuing instant in prayer# 11634
20A--/07/16- 23848064 private / R.J. Adamson / The Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment / 10th July 1963 age 20 / In loving memory / Auntie Ann and Uncle Ron# 11586
20A--/07/17- 23675156 sergeant / Charles C. Workman / Royal Army Ordnance Corps / 2nd September 1967 age 25 / Ever rememberedby / his loving wife and son Steven / may he sleep peacefully# 11741
20A--/07/18- 23293927 L. Cpl. / J.E. Hider / Corps of Royal Military Police / 26th December 1957 age 19 / Always in our thoughts / MUm Dad and David / Until we meet again# 11187
21---/01/01- In loving memory / of / my dearly beloved husband / James Henry Moore Mead / younger son of Mr & Mrs J H Mead / Sandy Bedfordshire / born 9th August 1890 / died 26th December 1919 / Only a step removed / we soon shall meet / our own, our dearly loved / around the Saviour's feet/on scroll -also of / my little darling / Edith Lucille Moore / who died 10th Jan. 1927 / aged 13 years / 'With Christ which is / for better# 8405
21---/01/02- In loving remembrance / of / Albert Terrett / native of Kingswood / Gloucestershire / late detective inspector of / Hong Kong Police Force / who was drowned in the East River / near Waichow / June 4th 1919 / aged 43 years / Sleep on our loved one and face thy rest / we loved thee well / but Jesus loved thee best / erected by his loving wifeCEW & Co. Ltd. # 8360HK
21---/01/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / William Alexander Stewart Brown / born at Woolwich 1869 / died at Hong Kong / 23rd December 1917 / Until the day breaks and / the shadows flee away# 8254
21---/01/04- In / ?? remembrance / of / Athur Herbert Beset [?] / born at So ??? Land / died at sea in a ? accident / 1915
21---/01/05- IHS / In loving memory / of / my dear mother / Elizabeth Gidley / who departed this life / on 13th August 1915 / age 70 years / 'Give unto me ye weary and / I will give you rest'# 8104
21---/01/06- Erected by his sorrowing parents / in loving memory of / Ernest Alfred Robert Sayer / who died Feb. 22nd 1915 / aged 36 years/Also in memory of / George John Budds Sayer / the dearly beloved husband of / Charlotte Knight Sayer / 19th Sep. 1915 / aged 59 years/While i draw this fleeting breath / when mine eyes shall close in death / when i rise to worlds unknown / and behold thee on thy throne / rock of ages cleft for me / let me hide myself in theeCEW & Co. Ltd. # 8029HK # 8112
21---/01/07- Sacred to the memory / of / Arthur Samuel Smith / later member of / ? HMS Debrue [?] / who died on the 3rd December 194? / aged 40 years / erected / by his friends in the R.N. Yard as a token / of esteem and regard# 8070
21---/01/08- In loving memory / of / Susan Banker / died 8th January 1914 / aged 41 years / also/Winifred Ethel Banker / died 27th September 1919 / aged 23 years / Rest in peace
21---/01/09- Charles Fittock / aged 38 years / died in love / December 1st 1912# 7913
21---/01/10- Sacred to the memory / of / George White / the dearly beloved husband / of / Louise White / who died at Kowloon / 30th June 1911 aged 47 years
21---/01/11- In loving memory of Heathfield Charles Dalton Frampton / died April 18th 1911 age 54
21---/01/12- In loving memory / of / John Smith / late inspector of the / Hong Kong Police Force / native of Midlothian, Scotland / who died on 29th March 1910 / aged 49 years / Gone but not forgotten / erected by / members of the Hong Kong Police Force
21---/01/13- In loving memory / of / or dear mother / L.P.Evans / 1884 - 1948 / When the day breaks and / the shadows flee away
21---/01/14- sacred / to / the memory / of / Henry Smith / native of Bristol, England / who died at Hong Kong / on the 2nd December 1909 / and who was for 36 years / in the employ of / the HK & Whampoa Dockyard Company / latterly as superintendant / of Cosmopolitan DockCEW Co Ltd # 7592HK
21---/01/15- In / loving memory / of / Robert Downie Watt / born 6th September 1858 / died 25th May 1909# 7517
21---/01/16- Oswald Dykes Thomson / July 27 1878 / April 12 1909 / Requiem eternam dona ei / domine et lux perpetua luceat ei
21---/01/17- In loving memory / of / Grace Annette / the dearly beloved wife of / George Albert Woodcock / born June 8th 1863 died Sept. 17th 1907 / He giveth his beloved sleepB J & Co. # 7264
21---/01/18- Hier ruhet / Capitan Georg Hermann Drewes / geb. 22 Juli 1835 / gest. 26 Aug 1907 / Psalm 90B J & Co Ltd # 7251
21---/01/19- Sacred to the memory / of / Alexander Tillett / who died suddenly on / February 11 1907 / aged 62 years / Requiem aeternam done ei domine
21---/01/20- Sacred / to the memory / of / Agnes McColl. the beloved wife of / H.F. Carmichael / who died 23rd December 1906 / aged 45 yearsB J & Co. # 7162
21---/01/21- Sacred / to the memoiry of / Charles Frederick Focken / beloved husband of / Elizabeth Edwards Focken / who died 30th October 1906 / aged 42 years/also / Cyril Gray / youngest son of the above / born 8th Jan. 1905 / died 31st Oct. 1905 / Thy will be done / also Leslie Charles [oldest son to the above] / killed in aerial combat in France / Oct. 26th 1916 aged 21 years 9 months
21---/01/22- Sacred / to the memory of / Henry E.A. Hoile / who departed this life / 23rd January 1906 / aged 38 years / A loving husband and / devoted father / sadly missed / his end was peace# 7045
21---/01/23- Nid fy ewyllys i ond / yr eiddot ti a wnelier / to / the memory / of / Elizabeth Catherine / the loving wife of / Lancelot Ernest Brett / died 25th December 1905 / aged 34 years / a faithful wife and loving mother / also to the memory of / Phyllis Mary Thornton / youngest daughter of / Lancelot and Elizabeth Brett / died 12th June 1906 aged 8 months
21---/01/24- Thy will be done / in loving memory of / Lizzie / the dearly beloved wife of / Alexander Gordon / sergeant Hong Kong Police Force / native of Tomintoul, Banffshire, Scotland / who died in Victoria Hospital Hong Kong / on 7th September 1905 / aged 29 years / Thoart gone my own beloved one / where the good alone find rest / we laid you darling here to sleep / with our baby on your breast# 7000
21---/02/01- In / loving memory / of / Frederick William Stapleton / born 30th October 1866 / at Shefford. Bedforshire / died 4th March 1945 / and of his wife / Emmaline Maude May / born 14th October 1867 at Swatow / died 24th August 1947 / and their son / 2/Lieut. William Howell Stapleton / 2nd Bn. Befordshire Regiment / killed in action at Carnoy / 28th August 1918 aged 20 / buried at Peronne Road cemetery Marricourt, FranceWm. Nodes & Co Ltd# 10204 # 10415
21---/02/02- In loving memory / of / my dearly beloved husband / Andrew Birrell Bryson / who died at Honolulu / 6th May 1918 / aged 34 years / also / of my darling son / Charles / [Fl/Lt. C.K.L. Bryson R.A.F. V.R.] killed in Germany 9 April 1945 / aged 28 years / Farewell! in hope and love / in faith and peace and prayer / till he whose home is ours / above, unite us there
21---/02/03- Sacred / to the memory of / John Lemm / born at Sydney, N.S.W. / 27th March 1867 / died at Hong Kong / 7th June 1917 / "For God so loved the world that he gave his only / begotten son that whosoever believeth in him / should not perish but have everlasting life"# 8220
21---/02/04- In loving / memory / of / Thomas Kerr / who died 17th May 1916 / aged 60 years# 8151
21---/02/05- In / loving memory / of / Capt. E.Theo Bunje / died 23rd February 1915 / aged 62 years / Requiescat in pace / on scroll -and of / Annie Dorothea / his beloved wife / died 26th November 1937 / aged 72 years
21---/02/06- In loving memory / of / David McHardy / a native of Spitalfield / Perthshire, Scotland / inspector of police / Hong Kong / and dearly beloved husband of / Isabella Smtih / who died on 5th Dec. 1914 / aged 43 years / erected by members / of the / Hong Kong Police Force / as a mark of esteem
21---/02/07- Sacred / to the memory / of Hugh Smith Wynne / born August 2nd 1870 / died April 24th 1917 / In life in death o'Lord / abide with me# 8017
21---/02/08- Erected by his / sorrowing parents / brothers and sisters / In loving memory of / Herbert Charles Sayer / assistant engineer P.W.D. / died 29 July 1913 / aged 27 years / Beloved by all who knew him / Thy will be doneCEW & Co. # 7967HK
21---/02/09- In loving memory / of / my dear mother Elizabeth Stainfield / who died April 7th 1913 / aged 47 years / from her daughter Rose / May her soul rest in peace# 7938
21---/02/10- In loving memory / Inspector D. MacDonald / beloved husband of / Sophia MacDonald / who died at / Yaumati Police Station / on 26 Sep. 1911 / aged 49 years / Beloved by all who knew him
21---/02/11- In loving memory / of / Marion Maud Edith / beloved wife of / A. Ballamy Brown / who fell asleep Sept. 4th 1916 / aged 30 years / 'Blessed are the pure in heart'# 7680
21---/02/12- In loving memory / of / my mother / Matilda Horton / who died 25 Sept.1908 aged 75 years / illegible ....# 7410
21---/02/13- Erected to the memory / of / James William Osborne / of / Kowloon / who died / May 4th 1908 / aged 65 yearsB J & Co # 7334
21---/02/14- Sacred / to the memory / of / George Parker / master mariner / died 24th April 1908 / aged 71 years / 'The greatest of these is charity'# 7333
21---/02/15- To the memory / of / my beloved mother / Mary Jex / born 10th Sept. 1906 / died 5th June 1940 / and / my beloved father / Thomas Garrick Jex / born 19th Aug. 1890 / died 4th April 1962
21---/02/16- Erected / to the memory / of Ole Marin Andersen / born in / Trondhjems Amt Norway / died at Hong Kong / 10th October 1907B J & Co. # 7273
21---/02/17- L. V. L. B. M.# 7265 # 7602
21---/02/18- In loving memory of my beloved husband / J.W. Chessry / age 65 died Oct. 2nd 1909 / member of Hong Kong SGC [?] # 7237
21---/02/19- In loving memory of / Isabella Cameron Henderson / born at Gourock Scotland / 31 July 1882 / died at Hong Kong / 15 Feb 1907 / 'For so he giveth his beloved sleep'# 7177
21---/02/20- In ever loving memory / of / John Robertson Craik / who died / on 14 Dec. 1906 / aged 39 years / Rest in peace / and / Elizabeth Sarah / his wife and our dear mother / who died 23rd January 1947# 7158CEWC Co
21---/02/21- In loving memory / of / Alfred John James / Martin / husband of Enid / passed away 8rh April 1940 / aged 46 years / 'Sunset and evening star / and one clear call for me'Wm. Nodes Ltd. # 9912
21---/02/22- Sacred to the memory / of / Lachlan Cameron Kerr / the dearly beloved husband / of / Annabella Cameron Kerr / who died 5th Dec. 1905 / aged 49 years
21---/03/01- In memory / of / Harry Davis Jones / died 24th March 1919 / aged 65 years/Mrs Chan Mui Jones / died 14th December 1940 / age 65 years# 8347 # 9966J S Lee & Co
21---/03/02- In loving memory of / Charles Percy Morgan / who died 26th September 1917 / aged 53 years
21---/03/03- In loving memory / of / Annie / dearly beloved wife of / Duncan McNeill / born Chester 6th May 1863 / died in Hong Kong 26th September 1916 / Her cheery face her loving smile / are pleasant to recall / she had a kindly word for each / and died beloved by all / also of / Jessie Collison / youngest daughter / who died in New York / 21st Feb. 1934 / aged 37 years / and of Duncan / beloved husband of / Annie McNeill / died at Greenock 24th Aug. 1935 / aged 75 years / Remembered just the same today / as the day she passed away# 8178 # 9556
21---/03/04- In memory of / William Kendall / sergeant Hong Kong Police Force / of Derby, England / died 25th July 1915 / aged 49 years
21---/03/05- In loving memory / of / Alice Allen / born 16th July 1849 / died 31 January 1915 / Peace, perfect peace with loved ones far away / in Jesus' keeping we are safe and .... illegible# 8077
21---/03/06- In loving memory of / Charles John Francis Lesbirel / who departed this life / 14th September 1914 / aged 64 years / father in thy gracious keeping / leave me now our loved one sleeping/also / his wife / Ann / our dearly beloved mother / who fell asleep on 13th February 1918 / aged 45 years / Not our will but thire 'O' LordCEW & Co # 8060HK # 8265
21---/03/07- Sacred to the memory / of / Charles Mooney / secretary of H.K.H. / born 20th May 1859 / died 22nd August 1913 / When my heart is overwhelmed / lead me to the rock that is higher than I / erected by his sorrowing wife and children# 7965
21---/03/08- In loving memory of / Annie A May / beloved wife of John Howell May / died 25th April 1913 / aged 33 years / also of / John Howell May / husband fo the above / of the Chinese Maritime Customs / died Dec. 5th 1913 / aged 83 years# 8396 # 7940
21---/03/09- In loving memory / of / Charles Christian Pedersen / a native of Norway / who died / March 13th 1913 / aged 64 / also his wife / Fanny / died March 21st 1919 / aged 79 / 'For ever with the Lord'# 7933 # 8346
21---/03/10- R.I.P. / Sacred to the memory / of / William Denny Sutton / who was born at Barford in the / County of Norfolk England / on the 31st January 1845 / and died at Hong Kong / on the 2nd March 1913 / 'God pitied him and took him'
21---/03/11- In loving memory / of / Elizabeth / the beloved wife of / Henry George Baker / chief inspector HK PF / who died on the 15th January 1913 / aged 52 years / a loving wife and mother / A precious one from us has gone / a voice we loved is stilled / a place is vacant in our home / which never can be filled# 7922
21---/03/12- IHS / In / loving memory / of my beloved husband / John Byron Scott / who passed away / on 12th June 1912 / aged 50 years / 'when thou liest down thou shalt / not be afraid. Yea, thou shalt lie down / and thy sleep shall be sweet'
21---/03/13- In loving memory / of / Andrew Charles More / who died / December 3rd 1903 / aged 51 / and / Martha Kate More / his beloved wife / who passed away / 23rd June 1938 / aged 80 / Dearly loved# 7593 # 9757
21---/03/14- Sacred to the memory of / DAvid Douglas Cuthbert / native of Grange / Banffshire / Scotland / inspector of the Hong Kong Police Force / who died 26 May 1908 / aged 47 / Thy will be done / erected by the members of the Hong Kong / Police Force as a mark of esteem# 7351
21---/03/15- In loving memory / of / Gladstone / the dearly beloved son of / Robert V. and Mary Rutter / who died / April 4th 1908 / aged 16 years / Beloved by all who knew him / Now has the saviour found him / and laid him on his breast / folded his arms around him / there is his rest - sweet rest'B & J Co. # 7326
21---/03/16- In / Loving Memory / of / Rosa Jane Hanson / the beloved wife of Chief Detective Inspector /Hanson / who died / on 28 Jan. 1908 / aged 41 years
21---/03/17- In memory of / Edward Littlefield Woodin / who died in Hong Kong / 14th January 1908 / aged 68 years / this stone was erected / by a few of his friends
21---/03/18- In loving memory / of / William MacGregor Smith / aged 76 years / the beloved husband / of / Matilda Smith / of Dumfrieshire Scotland / who died December 10th 1907 / erected by his children
21---/03/19- In / loving memory / of / Jane McWilliam Jack / died 11th November 1907 / aged 18 years 11 months / also / in loving memory / of / William Charles Jack / died 23rd March 1919 / aged 65 years.# 7282 # 8355
21---/04/01- Sacred to the memory of / William Syles[?] / illegible / died at Hong Kong / on the 30 October 1861 / aged 18 years & 3 months. Almost illegible
21---/04/02- Chinese characterson four urns - # 11950
21---/04/03- Chinese characters
21---/04/04- Peace / In loving memory of / Madam Teng Chiam Chye Siew / Chinese characters / born on 5th July 1890 / peacefully passed away on / 26th August 1957 / R.I.P.# 11166 Moses & Co.
21---/04/05- Sacred / to the memory of / Wm. E. Skeent [?] / master mariner / illegible
21---/04/06- In loving memory / of / Teng Pin Hui / born 15 January 1911 / died 27 March 1991/Teng Cheng Tak Kwan / born 8 January 1914 / died 16 may 1998/Teng Yung Liang Donald / born 12 February 1946 / died 28 December 1967 /R.I.P.# 11751 # 12047 # 12048
21---/04/07- Back - Killed in action, or died of wounds / Officers - Lieut. H. Wolrige, and Inglis, staff surg. H.H. Turnbull M.D. / serjts. Harper, Bull and Harding, corpls. Carroll and Churchfield / privates Wood, Gibbs, Marriott, Stevens, Davis, Moxham, J. Smith, / Adams, Vicary, Canavan, Batter, Pike, Shears, Greatrix, Memory, / Oliver, Havekin, Hastie, Bryan, Gillegan, Canning, Finch, Dunn, / Croft, Jarvis, Welsh, Hughes, Herbert, Catton, H. Smith, Sweeny, / Bunce, Kelly, Howell, Abbott, Sharper, and Thomas. / gunnrs. Cooper, Malmsley, Moon, Daw, Turner, and Holley
21---/05/01- In memory / of Samuel William Denness sub inspector / Hong Kong Police Force / born 31st August 1925 / died 16 Mar. 1958
21---/05/02- In loving memory / of / John William Howlett / Inspector Hong Kong Police Force / born 13th Oct. 1913 / died 27 Feb. 1956
21---/05/03- Inspector Gilbert Joseph Perkins / Hong Kong Police Force / born 24th June 1902 / died 21st Novermber 1954# 10939
21---/05/04- In loving memory of / George / beloved husband of Florence Fryer / born 18th Oct. 1900 / died 22nd Oct. 1950
21---/05/05- Alexander Paul Zaremba / 1912 - 1947 / sub-inspector / Hong Kong Water Police / killed in the line of duty / aboard police launch no. 16 / on 10th March 1947
21---/06/01- William Alexander / Riach / born / 1st June 1929 / died / 23rd March 1963 / erected by his comrades / in / fond memory
21---/06/02- In loving memory of / Geirge McDonald Oliphant / police inspector / died 13th March 1963 / aged 34 years / R.I.P.
21---/06/03- Sacred to the memory / illegible
21---/06/04- In loving memory / of / my dear husband / Edward Rutherford Common / born 18th October 1922 / died 26th July 1977 / R.I.P.Moses & Co. # 11952
21---/06/05- In loving memory / of / Frederick A.Ewins M.B.E. / born 4.3.1904 / died 19.9.1974 / erected by P.K.Yuen# 11928
21---/06/06- Charles Henry Craggs / born 6th April 1928 / died 20th Dec. 1971# 11871
21---/06/07- In loving memory / of / Vera Mary MacKenzie / beloved wife of / Chief Constable R. MacKenzie / died 24th May 1962 / aged 39 years / erected by / husband, children and family# 11512
21---/06/08- Sacred / to the memory / of / Luke Bright / late sergeant in the Hong Kong Police / Force / who died October 17, 1881 / aged 27 / a native of Waterhaven Norfolk
21---/06/09- Walker / in loving remembrance of / Norman R.K. / fourth son of William Henry / and Henrietta / Belfast, Northern Ireland / born 4th June 1933 / died [as result of accident] / 21st July 1958 / Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away
21---/06/10- Irene / beloved wife of W.B. Scragg / 20.5.23 - 12/11/50 / Rest in Peace
21---/07/01- on headstone - Joan Spencer / born 28-10-1923 / died 30-12-2002 / loving mother, grandmother / and great grandmother / to us all / brave, cheerful / and spirited to the end / we love youon body stone - Director of Music / Royal Hong Kong Police Force / Robert Spencer / born 31.10.1923 / died 13.12.1968 / deeply loved & sadly missed / Joan, Vicki, John and Dra / "Peace to you Robert" / beloved 'Papa' / of / Lisa & Renee / & Jane
21---/07/02- back - Sacred / to / the memory of / George Durrant / a native of Old Weston, Huntingdon / a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on the 10th August 1883 / aged 32 years
21A--/01/01- Vivienne / greatly loved wife of / Lt. Cdr. C.B. Shirly RN / mother of / Nicky and Christopher / died 23rd April 1958 / aged 30 years / Thy will be done
21A--/01/02- Douglas Robert Louis Shanks / passed away January 9th 1956 / aged 50 years / Always remembered by / his wife and 2 daughters / Sleeping
21A--/01/03- Maragret / beloved wife of Jack Lee / and / darling mummy of Richard / 21st November 1950# 10621
21A--/01/04- Allen Green / lieutenant R.N. / H.M.S. Theseus / 26th September 1950 aged 30 years / also / Bunty Green / 1983
21A--/01/05- IHS / In memory of / William Arthur Allen / civilian officer H.M. Dockyard Hong Kong / died 1st April 1946 aged 48 years / erected by his colleagues on behalf of / his wife and family of / Plymstock, Plymouth / England# 10270
21A--/01/06- IHS / Albert E K Dungey / HM Dockyard HK / died 6 Sept. 1950 / aged 57 years / in loving memory / from / Alice and family# 10607
21A--/01/07- IHS / William A. Matthews / Warrant master-at-arms / H.M.S. Tamar / died May 22nd 1939 / aged 43# 9843
21A--/01/08- In / memory / of / Alexander / dearly beloved son of / Constance and /Alexander / Hayward-Harkins / surgeon commander RN / born 13th November 1931 / died 4th July 1933 / Safe in the arms of Jesus # 3363
21A--/01/09- To our beloved boy / Albert Ross Ward / London / flying officer Royal Air Force / died on duty October 29th 1929 / aged 25 years / R.I.P.
21A--/01/10- In very dear memory of / our son / John Henry Patrick [Pat] Graham / Lieut. Royal Navy H.M.S. Hermes / killed in an aircraft accident / in Hong Kong harbour while on duty / April 3rd 1928 aged 27 / He is not dead. He liveth for evermore / till we meet again
21A--/01/11- George Aubrey / Surg. Lt. Cdr. R.N. / died 9.5.27# 8938
21A--/01/12- In / memory of / John Tremayne / sub. lieutenant H.M.S. Tarantula / beloved son of / Captain and Mrs Tremayne / Carclew, Cornwall / died February 14th 1923 / aged 21 years / May he rest in peace
21A--/01/13- William Walter Bishop / able seaman / H.M.S. Tarantula / died 2.9.32 aged 24# 9316
21A--/01/14- IHS / in memory of / Samuel Little E.R.A. / died / 28 July 1918# 8297
21A--/01/15- IHS / James Wright / died / 14 June 1918# 8287
21A--/01/16- E Horton / chief stoker RN DEV/299022 / H.M.S. "Hydrangea" / 22nd May 1919# 8356
21A--/01/17- Joseph Miller Johnston / A.B. H.M.S. "Fame" / died 10.10.1919# 8387
21A--/01/18- IHS / Sacred to the / memory of / Joseph Dixon ldg. tel. / H.M.S. "Curlew" / who died March 23rd 1922 / erected by officers and ship's company
21A--/01/19- Harry Redgwell / H.M.S. Titania / died 7.7.22 aged 31# 8597
21A--/01/20- In loving memory / of / leading seaman Sydney J Ives / of H.M.S. "Diomede" / died March 4th 1923 / aged 24 / erected by his shipmates on / behalf of his loved ones at home / R.I.P.CEW & Co. # 8645
21A--/01/21- John Rogers Weeks / H.M.S. Ambrose / died 14.1.24 aged 38# 8714
21A--/01/22- John Joseph Stafford / H.M.S. Gnat / died 19.4.25 aged 30# 8810
21A--/01/23- Leonard Carbine / Lt. R.N. / died 21.8.26 aged 25# 8892
21A--/01/24- Thomas Bassett / petty officer R.N. / died 29.4.27# 8936
21A--/01/25- IHS / Alfred C Rowett / chief petty officer / H.M.S. "Tern" / died Feb. 4th 1928 / aged 32# 8969
21A--/01/26- Fred Shaw / stoker petty officer / H.M.S. "Sirdar" / died 10.2.28# 8991
21A--/01/27- George William Othen / died 26.4.28# 9003
21A--/01/28- James Noel Redmond Cooper / H.M.S. Sepoy / born 25 December 1902 / died 9 April 1930
21A--/01/29- George Colcough / died 25.9.30# 9173
21A--/01/30- Stanley Cleverton / died 2.11.30# 9181
21A--/01/31- Alfred George Tottman / able seaman / H.M.S. Cumberland / died 11.1.32 aged 29# 9267
21A--/01/32- Died at Hong Kong / A.D. 1846 - 47/Dennis Conolly carp. mate 13 Jan./William Eldon seaman 2 Mar./George Greigg RP mate 22 May/Stepn. Joyce cooper 6 Jul./William McKay qrmaster 12 Nov. /Robt. Featherby seaman 15 Nov./Jphn Eccles seaman 24 Nov./Ben Noprman seaman 7 Dec./George Wood seaman 14 Jan..
21A--/01/33- Killed in the action/"Rattler" "Powhatan"Geo. Mictchell A.B. JNO. Pepper sea./Jas. Silvers carp. crew Jos. A. Halsey Lands./Jno. Massey gun. R.M.A. Isaac Coe Lands./M Oliff private R.A. S. Mullard, marine / B.F. Adamason marine
21A--/02/01- Gerald E Brown / lieutenant R.N. / H.M.S. Davenham / 3rd August 1959 aged 30 / from boy seaman to lieutenant-in-command / a loyal and devoted / servant of the / Royal Navy 1946 -1959# 11304
21A--/02/02- Frederick Charles Devin / died 4thJanury 1953 / aged 52 / Deeply loved by his family / and respected by all# 10772
21A--/02/03- IHS / John G Taite / Commander [E] R.N. / H.M.S. Indomitable / died 29 Nov. 1948 / aged 48# 10475
21A--/02/04- IHS / in memory / of / Albert George Adcock / first class master / HM Dockyard Hong Kong / died at sea / 21st Decemeber 1946 / aged 35 years / R.I.P.
21A--/02/05- IHS / Leslie Coombes / civilian officer / HM Dockyard Hong Kong / died 12 April 1949 / aged 44 years / Rest In Peace / in loving memory / his wife Florence / and children Pam and David# 10491
21A--/02/06- In / loving memory / of / Knut Erik Olaf Ringdahl / surgeon lieutenant RNVR / H.M.S. Birmingham / died 18th January 1940 / R.I.P.# 9898
21A--/02/07- IHS / Harry David Jenner / CD gunner (T) / H.M.S. Delight / died Aug 28 1935 / aged 44# 9840
21A--/02/08- In / loving memory / of / George Leslie Reed / killed in H.M.S. Sepoy / April 8th 1930 / aged 30 years / R.I.P.
21A--/02/09- In loving memory / Hugh Littleton / paymaster commander Royal Navy / HMS Titania and IVth S/M Flotilla / accidently drowned / September 27th 1929 / aged 39 years
21A--/02/10- In memory / of / Maurice Anthony Maude / lieutenant RN H.M.S. Vindictive / second and dearly beloved son of / Anthony F Maude / of Belgard Castle, Co. Dublin and his wife / accidently killed at Lan Tau / 11th December 1926 aged 26 / "Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty, they shall behold / the land that is very far off" / this cross is erected in loving remembrance jointly with his parents / by those he served with in H.M.S. Hermes. Tamar and VindictiveCEW & Co. Ltd. HK# 8911
21A--/02/11- In / proud & loving memory / of / Henry Patrick Scholes / who died at Hong Kong / February 7th 1923 / in his 28th year / Of such is the kingdom of heavenCEW & Co. # 8627HK
21A--/02/12- Frank William Louis Beckingham / ordinary seaman / H.M.S. Cornwall / died 1.5.32 aged 18# 9291
21A--/02/13- Henry Linfield / died 19.11.18 aged 37# 8316
21A--/02/14- IHS / Charles Adams / died / 1 July 1918# 8291
21A--/02/15- William Hayward / Chief ERA / H.M.S. "Moorhen" / died 3.8.19# 9371
21A--/02/16- James Holmes / H.M.S. "Titania" / died 24-7-20# 8447
21A--/02/17- William Norman / H.M.S. Titania / died 24.11.21# 8554
21A--/02/18- on headstone - In / ever loving memory / of / Frederick Edgar Webber / "Eddie" / leading telegraphist / Stonecutters Wireless Station / H.M.S. "Tamar" / who was called home on / 17th June 1922 / aged 24 / With deepest love from / his mother and sister and as a / mark of deepest affection from / his friends in Hong Kong / "Till the resurrection born"on cross - Sacred / to the / memory of / my dearly beloved son / [Eddie] Webber / of Ford, Devenport / There is a link death cannot sever / sweet remembrance last forever / ever / Mother# 8593 CEW & Co. HK
21A--/02/19- E.H. Gunn / H.M.S. Ambrose / died 12.12.22 aged 35# 8628
21A--/02/20- Charles Edwards Simpson / H.M.S. Magnolia / died 8.1.24 aged 33# 8711
21A--/02/21- James Flett Fraser / H.M.S. Ambrose / died 6-8-24# 8764
21A--/02/22- John William Whiteheard / H.M.S. Ambrose / died 22.2.26 aged 23# 8869
21A--/02/23- In / loving memory / of / William Head Spargo C.E.R.A. RN. / H.M.S. "Petersfield" / died 12 March 1927 / aged 37 / erected by his shipmates / as a token of their esteem# 9931
21A--/02/24- Ronald George French / R.A.F. / died 12.12.27 aged 25 # 9981
21A--/02/25- Sacred / to the memory / of / Ernest William Garrett C.E.R.A. / R.N. / of H.M.S. Titania / who died March 3rd 1928 / aged 38 years / erected by the chief and engine room / artificers of the China Station# 8692CEW &Co. Ltd.
21A--/02/26- In memory/of / Harry Whitear Fawcitt / Royal Marine / H.M.S. Carlisle / died 9th July 1928 / aged 27# 9014CEW & Co. Ltd.
21A--/02/27- Ply. 21782 / Cpl. Reginald F. Swallow / Royal Marines H.M.S. Berwick / died 2nd December 1929 / aged 30 years / erected by his shipmates# 9119CEW & Co. Ltd.
21A--/02/28- Leading aircraftman / Alfred John Jarvis / Royal Air Force / died on duty 15th May 1930 / aged 29 years / erected by his comrades# 8152JJ Lee & Co.
21A--/02/29- Charles Hill / died 5.7.30 # 9157
21A--/02/30- William J. Draper / died 9.4.30
21A--/02/31- Richard Cowsill / stoker / H.M.S. Hermes / died 23-11-31 aged 28# 9256
21A--/02/32- Cyril Jack Munson / able seaman / H.M.S. Medway / died 25-1-32 aged 23# 9270
21A--/03/01- In memory of / John Hereward McClinton / 21 1/2 yrs pilot R.A.N. / beloved youngest son of / Frank Dallow and Lily McClinton / born Cheadle Hulme 18th July 1932 / died by accident on duty 15th January 1954
21A--/03/02- IHS / John M Crichton / civilian officer / HM Dockyard HK / died 21 Feb 1948 / aged 40 years# 10434
21A--/03/03- IHS / in memory / of / Victor Lunggren / civilian officer / HM Dockyard Hong Kong / died / 2nd January 1947 / aged 49 years / R.I.P.# 10350
21A--/03/04- IHS / in memory / of / Michael Joyce / civilian officer / HM Dockyard Hong Kong / died / 1st April 1946 / aged 45 / R.I.P.# 10269
21A--/03/05- warrant wardmaster / A. Allen / Royal Navy / 13th December 1940 age 45 / A silent thought / a secret tear / keep his memory dear / his loving wife
21A--/03/06- right:To the beloved memory of / Lieutenant Archibald Robert Henry Walker R.N. / H.M.S. Whitshed / only son of rear-admiral A.H. Walker and Madeline his wife / born 6th Sept. [91] accidently killed whilst climbing at Tso Kung Bay / 4 Sep 1934 / God have you in his keeping till we meet againfront:9470 / also in memory of / Madeline Edith Margaret Walker / 1883-1985 / re-united# 10420left:sacred to the beloved memory of / rear-admiral Arthur Horace Walker O.B.E. / Commodore, Hong Kong 1930 - 1932 / who died 3rd July 1947 / at Lindfield, Susses, England / aged 65 years / Requiescent in Pace
21A--/03/07- In loving / memory / Robert Tyrwhitt R.N. / sub, lieutenant / H.M.S. Orpheus / who died May / 3rd 1932 aged 22 / R.I.P.# 8292
21A--/03/08- Charles A W Essam / H.M.S. Wishart / died 8-6-28# 9009
21A--/03/09- Samuel F G Tuke / H.M.S. "Titania" / died 6-5-25# 8816
21A--/03/10- In / memory of / Geoffroy William Winsmore Hooper / O.B.E. / of Kents Green Court / Worcestershire England / Royal Navy / H.M.S. "Hawkins" / born 14th April 1892 / killed in a motor accident at Hong Kong / 2nd January 1923 / R.I.P.# 8632CEW & Co.
21A--/03/11- IHS / William H Spooner / leading signalman / H.M.S. Olympus / died March 18th 1932 / aged 35# 9283
21A--/03/12- IHS / Fredk. Woodhouse / able seaman / H.M.S, Suffolk / died March 1st 1919 / aged 23# 8339
21A--/03/13- G T Joad / petty officer tel. R.N. / 188897 / H.M.S. "Cadmus" / 22nd July 1918# 8296
21A--/03/14- Charles Henry May / C.P.O. H.M.S. "Kent" / died 8-8-19# 8372
21A--/03/15- Henry James Sutter / died 11-8-20 / age 35# 8452
21A--/03/16- Albert V. Maxted / H.M.S. Colombo / died 29-10-21 aged 37# 8452
21A--/03/17- John Nixon / H.M.S. Tamar / died 22-4-22 aged 39# 8587
21A--/03/18- Harry Field / H.M.S. Tamar / died 9-12-22 aged 29# 8627
21A--/03/19- Edward V. Lungard / H.M.S. Titania / died 10-12-23# 8705
21A--/03/20- Frank Rhodes Waterworth / H.M.S. Tamar / died 6-6-24# 8746
21A--/03/21- Edward Ernest Batchelor / H.M.S. Hawkins / died 3-1-26 aged 28# 8860
21A--/03/22- In / loving memory / of / Leonard Norman Jeffrey / shipwright H.M.S. Emerald / died 10th January 1927 / aged 25 years / erected by his shipmates
21A--/03/23- Sacred / to the memory of / Chief Petty Officer Writer / William John Barnes / H.M.S. Danae / who died on 5th Oct. 1927 / aged 40 years
21A--/03/24- Ronald Miller Rough / able seaman / died 12-3-28# 8994
21A--/03/25- George Frederick Cornwall / died 30-10-29# 9114
21A--/03/26- IHS / T.E. Smith / able seaman / H.M.S. Sepoy / died April 8th 1930 / aged 20
21A--/04/01- IHS / In memory / of / Robert Beattie / civilian officer / HM Dockyard Hong Kong / died 18-8-1947 / aged 48 years / R.I.P.# 10412
21A--/04/02- In memory of / Leonard Samuel Churchill / commissioned gunner [T] / of H.M.S. Lagos / who died at Hong Kong / 10th May 1947 / "God hath spoken / who sitteth in the heavens / over all from the beginning"# 10396
21A--/04/03- IHS / in memory of / Norman Eric Newton / lieut. [SP] RNVR / died / 25th April 1946 / aged 23 years / R.I.P.# 10279
21A--/04/04- In / loving memory / of / High Charles Bedford Pearse / aged 19 / midshipman R.N. H.M.S. Cumberland / killed in a motor car accident March 9 1934 / born June 2nd 1914J S Lee & Co. # 9435
21A--/04/05- Claude S.B. Turnbull / Lt. R.N. / died 11-6-32 aged 29# 9300
21A--/04/06- Alfred W.B. Hale / E.A.F. / died 4-4-28# 8998
21A--/04/07- In memory / of / Aubrey Cecil Newbold / lieutenant commander Royal Navy / HM Submarine L5 / who died in Hong Kong / 14th September 1924 / aged 32 years / E'en he trod that day to God / so walked he from his birth / in simpleness and gentlesness / and honour and clean mirth / and ever near us though unseen / the dear immortal spirits tread / for all the boundless universe / is lfe. There are no dead / Kathy# 8776
21A--/04/08- In loving memory of / Patrick / dearly loved elder son of / Cecil & Ivy McCrum / born April 15th 1917 / died Dec. 29th 1922 / "Keep thy lamb in safety keep"# 8631
21A--/04/09- George Edward Cunnington / telegraphist / H.M.S. Cumberland / died 13-3-32 aged 19# 9280
21A--/04/10- Buried near this spot / H.R. Sims / stoker 1st class R.N. / K/22447 [CH] / H.M.S. "Moorhen" / 15th August 1920# 8453
21A--/04/11- John William Johnsen / H.M.S. 'Cicala' / died 5-9-20 / age 45# 8457
21A--/04/12- Stewart Colin Birch / died 29-11-20 / age 18# 8467
21A--/04/13- In / remembrance of / Walter Thomas Fuller A.B. / H.M.S. Bluebell / died 24 January 1921 / aged 21 years# 8484
21A--/04/14- IHS / Thomas Rodham / stoker / H.M.S. Titania / died July 26 1921 / aged 36# 8529
21A--/04/15- In loving memory of / Bro. John Cameron / Elliott K.O.M. / who died 10th April 1922 / aged 34 years / With deepest sympathy / from all the brethen of the / R.A.O.B.# 8582
21A--/04/16- IHS / P.P. Preece / engine room artificer / H.M.S. Tamar / died Sept. 12th 1922 / aged 30# 8608
21A--/04/17- IHS / in / memory / Dudley John Richardson / leading stoker / HM Submarine L20 / drowned at Hong Kong Nov. 9th 1927 / Loved and respected by all who knew him
21A--/04/18- In affectionate remembrance / of / Harold Webster able seaman / age 23 / H.M.S. Carlisle / drowned while serving in / H.M.A.L. 'Ming Lee' / at / Samshuipo / 9th May 1924 / erected by his shipmates / One of the best
21A--/04/19- Erected / by his shipmates / to the memory of / James H Whitby / able seaman / who was killed by accident on board / H.M.S. Hermes at Hong Kong 26th Dec. 1925 / aged 26 years# 8858
21A--/04/20- In memory / of / Richard Freeborn stoker / died 6th January 1927 / aged 23 years / from officers and ship's company / H.M.S. Vindictive / R.I.P.
21A--/04/21- Erected / by his shipmates / to the memory of / Edward Davis / leading aircraftman / H.M.S. Hermes / who died at Hong Kong / on 27th June 1927 / aged 24 years# 8946
21A--/04/22- George H. Whitfield / H.M.S. Bruce / died 27-3-28# 8996
21A--/04/23- Thomas McGregor Milland / died 30-4-29# 9071
21A--/04/24- Louis McNamara Keenaw / died 5-9-29# 9102
21A--/04/25- George Hawkins / died 2-12-30# 9186
21A--/04/26- Frank Albert Humphey / leading stoker / H.M.S. Medway / died 12-2-31
21A--/04/27- Archie Hall / able seaman / H.M.S. Seraph / died 8-9-31# 9241
21A--/04/28- In loving memory / of / Frank Kirby / beloved husband of / Daisy Kirby / called home Nov. 9th 1931 / aged 27 / HMS Hermes
21A--/04/29- Patrick Ward / able seaman / H.M.S. Cumberland / died 11-1-32 aged 20# 9266
21A--/04/30- Leslie Cyril Norris / leading telegraphist / H.M.S. Moth / died 4-2-32 aged 26# 9272
21A--/04/31- Sacred to / Jean Bonny, Charlles Meurig, Rene Derrien / Chief Petty Officers / Nargisse Bertho, Joseph Nicolas / Petty Officers / of the torpedo boat destroyer / "Fronde" / who perished at Hong Kong / in the typhoon of 18th September 1905Erected / by the / British community / of / Hong Kong[also in French]
21A--/05/01- Sub lieutenant / B.W. Hewitt R.N. / H.M.S. "Venerable" / 6th February 1947# 9272
21A--/05/02- IHS / in mmemory / of / Alexander Keir / civilain officer / HM Dockyard Hong Kong / died / 23rd June 1946 / aged 41 years / R.I.P.# 19795
21A--/05/03- IHS / in memory / of / Frank Birse Sime / lieut. [SP] RNVR / died / 18th January 1946 / aged 42 years / R.I.P.# 110248
21A--/05/04- In / loving memory / of / Douglas Ewan Gillepsie / lieutenant RN / H.M.S. Verity / died Jan. 23rd 1934 / age 22 years# 9418
21A--/05/05- Geoffrey Gordon Carter / Lt. Cdr. R.N. [Ret.] / died 18-8-33 aged 33# 9391
21A--/05/06- In / most loving memory / of / Patrick Spencer John Ponsonby / lieut. Royal Navy / born Sept. 10th 1894 / died July 10th 1922# 8592
21A--/05/07- Sacred / to the memory / of / Reginald Gregory / lieutenant commander Royal Navy / H.M.S. "Tamar" / died June 22nd 1922 / R.I.P.# 8595
21A--/05/08- Sacred to the memory / of / James Rowe / who died on board / H.M.S. Forrester / January ? 1858 aged 29 years / erected by the ship's company HMS Beagle / illegible
21A--/05/09- John T. Williams / died 22-12-21# 8559
21A--/05/10- John Fellowes / petty officer / H.M.S. Proteus / died 14-2-32 aged 34# 9276
21A--/05/11- In cherished memory / of / William Earnets Crozier / telegraphist submarine L7 / who was killed / accidently in Hong Kong Dockyard / December 8th 1920 / aged 19 years / erected / by his boatmates & many friends / A life like a many coloured dome of glass / brightened by the white radiance of eternity / until death stepped in / and shattered it to fragments / R.I.P.# 8472
21A--/05/12- In / loving memory / of / my dear husband / Horace William Henry Titmas / age 44 years / who departed this life / December 19th 1928 / Peace perfect peace# 8474 CEW & Co. Ltd. HK
21A--/05/13- To the memory / of / Henry Thomas Hurin / engine room artificer / of H.M.S. Carlisle / died on 28th February 1921 / aged 44 years / In the midst of life we are in death / "Passed to high service"# 8487 CEW & Co. Ltd. HK
21A--/05/14- Thomas Bowen / H.M.S. "Caiw" / died 16-4-21 / age 31# 8509
21A--/05/15- Ernest W Freeman / H.M.S. "Tarantula" / died 8-6-21 / age 26# 8515
21A--/05/16- Harry Morgan / H.M.S. Titania / died 24-3-22 aged 28# 8575
21A--/05/17- IHS / George Melrose / able seaman / H.M.S. Ambrose / died Aug. 24th 1922 / aged 24# 8600
21A--/05/18- G H Sennett / H.M.S. Titania / died 11-4-23 aged 48# 8650
21A--/05/19- John N Johnson / H.M.S. Durban / died 15-1-24 aged 40# 8716
21A--/05/20- Donald M Hendry / H.M.S. Carlisle / died 11-11-25 aged 25# 8853
21A--/05/21- Harold Leslie Horloway / H.M.S. Moth / died 23-9-26# 8901
21A--/05/22- George Best / died 13-5-27# 8939
21A--/05/23- In loving remembrance / Stanley / Time unheeded steals away / the life which nature gave / and from us all over treasures fly / whereon we set our heart / from his affectionate wife / Phyllis A.F. Jackson
21A--/05/24- IHS / William Edwards / stoker / H.M.S. Hermes / died May 8th 1929 / aged 24# 9075
21A--/05/25- Maurice C England / S.B.A. / H.M.S. Tamar / died 19-6-29# 8694
21A--/05/26- Walter Belderson / died 9-4-30# 9145
21A--/05/27- In loving memory / of / George Fry / HM Dockyard police / who died at Hong Kong / June 3rd 1930 / age 42 / on metal plaque on footstone - In loving memory of George Fry / who departed this / life 3rd June 1930 / sadly missed by Father, mother, brother and sisters / forever with the Lord Amen Let it be / life from the dead is in that word tis immortality / here in the body present / absent from home i roam / yet nightly pitch my moving tent / a days march nearer home
21A--/05/28- Robert William Heywood / died 9-4-30
22---/01/01- Sacred to the memory / of / ? sergeant William Begh / of the / ?? Regimentillegible
22---/01/02- Sacred / to the memory / of / James Adams / ordinary seaman USN / born in Glasgow / died March 9th 1887 / aged 21 years / illegibel
22---/01/03- Sacred / of the memory / of / William Allan Howitt [?] / who died at Hong Kong / 21st December 1854
22---/01/04- illegible
22---/01/05- Sacred / to the memory / of / Henry E Auchter / and / William A Auchter / illegibel .../died at Hong Kong / April 10th ?? aged 22 years
22---/01/06- Here lies the body / of / Henry Begg / native of Glasgow late chief engineer / of the steamer "Carthage" / who died at Hong Kong ?? 1863 ? / aged 46 years / illegible
22---/01/07- In loving memory of / Capt. Alfred Moyse / born 1st Jan. 1920 / died 27th Dec. 1971 / erected by his beloved wife Kitty / and loving daughter Judy
22---/02/01- In / loving memory / of / our little son / 17th May 1966 / Rita and Sandy Zeitlin# 11694
22---/02/02- In loving memory of / Kevin Anthony Lynch / aged 3 / died 9th Sept. 1966 / Even though the distant seas divide us / darling, in our hearts you will always stay / Mummy, Daddy and Geraldine# 11707
22---/02/03- Craig George Seim / born 28 July 1965 / died 29 July 1965
22---/02/04- In memory of / Edward Goole / ABBS lieutenant Royal Navy / H.M.S. Iron Duke / who died at Hong Kong 19 January 1873 / aged 28 years
22---/02/05- Angela Janet / baby daughter of / Pat and Tony Phillips / born 27th July 1964 / died 29th July 1964 / Suffer little children to come unto me
22---/02/06- In loving memory of / our beloved daughter / Helen Elizabeth Lawton / aged 15 months / from Mummie Daddie / Kevie and Andrew
22---/02/07- Sacred / to the memory of / Brass Founder / native of Dunbarton, Scotland / aged 26 years / Rest in peace
22---/03/01- Baby Gushlow / aged 1 day
22---/03/03- Christina Page / 1963
22---/03/04- R.I.P. / In loving memory of / Caroline Marion Sidders / daughter of / Valerie and Ronald Sidders / born 14th Oct. 1959 / died 30 Apr. 1968 / from Mummy and Daddy# 11689
22---/03/05- In lovinf memory of / our beloved son / Wilson Patrick Howden / born 23-12-1962 / died 4-4-1963
22---/03/06- In happy memory of / Rhoderick David Johnstone / son of / Betty and Douglas Johnstone / brother of Fiona / and twin of Lewis / / born 1st January 1959 / died 15th March 1963# 11689
22---/03/07- Sacred / to the memory / of / Jebb Mather / ?? aged ? months illegible ..
22---/03/08- In memory / G J B Ashby
22---/03/09- Sacred / to the memory / Janette Guetts [?]
22---/04/01- In loving memory / of / Belinda Reynolds / born and died 8 Nov. 1963
23---/01/01- IHS / In loving memory / of / Wilfred Worthington Till / born August 30th 1861 / entered with rest / April 13th 1901 / "I know thy works and charity and service / and faith and thy partience" Res. 11 v 19# 6375
23---/01/02- front - A tribute / from / his many friends / to / the memory of / Robert Cooke / for over 20 years / assistant chief manager / of / the Hong Kong & Whampoa / Dock Company / died at Hong Kong / September 28th 1901 / aged 62 years / The morning of the just is blessedside -In / loving memory / of / Georgina / beloved wife of / Robert Cooke / who died / 20th June 1915 / aged 82 years# 6453
23---/01/03- IHS / In loving memory / George Murray Bain / born at Montrose Scotland / 4th August 1842 / died at Hong Kong / 1st April 1909/and his wife Ellen Eliza / died at Ning Po / 21st December 1914 / "They rest from their labours" / "So he giveth his beloved sleep"
23---/01/04- IHS / In loving memory / Horace Murray Bain / born in Hong Kong / 26th August 1873 / died / 29th December 1917# 8255
23---/02/01- In / memory / of / William Boffey / who died July 2nd 1898 / aged 55 / erected by his friends# 6040
23---/02/02- In loving memory / of / Stephen William Goggin / of / Hong Kong and Limerick / died at Hong Kong 23rd July 1900 / aged 57 years/also of / dearly beloved daughter / Margaret Elizabeth / died at Hong Kong / 4th February 1920 aged 45 years / and also of his beloved wife / Margaret Myles / who died at Hong Kong / 5th February 1934 aged 93 years / Blessed are the dead who died in the Lord# 6272
23---/02/03- Hier ruht / Georg Felix Muller / Kaiserlich Chinischer / Zoll Director / geb in Norden Prov / Hanover / 17 Nov. 1848 / gest in Hong Kong / 9 Nov. 1898 / tief seytrausrt ? von seinem / Geschwister in unser Deutschen / ...... Heimat
23---/02/04- Sacred / to the memory / of / William Whiley / born April 15th 1844 / died May 3 1900# 6362
23---/02/05- Sacred to the memory / of / Henry James Holmes / December 3rd 1889 / aged 39 years# 6195
23---/02/06- In loving memory / of / Thomas Herbert Glover / died / February 13th 1901 / aged 36 years# 6356l
23---/02/07- In memory / of / Edward Burnie / born May 19th 1842 / died February 1st 1900 / Regretted by all who knew him / lead kindly light / amid the encircling gloom / lead thou we are # 6212
23---/02/08- IHS / In loving memory / of / Kate MacDonald / the beloved wife of / Geo. P Lammert / died 13th April 1896 / aged 25 years / Brief life is here our portion# 6212
23---/02/09- IHS / In loving memory / of / Kate Isabel Maragaret / Lammert / born 3rd September 1904 / died 30 April 1905# 6943
23---/03/01- Sacred / to the memory of / C.F.W. Petersen / who died / on the 24th April 1896 / aged 64 years / We'll join thee in the heavenly land / no more to take the parting hard# 5792
23---/03/02- In loving memory / of / Mabel / the beloved wife of / T Charles Crane / born 10th May 1889 / died 6th January 1899
23---/03/03- Sacred / to the memory of / Charles Tomlin / who died 29th March 1898 / aged 31 years/also to his brother / Edwin / who died at sea / 21st February 1899 / aged 36 years
23---/03/04- Face 1In memory of / Helen Morison / wife of Rev. John Chalmers MA LLD / died 30th July 1897 / aged 69 years/God is loveFace 2In memory / also of / Rev John Chalmers MA LLD / of the / London Missionary Society / died 22nd November 1899 / aged 74 yearsFace 3James Legge Chalmers / Commissioner of /Chinese Customs / eldest son of / John and Helen Chalmers / died Shanghai / 16th Nov. 1914 / aged 60 years/Till the star of peace returnsFace 4In memory also of / Peter J N Stewart / journalist in Hong Kong / grandson of James Legge Chalmers / died 26th May 1978 / aged 33 years / dear son of / Bill and Dorothy Stewart / Aberdeen, Scotland / Peter has gone to his quiet rest
23---/03/05- In loving memory / of / Lindsay Stanford Lamont Crawford / born in Hong Kong / 5th July 1877 / died 5th May 1898 / Gone home
23---/03/06- In / memory / of / Daniel Kirland Sliman / drowned / at Swatow / 9th July 19897
23---/03/07- IHS / In loving memory / of / George Reinhold Lammert / who died / 27th September 1897/Lionel Eugene Lammert / born 17th October 1880 / died 21st Aug. 1971 / and / Jane, the beloved wife of / G R Lammert / died 27 may 1914 in her 72nd year/and / Florence / beloved wife of L E Lammert / died 27th October 1975 / in her 87th year.
23---/03/08- WR / Sacred to the memory / of / William Ross / manager of G Falconer & Co / Hong Kong / born in Foinburg Scotland / 5th June 1850 / died 5th July 1898 / Until the day break and / the darkness fly away
23---/03/09- In loving memory / John Martin Armstrong / died / 3rd July 1897 / aged 64 years / also of his wife / Emily / died 5th July 1921 / aged 80 years
23---/03/10- In loving memory / Louis Mendel / born 1st May 1844 / died 6th November 1895
23---/03/11- In / loving memory / of / Mary Harrison / wife of / W Pearce, London Mission / died 25th August 1909 / Love never faileth
23---/03/12- At rest / to the dear memory / of my wife / William Armstrong / who passed away with God's care / on the 29th July 1924/John Martin Armstrong / died / 3rd July 1897 / aged 61 years/also of his wife / Emily. Died 5th July 1921 / Aged 84 years.
23---/04/01- Mary Ayow Caldwell / died 24.6.1895#5715 Chinese characters on reverse
23---/04/02- in / loving memory / of Georg Franz Robert Sachs / born Wolderberg Germany / April 17 1843 / died Hong Kong December 29th 1901 / "With Jesus which is better"# 6487
23---/04/03- Hier ruht / Christian Friedrich / Rapp / geb zu Stade / 30 Jan 1841 / ges zu Hong Kong 25th December 1894B J & Co #5669
23---/04/04- In loving memory / of / Edward Henry / eldest son of / Henry Hope and Christina Joseph / born at Shanghai 6 July 1891 / died at Hong Kong 21st April 1895 / Taken from love / to perfect love
23---/04/05- In loving memory of / Helena Christina / the beloved wife of / Henry Hope Joseph / died on the 14 December 1894 / May she rest in the peace and / awake to joyful resurrection
23---/04/06- In loving memory / of / Ripsima ? / daughter of / Paul and Helen Jordan / born 14th August 1895 / died 10th October 1895 / Thy will be done
23---/04/07- IHS / In memory / of / Ernest Arthur Lammert / who died / 6th December 1894 / aged 20 years and 10 months / Short toil eternal rest# 5064
23---/04/08- In memory / of / Anna Warres Smith / died 18th November 1898 / aged 14 years 3 monthsB J & Co. # 5580
23---/04/09- In loving memory / of / Ernest Deacon / born 4th January 1844 / died in Canton 1st July 1890 / "Come unto me and i will give you rest" / "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace"# 5255
23---/04/10- In loving memory / of / Ernest Edward Leslie Travers / who departed this life / on Whitsunday 25 May 1890 / aged 26 years / Not lost but gone before / this stone is erected by his devoted mother / and brother A K Travers, his sister-in-law / Mrs Travers and staff of the Hong Kong & / Shanghai Banking Corporation / Hong Kong# 5241
23---/04/11- In loving memory / of Fanny wife of / W Meigh Goodman / Attorney General of this colony / died 23rd May 1890 / aged 41 years
23---/04/12- In loving memory / of / Ronald Maitland Hutton Potts / of Harrow-on-the-Hill / born April 13th 1868 / died August 16th 1902
23---/04/13- In ever affectionate memory / of / Arratoon / [Toon] / the beloved son of / Mr and Mrs M V Apcar / born at Calcutta / 12th March 1891 / died 27 May 1903 / aged 12 years 2 monthsillegible# 6705
23---/05/01- In / memory / of / George Thomson Hopkins / died Sept. 2nd 1892 / aged 66 yearsB & J & Co. #5467
23---/05/02- 1] frontIn memoriam / J W Lawson / 1st officer / R S 'Kai Pan' / who departed / this life / in Hong Kong / and is buried here / 28.6.92 age 47 / this stone is placed here / by the brother officers / in the I.M. Customs / Revenue Steamers2] right leftA G B Hance / engineer / RS 'Fei Hoo' / who died at / and was buried in Sydney NSW / 27.9.1890 age 323] rightJ K Smellie / actg 1st engineer / RS 'Fei Hoo' / who died and / was buried / at sea / 6.3.1891 age 34B J & Co # 5446
23---/05/03- Hier ruhet / unsere geliebte Gattin u. Mutter / Emmi Von Bose / geb Nissen / geb 27 Nov 1864 / gest 12 ez 1893 / selig sind die reines Herzens sind / denn sie werden Gott schwauen / Matt 5 vers. 3
23---/05/04- George William Snelling / who died / 23rd February 1895 / aged 65 years / erected by his sincere friends
23---/05/05- Herbert J Eitel / 1870 - 1890 ? / age 20 / 18 March 1891
23---/05/06- Ralph Chandler / rear admiral / U.S. Navy / born 3rd August 1829 / died 11th February 1889
23---/05/07- Erected / in memory of / Frederick Stewart MA LLD / born 17th Oct 1836 / died 29th September 1887 / As the first headmaster of the / Central Government School, now the / Victorian College, his name will ever / be gratefully associated with the / work of that institution. In other / departments he rendered valuable / service and was Colonial Secretary / at the time of his death
23---/05/08- Sacred / to the memory of / William Fuller Darby / younger son of George Darby Esq / of Marrey ? Sussex / died December 11th 1886/
23---/05/09- Sacred / to the memory of / Annie Rose Dennys / died 24 ? August 1889 / aged 31 years / and her loving son / Henry Gardner Dennys / died 1st February 1936 / aged 35 years
23---/06/01- In loving memory / of / Paul Brewitt / born 9th July 1856 / died 14 June 1905 / Thy will be done
23---/06/02- In loving memory / of / Peter Lawson / born in Glasgow 8th February 1873 / died in Hong Kong 11 July 1905 / while in the service of / Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China / "A faithful and beloved son / esteemed by all who knew him" / John 10.3 God is love# 6982
23---/06/03- In affectionate remembrance / George Andrew Chalmers / youngest son of / George Crichtion Chalmers / Bank, Montrose. born 6th May 1875 / died 26th January 1906 / To live in hearts we leave / behind is not to die
23---/07/01- Edward John Main / born / 27th Oct 1847 / died / 21st Sept 1903 / Edward / Liston Main / his only son / born / 9th Jan 1894 / died / 9th Sept1894# 6757
23---/07/02- Hier ruhet / J H Brost / geb / Ter Novisi ,Prussen? / gest 4ten September 1903 / ruhe sanftDifficult to read.# 6758
23---/07/03- In loving memory / of / Alexander G Ewing / many years in the employ / of the HK & W Dock Coy. Ltd. / born at Dumbarton / May 16th 1861 / died at Hong Kong / Sep 24th 1904
23---/07/04- [embossed letters of inscription have been removed]# 5782
23---/07/05- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Capt. James Stewart / of / The C M CT Co 'Kai Pan' / who died at Mirs Bay / 19th October 1896 / aged 60 years / erected by the captains / and officers of RNV ? / cruisers and friends# 5853
23---/07/06- Sacred to the memory / of / Edward Lewis / of Kingstown, St Vincent / West Indies / late of Tytam Waterworks / who came to Hong Kong / June 1865 / and / died on the 12th April 1897 / aged 59 years / Here lies to rest5904B J & Co
23---/07/07- Sacred / to the memory of / William Porter Moore / who was born / at Philadelphia USA and / died at Hong Kong May 1st 1896 / aged 55 years / Sheltered and safe from sorrow
23---/07/08- In memory / Gerald Slade / 20th August 1851 / died / 4th November 1897B J & Co # 5958
23---/07/09- In / memory / of / William Gomes / Thomas / born at St Thomas / West Indies / March 14 1840 / died June 6 1895 / at Hong Kong / I heard the voice of Jesus sing / come unto me and rest / lay down thou weary one / lay down thy head upon my breastB J & Co # 5710
23---/07/10- Hier ruht meine / geliebte Gattin / Emma Schroter. ? 1871 / ?1898 (Gattin=Spouse)
23---/07/11- In loving memory / of / Alice Marian / the beloved wife of / Frederick B Goddard / who died 21st August 1895 / also of Geoffrey Raymond / youngest son of the above / born at Hong Kong 28th July 1895 / died at Folkestone 12th June 1896 / He shall give his angels / charge over theeB J & Co # 5734
23---/07/12- R.I.P. / In loving memory / of / John Maxwell / died on 18th August 1901 / native of / Kirkcudbright / Scotland / erected by sons and daughters / Peter Henry Maxwell / born on 25th February 1914 / died on 26th May 1981 / erected by sons and daughters/Maxwell Ho Lai Chun / born on 22nd January 1927 / died on 3rd January 2007 / erected by sons and daughters/# 12069 # 12014 # 6433
23---/07/13- Loving memory / of / William Godwin / native of / Middlesex, England / who departed this life / 22 ?? 1902 / aged 25 years# 6580
23---/07/14- Georgina / the beloved wife of / William Ramsay / born 1st July 1854 / died 21 Sep 1902 / Rest in peace# 6613
23---/07/15- Sacred / to the memory / of / Andrew Harvie / for 20 years in the employ / of the Dock Coy / died Dec 1st 1902 / aged 60 years / erected by a few friends# 6639
23---/08/01- Loving memory / of / Robert Alexander Niven / eldest son of Robert Niven / Meadaple Scotland / Aberdeenshire / who died 10th April 1894 / aged 25 years# 5591
23---/08/02- In loving memory / of / Henry Kennett / born at Whitby, Yorkshire / 22nd March 1841 / died at Hong Kong 22 Nov 1894/also / Beatrice Theresa Kennett / born December 1849 / died July 20 1907/In the midst of life we are in death
23---/08/03- I know my redeemer liveth / in Loving memory / Donald Macdonald / late sub editor China Mail / born Aberdeen, Scotland / 11th May 1855 / died / Hong Kong 16th June 1894 / There shall never be one lost good / what was shall live as before / on earth the broken are / in heaven a perfect roundB J & Co # 5612
23---/08/04- Robert Fraser Smith / editor of / the Hong Kong Telegraph / gone to rest 11th February 1895 / Gone but not forgotten# 5682
23---/08/05- Sacred to the memory / of / George Rae / a native of Tongue / Sutherlandshire, Scotland / who was assistant / inspector of markets in / Hong Kong / and died / on the 11th day of February / 1893 / aged 45 years / This stone is erected by his many / friends as a mark of esteem / Remember friends as you pass by / that all mankind are born to die / then let your thoughts on Christ be cast / that you may dwell with him at last / I know that my redeemer liveth# 5486
23---/08/06- Sacred to the memory / of / Phineas Ryrie / who died on 22nd February 1892 / aged 63 / He was for over 40 years a resident / in Canton and Hong Kong and for / 26 years a member of the Legislative / Council for this colony# 5418
23---/08/07- Sacred / to the / memory / of / Harriet / the wife of / John Livesey / who died at Stonecutter's Island / Hong Kong on the / 20th October 1890 / aged 35 years# 5219
23---/08/08- IHS / In loving memory of / Alfred Parker / died / 4th July 1897 / aged 40 years / In the midst of life, endeared to all / he was summoned and obeyed his maker's call / a loving husband, dear father and true friend / with constant thought for others to the end# 5922
23---/08/09- In memory of / David M. Culloch, elder son / of the late Henry M. Culloch / of Glencoicken / Kircudbrightshire / who died at Hong Kong / 30 June 1891 aged 48 years#5346
23---/08/10- In loveing remembrance / of / Isabella G Burness / a native of Laurencekirk / Kincardineshire / beloved wife of / inspector A Mann / HKP / who departed this life / February 14th 1898 / aged 34 years / Whatever we fondly call our ? / belongs to heaven's great ? / the blessings lent us for a day / are soon to be restored# 5983
23---/08/11- Christian Friedrich Grossmann, geb Hamburg dem 17 October 1844 / gest Hong Kong den 8 Februar 1892?Difficult to read.# 6110
23---/08/12- In / memory / of / Capt. George Wright / [illegible]# 6049
23---/08/13- To / the dear memory / of / Capt. A W R Cobban / who died 14th October and of / his wife Ada / who died 17th October 1901 / Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away# 6460 # 6458
23---/08/14- In loving memory / of / Alexander Geddes Aitken / who died 16th October 1901 / aged 64 years / and of his son / Rutherford Ruecastle Aitken / who died April 20th 1906 / aged 27 years# 6459
23---/09/01- In loving memory of / Andrew Millar / who passed away on 10th October 1890 / aged 47 years / also of Margaret / his beloved wife / who passed away on 22nd August 1910 / I am the resurrection and the life saith the Lord / he that believeth in me though he fear dead yet shall he live and ?# 5286
23---/09/02- illegible / also / Marian Harriet / [illegible]
23---/09/03- Sacred to the memory / of / Hector Coll Maclean / died 24th March 1894 / aged 57 years / erected by Ho Tung# 5587
23---/09/04- Sacred to the memory / of / James Robertson / formerly sergeant Royal Hong Kong Police Force / native of Watton Caithness, Scotland / aged 39 / died 31st March 1890# 5234
23---/09/05- Henry Holmes Winn / born June 2nd 1849 / died February 3rd 1890 / His eyes shall see the king / in his beauty / they shall behold / the lord that is very far off# 5225
23---/09/06- Thomas G Lamont / Superintendant / of / Aberdeen Docks / who died at Hong Kong / 13th June 1890 / aged 40 years / illegible# 5219
23---/09/07- In loving memory / of / Thomas Robert / McBean / died on April 7th 1890 / aged 43 years / Grant him peace eternal# 5236
23---/09/08- Henry Aeneus Sidford / born at Dublin / the 18th of December 1838 / died at Hong Kong / the 30th of October 1890
23---/09/09- illegible as headstone fallen# 5337
23---/09/10- Hier ruht / Wilhelm A F Schmidt / geb in Ohrdrif in Thuringia / den 14 Sep 1835 / gest zu Hong Kong / den 12 Mai 1895/und sein sohn / Herrmann Hugo James / geb za Hong Kong / den 6 Jul 1881 / ges 3 Oct 1895 / und auch / Caroline Johanne Georgina Schmidt / Gattin und Mutter des Obigen / geb za Rendsburg in Holstein / 6ten Marz 1842 / ges zu Hong Kong 4 Jul 1923 / Friede ihrer asche
23---/09/11- Sacred / to the memory of / Johann C L Rauch / formerly of the Hong Kong Police Force / born July 1842 / died 25 June 1898 / aged 56 years / Lord of all below above / fill our hearts with truth & love / when dissolves our earthly tie / take us to my lodge on high / This monument is erected / in affectionate remembrance / by his loving wife/and also of his wife / Chan Lai / died October 1st 1909 / aged 56 yearsside 2So teach us to number / our days that we may / apply our hearts unto / wisdomside 3The stone which the builder rejected / the same is become / the head of the cornerside 4Turn thee again O' Lord / at last and be gracious / unto thy servants# 6034 # 9621
23---/09/12- In loving memory of / Sarah Russell / died November 1901 / and / her beloved daughter / Margaret Jane / who fell asleep 18th April 1941 / Love is of God and everyone / that loveth is born of God / and knoweth GodHK Marble Co. # 6354
23---/09/13- Sacred / to / the memory / of / H J Faunch / born at Knightsbridge / London / England / 31 January / 1849 / died at / Hong Kong / 31 May 1901 / aged 53 / He was a man, take him / for all in all / we Shall not look upon his / like again
23---/10/01- Sacred / to / the memory of / John Wylie / who departed this life at / Hong Kong on 6th July 1890 / aged 29 years / this stone was erected by a few friends as a token of esteem / I am the resurrection and the life saith Lord# 5257
23---/10/02- in loving memory of / Matthew G Parlane / died 8th Janury 1893 / aged 30 years / Tis but the casket that lies here / the gem that filled it sparkles yet# 5485
23---/10/03- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Louis Kirchmann / born at Eckernfoerde? / 27th May 1840 / died at Hong Kong / 1st December 1891 / aged 51 years / R I Pfootstone - LK / 5392
23---/10/04- In loving memory of / Pedro Germano Holm / born 14th September 1912 / died 29th March 1916
23---/10/05- In loving memory of / William Henry Holm / born 14th January 1905 / died 9th October 1960
23---/10/06- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Anna Kirhmann / beloved wife / of / Louis Kirchmann / born at Canton / 2nd May 1845 / died at Hong Kong / on 18th Feb 1889 / aged 47 years / Gone but not forgotten
23---/10/07- In loving memory / of / Phoebe / Hastings / the beloved wife of Rupert Girling / died Nov 8 1888 aged 34# 5126 # 5313
23---/10/08- Hier ruht in gott / Peter Desrmann / geb ? Wienese / gest ? September 1888# 5113
23---/10/09- In / memory / of / Major William Prevost / Argyll & Sutherland / Highlanders / died / at / Hong Kong / 16th January / 1889 / aged / 41 / erected by his brother officers# 5134
23---/10/10- Sacred / to the / memory / of / Louis Herbert D'Egville / A native of Worcester / born 7th May 1844 / died at Hong Kong on / the 24th day of June 1889 / aged 45 years / Grant unto him peace eternal / erected by members of the lodge St John / masonic friends as a token of esteem# 5166
23---/10/11- Hebrew characters / In loving memory / of / Alexander Levy / who departed this life / 30th October 1889 / in his 50th year / There is no death What seems so is transition / This life of mortal breath / is but a suburb of the life Elysian / whose portal we call death# 5207
23---/10/12- Hier ruht / Johann Karl Albert / Jahreis / geboren den 27 Januar 1865 / gestorben den 29 Januar 1890# 5224
23---/10/13- In / loving memory / of / Arthur Wagner / born 5th Dec 1855 / died 19th March 1890 / erected by / his numerous friends / as a token of / their esteem# 5232
23---/10/14- Rest in peace / Erected in loving memory / of our brother / Lawrence / eldest son of the late / James P Niven of Singapore / born at Singapore Aug 7th 1856 / and died at Hong Kong / May 31st 1890# 5243
23---/10/15- Sacred / to the / memory / of / Carl Magnus Peterson / late / of China Customs Service / sergeant / who was ?? / 22 September ?? / aged 42 years?# 5305
23---/10/16- Hier ruhet / Lorenz Cordsen Jwersen / fuhrer des dampers 'Tritos' / geboren den 21 Juni 18?? / am Frierhu ----- ? Elensberg / gestorben den 16 November 1890 / of Derrnst ? / Bangkiok nach Hong Kong / gewidnet von seinem Freuden / und seiner tien trauerden Gattin / Doris Jwersen, der broder se ? / nicht mehr .... ? / doch reicht geseb ..... ?# 5297
23---/10/17- Heir ruhet / Heinrich Christian Bertelsen / aud Flensberg ? / fuhrer des Dampers 'Chi' / geboren den 10 Januar 185? / gestorben 21 Januart 1891 / in Hong Kong / Gewidmet von seinen Freude# 5314
23---/10/18- In loving memory / of / Captain Ambrose Clark / teacher of navigation and / nautical astronomy / who died 25th December 1899 / aged 58 years / Life or death who shall heed it / what we gain which we loose / fair flies life and the struggles / and a cause each shall chase / erected by a few marine officers and engineers / Hong Kong November 1900
23---/11/01- In / memory / of / Andrew A. McCaslin / died / 22nd January 1891# 5315
23---/11/02- In memory / of / R J McCaslin / born at Perobscott [?] / Maine, USA / February 182? / died at Hong Kong / [12?] 18th May 1889 / Rest in Peace# 5155
23---/11/03- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Lieut. Hornblower / Quarter master / Commissariat and Transport Store / who died at Hong Kong / on the 25th September 1888 / aged 43 years / I am the resurrection and the life / this stone is erected by his brother / officers in China and Straits Settlements# 5114
23---/11/04- In / loving memory / of / Isaballa Graham / wife of Alexander Graham / who departed this life / on the 22nd June 1889 / aged 49 years/Alexander George Grant Gordon / born 31st December 1852 / died at Bombay 21st June 1920 / beloved husband of Isabella Stopani Gordan# 5164 # 8470
23---/11/05- Hier ruhen sanft verein / Mutter, Tochter und Sohn / Maria Sarah / geb 27 November 1858 / ges 15 Januar 1890/Elsa Selma / geb 5 September 1881 / gest 18 Juni 1888/Albert Clements / geb 13 Juni 1886 / ges 13 Juni 1890/die geliebte Frau und Kinder / von Paul Bohm# 5219 5262 5261
23---/11/06- In memory of / George Bayne / late of / The Surveyor General's Department / died at Hong Kong 9th July 1889 / aged 56 [?] years / this stone is erected / by his brother officers / in the department / R I P# 5175
23---/11/07- Thomas Trustlow Phillips / a native of Portsmouth / England / and late member of the / Imperial Maritime Customs / departed this life / 22nd January 1880 / aged 41 years / Thy will be done / erected by his family and a few brother masons# 5221
23---/11/08- Edward George / born 17 August 18 ?? / died & December 1890 ?
23---/11/09- Sacred / to the / memory / of / Thomas Carter / illegible
23---/11/10- In loving memory / of / James Henry MacLehose / died / April 29 1888 [1898 ?] / aged 38 years. Thy will be done# 6684
23---/11/11- In loving memory / of / Tillie Joy / the beloved wife / F E Ellis / born in Boston, Mass. USA / died 11th May 1902 / aged 65 years# 6542
23---/11/12- Hier ruht / Oscar Wegener [?] / geboren in Kiel / den 5 Februar 1858 / gestorben in Hong Kong / den 24 April 1902 / wer im Gednachtrnis seinen Lieben Liebt / ist ja nicht todt er is nur fernt / Tod nur ist wer vergessen wirdB J & Co # 6529
23---/11/13- IHS / Thy / will / be / done / in loving memory / of / Edward Robinson / barrister / who died Oct 24th 1901 / aged 45 years / He giveth his beloved sleep# 6462
23---/12/01- Sacred to the memory of / Apcar G Apcar / born at Ispahan 30th December 1866 / died 16th September 1880Armenian characters# 5281
23---/12/02- In loving memory / of / Richard William Lowndes / born in Liverpool / May 19th 1816 / died at Hong Kong / September 2nd 1883# 5170
23---/12/03- I H S / In loving memory of / Thomas Middleton / Leatherbarrow / died 10th June 1899 / aged 42 years / Not dead but gone before# 5178
23---/12/04- Sacred to the memory / of / John L Hart-Milner / sub-editor / The Hong Kong Telegraph / born in Macao 1848 / died in Hong Kong 11 July 1889 / This stone is erected by / the brethren of lodge / St John No 618 Scottish # 5183
23---/12/05- Erected / in memory of / John P Hoyland / late captain / SS 'Fatshan' / who died April 28th 1891 / aged 50 years
23---/12/06- In loving memory / of / Jens Anton Ahlmann / who was born on the / 7th December 1824 and / died on the 8th May 1903 / aged 79 years / He has been a resident in / this colony for 46 years first in / the service of the P. & O. Co. for / nearly 30 years and then took / charge of Messrs Blackhead & Co's / hulk until his death / Peace perfect peace / This stone is erected by his sorrowful children/also / Ng Ah Mui / died 1883 / erected by grandson / Peter Wong / 30th May 1969
23---/12/07- In / loving memory / of / Henry John B White / who died 3rd May 1905 / aged 41 years / and of / his loving wife / Rose Emma / who passed away on / 27 August 1930 / aged 66 years / Though I walk through the valley / of the shadow of death I will / fear no evil for thou art with me/In loving memory / Nowell Bernard White / aged 43 years / killed in action / 18th December 1941/In loving memory of / Hermon John Henry White / died 28th October 1939. aged 47 yearsHenry James Bernard - Rose Emily White234 Bapt St J Cath June 5 1896 dau Maudestorekeeper CPR Co. verger St John's Cath277 25 Feb 1898 bapt son Nowell verger St John's Cath347 July 9 1900 son Geoirge Henry overseas cemetery verger St John's Cat 1892 at St Peter's Ch B 10 July 1892 Herman to the above clerk131 1894 Feb 2nd dau WinifredSCMP Aug 27 1936 died Mrs Rose White of % Shan Kwong Road, Happy Valley scame to HK aged 4. Educ at Fairlea. Married Mr H J B White gov't. servant. Operated private boarding hse. after his death then started Zetland Hse.G H White ch engineer of river steamer KwangsiHenry James Bernard - Rose Emily White234 Bapt St J Cath June 5 1896 dau Maudestorekeeper CPR Co. verger St John's Cath277 25 Feb 1898 bapt son Nowell verger St John's Cath347 July 9 1900 son Geoirge Henry overseas cemetery verger St John's Cat 1892 at St Peter's Ch B 10 July 1892 Herman to the above clerk131 1894 Feb 2nd dau WinifredSCMP Aug 27 1936 died Mrs Rose White of % Shan Kwong Road, Happy Valley scame to HK aged 4. Educ at Fairlea. Married Mr H J B White gov't. servant. Operated private boarding hse. after his death then started Zetland Hse.G H White ch engineer of river steamer Kwangsi
23---/13/01- Sacred / to / the memory of / Roderick Grant / foreman Turner Cosmopolitan Dock / who died at Hong Kong / 6th August 1888. aged 49 ? [43] / erected by his friends# 5099
23---/13/02- Sacred / to / the memory of / James E Howroyd / native of / Bradford, Yorkshire / who departed this life / on 28th of July 1888 / aged 41 [9] years / Hopeleft side"Thy will be done" / In Jesus Christ i find sweet rest / he bade me cease to roam / and lean for succour on his breast / till he conduct me home / I sought my saviour and i found / in him a resting place / with him I'll brave the chilling tide / and reach my heavenly homeright sideTho' sad we mark the closing eye / of those we loved in days gone by / yet sweet in death their latest son / we'll meet again - twill not be long / the joy that fades is not for me / i seek immortal joys above / there, glory without end shall be / the bright reward of faith and love# 5095
23---/13/03- Alexander Falconer / nearly 20 years / 2nd master of the / Government Central School / in this colony / who suddenly died of heart disease / June 1898 [1893] / aged 41 years# 5071
23---/13/04- To the memory of my brother / William Young M.D. / who died July 21 1882 / Physician, beloved and / mourned by a wide circle of / friends and patients / who knew his worth / erected / by / Dr Richard Young FRCS / son# 5093
23---/13/05- In affectionate remembrance / of / William Williams / illegible / aged 42 years# 5080
23---/13/06- In / memory / of / Johann Nielsen / late I M / Customs [?] / who died in Hong Kong / 29th Jan 1888 / aged 49 years# 5080
23---/13/07- I H S / Ninian Robert / Stanford Crawford / born 26 May 1865 / Rest buried# 5136
23---/13/08- In loving memory / of / H L Mather / born 1828 died 1891 / aged 62 years/also/our son / Frank Byron / born 1882 died 1888 / aged 5 years / Beneath this monument are interred the ashes of / Kate Louise Mather / who died 30 Jan 1913 / aged 63 years
23---/13/09- B E M [?] / Von Freunde und Bruder / 30 Juni 1901
23---/13/10- I am the resurrection / Sacred to the memory / of / Thomas Guy Pocock / who was brutally murdered. by Chinese pirates / when in command of the / steamer 'Namoa' / This monument is erected / by his loving widow. / and his comrades in the service / of the Douglas Steamship Co. of Hong Kong# 5304
23---/13/11- In memoriam / Sacred to the memory / of / Thomas Rowan / master mariner / who died at Hong Kong / 8th March 1906 / aged 68 years# 7059
24---/01/01- In / memory / of / Sergt. Robert Morrell / 2nd.Btn. The Buffs / who died at Hong Kong / the 28th May 1898 / aged 32 years# 9634
24---/02/01- Hier ruhet in gott / geb Steuermark [?] / Thomas Klusse / aus / Flensberg / gest den 7 Juin 1882 / in Hong Kongfootstone - TK / 4585
24---/02/02- illegiblegest den 23 march 1886 / aged 24 years
24---/03/01- Per mare / per terram / in memory of / George W Parrot / private R.M.L.I. / H.M.S. / Victor Emmanuel / who died on the 12th July 1889 / aged 32 years / In the midst of life we are / in death
24---/03/02- illegible
24---/03/03- In memory of / Corporal I. Brabook / H. Company / 2nd Batt. the Buffs R.K.R. / who died at Hong Kong / on 23rd July 1882 / aged 31 years / this stone was erected by the / N.C officers and men of his / company as a token of / their lasting esteem / Comrades we are but parted / for a day / remember death is a debt / we all must pay
24---/04/01- illegible
24---/04/02- Sacred / to / the memory of / Albert Smith / who died at Hong Kong / 25th January 1890 / aged 26 years / this stone is erected by his fellow bandsmen / 1st Batt. A. & S. Highlanders as a token of / esteem for their departed comrade / The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away / blessed be the name of the Lord / Job 1.21
24---/04/03- In memory / of / William Emory Joner / leading stoker / H.M.S. Vigilant / aged 32 years / he was drowned at Canton February 27th 1878 [?] / this stone is erected by / his shipmates / as a token of respect
24---/04/04- In memory / of / ...... Preece / 1st King's Shropshire / Light Infantry / who died / 18th July 1882
24---/04/05- Sacred / to the memory of / Arthur Radnor / petty officer 1st class / H.M.S. "Cockchafer" / who died at Hong Kong / 25th January 1890 / aged 29 years / In the midst of life we / are in death / this stone is erected / by his shipmates
24---/05/01- To the memory / of / Arthur T Biggs / painter 1st class / H.M.S. "Severn" / who was drowned whilst bathing at / Aberdeen dock / 8th June 1889 [?] / aged 33 years
24---/05/02- Mary Ann / the beloved wife / of / Mr J M Namick / bandmaster H.B.M. 2nd Battalion of the 20th Foot / died 2nd January 1865 / aged 27 years
24---/05/03- back -commander R.N. / born February 19th 1833 / died December 21st 1865
24---/05/04- In the / midst of life / we are in / death / Beloved by all who knew him / this stone is erected by his shipmates / in sacred memory of / Philip Filleul A.B. / Victor Emmanuel
24---/06/01- In / affectionate remembrance / of / Robert Lewis / ordy. seman / H.M.S. "Severn" / who died at Hong Kong / February 11th 1891 / aged 19 years / Oh call it not clear ? / like ? / for the waters are passed / the time is wan / his ransomed soul has / reached the shore / where it weeps and sighs / and moans no more
24---/06/02- Amui Atkinson / born / 16th January 1864 / died / 20th December 1892#4479
24---/06/03- In memory / Ah Peng Atkinson / born June 13th 1865 / died July 14th 1891 / Gone but not forgotten
24---/06/04- Sacred to the memory of / William Rankin / who died at Hong Kong / 14th September 1891 / aged 26 years / this stone is erected by / G company / 1st batt. A&S Highlanders / as a token of esteem for their / departed comrade / Jesus calls us o'er the tumult / of life's wild restless sea / day by day in sweet voice soundeth / saying "Christian follow me"# 5374
24---/06/05- In memory / of / Isaac Upjohn / seaman / H.M.S. Tweed / who lost his life on / July 19th 1891 / during a typhoon / aged 21 years / Rest in peace
24---/06/06- In memory of / George Watson / ship's steward / H.M.S. "Victor Emmanuel" / who died 14th July 18?9 / aged 41 years / In the midst of life we are / in death / this stone is erected by his / shipmates
24---/07/01- front -Erected / by the / officers / and / crew / of / H.M.S. / "Flying Fish" / in / remembrance / of their / departed / shipmates / Decec 1883/Albert Smith / ship's cook / died suddenly on board / 29th March 1883 / aged 37 years / left -Thomas Lamb [?] / ship's corporal / aged 35 years/J.N.O. Davies / engine room artificer / died at Yokohama hospital / 25th September 1882 / aged 37 years /right -Edwin Holton / capt's coxsw. / 28 years/Frank Gillatt / boy 1st class / fell from aloft / and was killed 5th June 1880 / age 17 years/back -Frederick Noyce / drowned at sea / 26th November 1880 / aged 20 years
24---/07/02- Sacred / to / the memory / of / W.A. Allison / purser / of the R.M.S. Empress of China / who died at Hong Kong February 12th 1882 / erected by his brother officers# 5414
24---/07/03- Sacred / to the memory of / A.B. Kneett / H.M.S. Audacious / died 27th January 1888 / this stone was erected by ship's company [?]footstone A.B.K.
24---/07/04- In / memory / of / M.G. Pantigor / born Kent [?] .. 1842 / death 18th August 1880# 4888
24---/07/05- In memory / of / Archibald Sime C.F.T. / aged 28 years / killed by falling from aloft / H.M.S. Himiala / February 22nd 1883 / erected by his old friend / and shipmate J.C.A S # 4523
24---/08/01- Sacred to the memory / of / Charles Dolley / Captain topmast H.M.S. Princess Royal / who departed this life [illegible] deeply regretted by his brother / and his shipmates / this stone was erected by his messmates / as a token of respect# 3429
24---/08/02- Henry Williams / chief boatswain / US Navy / USS Hartford / died July ? / aged 41 yearsfootstone - H L B
24---/08/03- To the memory / of / James Simpson / illegible# 3465
24---/08/04- Sacred / to the memory / of / Peter Wilson illegible 3rd ? USS Hartford
24---/09/01- Sacred / to the memory / of / Joseph L Corliss / U.S. Navy / born Topsham, Maine / died December 30th 1866 / illegible ... / officers and crew# 3410
24---/09/02- Sacred / to the memory of / Joseph Thomas / steerage cook / born .... / Camden New Jersey / died / January 24 1967 / aged 40 years / erected by the officers / and crew of the US Ship Harford
24---/09/03- In memory of / private S.P. Hickmott / A.H.C. / drowned at Hong Kong / 7th March 1883 / aged 26 years
24---/09/04- Sacred / to the memory of / gunner / Jeremiah Thurston / No. 9 battery 1st brigade / Southern Division Royal Artillery / aged 36 years/. died 22nd February 1883
24---/09/05- In memory / of / James Bullock / signalman of Her Majesty's Ship / Albatross / who died at the Bowen / Naval Hospital Hong Kong / 25 November 1882 / aged 27 years / illegible
24---/10/01- 2nd battalion 9th regiment / Private H Cooper / January 28 / 1866
24---/10/02- 2nd battalion 9th regiment / Private J Hopkinson / January 11 / 1866
24---/10/03- 2nd battalion 9th regiment / Private H C Davey / December 27 / 1865
24---/10/04- 2nd battalion 9th regiment / Private F Oakes / 26 July / 1865
24---/10/05- 2nd battalion 9th regiment / Private John Jones / October 20 / 1865
24---/11/01- In / loving remembrance / of / Charles Hopson / bugler 25 compy. / Royal Engineers / who died at Hong Kong / on the 18th May 1883 / aged 16 years / erected by a comrade
24---/11/02- Sacred / to the memory / of / Sergt. J Barnaby / 9th reg / who departed this / life / 11th November 1865 / aged 37 years / erected by his / loving wife who / found in him a fond / & loving husband / to the end / also a faithful / soldier / & a valued friend
24---/11/03- 2nd battalion 9th regiment / Private J Wall / January 14th / 1866
24---/11/04- 2nd battalion 9th regiment / Private A Howe / November 11th / 1865
24---/11/05- 2nd battalion 9th regiment / Private F Brothers / February 26 / 1866
24---/11/06- 2nd battalion 9th regiment / Corporal R Wheatley / 2 October / 1865
24---/12/01- In memory of / Charles Wensley / private R.M.L.I. / H.M.S. Leander. died at Hong Kong / 28th January 1893 / aged 24 years / Gone but not forgotten / erected by his shipmates
24---/12/02- Sacred / to / the memory of / John Alexander Stoker / of / H.M.S. Imperieuse / who died from the effects / of burns received whilst / on duty on the 9thJanuary 1892 / aged 28 years / erected by the engineering staff of the ship / Here, where at anchor I lay / with many of our fleet / but once again i Must set sail / our saviour Christ to meet
24---/12/03- Sacred / to the memory of / John Shephard O.S. / H.M.S. Caroline / who was accidently drowned / at Hong Kong on 2nd January 1893 / aged 19 years / In the midst of life we are in death / erected by the officers and men of / H.M.S. Caroline
24---/12/04- Per mare Per terra / Sacred / to / the memory / of / John Wilkie / Lt. corp. R.M.L.I. / H.M.S. Leander / who died at Hong Kong / 12th day of March 1892 / aged 36 years / erected by his shipmates as / a token of their esteem / & regard / The Lord gave and the Lord taketh away / blessed be the name of GodJW # 5120
24---/12/05- Sacred / to the memory / of Robert James Hunt / medical staff corps / who died at Hong Kong / 18th July 1892 / aged 26 years / In the midst of life / we are in death
24---/13/01- In memory of / Sergt. Angus B. Matthews / Hong Kong Company / Royal Engineers / who died 10th February 1893 / aged 36 years / erected by his comrades
24---/13/02- In memory / of / Obe Posthumus / born at Hakkim, Holland / on the 11th Nov. 1817 / died at Hong Kong / on the 30th May 1892
24---/13/03- In memory of / Charlotte Constance Poignand / born 18th April 1860 / died 5th April 1893
24---/13/04- In memory of / Ella J. Howard / beloved wife / of / Captain J.T. Howard / died at sea Oct. 8th 1891 / aged 30 years# 5391
24---/13/05- Sacred / to the memory / of / W.H. Rogers / gunner R.N. / H.M.S. 'Victor Emanuel' / died Dec. 26th 1891 / aged 41 years / erected / by his / brother officers / in the / China Squadron / 1892# 5401
24---/13/06- Sacred to the / memory of / Frank Neep Jackson / the beloved only son of / John Middleton / and / Elizabeth Jackson / of Boston, England / who died on / 29th November 1881 / [illegible]
24---/14/01- This monument was erected / by the captain, officers / and men of / H.M.S. Encounter / in affectionate remembrance / of those who have died / during the ship's commissionright -W. Marlow stoker / died at Hong Kong / May 9th 1880 / aged 22 / W. Allen stoker / buried at sea / August 19th 1881 / aged 29 years/back -W Mudge / boatswain / died at Natal / April 10th 1885 / aged 49 yearsleft - illegible BarrieB Hill .... September 15th 1883 / aged 20 years
24---/14/02- In / affectionate remembrance / of / Richard Reynolds / "colour sergeant" / 1st Shropshire light infantry / who departed this life / on 6th June 1892 aged 30 years / In the midst of life / we are in deathB J & Co. # 5441
24---/14/03- In memory/of / John Hill / late ship's corporal / H.M.S. Leander / died at Hong Kong / 25th June 1892 / age 33 years / Gone but not forgotten / erected by his shipmates
24---/14/04- In / affectionate remembrance / of / Pte. William Watkins / B Coy. 1st SLI / who departed this life / June 29th 1892 aged 26 years / In the world of life we are in death / erected by the officers, / NCOs and men of his coy. / as a mark of esteemB J & Co. # 5447
24---/14/05- Sacred / to the memory / of / A.H. Harwood / gunner R.M.A. / died 3rd Jan. 1892 / aged 20 years and 9 months / illegible
24---/14/06- In memory of / Pte. / W Black / 1st King's Shropshire / Light Infantry / who died / 1st August 1892
24---/15/01- In memory of / Pte. / J Jones / 1st King's Shropshire / Light Infantry / who died / 7th August 1892
24---/15/02- This stone is erected by the officers / and crew of H.M.S. Caroline / in memory of their shipmates who died / during the commission 1890 - 1892/Horace Cadman boy / died Decr. 19th 1892 and is buried here/James Yeates A.B. / died Octr. 12th 1891 / Geo. T Walters ERA / died Octr. 20th 1891 and / James Crabb A.B. / died March 16th 1892 / who are buried at Shanghai
24---/15/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / battery sergeant major / Joseph P Thomas No. 9 battery 7th brigade / Royal Artillery / aged 29 years and 9 months / died 2nd January 1881 / illegible
24---/15/04- Ruhestaette / von / Hans Heinrich Bode / erster Officier des Deutschen / Dampfers "Cassandra" / geboren in Wilhemsburg / Hannover 18th April 1828 / gestorben in Hong Kong / 19th September 1880
24---/15/05- Sacred / to the memory / of / Elizabeth / the beloved wife of / James Durston / army pay department died at Hong Kong 16th June 1882 / aged 21 years / illegibleJames Durston / .. 28th April 1885 / aged 44 years
24---/15/06- Hier ruhet / August Franck / SS Decima / geb en Hamburg der 20 October 1872 / gest en Hong Kong der 26 December 1896
24---/16/01- HIer ruhet / unsere unvergessliche / Gattin und Mutter / Margarethe Korn / geboren 19 Mai 1869 / gestorben 6 Septembre 1892
24---/16/02- Sacred / to / the memory / of / William Dornan / a native of Coleraine Ireland / a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on the / 21st February 1881 / aged 26 years / erected by the members of the / Hong Kong Police Force as a mark of esteem / and respect for a comrade# 4613
24---/16/03- Sacred to the memory / of / gunner Amos Hopson / No. 9 battery 7th brigade Royal Artillery / who died at Hong Kong / on 2nd Januaryt 1882 / aged 23 years and 6 months / this stone was erected / as a mark of esteem by the / officers, NC officers and / men of the battery# 4566
24---/16/04- Japanese characters# 4510
24---/16/05- Sacred / to / the memory of / H. Farsman A.B. / of SS "Bengloe" / a native of Sweden / drowned while bathing / in Hong Kong Harbour / on July 31st 1892 / aged 26 years / erected by the officers and crew# 5457
24---/16/06- In memory of / Pte. / S. Welsh / King's Shropshire / Light Infantry / who died / 6th August 1882
24---/17/01- Chinese Characters
24---/17/02- Hier ruhet in Gott / Peter Scheelk / 1st Maschinist / SS Alwine / gest. 4th March 1892 / errichtet von Klub Eintracht
24---/17/03- Erected in loving / memory / of / Arthur Bernard Rodyk / by his loving wife / Mary Francis Rodyk / Love never faileth / died 13th April 1892 / aged 38 years# 5444
24---/17/04- In memory of / John Williams / a native of Carnavon, Wales / late 2nd / officer of SS "Taiyuan" / died 8th June 1892 / aged 25 years / erected by his shipmatesB J & Co. # 5442
24---/17/05- In memory / of / Lance corporal / R.W.J. Fitzgerald / 27th Inniskillings / who died at Hong Kong / 6th December 1880 / aged 27 years / erected by his comradesfootstone R W J F# 4498
24---/17/06- Sacred to the memory / of / Alfred Christian Doree / late captain of the SS "Memnon" / born Copenhagen 3rd August 1864 / and died 2nd February 1892 / Tho lost to sight / to memory dearB J & Co. # 5415
24---/17/07- Hier ruhet in Gott / Emil Scmidt / 1ster Maschinist / geb. in Glocau / gest. 17th April 1892 / errichtet vom Klub Eintracht
24---/18/01- Sacred to the memory / of / Fanny / the dearly beloved wife / of / Walter W. Brewer / died / August 8th 1892 / aged 38 / Passed from death to lifeB J & Co. # 5462
24---/18/02- In memory of / James Young / chief engineer SS Batavia / a native of Scotland / who died of siezure while bathing / at Kowloon Docks 14th Sept. 1892 / aged 52 years / mourned by those dear to him faraway / in the midst of life we are in death / erected by a few of his friends / as a mark of esteemB J & Co. # 5478
24---/18/03- In loving memory / of / Captain Thomas Monro / barque 'Altair... / village line Glasgow / born at Invergcram [?] Scotland / March 22nd / 1845 / died at Hong Kong February 14th 1883 / deeply regretted illegibleB J & Co. # 5478
24---/18/04- Scred to the memory / of / William L Martick / who died 28th February 1898 / aged 32 yearsB J & Co. # 5496
24---/18/05- Sacred to the memory / of / W.N. Allison / died in Hong Kong / January 23rd 1896 / aged 37 yearsB J & Co. # 5489
24---/18/06- In memory of / Pte. / W. Badger / King's Shropshire / Light Infantry / who died / 10 March 1893
24---/19/01- illegible
24---/19/02- In memory / of / Edward B Jorey / of Plymouth England / died at Hong Kong / January 21st 1893B J & Co. # 6188
24---/19/03- Sacred / to the memory of / William T Edwards / 2nd captain of the M.T. / H.M.S. Iron Duke / who departed this life on the / 14th day of April 1881 / aged 27 years / This tablet is erected by his / late ??? as a token of / esteem for the departed and / out of respect for his memory / respected by all his messmates# 4518
24---/19/04- Sacred / to the memory / of / Wm. Jones A.B. / and R.B. Northmore prite. R.N. / who were killed on board H.M.S. Daring / by the premature explosion of / the charges ... / on the 22nd day of June 1884 / this tablet is erected over the graves of the / .....
24---/19/05- Sacred / to the memory of / William Drew A.B. / H.M.S. 'Iron Duke' / who died on the ?? 1891 ? / aged 27 years / In God we trust
26---/01/01- In / loving memory / of / Gertrude Pauline / Shelton / died 15th June 1893 / aged 6 months / also of / Edith Sara Shelton / died 28th August 1896 / aged 6 years / beloved children of / Augustus Shelton and Sarah Hooper# 5519 # 5889 [8?]
26---/01/02- Chinese characters
26---/01/03- Chinese characters
26---/01/04- Chinese characters
26---/01/05- Chinese characters
26---/01/06- In loving memory of / Tye Sung Ling / born 13th June 1903 / died 19th September 1907# 5267
26---/01/07- In loving memory / of / George John Ho# 7113
26---/01/08- In / loving / memory / of / Robert & Victor George / beloved sons of / J. & C.A. Atkinson / 1st A. & S. Highrs. / who died at Hong Kong / on the 8th June / 1889 /Robert born at Wynberg / Cape Colony / 15th January 1883 / aged 6 years and 5 months/Victor Geo born at Colombo / 3rd December 1887 / aged 1 years and 6 months/The Lord gave and the lord hath taketh away / blessed be the name of the Lord# 5160 # 5161
26---/01/09- In / loving memory / of / Tung Sik Hong / born 31st May 1908 / died 29th November 1908CEW & Co # 7450HK
26---/01/10- Chinese characters
26---/01/11- Chinese Characters/In / loving / memory / of / Wong Kai / born 30th October 1902 / died 25th July 1903
26---/01/12- Sacred / to the / loving / memory / of / Matilda Gordon / daughter / of / A & E Gordon / 1st Batt / A & S Highrs. / born 11th November 1886 at Kandy Ceylon / died at Hong Kong 6th July 1889 / aged 2 years and 8 months / Jesus saith: suffer little children to come unto me# 5170
26---/01/13- Chinese Characters/In memory / of / Hung Pik Ann / the beloved daughter of / Hung Kam Ning / born 30th July 1884 / died 29th December 1889
26---/01/14- In loving memory / of / Li Yu Wa / born 17th Oct. 1909 / died 10th May 1910 / R.I.P.CEW & Co. # 7644
26---/01/15- Japanese Characters# 5170
26---/01/16- In loving memory of / our darling / Mary Ann / who fell asleep in Jesus / June 20th 1890 / aged 3 years and 10 months/backRest for the little sleeper / joy for the ransom'd soul / peace for the lovely weeper / Dark tho' the waters roll / peace the little loving sleeper / close to thy saviour's side / housed with thy tender keeper / Safe, for the / Lord has died# 5263
26---/01/17- In loving memory / of / John Joseph / born 1st February 1883 / died 15th July 1890 / and of George / born 13th March 1881 / died 5th May 1882 / the dearly beloved sons of J J & J Scott / 1sr Batt A & S Highrs. / Gone from memory or from love / but to our fathers home above# 5963
26---/02/01- Chinese characters# 7427 ?
26---/02/02- Chinese charactersIn loving memory of / Wong Suk Po / died 24th June 1909 / aged 8 years
26---/02/03- No evil befalls them / their honme is above / and Jesus throws round them / the armes of his love / erected / in loveing memory / of our dear son / James Niven / who was born in Hong Kong / 28th August 1887 / and died there 27th May 1888/also of our dear infant daughter / Catherine Pringle / born in Singapore 19th June 1883 / and died there 1st September 1883# 5065
26---/02/04- To Wai LinChinese charactersTo Ying Kwan
26---/02/05- In / loving memory / of / Li Kai Yuen / died 6th Aug. 1906 / R I P # 7108
26---/02/06- Chinese characters
26---/02/07- Kenneth Cantlie Dennys / born November 12th 1887 / died February 19th 1888 / Take heed that ye despise not one of / these little ones: For i say unto you that / in heaven their angels do always behold the / force of my Father which is in Heaven / Math XXII 10# 5049
26---/02/08- In / loving / memory / of / Tso Kai / infant son of Mr S W Tso / born 11th January 1903 / died 24th September 1903 / Suffer the little children to come unto me / for such is the kingdom in heaven
26---/02/09- In memory of / Robert F W Falconer / dearly beloved son of / Alex and Isabella Falconer / born 21st Oct. died 4th Dec 1887 / Suffer little children to come unto me# 5019
26---/02/10- Wee / Georgie / fourth son / of / William / and / Georgina / Ramsay / died 16th Sept / 1885 / aged / 1 year / and / 7 months / Too fair a flower to stay with us / God took him to his rest / and folded in his saviour arms / sweet darling thou art blessed
26---/02/11- In / loving memory / of / Li Yu Tin / born 28th Aug 1901 / died 18th Aug 1902 / R I P# 6591
26---/02/12- Sacred / to the memory of / Eva Hilda Hewitt / the dearly beloved daughter / of Sergt C A Hewitt / Medical Staff Corps / born 30th July 1881 / accidently drowned / Hong Kong 30th March 1885
26---/02/13- Japanese Characters# 6591
26---/02/14- Hire ruhet in Gott / unser liebling / Henrietta / W L Drewes / geb 8 Marz 1886 / gest 12 Sepr 1886 / Ewige ruhe schenke / ihr der Herr / und / unvergangliches / licht / erleuchte sie# 4898
26---/02/15- Japanese Characters8622 B J & Co. & Co.
26---/03/01- In living memory / of / Marjorie / daughter of / F W & E M Stapleton / died 2nd June 1906 / aged 4 months / also their daughter / Dorothy / died 28th December 1907 / aged 9 months
26---/03/02- In loving memory / of / our / little / ones / Thomas John Peter / aged 8 months / Catherine Isabella / aged 1 day / illegible
26---/03/03- Sacred to the memory of / George Street / illegible
26---/04/01- In loving memory / of / Edward James / infant son of / James and Elizaberh Wlliamson / born 6th January 1903 / died 1st July 1903 / Suffer little children to come unto me
26---/04/02- Hope / In / loving memory / of / Joyce Newman Mumford / died June 7th 1902 / aged 6 years and 11 months / With Christ which is far better
26---/04/03- Marjorie / loving and fondly loved / older daughter of / Herbert Stanley and Emma Sophia Vaughan / who died 17th September 1902 / aged 7 years and 11 months / Home sweet home# 6608
26---/04/04- In loving memory of / Mary Isabella / infant daughter of / Duncan and Sarah McDonald / born August 28th 1888 / died October 9th 1888 / Suffer the little children to come unto me / and forbid them not for as such is the / kingdom of heaven
26---/05/01- In / loving memory / of / our darling / Rex / eldest child of / Reginald & Edith Thomas / born 30th Dec 1902 / passed away 1st Jan 1904 / Shepherd show me how to go / o'er the hillside steep / lead thy lambkin to the fold / take me in thy arms# 6791
26---/05/02- Japanese characters
26---/05/03- Gerald Francis Carl Brewitt / born November 5th 1895 / died August 18th 1896 / a babe / in glory / is a babe / forever# 6680
26---/05/04- In loving memory / of / Annie Mary Gloyn / who died June 1st 1903 / aged 18 months / also/Thomas Alfred Gloyn / who died 12th June 1903 / aged 3 weeks / For such is the kingdom of heaven
26---/05/05- Chinese characters/Bessie Yeung# 7204
26---/05/06- Chinese characters
26---/05/07- In / loving memory / of / Dorothy Banker / born April 6th 1902 / died Oct. 23rd 1906 / and / Daphne Elizabeth / born April 27th 190 ? / the dearly beloved children / of / Samuel and Elizabeth Green / He shall gather the lambs with his / arms and carry them in his bosom / IS XL.II/In heaven their angels do always / behold the face of my father which / is in heaven / S Math XVIII . 10
26---/06/01- Marc 10 / v 14 / Hier ruhet die Geschwister / Johanna Maus / geb in Fuk Wing / am 7 Jan 1882 / gest in Hong Kong / am 25 Mai 1892 /Rudolph Maus / geb in Thon Thanda / am 14 Juli 1899 / gest in Hong Kong / 28 Jan 1900
26---/06/02- In loving memory of / the infant son of / Walter and Emilie Judd / born Feb 27th 1889 / died March 1st 1889 / And Jesus called a little child unto him
26---/06/03- In / loving memory / of / wee Douglas / the / son / of / Fred and Lotte [?] Hunt / born at Winchester / April 1887 / died at Hong Kong / October 1888
26---/06/04- In / memory / of / wee Georgie / the beloved son / of / J and J A Lindsay / 1st A & S Highlanders / born at Hong Kong / 14 June 1890 / died at Hong Kong 24 July 1891 / The cup was bitter the loss severe / to part with him we loved so dear / it was God's will / It should be so / by his command
26---/06/05- Evelyn Isabella [?] / Stanley / born .... / died .. illegible# 5081
26---/06/06- Sacred to the memory / of / George / the beloved son of / George and Lucy Phelps / born at Bristol England / 22nd October 1881 / died at Hong Kong / 14th November 1887 / aged 6 years / Jesus called a little child to him / in that beautiful he is gone to / Mat 18.2 / For all those who are washed and forgiven / and many dear children are gathered there / for of such is the kingdom of heaven
26---/06/07- In devoted memory of / Alice Muriel / [darling Moo] / the youngest and deeply loved / child of / Will and Nellie Hobbs / who died / 25th January 1907 / in her 6th year / A light is from our household gone / a voice we loved is stilled / a void is in our aching hearts / that never can be filled
26---/07/01- In memory of / Helene Marie / Fletcher / born 13 January 1967 / died 26 January 1967
26---/07/02- Hier ruhet in Gott / unser hei [?] / Carl Johann Paul / Rogge / geb 19 April 1901 / Nach des Allmachtigen willen uns / genommen am 6 October 1902 / nur 17 Monate 17 Tage alt / uns bleob die Hoffnung / auf ein weidersehen
26---/07/03- In / everloving memory / of / Jack / the dearly beloved son of / Charles and Eva Brett / who fell asleep / Sunday September 13th 1903 / aged 12 months / Lost awhile our tresured love / called forever safe above
26---/07/04- Hier ruhet / in freiden / unser susser kleine / Liebling / Johanne Mete Witzke / durch Gottess Willen uns genomen / am 18th Aug 1905 5 monate alt
26---/07/05- In loving memory / Thomas Kyles / born in Glasgow / 4th Dec 1883 / died Kowloon 31st Dec 1887
26---/07/06- In loving memory / of / Ser ? / Sergeant of Police / Naval Yard Hong Kong / who died 23rd September 1882 / aged 32 years / Jesus my Lord is... ? / bless thou help me must be / bring thy free salvation ... / illegible
26---/07/07- Sacred / to / the memory / of Alice Winsor / aged 23 years / who died in Hong Kong / 3rd May 1880 / Thy will be done / requiescat in pace
26---/07/08- In loving memory / of / Robert Percival Benson / who died on Dec 15th 1897 / aged 11 months / He shall gather the lambs / with his arm and carry / thm in his bosom / Isiah XL
26---/08/01- In / loving / memory / of / Adelia / the / beloved / child / of / John / and / Louisa / Watson / born 25 June 1886 / died 1st December 1887 / He shall lead his flock like a shepherd / he shall gather the lambs with his arms / and carry them to his bosom
26---/08/02- In loving memory / of / John Thomson Ramsay / born 8th July 1902 / died 1st Aug 1903 / Of such is the kingdom of heaven
26---/08/03- In / loving memory / of / Gillie / only daughter of / Francis and Sarah Brake / Medical Staff Corps / born at Cork Sept. 14th 1884 / and died at Hong Kong / September 25th 1887 / She is not dead the child of our affection / but gone unto that school / where she no longer needs our poor protection / and Christ himself does this
26---/08/04- right -born 7th Nov 1880 / died 13 May 1887 / left -In loving memory of / ... daughter / illegible
26---/08/05- Sacred / to / the memory / of / John Alexander / son of / Charles and Bella / Burnett R.E. / died 16th September 1902 / aged 8 months
26---/08/06- Hope / In memory of / Alexander Livingston / dearly beloved son of / Dr Patrick Manson / born at Littlewood, Alford 13th Sep 1882 / died at Hong Kong May 19th 1887 / also/Patrick Thurburn Manson MB / eldest son of / Dr Patrick Manson CMG FRS / born at Amoy 20th Aug 1877 / died at Christmas Island 3 March 1902 / Not gone from memory nor love / but to our father's home above
26---/09/02- Joseph Edward / Clackburn / illegible
26---/09/03- In memory of / illegible / daughter of ?
26---/09/04- Baby Edwards
26---/09/05- Hier / ruhet / Anne Ellie Garrels / geboren den 11 December 1886 / gestorben den 28 December 1886
26---/09/06- In loving memory / of / Frederick / son of / Sgt. C Stringer / 2nd R W Kent Rgt. / died 5 Oct. 1906 age 15 months / Asleep in Jesus
26---/09/07- In loving memory / of / Thomas Gate Leatherbarrow / born Sep 29 1885 / died Oct 31 1886 / The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away# 4914
26---/10/01- Rita Borkert / born 12th Feb 1968 / died 17th Oct. 1969
26---/10/02- In loving memory of / Pamela Judith Durdey / born 7th June 1959 / died 12th July 1968 / Always in our thoughts# 11769
26---/10/03- In loving memory of / Mabel Martin de Bartolome / died 18th April 1902 / aged 2 years 8 months / dyer. of George and Esther / Martin de Bartolome / Gone to be an angel / of such is the kingdom of heaven
26---/11/01- In loving memory of / our darling / Mabel / the beloved daughter of / Robert and Ellen Walpole / died 8th July 1905 / aged 4 months
26---/11/02- Tmothy Paul Von Behren / January 31 1960 / September 7 1968 / Away from the body and / at home will the Lord / II Corinthians 5.8
26---/11/03- Neil / son of / Cpl and Mrs Gibson / 7th October 1966 age 3 / Rest In Peace
26---/11/05- HIer ruhet / ?? .. / Lesbierre / illegible# 4813
26---/11/06- Frederich Herbert / ?arhe?? / geb Aug 15 1883 / gest July 4th 1906 / .. marcos .. illegible
26---/11/07- illegible who died ... / aged 7 years
26---/11/08- Japanese characters
26---/12/01- In loving memory / of / Herbert Seaton Dowler / October 31st 1893
26---/12/02- In / loving memory / of / Jane Annie / beloved daughter of / C P and I A Phillips / died 14th March 1887 / aged 2 years 6 months / illegible
26---/12/03- In / loving memory / of / Jessie / dearly beloved daughter of / E and A Chapman / died 27th June 1888 / aged 14 months / Suffer little children to come unto me
26---/12/04- Robert Mitchell
26---/12/05- In loving memory / of / Victor and Alexander / sons of / G & R Claust ?# 5871# 5089
26---/12/06- In / loving memory of / St John Way Jameson / aged 14 months / beloved son of / John Watt & Rona G Jameson# 5871# 5089
26---/12/07- Our baby / J and H T
26---/12/08- Sacred to the memory of / Mary Augusta / the beloved child of / George and Elizabeth / ? Annor [?] H Ornay / died 18 July 1885 / aged XV years# 9795
26---/12/09- Sacred / to the memory / of / Edwin Phillip / born Sept 26 1887 / died Dec 29 1899 / alsoAlice Victoria / born June 2 1896 / died Nov 8 1905 / beloved children of / George and Annie Long / Thy oh Lord not ours will be done # 9795
26---/13/01- Japanese characters
26---/13/02- Japanese characters
26---/13/03- Japanese characters
26---/13/04- Japanese characters
26---/13/05- Japanese characters
26---/13/06- Japanese characters
26---/13/07- In / loving / memory / of / Ferdie / only child of J E Brown and Fanny his wife / born 21st August 1884 / died 22nd March 1886 / also / of / Fanny / the beloved wife / of / J E Brown / and mother of / Ferdie / who died 24 October / 1886 / In death / deeply lamented / safe in the arms of Jesus / safe from sorrowing care / safe from the worldy temptations / sin may not harm him there# 4949 # 4912
26---/13/08- Our darling little Edgar / In / loving memory / of / Edgar John Horace French / the dearly beloved and only / child of / John and Annie French / born at Portsmouth 24 October 1901 / died at Kowloon 16 Sept 1905
26---/13/09- Japanese characters
26---/13/10- Japanese characters
26---/13/11- Japanese characters
26---/13/12- Japanese characters
26---/13/13- Japanese characters
26---/13/14- In / memory / of / Mary Eleanor / infant daughter / of Henry Hope / and / Helen Christine Joseph / born 2nd December 1894 / died 3rd December 1894
26---/14/01- Levett / Barbara Florence / 7 April 1934 - 18 January 1993/William James Levett / 15 April 1965 - 10 March 1970 / We will love you forever
26---/14/02- in loving memory of / Stephen James Allwood / born 26th January 1970 / died 29th January 1970
26---/15/01- In memory of God's gift / Pamela Susan Neuls / December 21 1970
27---/01/01- no inscription# 5728
27---/01/02- In loving memory / of / our darling / Arthur John / son of / George and Louise White / born 2nd May 1903 / died 9th June 1905 / Only sleeping
27---/01/03- In loving memory / of / Doris Frances / the dearly beloved daughter / of / John and Jessie / Tatam / born 11th June 1901 / died 15th June 1903 / In our heavenly father's care
27---/01/04- Hiob 1.21 / Carl Kammerer / geb 8 Juli 1892 gest 5 Oct. 1895 / 1 ch mochte / Hiem!Hiob 1.21 / Paul Kemmerer / geb 8 Aut [?] 1890 / gest 4 October 1895 / Not lost / only gone before# 5747
27---/01/05- Our little ones / 1880 / 1882 / 1887 / Wm. Powell
27---/01/06- Ada May Bumer / born March 1881 / died 19 June 1885 / aged 1 years 2 months / aged 18 days / illegible
27---/01/07- Grace Edith / the only and dearly / beloved child / of / E and J S Lewingdon / who died / 21st January 1896 / aged 6 years and 9 months / Tender shepherd thou last / little lamb's brief weeping / O how peacefull pale and mild / in its narrow bed. Tis sleeping / and no sigh of anguish sore / heaves that little bosom more
27---/01/08- In loving memory / our little darling / George Romas / only and beloved child / of / Romas and Hetty Bennett / died June 12 1902 aged 8 months / illegible
27---/01/09- In / loving / memory / of / Alice Maragaret / Linborg ? / died 4 March 1866 / aged 4 days
27---/01/10- In loving memory of / Constance Lambourne / beloved daughter of / William and Margaret Kendall / who died July 5th 1902 / aged 11 weeks / Asleep in Jesus
27---/01/11- In loving memory of / Laura Frances / died Ocrober 22nd 1889 / aged 11 months / also of / Eugenie Esmeralda Ernestine / died March 31st 1896 / aged 4 years and 5 months / children of Hubert and Elizabeth Gidley / Far too lovely were our darlings / for this cold and bitter life / and although we weep to miss them / they are far from worldly strife
27---/01/12- In loving memory / Elsie Ewing / died 26 September 1906 / aged 1 week / and Nancy Ruth Ewing / died 22 November 1910 aged 1 year 4 months / beloved children of John and Elsie Ewing# 7010# 7698
27---/01/13- Allan / In loving memory of / Allan Coutts / infant son of / Henry William and Edith / Alice Ritchie / born May 14th 1895 / died April 14th 1896 / Ere sin could slight or sorrow fade / death came with friendly care / the opening bud to heaven conveyed / and bode it blossom there
27---/01/14- In loving memory / William Alfred Wyburn / the dearly beloved son of / Alfred and Eleanora Hodgins / born Jan. 19 1887 / died July 30 1901 / also / infant daughter / born and died August 26 1895 / and / twin sons / born May 25 died May 27 1900
27---/02/01- IHS / In loving memory of / Gertrude Mary / the beloved child of / D M Farley / illegibleHerbert Henry / the fourth beloved child of the above / died October 4 1883 / aged 11 months / illegible
27---/02/02- Sacred / to the memory of / Albert Samuel / the third and / beloved son of / Garrison Sergt. Major / Joseph and Katherine Meredith / Hong Kong / born 4th July 1881 died 24th May 1883 / aged 1 year and 10 months / not lost but gone before
27---/02/03- Hier / ruhet / in / Gott / Manfred Bahr / aged 10 months / geb 19 January 1902 / gest 25 November 1902
27---/02/04- Sacred to the memory / Rona Margaret / ? Frances Martha and ? / born 22nd March 1891 / died 3 October 1891
27---/02/05- In memory of / the infant son / of / Edward and Phyllis Osborne / who died 17th December 1902 / aged 11 days / and he took them in his armsBJ & Co. # 6626
27---/02/06- Sacred / to / the memory of / Cecil Montagu Talbot / dearly beloved son of / Samuel Talbot / Sergeant 1st Batt. / Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers / and Elizabeth, his wife / who died at Hong Kong / 13th June 1881 / aged 4 years 8 months/bodystone - illegible
27---/02/07- Hier rust / Jan Westerveld / in leven gezacvoerder / an het Nederlandsch / ship "Trio" / geboren te Amsterdam / 18 Maart 1831 / overladen to Hong Kong / 3 Nov 1877
27---/02/08- To / the memory / of / Edward Warren / a native of England / and lately a member / of the Hong Kong / Police Force who died / at Hong Kong / on the 5th Jany. 1878 / aged 29 years / erected by members / of the Hong Kong / Police Force / as a / mark of esteem
27---/02/09- Sacred / to the memory of / Pte. William Woods / ? company / illegible
27---/02/10- In loving memory / of Vera Klimanoff / born October 6th and / died November 24th 1903
27---/02/11- Sacred to the memory of / John Haggart / who was kiilled by an explosion on board the / SS Yasso / Hong Kong on the 22nd November 1877 / aged 31 years / Deeply regretted# 5212
27---/02/13- In memory of / the late captain / John Hermann Von Bargen / of the SS 'Ferntower' / died November 10th 1877 / aged 46 years / illegible
27---/02/14- Tombeau / de / Onsaku Yukawa / officier Japonais / mort a Hong Kong / le 5 Aout 1878 / a l'age de 22 ans / en rentrant de la France / a sa patrie
27---/02/15- Sacred / to the / memory / of / Piper Neil Buchanan / who died at Hong Kong / 28 September 1878 / aged / 33 years and 2 months / erected / by the / officers / non commissioned officers / and men / E Company Highlanders / as a mark of esteem / his soul is thine / o Lord
27---/02/16- Sacred to the memory of / William Matchett / a native of Ireland / and lately a member of Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on the 5 April 1878 / aged 41 years / erected by members of the Hong Kong Police Force Force / as a mark of esteem
27---/02/17- Sacred / to the / memory / of / Alex. Campbell / aged 30 years / a native of Glasgow, Scotland / died / at / Hong Kong / 17th June 1878 / this stone was erected by the officers of the revenue cruisers of Canton
27---/02/18- In / affectionate remembrance / of / William H Colling / ord. seaman HMS Sheldrake / died at Hong Kong March 7th 1878 / aged 18 years / also of / John W Back GR N / of the same ship / who was drowned on the / Yang Tse Kiang Riiver / on the 20th July 1878 / buried at I. Chang / erected by their sorrowing shipmates / As in Adam all die, even so in / Christ shall all be made / alive
27---/02/19- Sacred to the memory of / Alfred Nicholls / drowned at sea May 28th 1878 / aged 23 years / Thy way O Lord is in the sea / and the path in the great waters / this stone erected by his sorrowing parents
27---/03/01- Sacred to the memory / of / Martin Luther Bevis / of Ramsgate Kent / born 3rd October 1844 / died 30th March 1879 / aged 34 years
27---/03/02- In memory of / Alfred Eagle / aged 28 years / quartermaster / H.I.C. M.S.Peng Choa Hai / who was killed by smugglers / on the night of May 14th 1879 / this stone was erected by the / commander officers / and other shipmates / by whom the loss is deeply lamented
27---/03/03- Sacred / to / the memory of / John G. Swanston / late / inspector HK Police / a native of Dunnet Caithness / who died on 8th February 1891 / aged 38 years / To the hills will I lift mine eyes / from whence the Lord / my safety cometh from the Lord / like heaven and hath made / This stone was erected by the members of St. John's Lodge as a mark of esteem
27---/03/04- In memory / of / N J Swanston / who died in Shaukeiwan / aged one years and 8 months/M T B Swanston / who died at Wanchai / aged 3 years and 10 months/D M Swanston / who died at West Point / aged 1 hour/A A Swanston / who died at Wanchai / aged 10 months/Archibald Swanston / who died at Gap Station / aged 5 years and 10 monthsMLS # 1126MTBS # 4749DMS # 5015AAS # 5235 # 5280
27---/03/05- Sacred / to / the memory of / George Louis Smith / engine room [?] artificer / HMS Victor Emmanuel / who departed this life / August 31st 1877 aged 23 years / erected by his messmates and / friends as a token of their respect
27---/03/06- In memory / of / William ? / who died at Hong Kong / on the 2nd September 1878 / aged 32 years / This stone was erected / by his shipmates
27---/03/07- Sacred / to / the memory of / John P Donaldson / late chief engineer / of the C & N ? Coy's steamer / I Chang / who died at Hong Kong / September 1877 / aged 34 years / erected as a mark of tribute / by his friends in China
27---/03/08- Little Marie / beloved daughter / of / Milton and Susie Sampson / born May 13th 1897 / died June 7th 1903
27---/03/09- Sacred to the memory of / Maria / the beloved wife of / school master Bridges / 27th Inniskillings / and daughter of / Mr Edwin Hardcastle / Maida Vale, London / who entered into rest August 2nd 1879 / aged 28 years / illegible# 4436
27---/03/10- Sacred / to the memory of / Brih Christensen Erlick / of the Danish barque / Flensborg / / born in Denmark / died in Hong Kong / 4th September 1879
27---/03/11- Sacred / to / the memory of / Thomas Sangster / a native of Aberdeenshire / and lately a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on 3rd August 1979 / aged 34 years / erected by memebers of the / Hong Kong Police Force / as a mark of esteemT S # 4433
27---/03/12- Erected to the / memory of / James Morgan Farmer / of Che Foo / who died at Hong Kong / on the 19th February 1879 / aged 29 years
27---/03/13- Erected / by / a few friends / in memory of / Alex Murray engineer / native of Renton, Dumbarton / who died at sea on board / the SS Zamboanga / 17th July 1877 / aged 30 years
27---/03/14- Sacred / to the memory of / Ernest ? killed on board the / ? on the 10th November 1877 / a native of ? / aged 28 years / this stone was erected by his friends and officersillegibleER # 4330
27---/03/15- Japanese characters
27---/03/16- In memory of / Henry Long / 1st class fireman USN / who died at Hong Kong / on 27th February 1878 / aged 42 years / erected by his shipmates
27---/03/17- In memorium / Private James S Kerr ? / D compy. 74th Highlanders / who died at Hong Kong / 10th December 1878 / aged 45 years / erected as a mark of respect / by the officers, NC Officers / and men of his companyP J S K# 4356
28---/01/01- In loving memory / of / two infant sons / A S & Masa Mihara / 25 June 1899 / 27 June 1899 / died 25 Aug 1906
28---/01/02- # 6202# 6680
28---/02/03- Japanese characters
28---/02/04- Japanese characters
28---/02/05- ? / beloved son / of / ? and Alice McMaster ? / Carsport N ? / born Oct. 28 1894 / died on board ship 'Sachem' in Hong Kong / July 6th 1896
28---/02/06- side 1Grace Bagnall / daughter of / US Consul Manila / Isaac Elliot / and Hattie his wifeside 2 who died at Hong Kong / April 26 1896 / aged 18 monthsB J & Co. # 5793
28---/02/07- In / memory / of / Charles / infant son of / Chas. and M C Grant / who died May 26 1896 / aged 3 months / There's a home for little / children above the bright / blue sky
28---/03/01- Japanese characters
28---/03/02- illegible Albon# 5604
28---/03/03- In loving memory / of / Harry / the dearly beloved son of / Sergeant H A and E.M.A. / Davidson B.L.S.C. / who died on 3rd April 1894 / aged 2 years and 14 days / Safe in the arms of Jesus
28---/03/04- In loving memory / of / Philip Bernard Legaspi Vincent / infant son of / Philip Robert Stanley and / Edith Ellen Vincent / born 11th July 1893 / died 16th May 1894 / on board SS 'Sung Kiang' / between Manila and / Hong Kong aged 10 months & 5 days / God is his own interpreter / and he will make it plain
28---/03/05- Our / darling baby / Colin Walter / the loved child of / W L and A Ford / who died August 15th 1894 / aged 1 year and 12 days / For such is the kingdom of heaven
28---/04/02- Sacred to the memory / of / Li Xay Cheung / died 15th April 1895 / aged 8 1/2 months / R.I.P.
28---/04/03- Dorothy / Nellie Victoria / Farmer / died 1893 aged 2 years / Blest are the pure in heart/Lillian Lucia / Farmer / died 1893 aged 4 months / For they shall see God/Kathleen M / Farmer / died 1953 aged 49 years / The hand of God is safer / than a known way# 5547 # 10852 # 5558
28---/04/04- Sacred / to the memory of / Eliza Alford / died 10th February 1899 / aged 9 monthsasleep in Jesus
28---/04/05- In / loving memory / of / Alan Bertram / son of / Frederick and Alice M Goddard / died April 11th 1894 / aged 4 1/2 months / Jesus called a little child unto him
28---/04/06- George / the beloved son of / Sgt Horsman / 1st RB / died 5 January 1885 / aged 3 years and 3 months / Gone but not forgotten / Angels from their starry home have called our gem we could not keep / there he waits until we come little George has gone to sleep
28---/04/07- In loving memory / of / Helmuth / geb. 17 Oct. 1887 / gest. 28 Sep. 1894 / youngest son/Julia / born 19 June 1888 / died 6 May 1896 / second daughter/beloved children / of / Bernhard and Malvine RuchwaldyIn loving memory of / Carl Augustus / Emil Pfannkuchen / died 1st Jan. 1930 / aged 68 years / Unfathomable thy law / unavailing the mother's cry / thou knowest why
28---/05/01- Chinese Characters
28---/05/02- Japanese characters
28---/05/03- In loving memory / of / our darlings / Mable Alice Blake / born 27th October 1891 / died 10th June 1893/George Amos William Blake / born 20 Oct. 1892 / died and buried at sea 349 miles / from Hong Kong 22nd January 1896 / the beloved children of / George and Alice Blake R.E. / Not gone from memory not from love / but gone to their father's home aboveside - In loving memory / of / our dear little Georgie / who fell asleep / May 26 1895 aged 8 months / dearly beloved and deeply lamented / safe in the arms of Jesus
28---/05/04- R.I.P. / in / loving / memory / of / Samuel Franklin Young / the beloved son / of / Mrs A Melhuish / born22nd August 1892 / died 31st May 1893 / aged 1 year 10 months / Gone but not forgotten
28---/06/01- Perez Nathaniel Blanchard / born 14th 1890 / died July 12th 1891/Liela Wil ?? Blanchard / born July 30th 1886 / died July 8th 1891/children of Grace S and Nathl. W Blanchard
28---/06/02- Chinese and Japanese Characters
28---/06/03- In loving memory of / Albert Victor / died 10 ? 1892illegible
28---/06/04- sacred to the memory / of / Alice Mary / born August 15th 1885 / died April 10th 1892/baby / born August 23rd 1891 / died August 25th 1891 / children of Edward and / Elizabeth Stainflied / Not gone from memory / or from love / but to their father's home above
28---/06/05- Sarah SAa ... / died Nov. 10th 1894 age 3 / Little children ............ / .......... / Praise the Lordillegible
29---/01/01- In loving memory of / Donald Fergusson C.E. / formerly of Portsmouth Dockyard / who met his death by accident / August 31 1891 / aged 57 years / In the midst of life we are in death / this stone was erected by his / loving wifeD F 5272
29---/01/02- Sacred / to the memory / of /James Jones Skinner / born at London, Eng / 13rd March 1843 / died at Hong Kong / 12th March 1890 / erected by friends in Japan
29---/01/03- In memory / of / Sawano Kakutaro / who died / at Hong Kong / on October 20 1891
29---/01/04- Sacred / to the memeory of / Joseph Derrick AB / HMS 'Himalaya' / who died at Hong Kong / Friday January 4th 1889 / also / to the memory of / Walter G Brown Pte. R.M.L.I. / of the same ship / who was drowned at sea / on 15th December 1888 / This stone is erected / by their shipmates
29---/01/05- In memory / of / Private Benjamin Riley / G Company [5 VL ?] / Northamptonshire Regiment / who died 29 September 1888 / aged 24 years / Thy will be done
29---/01/06- Sacred to the memory / of / Charles Ray / born 23rd February 1885 / died 7th September 1891
29---/01/07- Japanese characters
29---/01/08- Japanese characters
29---/01/09- Sacred / to the. memory of George Pond / late turnkey of Victoria Gaol / Hong Kong / died 28th August 1891 / aged 35 years / In the midst of life we are in death / Jesu mercy / this stone is erected by a few / of his brother officers as / a token of their respect to their / former comrade
29---/01/10- Japanese characters
29---/01/11- Sacred / to / the memory of / George J. Gordy / of Chester / Great Yarmouth / who / departed this life / at Hong Kong / on April 11th 1890 / aged 27 years / illegible
29---/01/12- Sacred / to the memory of / William Harrold Henriques / and lately manager of the / Victoria Hotel / who died at Hong Kong on the 26th May 1889 / aged 51 years / this stone was erected by a few friends / members of the craft
29---/01/14- Sacred to the memory/of Thomas McCraghen / who died at Hong Kong / 10th September 1890 / aged 50 years / this stone was erected / by his family / [illegible]
29---/01/15- Sacred / to the memory of / A.K. Buck / P & O Co. steamer / 'Arabic' / who died at Hong Kong / July 25th 1899 / illegible
29---/01/16- In memory of my husband / George Augustus Butler / born in Washington U.S.A Nov. 26th 1835 / died at Hong Kong November 12th 1891 / "After life's fitful fever he / sleeps well"B J & Co.
29---/01/17- Hamilton James Fitzhugh / midshipman R.N. 2nd son of / William Henry Fitzhugh / of Craven Hill Gardens London / born 1st February 1875 / died at Hong Kong / 20th March 1891 / 'He is not dead but sleepeth'
29---/01/18- In memory / of / William McColl / born at Glasgow / 30th April 1865 / died at Hong Kong / 10th July 1889 / This stone was erected / by a few friends
29---/01/19- Sacred to the memory / of / Alexander Balloch / who died at Hong Kong / 8th April 1891 / aged 23 years / This tone was erected by C. Company / 1st Bn Arg. & Suthd. Highlanders / as a token of their esteem / for their departed comrade / O call it not death. It is life begun / for the waters are passed. The home is won: / the ransomed spirit hath reached the shore / where they weep and suffer and sin no more.
29---/01/20- Edward Collingwood / carpenter British ship Dhaewar / born at Blackway / died at Hong Kong 24th October 1878 / aged 51 years / this stone is erected by his / shipmates as a mark of esteem
29---/01/21- Per mare per terram/Sacred / to the / memory / of / George H Gould / private R M Light Infantry / HMS "Brvern" ? / who died suddenly / 4th April 1891 / aged 25 years
29---/01/22- Sacred / to / the / memory / of / Wong Humby / who departed this life on / the 22nd day of January 1891 / aged 42 years / this stone was erected / by her sorrowful husband / Gone but not forgotten / R.I.P.Chinese characters
29---/02/01- Hier ruht / den ? Mann / Peter Pluderich / geb in M ?? / ?? 1864 / gest in Hong Kong / der 13 December 1890 / illegible
29---/02/02- Hier ruht in Gott / Wilhelm Taube / Maschinist / S.S. Remus / gest 27 Marz 1891
29---/02/03- Sacred / to / the memory of / High Parker / a native of Stoneymark / Wigtonshire, Scotland / and lately a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong 15th August 1889 / aged 24 years / This stone was erected by / Hong Kong Police Force as / a mark of esteem / illegible
29---/02/04- Sacred / to the memory of / Charles Edward Bonney / IM Customs, Canton / who died at Hong Kong / 17th April 1889 / aged 34 years / this stone was erected by the / masons of the lodge, Star of / Southern China No. 2013 / Canton
29---/02/05- Hier ruhet / ? liche Generalitz [?] / Dr. Von Frant / aus Potsdam / geb 3rd November 1836 / heihingen / in Hohenzollern / gest 14 Juli 1899 / in Hong Kong
29---/02/06- In / affectionate remembrance / of / Jane Isabella / the beloved wife of / Colour Sergeant J / Pensland / 1st A & S Highlanders / who died at Hong Kong on the 11th July 1890 / aged 25 years / also / in loving memory / of / William James / infant son of the above who died at / Singapore on 16th December 1888 / aged 10 months/This of our earth we have / .... golden leaves are falling / ... hearts at the parting heal / ... knew that God was calling
29---/02/07- In affectionate remembrance / of / Augustus Thomas / late 2nd officer of / SS Diamante / died July 26 1891 / aged 47 years / Regretted by all
29---/02/08- Sacred / to the / memory of / C.S.M. J. Remfry R.E. / died at Hong Kong / 21st December 1889
29---/02/09- In memory of / Theophilus Gorning / of Yarmouth NS / master of the ship "Monrovia" / of St John N.B. / died at Hong Kong / October 9th 1888 / erected by his friends
29---/02/10- To / the memory of / Dungan MacDonald / / late / sergeant Hong Kong Police / a native of Kintessach, Forres, Scotland / who died on 26th September 1889 / aged 33 years# 5108
29---/02/11- In / loving memory / of / Elizabeth Ellen / wife of / Arthur McMahon / military staff clerk / Royal Artillery / whod died at Hong Kong / the 26th May 1889 / aged 25 years 1 month
29---/02/12- In affectionate / remembrance / of / George McCall / beloved husband of / Bertha Reid / who died at Hong Kong / on 26th July 1889 / aged 42 years / illegible
29---/02/13- Blessed are the dead in the Lord / Sacred to the memory of / John Heathman AB / who died 19th December 1890 / aged 20 / erected by the officers and ship's company / H.M.S. 'Egeria'
29---/02/14- Sacred / to the memory of / John Seeds / boatswain's mate / HMS Victor Emanuel / who departed this life / December 2nd 1889 / aged 31 years / Deeply lamented by his / shipmates by whom this / stone was erected
29---/02/15- Sacred / to the / memory / Frank Revell / ship's steward / HMS Cockchafer / who died October 28th 1889 / aged 26 years / erected by his / shipmates
29---/02/16- In loving memory / of / Alexander Gillanders / who died at Hong Kong / July 29th 1891 / Thy will be done / boast nbot thyself of tomorrow for thou / knowest not what a day may bring forth/Alice Gillanders / died 5th June 1919 / aged 60 years
29---/02/17- W H N / 5206 / missing / who died at Hong Kong / 3rd November 1889 / aged 23 years / This stone was erected by / A company and his brother / drummers of the Argyle and S. Highlanders / as a token of esteeem / for their departed comrade / The cup was bitter, the loss / part with him we loved / It was God's will. It should / by his company we all ? / Not lost but gone before
29---/02/18- Erected by his / loving wife / in / affectionate remembrance / Alexander Air / who died at Hong Kong / October 23rd 1891 / aged 58 years / also / Alexander John Air / son of the above / who was lost by the / foundering of / SS Nam Chow / January 7th 1892 / aged 21 years / Rest in peace
29---/02/19- Sacred / to the / memory / of / William McBeth / Gr RM Artillery / who was found drowned / at Kowloon / December 1890 / aged 40 years / illegible
29---/02/20- Sacred / to the memory / of / Thomas McDonald / a native of Halkirk, Caithness-shire, Scotland / who was a member of the Hong / Kong Police Force and died on the / 3rd January 1891 aged 28 years / Erected by the members of the Hong / Kong Police Force as a mark of respect / Thy trials are ended, thy rest is won
29---/02/21- In / memory of / Miriell Sweiter ? / gunner ... / S Ship Aled? / died at Hong Kong / December 3rd 1878 / aged 24 yearsillegible
29---/03/01- In memory of / Richard Norton Wight / born at Skidby, Yorkshire. England / on the 12th January 1857 / died of fever at Hong Kong / on 26th July 1888
29---/03/02- Elliot Chester Douglass / only son / Rev. Solomon / and / Mary Douglass / born / July 19th 1864 / at / Sherman, Conn. U.S.A. / died / February 5th 1889 / at Hong Kong
29---/03/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / Walter Evans / a native of Bristol, Somerset England / who was a member of the Hong Kong Police Force and was drowned / in the typhoon of 19th July 1892 / aged 28 years / Erected by members of the / Hong Kong Police Force as / a mark of esteem / Let our father's will be done
29---/03/04- Sacred / to the memory / of / William McLean / a native of ? Perthshire Scotland / who was a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / and was drowned / on the 5th November 1890 / aged 28 years / Erected by members of the / Hong Kong Police Force as / a mark of esteem / There is rest in heaven
29---/03/05- Sacred / to the memory of / Rudolph Ritter / Lodge Star ? Canton / who died at Hong Kong / illegible / aged 34 years / This stone was erected by the / members of the Lodge Star of / Southern China / No. 2013 / Canton
29---/03/06- Sacred / to the memory / of / Angus MacAuley / a native of Northuist / Invernessshire Scotland / and late a member of the Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / 10th June 1889 / aged 36 years / this stone was erected by the / members of the Hong Kong police Force / as a mark of esteemA M # 5162
29---/03/08- In memory / of / Private John Nigers? / B Company Northampton Regiment / 1st November 1888 / age 34 years / Thy will be done
29---/03/09- Sacred / to the / memory / of / Thomas R Munro / native of Inverness shire / Scotland / who was a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force and died / at Hong Kong on the 5th of June 1890 / aged 24 years / this stone was erected by the / members of the Hong Kong Police Force / as a mark of esteem
29---/03/10- In memory / of / John Porter / carpenter of the / SS "Strathewen" / who died at Hong Kong / 27th November 1888 / age ? / this stone has been / erected by his shipmates / illegible
29---/03/11- Erected / in loving memory / of / Frank Jenkins / of / Pembroke Dock England / who died at Hong Kong / March 3rd 1890 / aged 27 years / Much regrettedF J# 5227
29---/03/12- LVIII / In memory of / Private John Clifton
29---/03/13- Sacred / to the memory / of / Thomas Loudon / a native of Benkin, Denny, / Stirlingshire, Scotland / and late a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on the 1st August 1889 / aged 25 yearsT L# 5188
29---/03/14- LVIII / in memory of / Private William Beill / 2nd Northampton Regiment
29---/03/15- LVIII / in memory of / Private T G Ginns / 2nd Northampton Regiment / who died / .......... hidden
29---/03/16- Sacred / to the memory / of / John Hamolton / a native of Lanarkshire / Scotland / and a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on the 2nd June 1889 / aged 25 years / illegibleJ H# 5159
29---/03/17- LVIII / in memory of / Private G P Archer / 2nd Northampton
29---/03/18- Sacred / to the memory / of / Peter Jones / a native of Burton, Pembtokeshire South Wales, England / who was a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / and died on the 22nd November 1891 / aged 39 years / erected by members of the Hong / Kong Police Force as a mark / of respect / He is not dead but sleepethP J # 5888
29---/03/19- To the memory of / Hugh MacMillan / late Chief Engineer / died February 9th 1879 / illegible
30---/01/01- Sacred to the memory of / George Philip / Hargens / who died at Hong Kong / 3rd September 1893 / aged 29 years / This stone was erected by the / brothers of the lodge, Star / of Southern China No. 2013 Canton# 5539 B.J. & Co.
30---/01/02- In memory of / Pte. G. Probert / 1st King's Shropshire / Light Infantry who died / 1st July 1899
30---/01/03- In memoriam / John Wordsworth Scott / IM Customs Service / a native of Adelaide ? Australia / who departed this life / 12th July 1888 / aged 32 years / we only know that thou hast gone / and that ................... tide ? / did have thee join us still glide on / and we who ....................... ? / Erected by his friends and brother officers
30---/01/04- In loving memory of / Fanny Grace / the dearly beloved wife / of / Charles Templeman / who died June 28th 1893 / aged 23 years / Twas hard to give thee up / but thy will o God be done
30---/01/05- Sacred / to the memory / of / Frederick Cameron Keys / who died at Hong Kong / May 17th 1892 / aged 27 years
30---/01/06- Sacred / to the memory of / James Sullivan / a native of Stepeny [sic] London / England / who was also a member of the Hong / Kong Police Force and died on / the 24th November 1892 / aged 26 years / Erected by / members of the Hong Kong / Police Force as a token of respect / Dying is but going homeJ S# 5277 ?
30---/01/07- In loving memory / of / William Forbes / of Tientsin China who died / on board the MSS "Yarra" / at Hong Kong / on his passage home / May 4th 1892 / aged 55 years
30---/01/08- In memory of / Pte. / R Lexman / 1st King's Shropshire / Light Infantry / who died / 18th June 1893
30---/01/09- In loving remembrance / of my dear husband / Quarter Master Sergeant / William Brown Newton / Army Service Corps / formerly 2nd Battn. Scot's Guards / who departed this life / on the 23rd of April 1893 / aged 38 years / Gone but not forgotten / erected by his sorrowing widow
30---/02/01- In memolry of / Thomas Hancock / lance corporal R.M.L.I. / H.M.S. Leander / drowned at Hong Kong / 27th May 1892 / aged 32 years / Gone but not forgotten / erected by his shipmates
30---/02/02- In loving remembrance / Ada Marion Stoyle / the beloved wife / of / ? sgt. Stoyle R.E. / who died on the 14th Sept. 1893 / age 22 years
30---/02/03- In memory of / pte. / R T Pugh / 1st King's Shropshire / Light Infantry / who died / 11 July 1892
30---/02/04- Erected by the officers and men / of HMS Pigmy / to the memory of / William Rose / boy 1st class who died Sep. 17 1893 / from a gun accident / aged 17 years / "Ready aye ready"
30---/02/05- John Edger / born in Cumberland / England / died at Hong Kong / on the 11th January 1892 / aged 46 years
30---/02/06- In loving memory / of / our dear mother / Aline MacKenzie / who passed away / on the 23rd November 1892# 5476
30---/02/07- In / memory of / Pte. J Collins / 1st King's Shropshire / Light Infantry / who died / 4th Septemeber 1893
30---/02/08- In memory of / Pte. / W Evans / 1st King's Shropshire / Light Infantry / who died / 3rd July 1893
30---/02/09- Her hviller / Niels Christian / Sorensen / forrended ? frende maskin / mester onboard / Dansk Dampfskies 'Ask' / fodt Mellerup ved Rander / den 4 August 1893 / fed vacre med hanssrove
30---/02/10- Japanese characters
30---/02/11- In loving memory / C.H. Gore / No. 3821 Pioneer B Coy 1st SLI / died at Hong Kong / 2nd August 1893 aged 25 years / erected by / officers and N.C.O.s and men of his coy. / and friends in the regiment / our dearest friend / on earth is gone / the voice we loved is still / a vacant place is is his home / which can never be filled
30---/02/12- Sacred / to the memory / G R Hicks / (S.) boatsn. R.N. / HMS 'Imperieuse' / died January 2nd 1892 / aged 35 years. erected / by his / brother officers / in the / China Squadron / 1892# 5401
30---/02/13- Hier ruhet / in Gott / unsere innig ? geleibte / Frau und Mutter / Louise Aarms / geb Degener / geb 3rd Maez 1866 zu Hamelin / ges. 21st Oct. 1893 / illegible
30---/02/14- I.H.S. / in loving memory / of / Charles Edward Ross / born June 19th 1867 / died at Hong Kong / March 12 1893 / beloved son of / Charles and Catherine Ross / of / ? Crosby
30---/02/15- IN lobving memory of / Rev. G.M.H. Innocent / of the ? C Mission North China / after 9 years' labour among / the Chinese he spent a short furlough in England and .. / returning to his work died / on the 30th of May?.. / and is buried he.. / aged 33 years
30---/03/01- In memory of / Malcom Campbell / a native of Argyllshire / late chief engineer / SS Kongreng / who died at Hong Kong / on the 26th August 1893 / aged 40 years / Thy will be done / Erected by his friends and ...?
30---/03/02- In loving memory of / Eleanor Grace / the dearly beloved wife / of Charles Sudd / died at Hankow / 18th October 1891 / interred here / 19th November 1891 ? / aged 26 years
30---/03/03- James Langford Cox / 23rd January 1892 / aged 35 years
30---/03/04- In memory of / Pte. / A. Edwards / 1st King's Shropshire / Light Infantry / who died / 31st August 1893
30---/03/05- Per mare oer ferram / Sacred / to / the memory / of / Thomas Davis / private Royal Marines / HMS Victor Emmanuel / who died at Hong Kong on the / 17th day of August 1893 / aged 22 years / erected by the Royal Marine / attachment of HMS Victor / Emmanuel as a token of respect / "Forever with the Lord"
30---/03/06- In memory / Pte. / A Asher / 1st King's Shropshire / Light Infantry / who died / 15th September 1893
30---/03/07- Japanese characters
30---/03/08- Japanese characters
30---/03/09- Japanese characters
30---/03/10- Sacred / to the memory / of / Smaule McLennan / a native of Portree Inverness shire / Scotland / who was a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force and / died on the 29th March 1893 / aged 29 years / Erected by the / memebers of the / Hong Kong Police Force as a mark of regard / Death is eternal life, Why / should we weep
30---/03/11- Jane Adelaide Yellop / died / December 21st 1891 / aged 30 / memory is the forever
30---/03/12- In memory of / George A Bockett / late ? R.N. officer / who was killed after falling from / the dock at Kowloon / Novermber 4th 1891 / while serving as ? of the / RMS 'Empress of China'
31---/01/01- Chinese charactersNgo Kim Hi / 1910 - 1974# 11923
31---/01/02- Sacred / to / the memory / of / John Gordon / a native of Banffshire Scotland / and lately a member of the Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on the 11th June 1878. aged 31 years / Erected by members of the Hong Kong / Police Force as a token of esteem# 4867
31---/01/03- Sacred / to / the / memory / of / John Morrison / a native of Birnam, Dunkeld, Perthshire / Scotland / aged 28 years / a member of the Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / 8th February 1886 / Erected by members of the Hong Kong / Police Force as a mark of esteem and respect# 4842
31---/01/04- Sacre / to / the memory / of / James Hill / a native of Hichen, Hertfordshire / England / a member of Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on the / 11th February 1884 / aged 26 years / Erected by members of the Hong Kong / Police Force as a mark of esteem and respect# 4691
31---/01/05- Sarah. the beloved wife / of schoolmaster Young / H B M 2nd Bat. 20th Foot / died / 20th November 1864 / aged 28 years
31---/01/06- Sacred / to / the memropy / of / James Ferberidge / late ship's cook / HMS Victor Emmanuel / who departed this life / on the 31st August 1881 / aged 27 years / Though lost to sight / to memory dear # 4544
31---/01/07- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Robert John Mogridge / a native of Bristol, Somersetshire / and lately a member of / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on the 5th May 1878 / aged 34 years / erected by the members of the Hong Kong Police Force / as a mark of esteem
31---/01/08- To the memory / of / Angus Currie / a native of Mull, Argyllshire / and lately a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on the 11th March 1979 / erected by the members of the / Hong Kong Police Force / as a mark of esteem
31---/02/01- in memory of / W A Barnaby / born in Delaware, USA, 1827 / died in Hong Kong July 9th 1879 / An honest man / the noblest work of God#4427
31---/02/02- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Adam Smith / a native of Stirlingshire / and lately a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on the 10rh December 1881 / aged 29 years / erected by the members of the / Hong Kong Police Force / as a mark of esteem# 4564
31---/02/03- In memory of / Kizo Kondo / a native of Kumamoto / in the province of Higo / Japan / who died at Hong Kong / on the 27th December 1881 / aged 27 years / erected by his friends as a token of their respectJapanese Characters
31---/02/04- Chinese charactersHok Wai Yuen Tong
31---/03/01- Japanese Characters
31---/03/02- Our darling / Ella Edward Mudie / born Finiskilin N Ireland ?? 1881 / died Kowloon / China 26th June 1885
31---/03/03- Sacred / to / the memory of / John F Jenkins / a native of Plymouth, England / a member of Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on the 22nd July 1885 / aged 29 years / erected by members of the / Hong Kong Police Force / as a token of respect and esteem# 4707
31---/03/04- Sacred to the memory / of / Corpl. Chas. R Phesse / Medical Staff Corps / who died at Kowloon / the 12th day of July 1885 / from cholera contracted in the / discharge of his duty / aged 28 years / This stone was erected by the officers, medical staff and NCO officers ... illegible
31---/03/05- In / memory / of / Pte. W Emptage / 'F' Company / 2nd Btn. 'The Buffs' EKR / who died at Kowloon / 24th July 1885 / For as in Adam all die so also in / Christ shall all be made alive / 1 Cor: XV Chap XXII verse# 4791
31---/03/06- illegible... of / .... S Withey / .... Company / The Buffs EKR / who died at Kowloon 31 July 1885
31---/03/07- Sacred / to the memory of / Clara Douglas / died at Hong Kong / 15th July 1881 / aged 34 years / R I P# 4531
31---/03/08- Gibraltar / per mare per terram / Sacred / to the memory / of / Edwin Beisley / sergeant R.M.L.I. / who died at Hongkong 5th July 1885 / aged 27 years/also of / Peter Ward / private R.M.L.I. / who was assassinated at Port Hampton [?] 18 May 1886 / aged 31 years / This stone was erected by the officers, NCO / offifers and men of the RM Regiment / stationed at Port Hampton as a mark / of esteem and respect
31---/03/09- James Campbell / a native of Petty, Invernesshire / Scotland / a member of Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on the 30 June 1885 / aged 29 years / erected by the members of the Hong Kong Police Force / as a mark of respect and esteem# 5732
31---/03/10- sacred / to the memory / of / George CraiB / a native of the parish of / King Edwards / Aberdeenshire, Scotland / wh was a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / and died at Hong Kong / on the 17th June 1885 / aged 26 years / erected by the members of the Hong / Kong Police Force as a mark of / esteem and respect by his / comrades# 4773
31---/03/11- Sacred / to the memory of / William Buyers AB / of H.M.S. 'Midge' / who died at Hong Kong / July 17th 1883 / aged 21 years / erected by his shipmates / as a token of their respect# 4796
31---/03/12- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Henry Betteridge / late coxswain 1st class / HMS Victor Emanuel / fell asleep / in / Jesus / June 20th / 1885 / For ever / with / the Lord# 4775
31---/03/13- Sacred to the memory / of / Pte. William Russell / who died at Hong Kong July 1st 1885 / aged 22 years / may his soul rest in peace / this stone was erected / by the officers, nc officers and / men of the 2nd Bt The Buffs EKR / illegible
31---/03/14- Sacred / to the memory of / Pte. Geo. Williams / 2nd Bt The Buffs / EK Regt. / who odeparted this life / 21st June 1885 / aged 24 years / In the midst of life we are / in death / erected by the officers / NCOs / and men of the 'B' Company# 4776
31---/03/15- Sacred / to the memory of / Pte. Thos. Bills / 2nd Bt The Buffs / EK Regt. / who odeparted this life / 7th July 1885 / aged 29 years / R I P / erected by the officers NCOs / and men of the 'B' Company# 4786
31---/03/16- In memory / of / Robert McDonald / late chief engineer / of the / Spanish steamer / 'Luzon' / who died at Hong Kong / 11th March 1888 / aged 29 years / This stone has been erected / as a tribute / of respect and esteem / by the other engineers# 4630
31---/03/17- Carl Fisher / S.M.S. .... / died 5th Sept. 1886
31---/04/01- Japanese charactersChung Yin GeeChung Saam LongJapanese Characters
31---/04/02- Sacred / to / the memory / Charles MacLeod Gee / clerk Victoria Gaol / who died at Hong Kong / 7th April 1884 / in the 34th year of his age#4707
31---/04/03- Japanese Characters#4532
31---/04/04- In memory of / Hideshi Murakami / native of the district of Uta / in the province of Bungo, Japan / who died at Hong Kong / on the 2nd June 1881 / while in the service of / Mistubishi mail SS company / aged 21 years 8 monthsJapanese Characters# 4532
31---/04/05- Japanese Characters
31---/04/06- In affectionate remembrance/of / John Campbell / chief officer of the ship / Black Prince / born June 10th 1834 / died May 12th 1879 / he was much esteemed and / regretted by all on board / this stone has been erected / by the ship's company# 4428
31---/04/07- illegiblefootstone - R.I.P.# ??16
31---/04/08- 2nd Battalion 9th regiment / Private W Nuttall / 17th March / 1865
31---/04/09- Willie Schmidt / geb 22 Januar 1880 / gest ? October 1883
31---/04/10- Sacred / to / the memory / of / John Sommerville / a native of Barnstable / Devonshire, England / a member of / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on the 25th May 1882 / aged 34 years / erected by the members of the / Hong Kong Police Force as a token of / esteem and respect for a / comradeJ S # 4522
31---/04/11- Hier ruht / H C W Timm / frueher / Fuehrer / des Deutschen Dampfers / "Clara" geb den 12ten September 1832 / gest den 14ten November 1885# 4820
31---/04/12- Sacred / to / the memory of / Henry Keating / late / boatswain's / mate / H.M.S. / Comus / who died / April 17th 1882 / aged 30 years / R I P# 4820
31---/04/13- Sacred / to the memory of / Jesse Harrold / who died on the 28th of / September 1882 / aged 44# 4600
31---/04/14- Sacred / to / the memory of / David Morris / chief engineer of / SS 'Dale' / who died at Hong Kong / 6th August 1881 / aged 38 years / this stone was erected / by a few of his friends# 4533
31---/04/15- Sacred / to the memory / of / Mary Ann Calvert / the beloved wife of / Oliver Calvert / late sergt. major 27th Inniskillings / who died at Hong Kong / on the 23rd October / 1888 / aged 31 years / 4 lines verse on bodystone# 4553
31---/04/16- Sacred / to the memory of / William Prior / a native of Gosport, England who / departed this life on the 14th / January 1883 / aged 37 years / this stone is erected by ...... / ...... token of ...... illegible#4617
31---/04/17- To the memory of / Andrew Cook / a native of Alloa ? / Scotland / died ? March 1886 / aged 25 years / engineer# 4763
31---/04/18- Sacred / ??? / corporal of 'G' company?? / native of / Dursley, Gloucestershire / who died at Hong Kong / on 16th January 1878 / aged 29 years and 9 months / illegible
31---/04/19- Japanese Characters
31---/04/20- The wife of Chun MoonChinese Characters
31---/04/21- Hier ruhet / Alfred Johanssend Lamberg / zwieter maschinist des Deutschen dampfschiffes 'Olympia' / geboren am 15 Mai 1842 / in Gothenberg [Schweden] / gestorben am 7 September 1882 / in Hong Kong
31---/04/22- Christian Henriksen / master of barque / Botvid of Fredrikshald / died at Hong Kong 12th October 1888
31---/04/23- Sacred to them memory of / Bateman Scarborough / aged 32 years / late turnkey of / the Victoria Gaol Hong Kong / who departed this life / on the 5th day of May 1883 / This stone was erected by his / brother officers / as a mark of their esteem#4639
31---/04/24- Japanese Charactersbody stone - died July 1884 aged 30 years / this stone is erected by her friends
31---/04/25- In memory / of / Robert Marshall / aged 38 years / native of Ireland / who died on board RMS City of Peking / in Hong Kong harbour / 18 Septemeber 1882 / this stone was erected by his shipmates
31---/04/26- In memory / of / drummer F W J Jenkins / 2 Battalion The Buffs / born 15 May 1866 / died at Hong Kong 19th December 1882 / aged 15 years and 6 months / He was deeply regretted by all who knew / him. Twill be his .... illegible# 4611
31---/05/01- Hier ruht / Jurgen Axsen / 1864# 2849
31---/05/02- Geo. Lapidge / paymaster / H.M.S. Corvette / died 4 June / 1863 / aged 43
31---/05/03- In memory /of / John McNoply ghrs. mate / HMS Sheldrake / who died at Hong Kong / 29th January 1880 / aged 35 years / This stone is erected by his shipmates
31---/05/04- William Joseph Little / naval schoolmaster / HMS Audacious / died 21st December 1885 / aged 33 years / His end was peace
31---/05/05- Sacred / to the / memory / of / James Pender / late of / London / who died at / Hong Kong / 14th November 1864 / aged 26 years/footstone - J P
31---/05/06- Sacred / to/.the memory / of / lance corporal / William Brunson / H Comp. 27th Inniskillings / who departed this life / at Hong Kong on the / 17th day of March 1880 / aged 27 years / this tone is erected by the / officers, non commissioned / officers and men of his company / as a mark of their respect / and esteem / In the midst of life we are in death W B # 4467
31---/05/07- Sacred / to. the memory / of / Pte Daniel Stonham / who departed this life / at Hong Kong / on the 25th February 1880 / aged 26 years / This tablet has been erected / by the NC Officers and men of A company as a mark of esteem / In the midst of life we are in death # 4464
31---/05/08- Saced / to / the memory / of / Archibald McKane / native of Ballymena, Co Antrim / Ireland / aged 29 years / who died at Hong Kong / 21st March 1886 / erected by his comrades as a / mark if esteem and respect A M # 4848
31---/05/09- Sacred / to the memory of / segt. Robert Johnston / C company 27th Inniskillings / who died at Hong Kong / 16th August 1879 / aged 27 years/John Charles Johnston / died 8th September 1879 / aged 1 years and 11 months / andRobert James Johnston / died 20th August 1879 / aged 4 months / children of the aboveR J # 4434
31---/05/10- XXVII / Inniskilling / in memory / of / sergeant / Robert J Graham / who departed this life on / 11th May 1880 / aged 40 years
31---/05/11- 27 Inniskilling / sacred to the memory of / John McFee died 20 Aug 1879 / aged 21 years / illegible
31---/05/12- In memory / of / Max Harras / native of Hamburg / born 15th April 1844 / died 8th November 1863
31---/05/13- Sacred / to / the memory / of / John McConnell / a native of Ballyconnell, Co Tyrone / Ireland / who was a member / of the / Hong Kong Police Force / and died at Hong Kong / on the 23rd June 1886 / aged 28 years / erected by his comrades as a / mark of respect and esteemJ M # 4806
31---/05/14- Zum / andenken / an / Hannghenn Ghouff ?? / DP "Paliste" geb Hamburg 1840 / gest Hong Kong Sept. 19th 1864 / ?? seine Asche
31---/05/15- In memory / of / Pehr Starck / a native of Stockholm / died 19 September 1862? / aged 28 years / Prepared for his God / this stone was erected ? friends / as a token of respect
31---/05/16- In memory of / Private R Edwards / 2nd batt. The Buffs / East Kent Regt. / who died at Kowloon / 7th July 1885 / and was interred in this spot / aged 25 years / erected by his comrades / of / E Company
31---/05/17- hier ruhet sanft / J H Erdmann / schammirhg ? / Fuhrer der Preussischen Brig / Voultigeur / gestern in ?? 1829 / gest in Hong Kong 7th April / 1865
31---/05/18- LVIII / in memory of / drummer C Lamphrey / 2nd Northampton Regt. / who died / on the 25th July 1886 / aged 27 years / erected by his comrades
31---/05/19- In / loving memory / of / Josepf Henry Zelley / stoker of HMS Heroine / who passed into rest after / three weeks illness of fever / at the Royal Naval Hospital / Hong Kong / November the 24th 1886 / aged 26 years / erected / by the officers and crewleft"I heard a voice from heaven / saying unto me, write. Blessed / are the deas which die in the / Lord from henceforth yea / saith the spirit. That they may / rest from their labours." Rev. XIV 15rightDeeply mourned by his / sorrowing widow Henrietta / and deeply regretted by all / who knew him
31---/05/20- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Herbert Sydney Johnson / late 2nd officer of / SS Glenervin / who was accidently shot on board / on 2nd October and died on / 28 October 1886 / aged 28 years / a native of Devonshire / this stone was erected by / the crew of SS Glenervin / and Glenroy# 4818
31---/05/21- Sacred / to / the memory / of / James McKenzie / a native of Watten, Caiihness-shire / Scotland / who was a member / of the / Hong Kong Police Force and was / drowned at Hong Kong / on the / 21st August 1886 / aged 25 years / erected by his comrades as a / token of respect and esteem / Mourn not for me / My race is run / it is the Lord's. It is will de done / when Christ appears i hope to rise / into that life which never dies
31---/05/22- Erected by James Waddell / in memory of his wife / Elizabeth Jones / who died at Quarry Bay / July 29th 1886 / aged 21 years
31---/05/23- Sacred / to / the memory / of / George Sauers / a native of Edinburgh / Scotland / who was a member / of the / Hong Kong Police Force / and died at Hong Kong / on the / 1st August 1886. aged 32 years / erected by his comrades as a / token of respect and esteem
31---/05/24- LVIII / sacred / to the memory of / Pte. John Edwards / D Coy 58th regiment / who died at Hong kong / 12th August 1886 / aged 28 years
31---/05/25- Japanese Characters
31---/05/26- Sacred / to thememory / of / Pte. bandsman / C McGuigan / 2nd Northamptonshire Regt. / died 2nd August 1886 / aged 23 years / 6 months / erected by members / of the band and 'F' coy. / as a token of respect / Thou wilt show me the path / of life / in thy presence is fullness of joy
31---/05/27- In memory / of / John Nevin Compton / aged 20 years / native of Victoria / Vancouver Island, BC / who was accidently killed / on board the / British barque 'Dartmouth' / in the port of Hong Kong / on the 14th December 1885 / deeply regretted by the captain, / officers and crew who erected this stone / as a tribute to his memory
31---/05/28- Sacred / to / the memory of / William Beckett / a native of Clayshan, Stranraer / Scotland and late a member / of / the Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / 4th September 1886 / aged 35 years / this stone was erected by the / members of the Hong Kong Police as a / mark of esteem. Blessed are the dead / which die in the Lord even so with ..... illegible
31---/05/29- Japanese Characters
31---/05/30- Sacred / to / the memory of / John Prior / a native of Fornus, Ross-shire / Scotland / who was a member / of the / Hong Kong Police Force and / died at Hong Kong / on the / 11th August 1886 / aged 32 years / erected by his comrades as a / token of respect and esteeem
31---/05/31- Japanese CharactersIn memory of / Yoshida Ginzaburo
32---/01/01- Frank Palmer sergnt. 22 co. RE / died 10 July 1864 aged 23
32---/01/02- Ubique / erected in memory / of / bombadier Peter Turner / 6th battery 12th brigade RA / who died at Hiong Kong on the 4th / August 1864 / by the non-commissioned officers and men of / the Lascar Company Royal Artillery / to which he was drill instructor as a mark / of regard and esteem / illegible
32---/01/03- 2nd battalion 9th regiment / private N Marlborough / 5th June / 1865
32---/01/04- Sacred to the memory / of / Samuel Cook London / Inspector of Police Hong Kong / died on the 10th September 1868 / aged 30 years / illegible
32---/01/05- Sacred / to the memory of / George D Jameson / late second officer of the American / ship ???? / ??? of Victoria, Maine US / who died on 4 July 1868 / in Hong Kong / aged 25 years
32---/01/06- Hier ruhet / Wilhelm Petersen / aus / Elmsborg / Holstein ?? / gestorben 11ten ? August 1868 / 19 jahre alt / ? seine Asche#2688
32---/01/07- hier ruhet / John Peter Adolph Duck / geb 24 August 1816 / zu Eckdranforde / ?? / ges 9 September 1863#2715
32---/01/08- Sacred / to the memory / of / William Higgins / who was drowned / accidently in / the harbour / on the 2nd of August 1864 / aged 36 years / this monument was / erected by his ship / mates as a token / of respect for his character .... illegible
32---/01/09- To the memory / of / John Thomas / former native of Carmarthan South Wales / who departed this life / on the 18th Oct. 1864 / aged 25 years / ??? illegible ?? / erected by Captain John Owens / August 1866
32---/01/10- To the memory / of / Edward Bulley / who departed this life / in Hong Kong / 24th July 1864 / aged 25 years
32---/02/01- Sacred / to the memory / of / Peter McMillan / late 2nd engineer of / the / Nippon Yusen Kaisha / SS Milke Maru / who died at Hong Kong / 26th October 1895 / aged 31 years / erected by his friends
32---/02/02- 2nd battalion 9th regiment / private J Riley / 5 June / 1865
32---/02/03- 2nd battalion 9th regiment / private James Dickinson April 16 / 1865
32---/02/04- Sacred / to / the memory / of / mt beloved husband / William H Bennett / a native of Manchester England / a turnkey at the Victoria Gaol / who died at Hong Kong / on the 9th July 1886 / aged 28 years / this stone was erected in faithful remembrance / by his loving wife / Requiescat in pace
32---/02/05- Sacred / to the memory / of / Alexander Kelley / a native of Falkirk / the late steward / of the steamer / "Roma" / who died at Hong Kong / 26 ? September 1868 / aged 27 years / ... illegible
32---/02/06- German text. Illegible
32---/02/07- Hier ruhet / Steuermann Eduard Hoth / geb 1833 / aus / Stralsund / gest in Hong Kong / 22 October 1864 / alt 36 jahren
32---/02/08- In memory of / Soren P Sorenson / born in Hals Denmark / died at the age of 33 years / on the 25th of July 1884 / Stay stronger stay / as you are passing by / as you are now so once was i / as i am now you soon may be / prepare so that you may follow me# 4728
32---/02/09- Sacred / to the memory / of / Alexander Smith / engineer P&O's SN Co's SS Pekin / died August 20th 1868 / aged 27 years / this stone has been erected as a / tribute of respect by the P&O's Co's engineers on this station
32---/02/10- Sacred / to the memory / of / Hans Peter Iverson / Pladsrud / late commander of the barque / Stuart Elphinstone / who departed this life / July 12th 1864 / in the 45th year of his age / native of Skehr Norway# 2866
32---/02/11- Sacred / to the memory / of / Ernest Franke / who died August 7th 1864 ? / aged 44 years
32---/02/12- Sacred to the memory / of / William J Loring ? / Boston, Mass US / died August 15 1864 / aged 37 years
32---/02/13- Sacred to the / memory of / Harriet Hall / the dearly beloved child / of / Staff Sergt W Hall / and / Kate his wife / Royal Engineer / born 11th July 1887 / died 21 August 1887 / aged 12 months / illegible
32---/02/14- In / affectionate remembrance / of / pte. Henry Daniels / who died at Hong Kong / September 10, 1884 / aged 27 years / May his soul rest in peace / this stine was erected by the / officers, nc officers and men / of D comp 2nd batt. / the Buffs, EKR / .... of his life is here / brief sorrow ..... illegible
32---/02/15- Sacred / to the memory / of / Charlton Whittall / of / Smyrna / died 23rd September / 1864#2906
32---/02/16- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Robert Chas. Needham / late master of the ship / 'Light of the Age' / who was killed by falling from aloft / August 5th 1864 / aged 19 years
32---/02/17- Sacred / to the memory of / the late / Frederick Bowen / of Portsmouth Hants / who departed this life / on 30th June 1864 / aged 32 years / This stone is erected / to his memory by / his bereaved widow# 2853
32---/02/18- In memory of / Charles Hinds / late master of the barque 'Xulla' / of Newcastle-upon-Tyne / died at Hong Kong / 4th October 1864 / aged 52 years
32---/02/19- In / memory / of / pte. R Rogers / "F" company 2nd bn. The Buffs E.K.R. / who died at Kowloon / 15th July 1885 / For as in Adam all die, so also in / Christ shall all be made alive / I Cor XV chap XXII verse
32---/03/01- In loving memory / John Rosetter / who died at Hong Kong / June 4th 1895 / aged 42 years
32---/03/02- In loving memory of / Robert Clay / late sergeant HM RN Police Force / died at Hong Kong / 20th January 1894 / aged 49 years / this stone is erected by many of his friends# 4688
32---/03/03- 2nd Battalion 9th Regiment / private Richard Evans / July 2nd / 1865
32---/03/04- 2nd Battalion 9th Regiment / private J Poole / 3rd July / 1865
32---/03/05- 2nd Battalion 9th Regiment / private George Haigh / July 2nd 1866?# 1665
32---/03/06- Sacred / to the memory / of / Caroline / the beloved wife / of / William Benham / died 9th November 1868 / aged 28 years/also in memory of / William George / died 9th October / aged 2 years 11 months/Jane Emily / died 27 November / aged 10 months / We all do fade as a leaf
32---/03/07- Sacred to the memory / of / Private Harry Brown / H company / 2nd Battn. The Buffs EKR / who died at Hong Kong on the / 6th August 1883 aged 23 years / This stone was erected by the / NCOs and men of his company as / a token of their lasting respect / God was pleased to call him / in his life's early spring / to his eternal paradise / where he is reigning king
32---/03/08- Hier ruhet / Peter Franzen / aus Flensburg / geb 6 Janr 1867 / geb 31 Aug 1883 / dort wiedersehn! / # 4662
32---/03/09- Peter H Ahrenholdt / of Flensburg / the master of the Brig. George Andreas / killed by pirates on the 20 March 1865 / aged 37 years# 3601
32---/03/10- Sacred to the memory / of / Edwin Harris / late head steward / P and O's Barge / died at Hong Kong / 30 May 1865 / aged 33 years / also/Harry Mapplebeck / late head steward / P & O's SS 'Corea' / lost in a typhoon in the China Sea / 30 June 1865 / aged 23 years / This stone is erected by a / few friends / in respectful memory of the above
32---/03/11- In / memory of / Charles Maddick / ship's steward / HMS Victor Emanuel / who died on the 3rd March 1884 / aged 38 years
32---/03/12- H.M.S. 'Swift' / erected / the officers and ship's / company to show their / esteem and tegard for / their late shipmates / H M S Swift / China 1881 1882 1883 1884rightIn memory of / James Tankard / boatswain mate / aged 29 years / / was accidently killed / at Hong Kong by falling / from the pier on the / 4 March 1884 leftIn memory / of / George Richards / private RMLI / aged 23 years / who died at / Hong Kong 10th July / 1883 / and was buried at sea
32---/03/13- Sacred / to. the memory / of / Felix BomunD Dehl / Chinese Maritime Customs Service / a native of Neufchatel, Switzerland / born 8th April 1852 / died 10th September 1883
32---/03/14- To the memory / of / Thomas Christoper Markham / son of William Markham of Thirsk, Yorkshire / late comammander of the Brig. / 'Trebizond' / who died at Hong Kong / 18th July 1865footstone: TCM
32---/03/15- In loving memory of / Lizzie Cameron / the dearly beloved daughter of / John & Betsy Cameron / who died at Yau Ma Tei British / Kowloon / on the 11th March 1883 / aged 2 years & 11 months / So lovely flower for earth too fair / ascended heaven and flourish there
32---/03/16- Hier ruhet / Jorgen A Friedrichsen / Fuhrer Hamburger Bark / 'Charlotte' / geb zu ..... 1828 / gest Hong Kong July 1865 ?# 3060
32---/03/17- Hier ruhet / Adolph Rohl / Fuhrer / der Hamburger Bark / 'Madure' illegible
32---/03/18- Thomas Dudley / son of the Right Hon Thos. Milner-Gibson / and Arethusa Cullum / born 10th August 1845 / died 6 September 1863
32---/03/19- Hier ruhet in Gott / Unser Bruder / T W Drewes geb 30 January 1838 / gest 24 October 1883 / Dein andenken bleibt / bei uns / unsere liebe folget dir nach/# 4672
32---/03/20- In affectionate remembrance / of / Walter Satterly / R M L I / HMS Cleopatra / who died at Hong Kong / January 20th 1884 / aged 23 years 10 months# 4887
32---/03/21- Thy will be done / In memory / of / Fransiska Bergen / ? mast LP ? Pallister / aged 33 years / on 23rd October 1883 / a native of Bremen / R I P# 4673
32---/03/22- Sacred / to the memory of / pte John Hazeldine / 2nd Btn The Buffs / EK Regt. / who departed this life / 17th November 1883 / aged 23 years / Not dead but gone before / erected by the officers, NCOs, / and men of B company# 4675 ?
32---/03/23- IHS / in memory of / Edward Hughes-Hallet
32---/03/24- Sacred / to the memory / of / Captain R Robson / late of the ship Samson / of Liverpool / who died at Hong Kong on the 14th / of October 1864 aged 45footstone: R R
32---/03/25- Hier ruhet in Gott / der Matrose / Heinrich Bosse / geb 8-12-1850 in Wollin / gest 3-1-1884 in Hong Kong / ? im dienste serves / Vaterland ............. German text illegible# 4683
32---/03/26- In memory of / William Stanley Seymour / who met his death / by falling from aloft / February 21st 1885 / aged 16 years and 11 months / on board HMS Audacious / respected by his shipmates# 4756
32---/03/27- In memory of / pte Edward Hughes / 2nd batt The Buffs / who died on 27th June / 1885 / aged 20 years / this stone was erected / by the officers, NCOs / and men of the 2nd battalion The Buffs
32---/03/28- Japanese Characters
32---/03/29- Sacred / to the memory / of / Pte W J Orrigan / 2nd bn. The Buffs / who died at Hong Kong / on the 27th January 1884 / aged 26 years / this stone was erected by / his comrades / A company and the band / Blessed are they who walk in the path of righteousness
32---/03/30- inscription panel missing#4769
33---/01/01- LVIII / to the memory of. / lce corpl William Randall / 'D' company 68th regiment / died 5th July 1888 / aged 21 years
33---/01/02- Hier ruhet / Gustav Adolph Tirnstein / geboren Desden 27ten Marz 1859 / gestorben Hong Kong 10ten Juni 1888
33---/01/03- frontIn memory of / sapper James Graze / Eastern Battalion, Royal Engineers / who died at Hong Kong / on 11th May 1889 / aged 25 years. erected by his comradesrightIn memory of / Edward Martim [sic] Loring / Lieutenant / Hong Kong Company / Royal Engineers / who died 26th July 1892 / aged 26 years. erected by his comrades# 5061leftIn memory of / W Evans / late QMS Hong Kong co. R. E. / who died and was buried at sea March 7th 1894 / aged 40 years/also / W Mansfield / late corporal Hong Kong Co, R.E. / who died at Aden March 16th 1894 / aged 26 years. erected by their comradesbackIn memory of / Corporal John Knight / Eastern Battalion, Royal Engineers / who died at Hong Kong on 23rd March 1890 / aged 24 years / erected by his comrades
33---/01/04- In loving memory / Ellen Savsall / who died at Hong Kong / June 26th 1888 / in her / thirty sixth year / Blessed are the dead / which die in the Lord / from henceforth yea / that they may rest / from their labours and / their works do follow / them Rev. XIV 19# 5078
33---/01/05- LVIII / to the memory of / private Charles Labrum / 'D' Company 58 Regt. / died 24th February 1888# 5850
33---/01/06- illegible
33---/01/07- In memory of / David William Slater / who departed this life / on the 29th February 1888 / aged 84?24? years / May his soul rest in peace
33---/01/08- LVIII / private C Watts / Northamptonshire Regiment / who died on 30th October 1887 / aged 25 years / erected by his comrades in 'E' company
33---/01/09- In memory of / Private J Billings / 2nd Northampton Regiment / who died / on the 7th November 1887 / aged 23 years
33---/01/10- LVIII / Private George Gurrington / 2nd Northampton Regt. / who died on the VIth December 1887 / aged 30 years / erected by his comrades in 'E' company
33---/01/11- In loving memory / of / George Jackson AB / aged 25 years/and / Edward Wickenden ord / aged 18 years / 9 Oct. 1887/Thomas De St Croix stoker / aged 24 years / .... 4 Aug. 1887 / died of fever / illegible
33---/01/12- Hier ruhet / Matrose Gustav Waldt / vom bord SMS Iltis / geb 21.VI.1867 / gest 19.XII.1887footstone
33---/01/13- In memory of / Frederick Ward Urquhart / the son of Alexanderina & William / Urquhart / born at Evanton, Ross shire, Scotland / on 31st march 1861 / died at Hong Kong / 27th January 1888 / For here have we no continuing / ... ?? ... we seek one to come / HEB XIII V. 9 ?# 5041
33---/01/14- Carl Halz / SMS "Carola" / died 21st March 1888# 5858
33---/01/15- Sacred / to the memory of / William Pike / Chief Officer SS 'Hankow' / who died in Hong Kong / 20th January 1888 / aged 36 years / this stone was erected by the members / of his lodge of / southern China No. 2013 Canton# 5099
33---/01/16- Scated / to / the memory / of / Alexander Fraser / a natice of Duffus, Morryshire / Scotland / who was a member / of the / Hong Kong Police Force and died / at Hong Kong / on the / 10th April 1888 / aged 22 years / erected by his comrades as a / token of respect and esteem# 5057
33---/01/17- Hier / ruhet / in Gottt / Alwin Wickbold / geb 28th August 1865 / gest 2nd Februar 1888 / gewidomet von den Kamerades / SMS Sophiefootstone : Alwin Wickbold / SMS Sophie / died 2 Feb 1888
33---/01/18- Sacred / to the memory of / Robert J Spencer / late chief officer / SS "Fukien" / who died at / Hong Kong / 21th [sic] January 1888 / aged 49 years / deeply regretted
33---/01/19- Japanese Characters
33---/01/20- Japanese Characters
33---/01/21- In memory. of / John Edwards / a native of Dublin / and late chief / officer / SS "Kongbeng" / who died at Hong Kong the / 15th January 1888 / aged 25 years
33---/02/01- In affectionate remembrance / Archibald Duncan / of the ship 'Narcissus' ? / who died in the Government Hospital ... illegible as base has sunk
33---/02/02- In memorium / Maggie Michie / beloved wife / of / Robert Mitchell / born 16th March 1857 / died 11th October 1887 / and / Maggie, their daughter / who died at sea / en route to Scotland / aged six weeks / lifted higher
33---/02/03- To the memeory of / Stephen Fox / killed by a falling of a house / at a fire in the Queens Road, Central, Hong Kong / on the 17th November 1887 / while in the execution of his duty as / a fireman / on the Hong Kong Government Fire Brigade / aged 28 years / left side - erected by the members of the / governent and volunteer fire brigade / and by the members of the / Hong Kong Police Force
33---/02/04- In loving memory of / Herbert Alan Banon / assistant paymaster / HMS Victor Emanuel / born December 12th 1864 / died September 26th 1887 / I am the resurrection and the life
33---/02/05- Sacred / to / the memory / of / John Webster / a native of Glasserton. Wigtonshire / Scotland / who was a member / of the / Hong Kong Police Force and / died at Hong Kong / on the / 21st December 1887 / aged 25 years / erected by his comrades as a / token of regard and esteemfoot stone # 5826 JW
33---/02/06- LVIII / In memory / William Cullverhouse / 'B' company / Northamptonshire Regt / who died / 18th June 1887 / aged 21 years / "Thy will be done"# 4965
33---/02/07- Blessed are the dead which / die in the Lord / Sacred to the memory of / John Holmes / AB / who died at the RM hospital Hong Kong / September 16th 1887 aged 21 years / erected by his shipmates / HMS Rambler
33---/02/08- Sacred / to the memory of / Thomas Hackford private RN RMLI / of HMS Zephyr / who died on the June 16th / 1887 / aged 43 years / [illegible]
33---/02/09- In memory of / John McInnis / 4th engineer / SS Kilarney / who died at Hong Kong / on the 11th July 1887 / aged 22 years/footstone # 4871
33---/02/10- LVIII / in memory / of / Henry Taylor / 'B' Company / Northamptonshire regiment / who died / 18th June 1887 / aged 27 years / 'Thy will be done'
33---/02/11- In affectionate remembrance / Millicent Ann / the beloved wife of / Thomas Watts / staff sergeant RE / who departed this life / September 16th 1887 / aged 22 years
33---/02/12- In / loving memory of / William Wood / late of / Port Glasgow, Scotland / born Bishopton 1847 / died Kowloon 1887# 4954
33---/02/13- In loving memory of / Stuart Alexander Hill / who died on / 16th June 1887 / aged 30 years# 4909
33---/02/14- In memory / of / Jesse Lee / 6th RMA / who died on the / 23rd May 1887 / aged 22 years / in the midst of life we are in death / erected by the / officers and men of / HMS Victor Emmanuelfootstone # 4956
33---/02/15- In memory of / G F Humble / 2nd engineer of the / SS Travancore / born at North Shields / June 3rd 1858 / died at Hong Kong / March 24th 1887 / erected by / the officers and crew / In the midst of life / we are in death
33---/02/16- In the midst of life we are in death / Sacred ot the memory of / William Robert Bertram Private RMLI / who was drowned on / Hong Kong harbour / January 31st 1887 / erected by the officers and ship's company / HMS Rambler / I am the resurrection and the life
33---/02/17- Sacred / to / the memory of / George Clench / private RMLI, HMS "Agamemnon" / died ayt Hong Kong / December 7th 1885 / aged 40 years / In the midst of life we are in death / erected by the officers and crewfootstone # 4827
33---/02/18- To / the memory / of / James Buckett ? / corporal / HMS "Vigilant" / whose earthly remains were / interred at Bankok [sic] / Feb 9th 1886 / Now / is the day / of / salvation
33---/02/19- Called away from his labours / by / the master / October 20th 1884 / George Chadder / late / master at arms / HMS Victor Emanuel / aged ? 33 years / Awaiting / the first resurrection / illegible / eternity
33---/02/20- In memory of / sergeant A Warne / medical staff corps / who died at Hong Kong / on the 9th February 1887 / aged 26 years/also / corporal T Sibbald / medical staff corps / who died at Hong kong / on the 4th December 1886 / aged 32 years / erected by their officers and / comrades at their station
33---/02/21- Japanese Characters
33---/02/22- Japanese Characters
33---/02/23- Sacred / to / the memory / of / George McDonald / a native of Lewis, Stornaway, Ross-shire, Scotland / who was a member / of the / Hong Kong Police Force / died at Hong Kong / on the 15th December 1886 / aged 34 years / erected by his comrades as a / token of respect and esteemfootstone # 4827
33---/02/24- To the / memory / of / Henry Gould / coal heaver / USS Monogacy / born at Wakefield, MASS, USA / September 14th 1863 / died January 31st 1887 / aged 23 years 6 months / erected by his shipmates
33---/02/25- Japanese Characters
34---/01/01- Japanese Characters
34---/01/02- Japanese Characters
34---/01/03- Japanese Characters
34---/01/04- Japanese Characters
34---/01/05- Japanese Characters
34---/01/06- Japanese Characters
34---/01/07- Sacred to the memory / of / Gr. Peter Stuart / no. 51200 / 12th Co. S.D.R.A. / who died / at Hong Kong / 6th Sept. 1895 / aged 29 years / erected by the members of his / company as a mark of esteem / Tho' lost to sight / to memory dearBJ & Co # 5740
34---/01/08- Sacred / to the memory / of / A-Kuk Takyan / who died / 24th August 1895 / "sheltered and safe from sorrow" / erected / in affectionate remembrance / by her friend, H.R.
34---/01/09- Sacred / to / memory / of / David King P.O. 1.Class / HMS VIctor Emanual / [torpedo depot] / who died 15th March 1895 / aged 36 years / Father in thy gracious keeping / leave we now thy servant /sleeping / this stone was erected / by his shipmates
34---/01/10- Sacred to the memory / of / Alexander Cuthbert / a native of Namffshire, Scotland / and lately a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force who died / at Hong Kong on the 18th day / of March 1895 aged 27 years / erected by the members of the / Hong Kong Police Force as a / mark of esteem / Thy will be doneA C on footstone
34---/01/11- Sacred / to the memory of / Mrs Samuel / died January 9th 1895 aged 34 / The Lord giveth and the Lord / taketh away / Blessed be the name of the Lord / for all things is from Him / who giveth all
34---/01/12- Waterloo / In memory / of / corporal / Walter Rawlinson / A Co. 1st Battn. Rifle Brigade / who was drowned / 31st March 1895 / aged 23 years / erected by his brothers / corporals and signallers / of the battalion / as a mark of esteem
34---/01/13- In loving memory / of / James Tennant / gymnastic staff / who died at Hong Kong / 23rd October 1894 / aged 25 years / Stay stronger stay as you pass by / as you are now so once was / as i am now soon you maybe / then prepare to follow me / His end was peace# 58??
34---/01/14- This stone was erected by SMS ? / in affectionate memory of Geo. ? / who died November 1894 / aged 25 years / Blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see god
34---/01/15- In memory / of / William J L Pearse / chief carpenter R N / HMS Centurion / died / at Hong Kong / 27 October 1894 / aged 48 / erected by the officers / and men of the ship
34---/01/16- In memory of / Arthur Childs / corporal / Hong Kong Company / Royal Engineers / who died 5th November 1894 / aged 33 years / erected by his comrades
34---/01/17- Her hvilea\r stovet af / Captain N C Revsbeck / furer af / SS 'Ask' / dod i Hong Kong / den 24de April 1895 / 62 aar / soen det var din pract den / sorte jord er nu din dract / venner reiste ham dette minde / fred vaere med hans stov
34---/01/18- Sacred / to the memory / of / No, 88 79 pte. / William Taylor / F Co 1st Battn / Rifle Brigade / died 30th June 1895 / aged 27 years / erected by his comrades / as a mark of esteem# 5716
34---/01/19- Sacred / to / the memory / of / William Shantry / leading seaman / HMS "Undaunted" / who died 3rd May 1895 / aged 27 years / This stone was erected by his shipmates footstoneFather in thy gracious keeping / leave we now thy servant sleeping# 5716
34---/01/20- This stone is erected / by / the officers and crew of / H.M.S. Rainbow / in memory of their / shipmates / who died during the / commission 1895 - / Thomas Smith / private RMLI / died July 16th 1895 / and is buried here/William Clifford / private RMLI / died August 5th 1895 / buried at Amoy / William J Hyde / stoker / drowned at Chemulpo / 5th Dec.1895 aged 20 years / buried there
34---/01/21- Sacred / to the memory of / sergt. H Frost / corps of amourers / died 22nd November 1894 / aged 33 years# 8658 footstone
34---/01/22- Per mare' 'Per terram' / Sacred / to / the memory / of / Alfred Boulton / private Royal Marines / HMS Victor Emanuel / who died at Honmg Kong / on the 16th day of October 1894 / aged 32 years / illegible
34---/01/23- Per mare' 'Per terram' / Sacred / to / the memory / of / Frank Pareitt Cornish / private Royal Marines / HMS Undaunted / who was drowned in Hong Kong / on the 21st day of March 1890 ? / aged 23 years
34---/01/24- Sacred to the memory / of / Pte Wm. Holden / G company / 1st bn. rifle brigade / who died 22nd July 1895 / aged 22 years / We cannot tell who next may fall / beneath God's chastening rod / one must be first, then let us all / prepare to meet our Godfootstone # 5781
34---/01/25- Chinese Characters
34---/01/26- Sacred / to / the memory of / Chau Yau Kam / born in Canton. China / on the 18th December 1857 / died at Hong Kong / on the 9th October 1894 / aged 37 years / this stone was erected by / her sisters and friendson back - Chinese Characters
34---/01/27- In loving memory / of / sergt. R Thompson / 1st Bn. rifle BGE / died / 17th September 1895 / aged 32 years / erected as a mark of esteem / by his brother sergeants
34---/01/28- Japanese Characters
34---/02/01- Russian script - Votsyama Marina Zoonina ?
34---/02/02- In loving memory / of / pte. no 1585 / William Curtis / 1st Co 1st Bn. R.B. / who died / at Hong Hong / July 28th 1895 / aged 22 years
34---/02/03- # 5745 #7503Chinese Charactersdied Sept 1895 born 19 Nov 1859 died 4 May1909Wan Kit Tak Wan Yue
34---/02/04- In memory of / George Taylor / AB / HMS Leander / who died at Hong Kong / 10th February 1895 / aged 19 years / Rocks and storms I'll fear no more / when on that eternal shore / drop the anchor, furl the sail / I am sheltered from the gale
34---/02/05- James Bradford Trew, M.I.M.E. / of Watford, England / born 18th July 1859 / died 18th September 1894 / Father in thy tender keeping / leave we now thy servant sleeping
34---/02/06- In memory / of / William Lees / late chief engineer / S.S. Pallas / died at gov't, civil hospital / February 9th 1895 / aged 30 years / a native of Greenock / erected by a few friends
34---/02/07- In / loving memory / of / William M Ross / only son / of sergt. William Ross / 79th Cameron Highlanders / died 12th Sept. 1894 / aged 40 years
34---/02/08- In memory of / Robert Wilson Qr. Mr. / Sergt RE / died 9th September 1894 / aged 36 years
34---/02/09- Sacred to the memory / of beloved / Charles William Forrester Holmes / formerly of H.M.S. Worcester / eldest son of / Revd. H. Forrester Holmes / vicar of Bampton, Devonshire / died at Hong Kong Sept. 4th 1894
34---/02/10- In memory of / sapper John Lain / Hong Kong Company / Royal Engineers / who died on 5th July 1894 / aged 25 years / erected by his comrades
34---/02/11- Sacred to the memory / of / James Jordan / died at Hong Kong / August 8th 1894 / aged 38 years
34---/02/12- In memory / of / Maggie Wilson / beloved wife / of / John Brownhill / who died at Kowloon / August 11th 1894 / aged 32 years / Thy will be done
34---/02/13- In memory of / Pte, / W Brookfield / 1st Kings Shropshire / Light Infantry / who died / 8th February 1894
34---/02/14- In loving / remembrance / of / Herbert Victor Cox / who died / at Hong Kong / June 29th 1894 / Blessed are the pure / on heart, for they / shall see God / Sr Mat, Ch 5 v 8 / Had he asked us well we know / w should cry O! spare this blow / yes, with streaming tears should pray / Lord, we love him, let him stay
34---/02/15- In loving memory / of / No. 3797 Pte. / Joseph Cottrell / B. Coy. 1 S.L.I. / died at Hong Kong / 17th January 1894 / aged 23 years / erected by the officers, NCOs / and men of B. Coy. / as a mark of esteem
34---/02/16- Sacred to the memory / of / / No. 3362 private / James Blewitt / B. Coy. 1 S.L.I. / who died 10th June 1894 / aged 21 years / erected by the officers, NCOs / and men of B. Coy. / as a mark of esteem
34---/02/17- In / memory / of / Samuel Calton sergt. major RE / died 1st June 1894 aged 45 years / erected by his comrades
34---/02/18- In memory of / [Shropshire] No. 3523 sergt / C H Saunders / B Coy 1 S.L.I. aged 28 / and his little brother no. 3807 sergt. / W J Saunders / F Cpy. 1 S.L.I. / aged 27 / who died at Hong Kong / on the 16th Jany 1894 / within half an hour of each other / after only a day's illness / erected by B. Coy. w. officers, staff /sergeants and sergeants of the battn. / as a mark of esteem / 'Thy will be done'B J and Co. # 5570 on curb# 5571 on curb
34---/02/19- Sacred / to. / the memory of / James Flowers E.R.A. / HMS 'Alacrity' / who died at Hong Kong / 6th January 1894 / aged 25 years / this stone is erected as / a token of esteem / by his shipmates / The Lord gave and the Lord taketh away
34---/02/20- Sacred / to the memory / of / Richard Goodridge / who died March 3rd 1894 / Rest in peace# 5584
34---/02/21- Sacred / to. the memory / of / William Gardner / leading stoker / HMS Archer / who died at Hong Kong / 29th December 1893 / aged 40 years / this stone was erected / by the officers and men of / HMS Archer / as a token of respect and esteem# 5235
34---/02/22- Erected to the memory / of / Chung Foong Ching / the beloved sister of / Dr Chung / who departed this life / on the 13th February 1894 / aged 20 years / by / her sorrowful relatives and friends / as a mark of esteem / R I Pback - Chinese Characters
34---/02/23- Japanese Characters
34---/02/24- Japanese Characters
34---/02/25- In memory / of / Chan U Hon / beloved son / of / Chan Kai Ming / born 18th july 1886 / killed 14th Oct. 1893 / by falling from the / roof of a house / erected by his grandmotherback - Chinese CharactersB J & Co. # 5549
34---/02/26- Japanese Characters
34---/02/27- Japanese Characters
34B--/01/01- Sacred to the memory / of / Edward Keay / late chief officer / of the SS Evandale / who died at Hong Kong / June 12th 1895 / aged 28 years
34B--/01/05- In loving memory of / O-Sai-San Tanaka / died / at Hong Kong / 20th June 1895 / aged 22 years / erected by a sorrowing friend
34B--/02/15- [butterfly]Harung Uno / died 29th June 1894
34C--/01/01- Aibup illegible / Koko N..e.. uru / 19-7-1926 2-12-1928
34C--/01/02- Nguyen Van Thich / died on / 29th October 1921
34C--/02/01- Aqui repouza / ? Mangel Serenco / No. 5894 / Mr P Adamastor / Hong Kong 19-8-1913
34C--/03/04- In loving memory / of / nurse SamI Umetsu / died in Hong Kong 10th April 1910 / aged 43 yearsJapanese characters
35---/01/02- In memory of / Hansi / the beloved son of / H A Adamsen / born 28th Aug. 1899 / died 23rd May 1911Chinese characters
35---/01/03- Chinese Characters
35---/01/04- Chinese Characters
35---/01/05- Chinese Characters
35---/02/17- Japanese characters
35---/03/29- Vu Thi Nu / nee en 1879 / deceder en le 4 Juli 1917
35---/03/30- Wane Chap ? / ? 1902
37---/01/01- In loving memory of / Reginald Philip Phillips / who died Jan 23rd 1953 / in his 74th year / Until the day breaks and / the shadows flee away
37---/01/02- Erected / the the memory / of / William Hamilton / late 2nd officer SS Ottawa P & O / S N Co's service / born at Londonderry / died at sea 11th December 1865 / aged 27 years / this stone was erected by his comrades, bother / officers and shipmates as a mark of their esteem# 3248
37---/01/03- In loving memory / of / Hermann Kaufholz / born 20th May 1882 / died 13th Aug 1959 / aged 77 yearson wedge - In loving memory of / Johanna Andrea Christiane / Kaufholz / died 27th October 1967 / aged 81 years
37---/01/04- Asleep / in loving memory of / my dear husband / Frederick Charles Barry / sadly missed / by his wife Lydia / and his daughter Jane / born Plymouth England 21st February 1899 / died Hong Kong 1st June 1952
37---/01/05- 29January / 1868 / sergeant John Kent / Royal Engineers / aged / 32 years
37---/01/06- Sacred to the memory / of / James H Wilson / Chief Mate of the / ship 'Oracle' / died Jan 5th 1866 / aged 38 years# 3275
37---/01/07- Sacred / to the memory / of / Henry Rice / ... U S A / who died at Hong Kong / .. illegible .. respect and died / regretted by all who knew him# 3293'
37---/01/08- In loving memory / of / Sheila Rankin / born 14th September 1929 / died 17 the July 1961 / dear wife and mother of / Robert and wee James Gunn / Rest In Peace# 11455
37---/01/09- In loving memory of / our departed / friend and brother / Frank Roberts / born 13th March 1905 / died 21st June 1964 / Rest in peace# 11633
37---/01/10- In loving memory / of / Douglas Edward Clark / who died 16th June 1965 / two days before his 83rd / birthday / after 61 years residence / in Hong Kong# 11665
37---/01/11- Erected to the memory of / Robert Mitchell Wright / born in Scotland 6th Nov. 1904 / died 5th Jan 1952 / aged 47 years / ever remembered by his wife and son
37---/01/12- Sacred / to the memory / of / Fred Holdon / engineer / of / HMS Rifleman / died at Hong Kong / February 12th 1867 / aged 28 years / erected by his ship? / ... ?# 3423
37---/01/13- In loving memory / of / Hector Herbert Mundy / born 16th Sept. 1900 / died 12th Nov. 1951 / dearly beloved / husband of / Doris Ida / and father of / Kenneth & Geoffrey# 10690
37---/01/14- In loving memory / of / Vivian Edmund Ferrier / born 12th November 1903 / died 18th October 1951 / Rest in peace# 10685
37---/01/15- Sacred to the memory / of / John Green / who died on the 24th Nov. 1867 / aged 25 years / this stone was erected by his friends / of H.M.S. 'Ocean' / as a mark of esteem# 3512
37---/01/16- EH / Sacred to the memory of / Edward Holmes / engineer RN HMS 'Zebra' / who died / at HK May 10th 1870 / aged 27 years / this stone is erected by his brother officers / as a token of their sincere esteem
37---/01/17- Erected by B company 3rd ? batn. / of the 73rd / regt. / Corpl Joseph /Smith / 73rd regt. / who died October 8th 1867 / aged / 26 / years# 3498
37---/01/18- Sacred to the memory / of / Walter James Stokes / born 21st November 1862 / died 3rd January 1941
37---/01/19- Sacred / to the memory of / pte. Jas Savory / 73rd Regt. / who died at Hong Kong / 6th Oct. 1867 / aged / 36 ? years / erected by the officers / non com officers / and men of his / company / as a mark of esteem# 3497
37---/01/20- Sacred to the memory / of / William F Donaldson / aged 34 years / his wife / Hannah Wallace / aged 32 years / / belonging to Glasgow Scotland / and their two little boys / Willie and Earnest / who perished in Hong Kong harbour / during the typhoon / of 18th September 1906 / they were lovely and pleasant in their / lives and in death they were not divided / Samuel 1 v. 23
37---/01/21- Sacred / to the memory / of / Frederick Warman / Royal Marines / HMS 'Ocean' / who doed at Hong Kong / the 8th day of March 1970 / aged 37 years / this srone was erected as a token of regard / by his sorrowing comrades / My flesh shall slumber in the ground / till the last trumpets joyful sound / then burst the chains with sweet surprise / and in my saviour's image rise
37---/01/22- Sacred / to them memory / of / Richard L Wright / od Singapore / who died 6th May 1867 / aged 25 years / illegible / Rev. XXI ch V# 3455
37---/01/23- Sacred / to the memoy / of / Major Robt. S Davis / U S Y / Boston USA / died at Hong Kong / November 18 1865 / aged 38 years# 3509
37---/01/24- This stone / is erected by a few friends / to the memory of / George Saxby Wilson / who died on the 21st November 1867 / aged 42 years / Requiescent in pace# 3510
37---/01/25- Sacred / to the / memory of / pte. Chas. Goodwin / 73rd regt. / who died on the 9th Dec. 1867 / aged / 25 years / erected by the / officers, non-comm. officers, and men of E company / as a token of their respect / I am the resurrection / and the life. he that be- / lieveth in me though he / is dead, yet shall be / alive"# 3517
37---/01/26- Sacred to the memory / of / Samuel Warren / a native of Totnes, Devonshire / who departed this life on the 13th day / of May 1867 / aged 31 years / illegible# 3636
37---/01/27- illegible
37---/01/28- Eng. Wah Sun Bunn / 5. 9. 45# 10214
37---/01/29- In memory of / George Andrew Burn / died 27th October 1942 / aged 65 years
37---/01/30- frontSacred / to / the memory of / George James Barber / engineer RN / who died / December 28th 1869 / aged 29 years / this monument is erected by his / brother officers and friends / as a mark of respect for their / departed worthrightWm Lawrence died 13th Decemr 1871 aged 22Thos. Murray " 6th Feby 1874 " 40Fred. C Rogers " 10th April 1875 " 26Jas. Harwood " 15th June 1877 " 29Wm Ambler " 11th Decemr 1878 " 40Wm Galdie " 28th July 1880 " 39leftJames R Keay died 5th May 1870 aged 35Edwd Holmes " 10th " 28James Young " " " 36Danl. Wishart " " " 32John Smith " " " 25Edwd. Watson " 23rd " 28
37---/01/31- In memory of / Sidney Herbert Rheinisch / Captain of SS "Mow Lin' / died 20th June 1947 / aged 65 years# 10404
37---/02/01- Herunder ruhet / Louise Hoyer / fodt salvesen 12 aar rammel? / Nederlands dater? / Anna Louisa / fodt illegible 7 January 1865 / illegible
37---/02/02- Hier ruhet / unsere Lebemutter / Meta Christine Staats / geb Christiansen / geb am 26 Marz 1829 / gest am 10th July 1865
37---/02/03- In memory of / Captain Percy Ware Grierson / died 7th December 1950 / aged 67 years / erected by Helen Yuen
37---/02/04- Charles E Davis / 1897 - 1951
37---/02/05- In memory of / George Lungley Sargant / commander / the officers and crew / of the steamer Chanticleer / and of / Hugh David Cowan / commander / of the steamer Feloong / who were lost in the Chanticleer / in the typhoon / on 30th June 1865 / while on her passage from / Hong Kong to Swatow / the owners of the Chantcleer / erect this monument
37---/02/06- Sacred / to the memory / of / William C Gray / 2nd officer from barque 'Tampan'/? who departed / this life October 15th 1865 / aged 26 years / deeply regretted by his friendsfootstone - WCG # 4866 # 8216
37---/02/07- In memory / of / George Le Fauvre / a native of / St Helen's Jersey / late master of the / HK & W Dock Company's / steamer 'Fame' / died April 28th 1866 / aged 26 yearsfootstone G L F
37---/02/08- Sacred / to the memory / of / John Farr / 2nd steward late of the / P & O's 'Ottawa' / who died at Hong Kong / on the 26th June 1866 / aged 28 years / Blessed are the dead who die in the / illegible of the resurrection / this stone is erected / by his brother stewards / as a mark of respect footstone - J F # 3325
37---/02/09- Sacred / to the memory / of / Richard D Michael / late commander of the / barque 'Carobel' / who died at Hong Kong / 16th September 1866 / aged 53 years & 7 months / Not gone but gone beforefootstone - J F # 3325
37---/02/10- In memory of / Charles Black / born Greenock / 24th March 1902 / died Hong Kong / 23rd November 1950HK Marble Co. # 10622
37---/02/11- Sacred / to the memory / of / colour sergeant / James Christopher Taylor / 2nd batt. 20th Regt. / who departed this life / aged 29 years on 25th November 1865. (Difficult to read)# 3384
37---/02/12- In loving memory / of / Sidney Gerald Kirkby-Gomes / F.R.C.S. [Edin.] / died while interned / 22nd November 1943# 10149
37---/02/13- In loving memory of / our mother / Jessie Knox / who passed away on / 19th May 1966 aged 73 years / /always in our thoughts
37---/02/14- illegibleSacred / to / the memory / of / Capt. Benjamin Howes
37---/02/15- In loving memory / of / George Vincent Tarik Marshall / born 2nd August 1874 / died 21st August 1947 / Always in the thoughts of / his loving wife Ida / his son Francis and daughter BlancheWm. Nodes Ltd. # 10413
37---/02/16- Sacred / to the memory / of W A Houghton / engineer / of HM GB (Gun boat) 'Haughty' / died at Hong Kong / February 25th 1867 / aged 32 years / erected by his brother officersfoot stone - # 3453
37---/02/17- In loving memory / of / Kolsoon Jaffer / died 22 July 1943 / aged 63 years / Rest in peace# 10140
37---/02/18- In loving memory of / Lavinia Alice Madar / died 1st December 1943 / during an air raid in Kowloon / aged 45 years / Sunshine passes shadows fall / but love and remembrance / outlast allon plaque - Lavinia Alice Madar / born 22nd February 1898 / died 1st December 1943 / We will always cherish sweet memories of her
37---/02/19- Hier ruhet / I F Bernickow / Maschinist# 3799 ?
37---/02/20- In loving memory of / Gladys Beatrice Bullock / the darling elder daughter / of / B M and W A Tomlin / died 8th June 1941 / aged 32 years
37---/02/21- Sacred / to the memory of / Edward Francis / carpenter HMS / Perseus / who died at Hong Kong ? / 12th September / 1867 / erected by his shipmates illegible# 3502
37---/02/22- IN loving memory / Clara Chain / who passed from this / world 15th April 1951 / aged 58 years# 10846
37---/02/23- In memory of / Tsang Ah Yow / who passed from this world 5th June 1941 / aged 56 years# 9960
37---/02/24- Sacred to the memory / of / Sarah Ann / beloved wife of / W Quinault, Sergt. 73rd Regt. / who departed this life / on the 17th November / 1867 aged 24 years and 5 months / Farewell just and ear / I must bid you adieu / haste and prepare to follow me. I can't return to you / Amenfootstone - # 3508
37---/02/25- In / loving / memory / of / Michael / dearly beloved husband of / Olga Mihaleff / born 3rd January 1907 / died 25th February 1949 / Rest in Peace# 10433
37---/02/26- Sacred to the memory / of / John Robert Rae Esq / the third son of / H J Rae / aged 30 years / illegible# 3735
37---/02/27- In memory of / Alexander Charles Campbell / master mariner / died 15th August 1941 / aged 69 years / R. I. P.
37---/02/28- In loving memory of / Alfred Whittaker / died 2nd September 1950 / aged 78 years / Always remembered#10606
37---/02/29- In loving memory. / of / William John Andrews / master mariner / departed from service / 13th March 1948 / in his 66th years / Blessed are they / who trust in the Lord
37---/02/30- In / memory of / T E Kelley / 31-7-1913 11-1-1949 / B & MRA / A good and loyal brother / may he rest in peace / until brethen meet / in the grand link above # 15322
37---/02/31- In loving memory / of / Lucie Fouliard / died 2nd August 1946 / aged 52 years / Rest in peaceWm. Nodes Ltd. # 10306
37---/02/32- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Eliza / the beloved wife of private / Edward Rowe 75th Regiment / who departed this life on / the 18th August 1870 / aged 28 years and 5 months / Thi stone was erected as a / testamonial to her departed worth / by her husband beloved husband / She is gone but where / at peace and see / she is gone to long eternity / she is gone but where, pause and trust / to rest upon our saviour's breast# 15322
37---/02/33- Sacred / to / the memory of / drumr. Wm. Manning / 73rd Regt. / who died at hong Kong / 6 Nov. 1868 / aged 24 years / erected by the officers / and men of his company / as a mark of esteem# 3595
37---/02/34- In loving memory of / Emily Parkson / born 20th July 1875 / died 23rd October 1950 / Rest in peace
37---/03/01- In loving remembrance of / Thomas Archibald Martin / dearly beloved husband of / Mary / born 17th June 1899 / died 10th January 1956# 11099
37---/03/02- George William Sewell / born 1889 / died 4th January 1956
37---/03/03- Sacred / to the memory / Jas. Bracegirdle / late chief officer barque 'Ettrich' ? / a native of Hereford / who departed this life on 7th January 1864 / aged 29 years / this stone was erected by a few friends as / a token of respectfoorstone - # 2799
37---/03/04- In loving memory / of / Arthur Bailey / who died on / 14th August 1957 / in his 56th year
37---/03/05- In loving memory / of / Robert Granger / aged 64 years ? / born 1906 / dearly beloved husband / of / Kate / who passed away / on / 8th February 1957 / Always in my thoughts
37---/03/06- Wille .... van Essen / geboren .. / in Hong Kong den Aug1, 1864 / .. / ... /
37---/03/07- In loving and happy memory / o / Ralph Archibald Wadeson M.C. / born 9th March 1892 / died 4th January 1961
37---/03/08- Dr Leonard Duncan Pringle / 26-12-1905 - 25-5-1951 / always in our hearts / San, Michael, Roger
37---/03/09- Holger Dreyer / born Kolding 23-10-1886 / died Hong Kong 9-7-1955
37---/03/10- To. the memory / of / Captain Carl Janssen / a native of Lubeck / died 21st February 1864 / aged 48 years# 2796
37---/03/11- In memory of / Henry Preston Bailey / died 3rd May 1959 / aged 57 years / Rest in peace
37---/03/12- Heir ruhet / Carl Edward / Boye / aus Hamburg / geb d 15 Marz 1842 / gest d 9 Marz 1864# 2810
37---/03/13- In loving memory / of / Charles Simon Rosselet / born 24th March 1902 / died 20th April 1951
37---/03/14- In loving memory / of / Kathleen Constance Rosselet / born 25th September 1906 / died 5th September 1953
37---/03/15- Sacred / to the beloved memory of / George Wordsworth / son of F P ? Wordsworthj Esq. / barrister at law / who died April 27th 1864 / aged 27 years / erected by his sister.# 2821
37---/03/16- Sacred to the memory of / my beloved wife / Sophie Catherine Jamieson / who was called away / 13 June 1947 / aged 41 years / "Asleep in the arms of Jesus" / Rest in peace# 10400
37---/03/17- Sacred / to the memory of / Stephen Powley (Rowley) AB / of / HMS Tartar / who died May 21st / 1864 / aged 26 years# 2824
37---/03/18- A la memoire de / Jule ..... Andre / .... ? a bord du Juno? / ..... / decede le 21 ... 1864? / .. 22 ans ? illegible
37---/03/19- Sapper Wm. Parkes / 22nd Co. .R.E. / died 11th May 1864 / aged 34 years# 2830
37---/03/20- In loving memory of / my dearly beloved husband / George Michael Gillard / born 7th January 1882 / died 5th October 1960 / Sleep peacefully and always / in our memory. love Sonia
37---/03/21- In loving memory of / William Alick Grinham / youngest son of / William and Jane Grinham / of Bristol, England / 1908 - 1957
37---/03/22- Sacred / to the / memory of / pte C Mapston / 73rd regt. / who died at Hong Kong / on 28th April 68 / aged 23 years / erected by the H compy. / as a mark of esteem# 3543
37---/03/23- Sacred / to the memory / of / William P Collings / storeman of HM Naval Yard / Hong Kong China / who departed this life / 2nd June 1866 / aged 25 ? years / Our Lord loves ...? / illegible# 3550
37---/03/24- In loving memory of / Captain Bjarne Henry Johansen / born 11th April 1893 / died 6th July 1950
37---/03/25- In loving memory of / Ethelreda Wake Wild / born 12th July 1899 / died 2nd July 1857 / Our thoughts are ever with usWm Nodes Ltd # 10406
37---/03/26- In memory of / Captain Arthur Hall / died 16th February 1943 / aged 57 years / erected by his wife Helen Yuen
37---/03/27- Sacred / to / the memory of / E S Finck / master mariner / October 11th 1869 / aged 36 years# 3591
37---/03/28- In loving memory / of / Louis Hillesden Davey Oatway / died 4th May 1943 / aged 51 years / erected by his daughters / Pauline and Hazel# 10135 ?
37---/03/29- In / loving memory / of / Joseph Harrop / died 27th Sept. 1941 / aged 42 years
37---/03/30- In loving memory of / our beloved husband and father / Herbert Edward Lehnpart / born 5th December 1892 / died 30th January 1963 / R.I.P.
37---/03/31- In / memory / of / Sidney James Carter / ? captain .... ? Sai On / died 20th June 1940 / aged 58 years / from dearly beloved wife / and stepchildren / ? Waine, Wuest and Lai / C B Smith# 9989
37---/03/32- In loving memory / of / Sophia / who died / 9th October 1885 / wife / of / Major Gilston / sraff / paymaster / EKR / 'The Buffs'# 4815
37---/03/33- IHS / in loving memory of / Mary / the dearly beloved wife of / H Liston-Dalrymple Esq. / born April 21st 1859 / died June 13th 1885 / chuisle mo chroidhe / "The Lord is my shepherd / therefore i can lack nothing"
37---/03/34- Henry Liston-Dalrymple / died 2nd April 1900 / aged 55 / this stone was erected to his memory / by the members of the Royal Hong Kong Golf Club / as a mark of esteem and respect
37---/03/35- Sacred / to the memory of / Harvey Scorgie / born at Aberdeen, Scotland / died at / East Point. Hong Kong / 19th June 1874 / aged 29 years# 4103
37---/03/36- In loving memory / of / John Campbell Mackechnie / born 1-8-1871 died 30-11-1940 / aged 69 years / from his loving wife and children
37---/03/37- Sacred / to the memory / of / Marianne Brown / daughter of John and Agnes Brown / 80th regiment / who departed this life / December 2nd / 1871 ?
37---/03/38- Sacred to the memory / of / Robert William Dennard / son of Capt Robert and Mary Dennard / who died at Hong Kong / 10 June1876 / aged 1 years and 12 days / illegible
37---/03/39- Captain Morgen Jorgensen / born 18th December 1878 / died 17th December 1921
37---/03/40- Sacred to the memory of / Thomas Purchase / the beloved son of / Joseph and Elizabeth Purchase / of the ship ? / 21 December 1872 ?
37---/03/41- Chinese Characters
37---/04/01- In memory / of / Philip Gaudin / a native of Jersey / who was killed by falling from aloft / on board British barque 'Adeline' / off Pedro Grango ? / December 3rd 1867 ? / aged 26 years# 3518
37---/04/02- Sacred to the memory / lance corp. T. Gates / 29th regt. / died 4th Jany 1870 / aged 32 years / illegible
37---/04/03- In / memory / of / Richard Wilson / 1/10 regt. who died at sea / 27th March 1870 / aged 37 years / erected by his widow
37---/04/04- Sacred to the memory of / Charles S Crickmay / late 2nd officer of the / S.S. Canton / who was drowned at Kowloon / on the 18th June 1872 / aged 32 years / This stone was erected as a token / of respect by the officers and crew / of the ship
37---/04/05- no inscription
37---/04/06- Hugh Watt / died 21st Sept. 1940 / aged 56 years / for 15 years manager of the / Seaman's Institute / he laboured for the men / of the sea
37---/04/07- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Henry C Gamble / who was cut off in the prime of his youth / on the 27th April 1873 / aged 23 years / this stone was erected as a / token of respect and affection / by his friends at Hong Kong / The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken / away. Bless the name of the Lord / Job 42:21
37---/05/01- John Herbert Godfrey Way / born 11th May 1898 / died 3rd October 1959 / your loving wife
37---/05/02- In loving memory / of / Gerald George Wood / 1881 - 1958
37---/05/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / Harold J C Tomlins / master of the ship / "Esk" / who died at sea January 4th 1861 / this stone was erected by his / affectionate brother / Edlyne# 2770
37---/05/04- In loving remembrance / of / Albert Blyth Jr. / born 8th August 1904 / died 31st March 1970 / beloved husband of Susan# 11826
37---/05/05- In loving memory / of / William George Humphreys / dearly beloved husband / of / Eileen / and devoted father of / Eileen Elizabeth / 9-8-1902 - 19-7-1970
37---/05/06- Sacred to the memory of / James Alexander Thom / born 7th August 1900 / passed on 15th December 1946 / he lives in our hearts forever / not dead but gone beforeWm Nodes Ltd. # 10345
37---/05/07- In loving memory / of / Jean Edouard Ternel / born 16th April 1884 / died 6th August 1948 / erected by / Myra and Cecilia / His words were kindness / his deeds were love / his spirit humble / he rests aboveWm Nodes Ltd. # 10463
37---/05/08- In memoriam / Lytton Bevis Wood / born 23rd February 1904 / director of Deacon & Co. Ltd. / Hong Kong and Canton / died 11th February 1948. mourned by all who knew himWm Nodes Ltd. # 10434
37---/05/09- In loving memory / John Lancaster Robinson / beloved son of / Thomas Robinson / of / Manchester England / aged 54 years / born 26th September 1893 / died 27th April 1948 / sadly missedWm Nodes Ltd. # 10448
37---/05/10- R I P / in loving memory of / Pauline / beloved wife of B.G. Birch / died 29th Aug. 1948 / A merry heart goes all the dayWm Nodes Ltd # 10464
37---/05/11- In memory of / Ethel Jessie Vera Baud [nee Fay] / born at Wells [Minnesota] / the 16th May 1883 / died in Hong Kong / the 19th Sept. 1948 / deeply regretted.Moses & Co. # 10468
37---/05/12- In loving memory of / Samuel Mitchell Bander / born 15th March 1886 / died 18th November 1948 / and also his wife / Amy Alice Bander / born 21st February 1871 / died 4th October 1950
37---/05/13- To the memory / of / Erik Grosspelils / native of Sweden / sergeant of the naval yard police / who died at Hong Kong / on 1 March 1866 / aged 29 years / this stone was erected by one of his friends / as a token of respect .. / The love that seems foresaken / when friends by death depart / in heaven again shall meet / illegible
37---/05/14- Sacred / to the / memory of / Geo. Matheson / colour sergeant / 15th Co. R.E. / who died ?? Sept. 1864? / aged 26 years# 2820
37---/05/15- In / loving memory / of / Leonard Edwin Michelmore / darling son of / Mr and Mrs E. Michelmore / born 28th November 1938 / passed away 13th May 1940 / "suffer the little children / to come and unite me"/Edwin Michelmore / dearlly beloved husband / of Sophie / aged 47 years / "God have you both is his keeping / till we meet again"J S Lee & Co.# 10480 # 9918
37---/05/16- Sarah E. / the beloved wife of Capt. Wm. Clements / of Yarmouth. Nova Scotia / died 4th June 1864 / aged 28 years and 9 months / Blessed are they who / died in the Lord# 2838
37---/05/17- Harry Lechhmere Clift / 6th April 1876 - 26 May 1949 / for 48 years he went about / preaching and healing / in the name of Jesus Christ / "He will swallow up death / in victory" ISA 25:8 / "Thanks be to God who guide / his victory through / Jesus Christ our Lord" / 1 Cor 57on wedge - Winifred Ashby / beloved wife of / Harry Lechmere Clift / 30th Nov. 1876 - 12th Sept 1966 / she was "a servant of the Church and / a succourer of many" Romans 16.1.2 / She together with her husband founded the Emmanuel Church for the glory of GodWm Nodes Ltd # 10499
37---/05/18- In loving memoiry of / Maggie Rowan / wife of T.H. Smith / born 18th Sept. 1880 / died 8th Oct. 1942 / Rest in peaceWm Nodes Ltd # 10429
37---/05/19- In memory of / Percy Tester / born 19th June 1879 / died 23rd April 1950 / on urn : with love to Daddy / from / Joyce Iris JohnWm Nodes Ltd # 10562
37---/05/20- Sacred to the memory of / William Shields / late captain of the British barque / 'Lark' / who died at Hong Kong / June 27 1867 / aged 53 years / deeply lamented by his friends in China# 3467
37---/05/21- In ever / loving memory / of / Mehdy Edward Asger / dental surgeon / who died on 26th December 1948 / aged 68 years / At rest
37---/05/22- Sacred / to the memory / of / Robert Isherwood Street / HMS Slaney / who departed this life / July 20th 1867 / aged 31 years / erected to his memory / by his shipmates# 3474
37---/05/23- In memory of / William Linton / died 4th June 1955 / aged 69 years / erected by Lam Sang# 11070
37---/05/24- In memory of / Edward Chippindale Charrington / born 29th December 1867 / died 12th April 1942 / aged 75 years/and his wife / Shinga Kachi / who died 25th Nov. 1957
37---/05/25- Sacred / to the / memory / of / sergt. James Walsh / 73rd regt. / who departed this life / 15th Sept. 1868 / aged 33 years / this stone is erected by / his brother sergeants as / a token of their sincere re- / spect and esteem / watch and pray for you know / not when the son of God com- / eth# 3978
37---/05/26- Sacred to the memory / of / Joseph Pearson / assistant engineer steamer / 'Suvonada' / a native of Scotland / who departed this life on / 28th August 1868 / aged 34 years / illegiblefootstone JP # 3529
37---/05/27- In / loving memory / of / mt dearly beloved husband / David McFerran / died 18th August 1942 / aged 54 years / "Peace perfect peace"
37---/05/28- In / loving memory / of / my dearly beloved husband / Leslie Ross / who passed away 9th April 1947 / aged 67 years / R.I.P. / 'He giveth his beloved sleep' / PS CXXVI 12
37---/05/29- In loving memory of / my father and mother / William Colledge Bird / master mariner / born 7th June 1873 / died 13th Feb. 1948/Jessie Charlotte Ogilvie / died 16th May 1951 in England
37---/05/30- In memory of / capt. Llewellyn Evans / [China Navigation Co.] / dearly beloved husband of / Dora Evans / who died 13th May 1949
37---/05/31- In memory of / Percy Wilfred Pate / died 14th May 1950 / aged 76 years
37---/05/32- In loving memory of / Robert Kirkwood / beloved husband of / Margaret Templeton / died 5th July 1950 / At restWm Nodes Ltd. # 10591
37---/05/33- Sacred / to the memory / of / Richard Pullford / private, Royal Marines / of / HMS 'Ocean' / who departed this life / 13th September 1869 / aged 27 years and 8 months / this tablet was erected / to his memory by / his sorrowing comrades / Young man stand, pause and think / I am in eternity and you are on the / brink # 3669
37---/05/34- In memory of / William Louis McKenzie / born 5th August 1906 / died 5th October 1949
37---/05/35- Sacred / to the memory / of / Richard Presland / died 19th February 1873 / aged 29 years / erected by his brother / G T Presland / HM Ship Tyne# 4916
37---/05/36- Sacred to the memory / of / Henry H Hudson / of Harrow England / died 11th April 1873 / on board SS Yesso / aged ? years / while on his way home from Foochow
37---/06/02- William Frank Barnes / born 12th January 1902 / died 6th May 1971 / Rest in peace# 11859
37---/06/03- In ever loving memory / of / my beloved daddy / Captain C.S. Douglas / born 30th August 1904 / died 11th June 1969 / always in my thoughts / Doris Douglas / on open book - Sacred to my / beloved Dougs / rest in peace / till we meet again / BabsWilliam Nodes Ltd # 11801
37---/06/04- Sacred / to the memory of / George Holland / late coxswain of British ship / ? / master ? / aged 50 years / illegible# 2676
37---/06/05- In loving memory / of / Lily Tetzel / born 4th Oct. 1895 / died 7 Sept 1857/Charles Tetzel / born 10th Mar. 1888 / died 8 Aug. 1943 /Rest in peace
37---/06/06- In loving memory of / my beloved wife / Charlotte Coysh / born 15th March 1892 / died 16th September 1949 / and of her husband / George William Coysh / born 12th Dec. 1879 / died 7th June 1953 / "Neither shall there be any more pain / and God shall wipe away all the / tears from their eyes" Wm Nodes Ltd # 10793 # 10518
37---/06/07- In loving memory of / Adolph Zimmern / born 3rd Nov. 1871 / died 16th Nov. 1950# 10618
37---/06/08- In loving memory of / Mary wife of / Adolph Zimmern / born 4th Dec. 19875 / died 10th Sept / 1955# 11011
37---/06/09- Lennox / beloved wife of Eldon Potter / and mother of / Paul, Pamela and Patricia / who passed away on the / 15th April 1948 / "You will never be forgotten"With love we remember / our beloved father / Eldon Potter / who passed away on the / 2nd July 1951
37---/06/10- In loving memory / of / Violet Winifred / very dearly beloved wife of / George Thomas Padgett / and / devoted mother of Denis and Pamela / who was called to a higher life / on Sunday 21st August 1938 / aged 30 years / I will come again and receive you / unto myself / that where I am. there ye may be also / [John 14.3] unto myself / even so come, Lord Jesus / Rev. 22.20# 11011
37---/06/11- In loving memory of / Frank Gordon Berridge / died 9th June 1941 / aged 59 years# 9991
37---/06/12- In loving memory / of / Captain William Latton Forster / born 16th January 1864 / fell asleep 4th January 1940/and Mrs W.L. Forster / [Chinese characters] born 29th November 1898 / fell asleep 11th October 1942Brown Jones & Co. # 9875 # 10120
37---/06/13- In loving memory / of / Daisy Richardson / who passed away / on 29th June 1951 / "We only yield thee what was thine / thy will be done"Wm Nodes Ltd. # 10657
37---/06/14- In loving memory of / Mrs Jack Cousins / alias Lee Man Wah / born 2nd April 1905 / died 23rd Jan. 1952 / He that believeth in me / although be dead / shall live
37---/06/15- In loving memory of / Robert Sandeman / Lamb / [Bob] / born 4th Nov. 1899 / died 31st July 1960 / Saudosa memoria domey querido / Robert Sandeman Lamb / [Bob] / faleeceu no dia 31 de Jul 1960/Pray for his eternal peace# 11375
37---/06/16- On living memory / of / Joseph Chang / died on Sept. 21st 1942 / age 60 yearsMoses & Co. # 10117
37---/06/17- Sacred / to the / memory / of / James Hamilton / engineer P & O SN Co's SS / 'Ganges' / who died at Hong Kong / on the 15th August 1864 / aged 28 years
37---/06/18- Sacred / to the memory / of / J R Marshall / master mariner / who departed this / life Oct 18 ? 1868 / aged 48 years / a native of Newcastle / Northumberland
37---/06/19- In loving memory / of / William Julius Allen / died 27th November 1940 / aged 66 years / Here and beyond we are in the / heart of GodWm Nodes Ltd # 9963
37---/06/20- In / loving memory / of / John Leach / born 31st January 1883 / died 8th September 1939# 9979
37---/06/21- In loving memory / of my husband / J S A McCoan Thornhill / [Alf] / at rest 16th April 1940 / aged 63 yearsBrown & Jones & Co # 9913
37---/06/22- In loving memory / of / Laura / beloved wife of / William George Humphreys / died 23rd Oct. 1939 / aged 36 years / 'loves last gift - remembrance'on urn - At restBrown Jones & Co # 9877
37---/06/23- In loving memory of / my dearly beloved husband / Ninian Watson / died 21st January 1953 / aged 58 years / "Till we meet" NanHK Marble Co. # 9778
37---/06/24- In loving memory / of / Cecilia / the beloved wife of / John Arthur Tarrant / beloved mother of / Bertha Cecilia / died 23rd Jan. 1940 / aged 62 years / In hoc sieno vinces
37---/06/25- In loving memory / of / Gwendoline / wife of G.W. Clark / who passed away / on / 17th October 1939 / aged 46 years / We will always cherish / sweet memories of her / Gwen / on urn:our darling / Mum and Pal / Peter / Dennis / Victor / KennethJoseph Lee & Co 9875
37---/06/26- In loving memory / of / Mary Ann Spradbery / who passed away on 3rd February 1941 / aged 68 years / Deep in our hearts memory is kept / of one we loved and will never forget# 9981
37---/06/27- In / memory / of / Frederick James Brand / 1892 - 1941 / R.I.P. / # 10000
37---/06/28- In beloved memory of / Charles William Jeffries / director of / The Royal Observatory / Hong Kong / died 22nd June 1941Wm Nodes Ltd # 9998
37---/06/29- In memory / of / John Lowrie / died 5rh March 1941 / aged 77 years / erected by / the managing directors / of P&O SN Co.
37---/06/30- Sacred / to / the / memory / of / G W Yanceystone / a native of / Danville, Tennessee / U.S.A. / who was murdered at Kowloon / on the 18th Sept. 1868 / this stone was erected by his / friends as a token of respect#3583
37---/06/31- Sacred / to the memory / of / Nancy Spickernell / late stewardess of the P&O SN Co's SS / 'Fravancore' / who died on the 15th July 1869 / aged 39 years / this stone is erected by the stewards / of the above steamer / as a token of esteem# 3650
37---/06/32- In loving memory of / James Hyde / died 4th Oct. 1941 / aged 63 years / Ever in our thoughtson urn - To dear Dad / with love / from / Willie and Mary# 10016
37---/06/33- In loving memory / of / John Kempton / 1886 - 1947 / ever remembered
37---/06/34- In memory of / Tieleman Pak / born in Rotterdam / February 3rd 1837 / died at Hong Kong / March 30th 1872on back face - In memory of / Tieleman Pak / born in Rotterdam / February 3rd 1837 / died at Hong Kong / March 30th 1872
37---/06/35- Samuel West / ship 'Scotia' / died October 16th / 1864 ?
38---/01/01- Sacred / to. / the memory of / Frederick Charles / dearly beloved son of / ?? / 1 year 8 months# 4502
38---/01/02- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Richard Henry / the dearly beloved son of / William and Isabella Williams / sergeant major 27 Inniskilling / who died at Hong Kong / on 11th November 1875 / aged 2 years and 9 months / Clothed in robes of spotless [white] / Lord he dwells with thee / lost awhile our treasure / ?? gained forever safe / Thy will be done
38---/01/03- Katie / daughter of / G H and S A Eames / died 24th February 1877 / aged 8 months and 4 days# 4293
38---/01/04- In memory of my beloved brother / Louis Guder / died on board SS ?? 1877 / aged 25 yearslegible# 4323
38---/01/05- in memory of ?? Guder / illegible / died at the Gov't Civ Hospital / April 11th 1878 aged 35 yearsillegible# 4359
38---/01/06- frontIn memory of / the officers and men of / HMS Mosquito / who died / while on service in the Far East / 1876 to 1879backThis stone was erected / as a token of respect by / their shipmates / 1879rightWillie Jennings assist. paymr. age 31 / died at Tientsin 10th August 1878/John Prossor Pearce assist. paymr age 30 / died at Hong Kong 9th April 1879left John Robinson gunner RMA / drowned at Shanghai 8th July 1876 / Thomas W Holman ord seaman / died at Tientsin 18th Oct 1878Wr. Liam Ford carpenter's mate / died at Shanghai 14th February 1879/Thomas Wilding sailmaker's crew / drownd at Shanghai / 15th June 1878/Thomas Wood private RMLI / died at Hong Kong 11th October 1878
38---/02/01- In memory of / James John Myatt / born at Woolwich / March 31 1842 / died of heat apoplexy / on board the P & O Co.'s / steam ship 'Ottawa' / June 22nd 1869 / whilst on a passge to / England from Shanghai / His sun went down / whilst it was yet day / erected by a few freinds / in Shanghai as a mark of their / respect for him during life# 3645
38---/02/02- In the memory / illegible / born 6 July 1847 / died 8 June 1874 illegible# 5100
38---/02/03- Sacred / to / the memory of / Thomas S Austin / who died at Hong Kong / on the 7 December 1872 / aged 30 years / Blessed are the dead / who die in the Lord / leaving a wife & two children / to mourn their loss/# 4000
38---/02/04- right side A faithful and prominent member of the Society of Freemasons / this tablet is erected by the fraternity in Hong Kong / as a token if esteem and appreciation of his labours / Sit Lux Et Lux Fuitleft side Sacred to the memory of / Frederick M Plummer / died at Hong Kong 23rd July 1868 / aged 38 years# 3566
38---/02/05- Sacred / to the memory of / James Downie / commander / of the ship Chinaman / of London / born at Rosehearty / Aberdeenshire Scotland / 16th July 1821 / died at Hong Kong / 10th March 1868 / aged 46 years# 3538
38---/02/06- In remembrance of / Edward Lee / master of the S.S. "Yangtsze" / who died at Hong Kong / last day of the year 1882 / aged 32 years / deeply regretted by all those who knew him / erected by his many friends as a / mark of respect and esteem# 4514
38---/02/07- frontRobert Anderson / who died by the falling of / house at a fire in the Central West at Hong Kong / on the 14th Dec 1874 / in the execution of / his duty as a fireman / aged 26 yearsbackerected by the members of Government Volunteer Fire Brigade and Fire Insurance Company# 4574
38---/02/08- Sacred / to the memory of / James Gillespie / late boilermaker of the / S.S. 'Glenartney' / died 17th October 1871 / aged 45 years / erected by his shipmates and friends / as a token of sincere esteem / In the midst of life we are in death# 2878
38---/02/09- In memory / of / Charles Harwood / late fo the Surveyor / General's / Department / who died at Hong Kong / 27th January 1883 / aged 37 years / this stone was erected by his brother officers / R I P# 4619
38---/02/10- Hier ruhet in ?? / Wilhelm Van Bussche / gestorben / in seinem ?sten leibings jahre / am 18 October 1871 / ? seinem Aschen / ?? / Von / William Gardner# 3977
38---/02/11- In memory of / John Lawrence Veitch / R.N. / navigating sub lieutenant / of H.M.S. Hornet / who died 16th December 1874 / aged 27 years / erected / by his shipmates and friends# 3199
38---/02/12- right sidezum gedachtniss / an / Sophie Harboe / geb Hoffgaard / left sidegeb zu Apenrade in Mai 1846 / gestorben im schiff Brughe, des / Schiffes 'Hans' unweit Cheung Chau / am 2 September 1871
38---/02/13- In / memorium / of the late / Capt. W E Blanchard / / aged 43 years / who died in Hong Kong / this stone was erected by / a few of his Shanghai friends / as a mark of respect# 4358
38---/02/14- Sacred to the memory / of / James Frayne / of / Exeter Devon / late butcher of SS Ellora / who met his death at / Hong Kong August 28th 1874 / this monument was erected by his fellow comrades and men / he was greatly respected / In the midst of lfe we are in death? / August 31st 1871# 3862
38---/03/01- Sacred / to the memory / of / Jane Constance Harris Boyd / the beloved wife of / Captain James Boyd / of the barque " Velocedade" / who departed this life / July 28th 1861 / aged 25 years / ? justly dear for thee / all check the starting lear / u faith's consoling power / restrain / thy parting hour again(Stone mason) Jas Smith, Colquitt St, Liverpool, England
38---/03/02- Hier ruht / W H Luis / Capitan des Siam Schiffes / 'Siamese Crown' / geb in Hamburg / gest in Hong Kong / den 15 April 1870 / diese von seinen / Cameraden# 3718
38---/03/03- Sacred / to the memory of / Joseph Holman / of / HM Naval Dockyard Police Force / Hong Kong / who departed this life / on the 8th July 1870 / aged 22 years / O may he stand before the lamb / when earth and sea are fled / amd hear the juge [?] pronounce his name / with blessings on his head / erected by the members of H M N Y P F / as a mark of respect
38---/03/04- Sacred / to. the memory / of / James Hopkins / a native of Claddy Ireland / and lately a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on 3rd May 1880 / aged 22 years / erected by the menbers of the Hong Kong Police Force / as a mark of esteem
38---/03/05- Sacred to the memory / of / William Henry King / late sergeant Hong Kong Police / died at Hong Kong / 9th January 1881 / at the age of 55 years / erected by his loving wife and son / Hold them the cross before my eyes / shine through the gloom and point me to the skies / heaven's morning breaks and earth's vain shadow flee / in life in death, o Lord abide with me/also / in loving remembrance of an / affectionate wife and mother / Mary King / who departed this life on 21st / December 1888 / aged 64 years / Not lost but gone before
38---/03/06- rightSacred to the memory / of / Charles N Palmer / engineer R N / H M Ship "Foxhound" / aged 37 years / died 5th March 1881 / leftThis stone was erected by / the shipmates by whom he was / universally respected# 45?3
38---/03/07- Sacred / to the memory / of Olaf Olson / a native of Carlsham Sweden / born 25th December 1839 / died 17th August 1880 / aged 41 years / Rest in Peace# 4483
38---/03/08- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Chatles Holt / who died / at Hong Kong / July 24th 1871 / aged 45 yearsfootstone - CH # 3850
38---/03/09- George Munro / of / Inverculoon? Scotland / chief engineer SS Mela Maru / died 4th May 1875 / St Luke VI# 4178
38---/03/11- Ruhestette / von / missionar A Krolozyk / geb 17 Januar 1826 / gest 30 August 1872 / und/Debora Krolozyk / geb 29 Juli 1852 / gest 9 November 1872 / Gott wird anwischen / 6 lines of verse# 3978 # 3994
38---/03/12- Sacred to the memory / Captain H J Randell / American barque / 'Carrie B Vivian' / who died at this port / ? 22 1879 / aged 29 years / In the midst of life we are in death# 4411
38---/03/13- To / the / memory of / Matthew McMillan / late chief engineer SS ? / died on the ?? day of March 1877 ? / aged 33 years
38---/03/14- Sacred / to the memory of / Edward Recka ? / chief officer / of the Chinese / C N vessel / Mo ? Yan? / ? at Pak Hoi / 19-11-1872# 3999
38---/04/01- In memory / of / Mr James Hooper / of Shanghai / son of Mr James Hooper / birthplace Peckham, Surrey / died 7 March 1866 / aged 62 years# 4178
38---/04/02- Sacred / to / the memory of / David Stewart / aged 51 years / died 1st January 1883 / illegible# 4615
38---/04/03- In memory / of / Captain Jabez W Clarke / a native of ?? New York / U.S. of America / and lately of Tahiti / died at Hong Kong May 28th 1862 / aged 56 years# 3632
38---/04/04- Sacred / to. the memory / of / Godfrey Arthur / Fotherstonhaugh / clerk Royal Navy / born 30th August 1850 / died 4 January 1881 / Psalm 17 verse 15Difficult to read# 4503
38---/04/05- Sacred / to the memory / of / John Jardine / eldest son of / John Jardine / merchant tailor / of / Glasgow / born 8th March 1810 / died / 12th August 1868 ? / aged 49 years / The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth / us all from sin footstone JJ # 3571
38---/04/06- Sacred / to the memory of / Robert / eldest son of Robert Church / Upper Aldborn, Wiltshire / who died 22nd December 1877 / aged 35 years# 4335
38---/04/07- In memory of / Wm. W Growninshield/capt's clerk of the / USS Monocacy / died January 3rd 1874 / aged 41 years / erected by his shipmates# 4080
38---/04/08- illegiblepossibly Russian scriptThe headstone is the same as that of another Russian seaman (Sect. 40)# 4008
38---/04/09- Sacred / to the memory / of / Margaret Wylie Dorcas ? / the beloved wife / of / James C Sangster Esq. / master of the British ship / Menandrina / who died 2 hours before entering / the port of Hong Kong of typhus / on the 22nd day of March 1869 / aged 30 years# 3631
38---/04/10- Sacred / to the memory / of / Grace Garriogh / the beloved wife of W R Malzard / who departed this life / May 28th 1872 / aged 25 years / also / of their infant son / born May 26th 1872 / and / only survived 18 hours
38---/04/11- Sacred / Cornelius John Fine / age 57 / May 14th 1873footstone J.F. # 4029
38---/04/12- To the memory / of / James Melville / engineer of SS Lotus / who departed this life / 28th April 1872 / at Hong Kong / a native of Aberdeen Scotland / erected by a few of / his friends# 3930
38---/04/13- John Kelly / ordinary seaman / US flagship 'Colorado' / born 1848 / ? / died March 5 1879 ? / illegible - buried# 3910
38---/04/14- In memory / of / Alban Mountney Jephson / died 30th September 1872 / aged 27 years# 3872
38---/04/15- Sacred to the memory / of / Mary Anne / the beloved wife of / Sergt. A Court / 75 Regt. / who departed this life on the / 28th May 1871 / aged 25 years / erected by her husband who mourns / the early death of a devoted wife / and fond mother to their three childrem / Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord#3834
38---/04/16- Sacred / to / the memory of / George Moody / who departed this life / August 16th 1871 / aged 33 years / this monument is erected / by his friends as a slight / mark of the great esteem / in which he was held by them# 3854
38---/04/17- Sacred / to the memory of / Andrew Brown / native of Glasgow / who departed this life / September 30th 1873 / aged 34 years / erected by his friends / Requiescent in pace # 4054
38---/04/18- In memory / of / Thomas Welsby / late / foreman boilermaker / ? H & W Dock Company / who died October 30 1873? / from injuries received / by an accident / on board the steamer 'Yesso' / at Aberdeen Docks / aged 43 years / erected by his friends / Requiescat in pace# 4062
38---/04/19- Sacred / to the memory of / James Anderson / late chief engineer of the / SS Glen Darrock / who departed this life / on 4 July 1873 / aged 37 years / In the midst of life we are in death / this stone was erected by the captain / officers and sailors as a mark of / their respect and respect# 4359
38---/05/01- Sacred / to the memory / of / James Simpson / Shanghai pilot / who died at Hong Kong / March 27 1869 / aged 45 years# 3626 J S
38---/05/02- In / loving / meory of / Nichol Harvey / of / Newcastle-upon-Tyne / who died December 8th 1881 / aged 33 years / Percy Lodge 1427# 4562
38---/05/03- Sacred / to the memory of / Alfred William Onslow Petch / sub-lieutenant RN / who died at Hong Kong / on the 15th December 1890 / aged 22 yearson reverse side - 'HMS Iron Duke'#4501
38---/05/04- In memory / of / John Murray / Chief Engineer / S.S. Amoy / died at Hong Kong / 11th November 1879 / aged 65 years# 4447
38---/05/05- Sacred / to the memory / of / Henry Hicks / of / Southampton, Hampshire / England / late of P & O Service / died 7th December 1867 / aged 34 years / Thy will be done / this stone was erected by / his many ? friends in China# 3519 # 4447
38---/05/06- Hier ruhet / H.C. Lausen / Fuhrer der Deutschen / Bark / 'Carl Ritter'/gestoren 8 Marz 1878 / in seinen 49th Lebensjahre# 4352
38---/05/07- Sacred to the memory / of / John Russel / late second officer of / the SS Yangtsze / who died at sea / on the 18th November 1878 / in the 28th year of his age / illegible# 4388
38---/05/08- Sacred / to the / memory of / Ellen / the beloved wife of / William Petersen / who died / on 7th January 1878 / aged 38 years / In the midst of life we are in deathEP # 4339
38---/05/09- To the / memory ? / Mary Ann M--? / the beloved wife of / James Thompson / aged 29 years/also / their infant daughter / Margaret / aged 13 days / they departed this life / on the 11th Nov 1877 / Rest in peace / S.S. Dale# 4327 #4328
38---/05/10- Sacred to the memory of / Harry C Kenyon Slaney / lieutenant HM Ship 'Rangoon' / who died at sea 25th June 1875 / aged 26 years / This stone is erected by his shipmates# 4247
38---/05/11- Sacred / to / the memory of / the beloved wife of / James Vincent / foreman boilermaker / H.M. Naval Yard / who departed this life / October 16th 1872 / aged 44 years / Affliction sore / long time she bore / and seldom did complain / till God was pleased to call her hence / and ease her of her pain / in grateful remembrance / by a few sincere friendsHV # 3988
38---/05/12- In memory / of / Peter Harms / who died 26th February 1872 / aged 33 years / This monument was erected / by the employees / the Hong Kong and Whampoa Dock / in a token of respect# 3907
38---/05/13- Sacred / to the memory of / William Davidson / late ship's steward / HMS Princess Charlotte / who departed this life / at Hong Kong / 7th November 1871 / aged 37 years / His end was peace# 3887
38---/05/14- Sacred / to the / memory / of / Edward Bedlake Prowse / who died ? December 1872 / of Siamese barque 'Sounam' ? / aged 59 years/on body stone - This stone is laid by his brother Nicholas / also a master mariner / in remembrance of his visit to this grave December 1878
38---/05/15- Sacred / to the memory of / Edw. Marsden Marton / born in New York City U.S. / AD 1832 / died in Hong Kong / Oct. 21st 1870 / Arise ye and depart / for this is not your rest / Micah 2.10repeated on opposite side
38---/05/16- Sacred / to the / memory / of / Edward Bedlake Prowes / illegible... / who died ... illegible / The British Barque 'Deliverance' / illegible 8th July 1872 on body stone - This stone is laid by his brother Nicholas / also a master mariner / in remembrance of his visit to this grave / December 1873
38---/05/17- Sacred / to the memory / George Wilson / late of George St Minories ? / London / who departed this life / 23rd September 1871 / aged 43 years# 3869
38---/06/01- Hier ruhet frieden / E L Thuren / aus Hamburg / geb den 18 December 1826 / gest den 26 August 1881# 4543
38---/06/02- Hier ruhet / Max Reese / geboren in Kiel / Sep 6 1850 / gestoren in Hong Kong / Mai 20 1873 / Sanet ruhe seine Asche# 4030
38---/06/03- Ter gedachteris / aan / W Van Aalburg / in Leven / van het / Ned Fred.. schip ? / Johanna Maria / geboren te Hinkzee ? / den 16 Februari 1821 / en overleden / in zee / den 9 August 1872# 3969
38---/06/04- Sacred / to the memory / of / Edward Murray / a native of Glasgow / late master of the British barque / Queensland / of / Sydney / who departed this life at Hong Kong / on 7th Septemeber 1887 / aged 44 years / deeply lamented by a sorrowing / widow and childrenEM # 1869
38---/06/05- Hier ruhet / Capt. Carl Langmeld / Siam Schift / "Shooting Star" / geboren in Kersfeld / gestoren den 2ten mai 1872 / 32 jahre alt# 3933
38---/06/06- Sacred / to the memory / of / George Gibson / master mariner / Br barque Jameswell / Newcastle N.S.W. / born at Hampstead / London? / ? / 1834 / died at Hong Kong / April 1872GG # 3929
38---/06/07- illegible perhaps Russian sailor?
38---/06/08- Sacred / to / the memory of / John Irvine / a native of Dalry Ayrshire / late 2nd engineer of the / SS Far East / of Singapore / who departed this life / on the 15th December 1870 / aged 26 years / erected by a few of his shipmates
38---/07/01- side 1Sacred to the memory of / Grace Caroline / beloved daughter of / William and Elizabeth Adnams / side 2God-child of Jane Gillbee / died 24th November 1880 / aged 2 years and 7 months# 4496
38---/07/02- Sacred / to / the memory of / Jane / the beloved wife of / Walter William Gillbee / HM Naval Yard / who departed this life / November 16th 1880 / aged 30 years / It pleased God in his memory to take her / after a long and painful illness / her end was peace# 4496
38---/07/03- Sacred / to the memory of / R Jones / native of Wales born 1822 / who departed this life / January 11th 1872 / aged 50 years / late diver of Shanghai and Hong Kong / erected by his affectionate friend / W Bristow# 3895
38---/07/04- Anton Christensen / born 8th December 1835 / died 15th December 1871
38---/07/05- E C Donovan / who departed this life / 5th January 1871 / aged 29 years# 3806
38---/07/06- Sacred / to. the memory of / George William West / aged 21 years / of the / H K P F / who died in the execution of his duty / August 21st 1879 / illegible
38---/08/01- In memory / of / Charles William Peterson / born January 4th 1885 / died Jan 23rd 1885 / aged 20 days# 4755
38---/08/02- right side - Sacred to the memory of / Cosmo Gordon / the beloved son of Cross ? / 27th Inniskillings Scottish / ?? / born 27th November 1870 died / ?? /aged 2 years 5 monthsfront -St Mark and John / Suffer the little children come unto to meleft side -illegible# 5522
38---/08/03- Sacred / to / the / memory / of / our darling babies / who / departed this life / Marion Mackie / on the 21st Sep 1881 / aged 4 days / Gertrude Mackie / 14th July 1885 / aged 15 months / Safe in the arms of Jesus# 4548 # 4791
40---/01/01- In memory of / Jane Sutherland / the daughter of William and Eliza / McClellan / who died on 12th June 1865 / aged 8 years/William James / only son of William and Eliza / McClellan / who died on the 30th December 1870 / aged 4 years 1 month 12 days / Blessed are the dead / who die in the Lord
40---/01/02- Sacred / to the memory of / Hugh Cross / Gibson / who departed this life / 27 October AD 1857 / aged 85 ? years
40---/01/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / James J Mathews / late 4th engineer of the P & O's / SS 'Oceana' ? / who departed this life / September 20th 1862 / aged 32 years / Stay travellers stay as you are passing by / as you are now so once was / as I am now soon may yo be / then prepare to follow me / erected as token of affection / by officers and crew
40---/01/04- Sacred / to the / memory of / Mary Anne / the beloved wife of / Albert Scott / died July 29th 1865 / aged 25 years / Deeply lamented
40---/01/05- right side -Sacred to the memory of / Walter Toms / illegible / master of the receiving ship Cama Family [?] / who died at Hong Kong on the 17th ? December 1858 ? / aged 31 yearsleft sideSacred to the memory of / Walter Toms / illegible / master of the receiving ship Cama Family [?] / who died at Hong Kong on the 17th ? December 1858 ? / aged 31 years# 1872
40---/02/01- Sacred / for ever / to the memory of / Sarah / the affectionate and / dearly loved wife of / William Howard / born 20th April 1817 / died 30th November 1866 / dedicated / in sorrow / by her husband
40---/02/02- Sacred / to the / memory of Mary / the beloved wife of T W Smith / who died on the 3 of June 1865 / aged 32 years 5 months / 4 lines illegibleootstone M SJune 1865# 3051
40---/02/03- In memory of / Henry Winniberg / who died 22md November 1866 / And the light shineth in the darkness / and the darkness comprehendeth it not / 1st chapter St John ? verse# 3395
40---/02/04- In memory of Charles Horder / who departed this life 22 September 1860 aged 22 years#2242
40---/02/05- Sacred / to the / memory / of Hugget R.E. / 28th regiment / who died at Hong Kong / on the 21 ? / aged 33 years
40---/02/06- To / the memory of / William Love / late engineer of the SS Arraton Apcar / who died in Hong Kong / on the 26th March 1872 / aged ? years / This stone is erected / by a few of the / officers and engineers in / Messrs Apcar & Co. employ / whom he was much esteemed and / his loss deeply regretted
40---/03/01- Sacred / to the memory / Isabella Dyce / 1811 - 1852 ? / beloved wife of / Robert Dundas Cay / Rosehill, Hong Kong / and their infant son / Dundas 1851
40---/03/02- In memory of / Ada Paszkowicz Kinder / born 7th March 1861 / died 1st October 1865 ? / Thy will be done# 3199
40---/03/03- Sacred / to the memory of / Thomas James Record / of Woolwich, Kent, England / late moulder of HM Navy Yard / Hong Kong / who departed this life August 27th 1869 / aged 43 years / Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord#3366
40---/03/04- Sacred / to the memory / of / Theodore Glawson / seaman of the ship / Rajah of Goghin / erected by his shipmates / born 1840 / died in hospital 3rd September 1869
40---/03/05- right side -Sacred to the memory of Thomas Bridgeman Col ? Sergt. HR 10th Reg. / the fondly beloved husband of Jane Bridgeman who departed this life / August 2nd 1872 aged 31 years / The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want Psalm XXIIIback end -This tomb is / erected by his / bereaved wife / and brother / sergeantsleft side -Go Home dear wife with best intent / and after me do not lament / and while on earth be good and kind / to two fatherless children left behindfront wnd -as a token of / respect to / their sad loss
40---/03/06- illegible# 4010
40---/03/07- Sacred / to the memory / of / Robert James Kerr / the second son / of / sergeant Robert and Hannah / Kerr / 7th brigade of Royal Artillery / who died at Hong Kong 20th May 1877 / aged 2 years 11 months / Gentle Jesus meek and mild / look upon this little child / pity his simplicity / suffer him to come to thee / as he would to thee be brought / gracious God forbid it not / in the wisdom of thy grace / give this little child a place
40---/04/01- In / affectionate remembrance / of / George William / the beloved son of / Thomas and Ann / Jane Gardners / 28th Regiment / died 28th October 1876 / aged 1 year 8 months / and 10 days / [4 lines illegible]
40---/04/02- Sacred / to the memory of / Margaret / wife of G H Heaton / who died 22nd Dec. 1859 / aged 39 years# 2076
40---/04/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / Alice Sophia Eliza / infant daughter of / Camille and Henrietta Bertrand / born at Hong Kong on / 1st October 1863 / died on July 28th 1864 / aged nine months / The Lord giveth and the Lord hath / taketh away. Blessed be the / name of the Lord
40---/04/05- Sacred to the memory / of / Henry Romaine Lloyd / assiastant pay master Royal Navy / HMS ship 'Princess Charlotte' / who died the 2nd February 1876 / aged 21 years and 10 months
40---/04/06- William Bertram Lorrain MD / who died .... ? / and wife Jessie Grille ?# 1463
40---/04/07- Sacred / to the memory of / John Smithers / who departed this life / on the 5th day of September 1859 / aged 38 years / "That which sowest is not quickened / except it die" 1st Corinthinians XV chapter 6th verse# 2006
40---/04/09- Sacred to the memory / of / Wilfred John / the beloved son of / John Wilfred and Maryjane Marks / Royal Engineers / born at ? Devonshire / England / December 1877 / died at Hong Kong / November 5 1878 / aged 11 months and 28 days#1887
40---/04/10- In memory / of / Matilda Maude Sarah / the beloved daughter / of / James and Martha Dancaster / of Padstow, Cornwall / England / died June 15th 1877 / aged 4 months / In the arms of Jesus
40---/05/01- Sacred / to the memory of / Thomas D Neale ? / of / Bradford, Wilts / died 30th August 1865 / aged 28 years / erected by his friends in China# 3146
40---/05/02- Sacred to the memory / of / John Downie RN / who died at / Hong Kong / February 21st 1864 / erected by his shipmates / as a mark of respect# 2797
40---/05/03- S.M. / Henry Madders / colour sergeant 1st batt 10th Regt / died / 6th April 1870 / aged 37 years / Passing through the grave and gate / of death of his joyful resurrection in / the faith of him who died. And was / buried and rose again. Jesus Christ / The Lord
40---/05/04- To the memory of / Frances Elizabeth wife of Henry Kingsmill / of Hong Kong / barrister at / law who died the / 1st day of September 1865 / aged 33 years / By thy glorious resurrection / and ascension good Lord / deliver me# 3148
40---/05/05- Sacred / to the memory of / Harriet Sarah Jeffers ? / widow of the late / G R Jeffers Esq. / Montserat West Indies / who died 27th January 1860 / aged 52 years / he is Faithful that promised ? shepherd / Peter illegible# 2092
40---/05/06- Sacred to the memory / of / Edward Faulkner / a native of Nottshire ? / late master of the ill fated barque / Ellermax / who departed this life / 25th January 1870 / aged 49 years# 3698
40---/05/07- In memory of / Mary / the beloved wife of / George Stanley Brooks / commander P & O S Co's / services / who died on the 12th March 1859 / aged 28 years and 7 months / The Lord's will be done# 3606 # 1926
41---/01/01- Sacred to the memory / of / John Tennings ? / who died at Hong Kong / 10th November 1875 / erected by his brother officers of ? / HMS ?
41---/01/02- Ever loving memory / of / John Henry Newberry / dearly beloved son of / Sgt. J Newberry RE / died 2nd Aug 1901 / aged 3 years / Safely in the arms of Jesus / sweetly his soul shall rest
41---/01/03- Sacred / to the memory / of / Tsoi Pui Kwong / son of / Tsoi Yeuk Shan / March 1896 - Feb. 1901 / From thy parents arm / borne to Jesus' breast / now above all harm / dear child sweetly reston body stone - Chinese characters
41---/01/04- Our / Oyama .. ? / twenty two months / born Tokushima, Japan / Aug 28 1896 / died at Hong Kong / June 29th 1898reverse - B J & Co. # 6037
41---/01/05- Jane Jameson / born Jan 3rd / died 11th Aug. 1898/also / William Robert / born 11th Feb died / 12th June 1899 / dearly beloved children / of P.R. and U. Adam / Safe in the arms of Jesus / sweetly their soul shall rest# 6050 # 6137
41---/01/06- In loving memory / Li Ping Sin / died 30th May 1898 / aged 4 months / R.I.P.# 6019
41---/01/07- Harold and Hilda Maude / Baxter / who died on / October 1st 1888 / aged 11 months 18 days / "I heard the name of Jesus say / come unto us and rest"
41---/02/01- In loving memory / of / Evangeline / the beloved daughter of / Oliver and Mary Ann Calvert / late Sergt. Major 27th Inniskillings / who died at Hong Kong / on the 21st of November 1879 / aged 2 years and 8 months / Lovely child so young and fair / called early to the tomb / sent to show how sweet a flower / paradise would bloom / of such is the kingdom of heavenon body stone -also / her husband / Oliver / who died / on the 25th of / February 1888 / aged 41 years
41---/02/02- In memory / of / private William Robinson / letter D company 28 regiment / who met his death by drowning / on 27th March 1876 / this stone is erected by the officers / and NC officers and men of his co / as a slight token of the esteem for their / comrade while he lived / 'Remember for ... illegible
41---/02/05- Chinese Charactersillegible / The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away / blessed be the name of the Lord
41---/02/06- In loving memory / of / Tsoi Po Shan / who died / 9th December 1897 / aged 5 years / Gone but not forgottenB J & Co Ltd. # 5969
41---/02/07- illegible
41---/02/08- In memory of / Baby Stovell / born ? died / January 17th 1887
41---/02/09- Chinese Characters
41---/03/01- In / loving memory / of / John Emanuel / the beloved son of / Henry Gittings / who died on the 10th July 1900 / aged 3 1/2 years / Safe in the arms of Jesus# 6288
41---/03/02- Chinese CharactersVictor Lee / born / May 16 1897 / called away / October 27 1900 / His sleep is not the sleep of death / it is but the holding of his breath / unsoiled by sin, unknown to strife / he now enjoys a sweeter life
41---/03/03- Our darling Bertie / son of / Charles Edward and / Hannah Mabel / Warren / born 9 December 1899 / died 27 August 1900 / Sleep on sweet boy and take thy rest / God calls away when he thinks best
41---/03/04- In memory / of / Li Shui Hung / first born son of / Li Tze Chui / who died / 18th October 1908 / aged 3 yearsChinese Characters
41---/03/05- In memory of / T .... / the beloved son of Tai .... / who died at Hong Kong / 4th September 1900 / aged 4 yearsChinese Characters
41---/03/06- Affectionate remembrance / Willie / the beloved son of / [name in Chinese] / died 11th July 1898 / aged 1 year 11 months 23 days / And no sigh of anguish save / heaves that little bosom wave / now he dwells with thee in light
41---/03/07- Japanese Characters
41---/03/08- Our darling babs / John Brennan / son of / J.B. and E. Jackson / born at sea / Nov. 6 1896 / died at Hong Kong / December 18th 1896 / How soon fades the tender flower
41---/04/01- Theodor Kriele / geb 18 ? / gest 20 August / 1893 / sie sind der Engel / gliech und Gottes / Kinder
41---/04/02- Sacred / to the / memory / of / Fanny Buckridge / beloved wife of Sergt. John Betts / second brigade / Royal Artillery / who died on the / 27trh February 1877 / aged 28 years / R.I.P.FBB # 5286
41---/04/03- Japanese Characters# 5903
41---/04/04- Asleep / Delphine McLaren / aged / 22 months 13 days / born Sept 2nd 1895 / died July 5 1897 / beloved daughter / of / David Ellsworth and McLaren Post Brown
41---/05/01- Sacred / to the memory of / Alfred Edward Mann / the youngest dearly / beloved son of / quarter master / sergt. John & Ellen Mann / ? / Her Majesty's 27th Inniskillings Regiment / on bodystone -who died at Hong Kong / on the 21st February 1880 / after a lingering illness / aged 1 year and 11 monts / The Lord giveth and the lord / hath taken away
41---/05/02- Sacred / to the memory / of / lce corp. Thomas Whalley / ? F Company 28th N.C. Regt. / who died at Hong Kong / on the 9th day of February 1877 / at the age of 27 years / this stone was erected by the officers / NC officers and men of his company / in remembrance of a fellow comrade
41---/05/03- Sacred to the memory / of / private James Ashworth / late R M L I / HMS Vigilant who / died 9th March 1877 / aged 32 years / erected by the officers and ship's / company as a mark of respect
41---/05/04- To / the memory of / Archibald Douglas Robertson / dearly beloved son of / Sergt. and Mrs Robertson / 2nd Royal Welsh Fusiliers / born 11th Oct. 1899 / died 7th July 1901 / Though past and gone to memory dear
41---/05/05- In loving memory / of / Tommy / baby son of Thomas and Ethel Payne / died September 15th 1900 / aged 1 years / Jesus loves thee# 5295
41---/05/06- In loving memory / of / James Richard / youngest son of staff sergt. / James and Elizabeth Cusack / born September 14th 1897 / died April 11th 1900 / Deeply regretted / All the bright ones All the pure ones
41---/05/07- Chinese Characters# 5983
41---/06/01- Sacred to the memory / of / Richard Collins / stoker HMS Sarnder? / killed on ? September 1875 / aged 29 years# 4233
41---/06/02- In memory / of / James T Glashan / who died at Hong Kong / on the 17th March 1877 / aged 25 years / this stone is erected / by his ship's illegible# 4288
41---/06/03- In memory ? / of / Noel / infant son of / sergt. Ernest and Caroline Hickman / 2nd B. R W Fusiliers / born 25th December 1901 / died 9th Jan 1902 / Suiffer little children to come unto thee
41---/06/04- In loving memory / of / Alexander Geddes Robert / infant son of / A.M. and Robt. J White / born 24th May 1901 / died 14th September 1901 / Thy will be done
41---/06/05- Hier ruhet der / Matrose / Heinrich Wilhelm Muller / geb den 17 December 1852 / zu Marwede Kreis, Celle / provinz Hannover / gestorben on bord SMS / Ariadne / den 18 Juni 1876 / gewidmet / von seinen Kameraden
41---/06/06- In loving remembrance / of / our darling / Thomas Edward / only son of / J E and A J Farrell / born Feb 11th 1897 / died Aug 31st 1897 / The Lord knoweth best
41---/06/07- Hier ruhet on friede / unser innis geliebtes / invergessliches / Tochterchen / Ada Hanna Margareta / Lamke / geb d 22 Juli 1891 / gest d 22 October 1897 / der Deinwille Geschehe
41---/07/01- Sacred to the memory / of / Ivy Kathleen / daughter / of / colr sergt. Thorpe / King's Own Regt / and Elizabeth his wife / born Mar 17th 1897 / died May 18th 1898 / also / Harry / the beloved son of the above / who died 12th March 1898 / aged 16 days / illegible
41---/07/02- In memory of / Violet Annie Stainfield / born August 1st 1896 / died / June 10th 1898 / Our little flower has drooped and died / it did not flourish here / now it is gone to heaven above / to shed its fragrance there
41---/07/03- In / loving / memory / Anne Clare / born 17 February 1887 / died 18 October 1889 / illegible
41---/08/01- Sacred to the memory / of / pte. Joseph McMillan / M S, Royal Marines / H.M.S. Charybdis / who accidently drowned / in Hong Kong harbour / on the 17th April 1877 / aged 33 years / this stone is erected by his comrades / as a token of respect / In the midst of life / we are in death
41---/08/02- In memory of / James Boulter / late of HMS Tamar / who died at Hong Kong June 4 / 1877 / this stone was erected by a few of / his many friends
41---/08/03- In memory / of our darling baby / William. beloved son of / Arthur & Clara Philips ? / quarter master sergeant / Royal Engineers / died on the sea 20 June 1882 / aged 7 weeks# 4582
41---/08/04- Japanese Characters
41---/08/05- In loving memory / of / wee Alick / beloved son of / Alec and Agnes Ewing / and grandson of / Mr and Mrs Kyles / who died at Kowloon Dock, Hong Kong / 23rd July 1899 / aged 2 years
41---/08/06- M Atzenbroth? / geb 4 Februar 1900 / gest 6 Februar 1900
42---/01/01- In / memory of / Captain paymr. McLeish / and those who / were lost / in the / R P ? 8th October 1878 / on body stone -The floods are risen O Lord / the floods have lifted / their voice / the floods lift up their waves
42---/01/02- Matros Hans Hansen / fodt 1850 Tubusmark ? / dod den 10 November 1878 / ombord ? den danske fregat / "Tordenskiold" / hans kammeraden satte han / dette minde ?Difficult to read# 3789
42---/01/03- Sacred to the memory / of / Anders Olson / a native of Carlshamm, Sweden / born in 1842 / and died at Hong Kong on / 21 March 1872 / aged 30 years / Rest in peace / This stone is erected by his / affectionate brother / John OlsonAO # 3915
42---/01/04- Sacred to the memory of / Angus Sinclair / (of Greenock) / chief engineer P & O's S N service / who departed this life / 24 July 1870 / aged 48 years / In the midst of life we are in death / erected by his brother officers / as a tribute of sincere esteem
42---/01/05- He who lives in Christ doth live / In / memory of / Capt. John Shaw / A H Corps / the beloved husband of / Ellen Shaw / wh departed this life / 23rd November 1873 / aged 40 years# 4069
42---/01/06- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Alexander McWalter Growlie / born at Dundee 5th January 1842 / died of dysentery at Hong Kong / 14th January 1872
42---/01/07- Sacred / to the memory of / Fanny / the beloved wife of Sergt Charles Reeve / HM 80th Regiment / died 14th October 1873 / aged 29 years / Thy love is my light and my salvation# 4056
42---/01/08- Beneath are deposited the remains / of / Herbert K Lane / commander of H.I.C.M.S. "Chen Jui" / who died suddenly at sea / on November 5th 1874 / aged 29 years / this stone is erected to his memory / by his friends and brother officers / by whom his loss ids deservedly / lamented / R.I.P.# 4123
42---/01/09- In memory of / W R Cumming / the engineer of / SS Thunder / who was drowned during the / typhoon on 22nd and 23rd / September 1874 / aged 50 years / this stone was erected by his friends as a / token of respect# 4124
42---/01/10- Sacred to / the memory / of / William Beaudall / who departed this life August 12th 1874 / aged 17 years / thy wil be done / this stone was erected / by his schoolmates and friends#4115
42---/01/11- Sacred / to the / memory / of / James Dodds / a native of Roxburgshire / and lately an inspector of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong on / the 20th November 1876 / aged 34 years / erected by the members of the / Hong Kong Police Force / as a mark of esteem# 4958
42---/01/12- Sacred / to the / memory / of / James Youngson / a native of Aberdeenshire / nd lately an inspector of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong on / the 23rd October 1876 / aged 35 years / erected by the members of the / Hong Kong Police Force / as a mark of esteem# 4264
42---/02/01- Chinese Characters
42---/02/02- Sacred / to the memory of / Jessie / the beloved daughter of / Frederick & Caroline Shepherd / born June 22nd 1877 / died March 8th 1878 aged 1 year and 8 months/also / Frank Herbert / born Sept / 4th 1879 died / June 21st 1880 / aged 9 months 7 days / son of the above/These lovely bubs sp young so fair / called home by early doon / came but to show how sweet a flower / in paradise would bloom
42---/02/03- Sacred to the / memory / of / William Chape / 6 Dec. 1874 ? / aged fourteen years / Thy will be done
42---/02/04- Ernst Wustethausen ? / geb 20 Januar 1830 / zu Mickelburg / gest 17 October 1874
42---/02/05- In memory / of / Samuel Clifton / late of Shanghai / died on 22nd February 1874 / after a long illness / aged 26 years / erected by his friends ....# 4084
42---/02/06- Sacred / to the / memory / of / Peter Mitchell / a native of Aberdeenshire / and lately a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong on / the 14th December 1873 / aged 26 years / erected by the members of the / Hong Kong Police Force / as a mark of esteem# 7074
42---/02/07- Sacred / to the memory of / Sarah Anne / the beloved wife of / Leonard Barnes / who died at Hong Kong / January 11th 1874 / aged 50 years# 4082
42---/02/08- Sacred / to / the memory / of / John Rogers / born at Birmingham England / died December 11th 1873 / aged 21 years / Where the weary are at rest# 4072
42---/02/09- Sacred / to the memory of / Robert Baines / engineer / P and O. S N Company / who departed this life / on December 28th 1873 aged 43 years / In the midst of life we are in death / erected by his friends as a token of respect
42---/02/10- Sacred to the / memory / of / Thomas Gibrot ? / who died at Hong Kong / on the / 23rd September 1872TG # 4422
42---/02/11- Sacred / to the memory / of / James Woolgar / P & O Service / who died at Hong Kong / on / the 14th December 1873 / aged 27 years / Requiescat in pace# 4075
42---/02/12- Sacred / to the memory / of / Harriet Heather ? / wife of Pte. T.Heather / 80 Regt. / who died at Hong Kong / on October 2 1871 / aged 28 years# 4031 ?
42---/02/13- Sacred / to / the memory / of / George Band / a native of Germany / and lately a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on 9th October 1874 / aged 39 years / this stone was erected / by the members of the HK / Police Force as a mark / of esteem# 4127
42---/02/14- Sacred / to / the memory / of / F George Stewart / who died at Hong Kong October 8 1875 / deeply regretted by all on board / who have erected this stone / as a testimony of their regard / in the midst of life we are in deathFGS # 4209
42---/02/15- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Philip Bennett / of / Patterson / New Jersey USA / aged 54 years# 4093
42---/03/01- Sacred / to / the memory / of / James Duncan / a native of Aberdeenshire / and lately a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on 25th October 1873 / aged 26 years / this stone was erected / by the members of the Hong Kong Police Force as a mark / of esteem
42---/03/02- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Alexander Cumming / a native of Morayshire / and lately a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on 23rd November 1876 / aged 33 years / erected by the members of the / Hong Kong Police / as a mark of esteemAC # 4217
42---/03/03- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Seymour Bolton / machinist USS Iroquoi / who departed this life / on April 2nd 1874 / aged 44 years / erected by the engineer's department# 4089
42---/03/04- In / memory / of Peter Spicer / a native of Saltash, Cornwall / died 20th May 1874 / aged 73 years / many years resident Botnay [sic] Bay / died while in Hong Kong / on his way to / England / our times are in his hands# 4096
42---/03/05- Sacred / to / the memory / of / George Murrell / a native of Stromness Orkney / and lately a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on 23rd May 1876 / aged 33 years / this stone was erected / by the members of the Hong Kong Police Force as a mark / of esteemGM # 4239
42---/03/06- Sacred / to the memory of / pte Robert Martin / B. Co. / HM 80 regiment / died at Kowloon / on the 18th of January 1874 / aged 22 years / Stay comrades stay as you are / passing by / as you are now so once was I / as I am now you soon may be / oh then prepare to follow me / this stone was erected ............. hidden# 4083
42---/03/07- In memoriam / John Cook Brett / died 19th January 1877 / aged 33 yearsJCB # 4275
42---/03/08- Sacred / to / the memory / of / Angus McKenzie / a native of Sutherlandshire / and lately a member of the / Hong Kong Police Force / who died at Hong Kong / on 3rd July 1874 / aged 29 years / erected by the members of the / Hong Kong Police / as a mark of esteemAM # 4108
42---/03/09- Joseph Peter Reusch / Maschinst / Deutschen Corvette / Elisabeth / geb den 4ten Sept 1848 / gest d 23ten Jun 1874
42---/03/10- Sacred / to / the memory of / pte. Joseph Gough / D comp. HM's 80th regiment / who departed this life at / Hong Kong / June 9th 1874 / aged 23 years and 6 months / this stone was erected by the / N.C. Officers & men off his company / by whom he was greatly respected# 4105
42---/03/11- In memory / Harry A Laurence / who died May 19 1876 / aged 38 yearsillegible
42---/03/12- Sacred to the memory / of / Lawrence Young / master mariner / native of Stewarton Scotland / who departed this life / on the 10th February 1875 / aged 44 years# 4227 LY
42---/03/13- In memory of / J.W. Cunningham / a native of Belfast, Maine, USA / late pilot of Shanghai / died at Hong Kong / on July 7th 1874 / aged 26 years / this tablet was erected by his brother pilotsJC # 4110
42---/03/14- Sacred to the memory / of / Sergt. William Neill of / Hr. M's 80 regt. of foot / who died Aug 12th 1874 / aged 33 years / this stone is erected to his / memory by his brother sergts / as a token of respect / illegible / R.I.P.# 4114
42---/03/15- In memory / R C Shaw / who died / at Hong Kong / on 1st June 1876 / aged 31 years# 4241
42---/03/16- Russian script
42---/03/17- Sacred to the memory / of / Frederick Frost / of the / P & O's S.N. Co. Service / who died on the / 15th September 1874 / aged 45 years / R I Pburial record # 4119
43---/01/01- Hier ruhet / J Luz / Matrose..... illegible# 4166
43---/01/02- Sacred / to / the memory of / Private James Taylor / A company 80th regiment / who was accidently killed on / 30th December 1871 / aged 20 years / by a fall at garrison gymnasium / Hong Kong which broke his neck / this stone was erected by his comrades
43---/01/03- Sacred / to / the memory of / Private James Tiernan / 80th regiment / who departed this life / at Hong Kong / 11th of November 1874 / aged 22 years / erected by his comrades# 4420
43---/01/04- In memory / of / Alexander Ross / of / Glasgow / born ? died / in Hong Kong 7 January 1875footstone # 4159
43---/01/05- Sacred / to the / memory of / Private Thomas Yates / 80th regiment / who departed this life / on the / 25th of December 1874 / aged 41 years / erected by his comradesfootstone PTY # 4153
43---/01/06- In memory / of / William Jeffrey / boy 1st class / HMS Juno / who was killed by a fall / from the main yard? truck / 19th February 1871 / aged 17 years / erected by his shipmates
43---/01/07- Sacred / to / the memory of / Abel Heale / RMLI / HMS Victor Emanuel / who departed this life / April 11th 1878 / aged 40 yearsWherefore let him that thinketh he / standeth, take heed lest he fall / erected as a token of respect / by his many friendsfootstone # 4657
43---/01/08- In memory of / George Kirkup / late master of the ship / Fiery Cross / died 11 March 1868 / aged 36 years
43---/01/09- Sacred / to the memory of / privt. Martin Kinsley / HM 2nd Bn 17th Regt. / who died on the ? February / 1866 aged 26 years ? months / this stone was erected / by his / beloved wife
43---/01/10- Sacred to the memory / of / John Pover / of Penzance, Cornwall / who departed this life / at Hong Kong / on the / 3rd September 1865 / aged 25 years / erected by his brother as a token of affectionfootstone J P
43---/01/11- Sacred / to the memory of / W J Adams AB / aged 25 years / late of HMS Victor Emanuel / who was killed by accident / December 20th 1874 / this stone was erected as a mark / of esteem by the officers and / seamen of the said ship / In the midst of life / we are in death
43---/01/12- 2nd Battalion 9th Regiment / corporal T Walker / 24th August / 1865
43---/01/13- Sacred / to. / the memory of / William Gardner / late United States shipping master / who departed this life / 1st February 1875 / aged 41 years / erected by his / sorrowing widow / Rest in peacefootstone # 4484
43---/01/14- 2nd Battalion 9th regiment / private R Harker / 27 August / 1865
43---/01/15- 2nd battalion 9th regiment / private G Dady / 18 August / 1865
43---/01/16- In / memory / of / Philip Miller / boatswain US Navy / US ship Hartford / died 14th July 1875 / aged 51 yearsfootstone # 4169
43---/02/01- Charles J Nicholson / ordinary seaman / US flagship "Colorado" / born 1849 / died March 30th 1872footstone CJN
43---/02/02- Sacred / to/. the memory of / Henry Stroud / inspector of police Hong Kong / who died on the 28th April 1875 / aged 28 years / this tablet is erected by his / brother officers in token of their / great esteem and respect / in which he was held / requiescent in pacefootstone # 4176 HS
43---/02/03- To / the memory / of / G E Potts / died 25th December / 1870 / erected by his friendsfootstone # 3799
43---/02/04- Sacred to the memory / of / John Murchie / late chief engineer / SS Glenartney / a native of Ayrshire / who departed this life at sea / on the 12th March 1875 / aged 37 / this stone is erected by his / shipmates and friends a a mark / of their esteemfootstone JM # 4189
43---/02/05- Sacred / to the memory of / Rd. H Farmer / of Ruthwin, Denbighshire / North Wales / died 2nd November 1872 / aged 22 years# 3984
43---/02/06- Sacred / to / the memory / pte. George Murray / G Company H M's 8th Regt. / who died at Hong Kong / November 11th 1873 / aged 31 years / this stone is erected by / the N.C. Officers and men of / his company by whom he was / greatly respected
43---/02/07- Sacred to the memory / of / James Beasley / who departed this / life March 15th 1873 / he was a turnkey / in the Victoria Goal / and have many / friends in Hong Kong / this stone is erected by John Williams / who is in charge of the Protestant Cemetery / The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh / blessed be the name of the Lord / illegible / Inonestay
43---/02/08- To the memory / of / Henry Moale Middleton / died / 6th August 1872
43---/02/09- Sacred / to the memory / of / S.S. Briggs / later commander of the barque / Caroline Chisholm / who died 28th August 1865 / aged 28 years / this stone has been erected / by a few / of the other shipmates / as a mark of respectfootstone S S B
43---/02/10- In memory / of / W F G Servantes / A C G / to H M Forces / who died / on the 8th September / 1868 / aged 43 years
43---/03/01- Gentle Jesus meek and mild / look / upon a little child / sacred / to / the memory of / James Edward / son of / Capt. J Y and Hannah Toms / of / 'Bonnie Dunkeld' / who departed this life in Canton / Rover on the 3rd of Feb. 1871 / born at Shanghai / on the 5th Jan. 1867 / aged 4 years and 29 daysHow gracefully he lies at rest / his soul above among the blest / God willed to take him up above / to pray for those on earth be loved / his little life on earth is o'er / faded away like a summer flower
43---/03/02- Sacred / to / the memory of / Pte. Johh Mathews / D Co. 28th regiment / who died on the 13th August 1877 / aged 31 years / This stone is erected by the officers / and NC Officers and men of the company / as a mark of regard / In the midst of life we are in deathfootstone PJM # 4316
43---/03/03- Sacred to the memory of / the seamen and marines of / H.M.S. "Cormorant" / who died during her commission in / China / during the years / 1862 - 66/1863 March 27 George Chadney / gr RMA Aet 31 / Shanghai drowned " August 3rd Henry Campbell ord / Aet 20 Han-Chu Bay / drowned illegible Hurst B2C Act 17. Yokohama/1865 Feb 26 George Armstrong AB / Aet 29 at sea/1865 June 28th Thomas Elliot Blacksmith Aet 40 Hong Kong / " August 6th Peter Hayward AB Aet 21 at sea / " August 7th Henry Carpenter PRM Aet 23 / Hong Kong / " August 7th Francis Painter corp cr Aet 22 Hong Kong / " August 11th James Pargeter prm Aet 34 Hong Kong / " August 24th Albert Ingrams prm Aet 24 Hong Kong / " October 1st James P Roberts ord Aet 26 Hong Kong / " October 28th Stafford Dean stoker Aet 20 Hong Kong / " December 22nd John Manning B2C Aet 17 at sea drowned
43---/03/04- Sacred to the memory / of / Joseph Laverance / ordinary seaman on board the / British Barque 'Tansy' ? / through accidently falling down / to the forehold on the 24th July 1875 / and died from / the effects at hospital on / July 29th 1875 / aged 18 years / respected by all on board / this stone is erected by the / captain, officers and crew of the shipfootstone # 4194
43---/03/05- Sacred to the memory / of / George Marshall / died in Hong Kong / on the 23rd August 1875 / aged 35 years / this stone is erected / by a Japanese friend / Give ..... to God ?footstone # 4202
43---/03/06- Sacred / colour sergt. C Cox / illegible
43---/03/07- Chinese Characters
43---/03/08- Sacred / to the memory of / Joseph Glasson / late / boilermaker / of the HK & Macao Coy.? / who departed this life / June 22nd 1868 / aged 37 years
43---/03/09- Sacred / to the / memory of / Walter Vincent Harvey / late engineer of the SS Chin Kiang / and youngest son of / James Harvey RN / who departed this life / August 15th 1875 / aged 29 years / Each lonely scene shall thee restore / for those the tear be clearly shed / Beloved till life can charm no more / and mourn till pity's self be dead / erected in affectionate remembrance / by his family who mourn his loss and his brother officers / whose esteem he gained in Chinafootstone WVH # 4189
43---/03/10- Sacred / to / the memory / of / John Dodd Smith / who died / at Hong Kong / on 5th January 1876 / aged 84 years
45---/01/01- Elizabeth Stott / loving and faithful wife of / R E Stott / married 1st November 1922 / born 23rd December 1891 / died 8th November 1967
45---/02/01- In loving memory of / Harland A PARK (Chinese characters) / born Nov 23, 1907 / died March 5, 1971 / beloved husband / of / May H Park / "Servant of God, well done / they glorious warfares past / the battle is fought, the race is won / and thou art crowned at last" / erected with love and appreciation by his / friends of First Assembly of God who he / lovingly and faithfully pastoredon urn - Chinese characters# 11852
45---/02/02- In loving memory of / Catherine Elizabeth Park / born April 6, 1909 / died March 28, 1961 / beloved wife / of / Harland A Park / Chinese characters / erected with love by all her friends in the First Assembly of God Church whom / she served so long and faithfully# 11437
45---/02/03- In loving memory of / Capt. Cecil Leon Vivian Dury / M.B.E. Military / beloved husband of Mei Hsieh-hung / [Hong Kong ID No. B 160635] / who was born on 28th June 1895 / passed away on 17th Augist 1971 / Rest in peaceopen book on bodystone - In life / in death / O Lord / abide / with me
45---/02/04- In loving memory of / our beloved mother / Hilda Van Bergen / died 10th June 1966 / aged 64 years / Always in our thoughts / your children and grandchildren / At rest# 11700
45---/02/05- In loving memory of / our beloved father / George Van Bergen / died 12th September 1968 / aged 66 years / Always in our thoughts / your children and granchildren / At rest
45---/02/06- In loving memory of / Rose Abraham / aged 86 passed away / May 6th 1969# 11796
45---/02/07- In loving memory of / Allan Mackenzie / died 14th August 1983 / aged 74 years
45---/03/01- Cyril Munro Faure / Lt. Cor. (sic, should be Lt Col. )RM / [Chinese Characters] / born 10th January 1897 / died 27th November 1968 / "For the trumpet shall sound and / the dead shall be raised incorruptible / and we shall be changed"# 11785
45---/03/02- In loving memory of / Vyvyan Henry Donnithorne / born 8 January 1886 / died 12 December 1968 / and of his wife / Gladys Emma Donnithorne / [nee Ingram] / born 22 May 1891 / died 9 August 1977 / For many years missionaries in / Szechuan and Hong Kong / In God's presence is fulness and joyChinese Characters on base slab# 11788
45---/03/03- on open book -"I am the resurrection and the life / he that believeth in me though he / were dead yet shall live" / John 1.25/on body stone -Rev. Arthur John Ahlberg / born October 21 1888 / died July 3 1962 / served as a missionary of / the Assemblies of God in / the Far East for 29 years / beloved and faithful / "builder" for God / erected in loving memory / by his devoted wife Edna, relatives and / friends of the northwest district of / the Assemblies of God USA# 11521
45---/03/04- In loving memory / of / Sarah C Johnston [Chinese characters] / born March 1, 1904 / died May 6, 1972 / beloved missionary / study to shew thyself approved unto God / a workman that needeth / not to be ashamed, rightly dividing / the word of truth / 2 Timothy 2.5 / erected with love and appreciation / by his friends and the Shing / Kwong and Peng Shan Assemblies / of God Churches# 11880
45---/03/05- back: Frederick Clare Youngleft: How pleasant is the coming of men with glad, good news / [Romans 10:15]front: Minister of Union Church / 1928 - 1930right: born January 31st 1898
45---/03/06- In loving memory of / Sophy Venour Fletcher / beloved daughter of Admiral G W Fletcher / born in Reading, died in Hong Kong / 11th August 1911 aged 69 / "I am the only one but i am one that / can do ought to do / ought to do by the grace of God / i will do"
45---/03/07- In / loving memory / of / Lucy Agnes Eyre / who entered into rest / 22nd September 1912 / "She rests from her labours and her works do follow her"# 7891
45---/03/08- In ever / loving / memory of / Norman Christopher Pope / chaplain of St Andrew's Church, Kowloon / 1912 - 1918 / born / April 26th / 1882 / entered into rest / February 7th / 1918 / "I know whom I have believed and am / persuaded that he is able to keep / that which i have committed until him / against the day / 2 Timothy 1.12 / O death where is thy sting / O grave where is thy victory / thanks be to God who giveth us / the victory / through our Lord / Jesus Christ / ! Cor XV 55.57 / erected / by his sorrowing wife and relatives# 8263
45---/03/09- In sacred memory / of / Jeannie / beloved wife of / Robert Maclean Gibson MD / London Mission / died Hong Kong 16th March 1918 / Bear ye one another's burdens# 8272
45---/03/10- In loving memory of / Thomas Emamooden / 27th May 1898 - 28th June 1971 / and / Mary Emamooden / [mother] / 31st Oct. 1880 - 3rd Mar. 1972
45---/04/01- In / affectionate memory / of / Israel Stanley William / Ryding / loved brother of Margaret / Lucy and Elizabeth / for 39 years / a missionary to China / of / the Free Methodist Church / born Salford England / 15th April 1885 / died Hong Kong / 30th December 1955 / "Good and faithful"
45---/04/02- Chinese Characters/In loving memory / of / John R Temple / 5th May 1885 - 30th November 1948 / Methodist minister in China / 1910 - 1923 / General Secretary / British and Foreign Bible Society / 1931 - 1948 / with Christ which is much better / on open book - and / Ruth Margaret Temple / died 5th December 1948 / aged 98
45---/04/03- In affectionate remembrance of / Mary / the beloved wife of / James Henry Cox of Hong Kong / who entered into rest / on the 16th February 1901 / in her 61st year / also/in memory of / James Henry Cox / born in London 11th January 1832 / died in Hong Kong 27th July 1904 / in his 73rd year / One of the oldest and most / respected residents of Hong Kong# 6843 # 6357
45---/04/04- To the dear memory / of / Phoebe Esther / wife of / J S Burdon / late Bishop of Victoria Hong Kong / born 29th September 1829 / died 14th June 1898
45---/04/05- In loving memory / of / Ada Mary Finney / C M S missionary / daughter of / the Rev. W H Finney / rector of Rushholme, Manchester / called to higher service / October 7th 1903
45---/04/06- In ever loving / memory of / Marjorie Grant Smith / entered into rest / 5th April 1919 / O rest in the Lord and wait patiently for them/on plaque -In loving memory of / Eric Grant Smith / died 18th June 1966 / aged 83 years / rest in peace
45---/04/07- In loving memory of / Elizabeth Loo Jackson / beloved mother of / Charles and Kitty / born 17th January 1884 / died 30th March 1968# 11783 ?
45---/04/08- In remembrance / of / Florence Ruby Boyle / beloved wife of / John Boyle and mother / of Shirley / born 22nd August 1906 / died 12th August 1968# 11772
45---/05/01- In loving memory / of / "Jock" / John Prosser Ingus / 10-11-1902 - 1-6-1969 / God his watch is keeping / though no one else be near / erected by his family# 11790
45---/05/02- In loving memory of / our beloved husband / and father / Philip Henry Rathsam / born 19th November 1892 / died 11th April 1967 / Rest in peace# 11794
45---/05/03- In / loving memory / of / Florence May Payne / passed away on 5th June 1939 / beloved wife / of / G A Payne / A wonderful wife and motherJoseph S Lee & Co # 9846
45---/05/04- In loving memory of / Peter Maxwell / born 16th May 1880 / died 20th Jan. 1968 / erected by his childrenon plaque -George Robert Maxwell / born 11.3.1912 / dead 28.12.2004
45---/06/01- In loving memory of / Captain Alfred Moyse / born 1st Jan. 1920 / died 27th Dec. 1971 / Mrs Kitty Moyse Kok Suet King / born 7th April 1921 / died 28th Dec. 1992 / erected by their beloved daughter Judy
45---/06/03- In loving memory of / Rebecca Rose Larson / beloved wife and mother / who passed away on / October 30th 1939 / aged 45 / Asleep in Jesus
45---/06/04- Thomas Fisher Bradford / engineer for 14 years / at / Holts Wharf Kowloon / who died on 23rd October 1939 / aged 55 years
45---/06/05- In loving memory of / Antonia Tatz / died 29th Sept. 1939 / aged 35 years / R.I.P.
45---/06/06- In memory / of / my loving and devoted father / who died on the 26th Sept. 1939 / Herbert Hatch / aged 58 yearsBrown Jones & Co. # 9873
45---/06/07- In / loving memory / of / William Walter Hirst / who passed away / on / 28th August 1939 / aged 55 years / 'Until the day breaks'Joseph S Lee & Co # 9866
45---/06/08- Dulcie Burton / died 19th June 1938 / aged 40 yearsR K S ? # 9846
45---/06/09- Mors Janua Vitae / in / loving memory / of / Ruth Ferguson / died 4th October 1938 / aged 57 yearsJoseph S Lee & Co. # 9786
45---/06/10- In / loving memory / of / Eric Phillip Abbas / who passed away 22nd Sept 1938 / age - 23 years / 'Forever with the Lord'J S Lee & Co. # 9785
45---/06/11- In loving memory of / Captain A.L.R. Marchant / beloved husband of Gladys / who was born on 22nd April 1906 / passed away on 28th November 1969 / Rest in peace / In Life / in death / on open book - O' Lord / abide / with me
45---/07/01- In loving memory / of my dear husband / Guildford Edward Dudley / who died 22nd Mar. 1939 / aged 47 years / Gone but not forgotten# 9828
45---/07/02- Here lies / Dr. J S Guzdar / born 28th March 1909 / died 29th January 1939 / One who gave freely his knowledge / to rich and poor and to his friends / more than he ever knew / R.I.P.Louis A Lee & Co. # 9817
45---/07/03- Hilda Ethel Ebert / 1888 - 1969 / Lloyd G Ebert / April 17 1919 - Jan. 16 1991
45---/07/04- In loving memory / of / John Dwyer / died 3rd August 1838 / aged 61 yearsBrown Jones & Co. # 9769
45---/07/05- In loving memory / of / William Charles Lam / born in Australia 17th October 1912 / died in Hong Kong 1st April 1938 / aged 25 years / from Mum, Dad, brothers and sisters / [4 lines - illegible]J S Lee & Co.
45---/07/06- Sacred to the memory / of / Mattie Swan Ledbetter / a missionary of / the Assemblies of God / born in USA 22nd August 1870 / died 4th March 1938 / Chinese characters / Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord / that they may rest from their labours / and their works do follow them / Rev 14:13on urn - Chinese characters# 9732
45---/07/07- In memory of / Matthew John Denman / Stephens / solicitor / died April 28th 1925 / aged 83 years / also in memory of his wife / Jane Williams Stephens / who died on the 1st July 1927 / and whose ashes are interned in this grave# 8813 # 8947
45---/07/08- In loving memory / of / Alexander Mackenzie / who entered into rest / Nov. 1st 1921 aged 58 years / also of / Helen / dearly beloved younger daughter of / Alexander & Helen Mackenzie / who fell asleep April 16th 1921 / aged 17 years & 10 months / Oidhche mhath a ghraihd
45---/07/09- IHS / In / loving memory / of / Emily Swanton / the beloved wife of Mowbray Stafford Northcote / who died 27th December 1920 / aged 58 years# 8478 CEW & Co Ltd. HK
45---/07/10- Sacred to the memory / of William Griffith Humphrey / an old and respected resident / who departed this life June 19th 1917 / at sea in his 75th year/also of / Mary Ann his wife / who departed this life March 18th 1920 / in New York age 67 years / "The memory of the just is blessed"# 8234 # 8434
45---/07/11- Marjorie Kathleen / the loving wife of / Andrew Beattie / fell asleep Dec. 17th 1911 / Absent from the body present / with the Lord. 2 Cor. v.8 / The dead in Christ shall rise first / 1 Thess. IV.8 / We wait for thee o son of God and long for thine appearing / a little while thou it come o Lord / thy waiting people cheering / thou hast said: we lift the head in joyful expectation / for thou wilt bring salvation.# 7899
45---/08/01- Wm Gordon Simpson / born in Edinburgh Oct. 10 1867 / with Christ Nov. 18 1938 / and his wife / Lam Wam-Kau / born Nov. 29 1866 / with Christ Sep. 16 1963# 9794 # 11600
45---/08/02- In loving memory of / Arthur John Brown / died 24th October 1938 / aged 52 years/and his wife / Kitty Agnes Brown / died 20th February 1959 / aged 54 years / May they rest in peace
45---/08/03- on open book Jesus said to him "I am the way / and the truth and the life / No one comes to the father / but by me" John 15.5on body stone -Keki Edward Mogra / born July 22 1903 / died November 1 1969 / erected in memory by his loving wife / and daughter# 11807
45---/08/04- In loving memory of / Ernest Henry Baker / born 14trh June 1900 / died 4th November 1969# 11781
45---/08/05- IHS / To the dear memory / of / Bessie Watts / who passed away / 26th May 1927 / aged 77 yearsB J & Co. # 8942
45---/08/06- In / loving memory / of / Mabel Pentycross / who died 26th August 1924 / aged 29 years / Requiescat in pace# 8767
45---/08/07- Thy will be done / In loving memory of / Francis Maitland / who died 4th March 1922 / aged 56 yearson plaque -and / Alice Maitland, his wife / born 1880 / May she rest in peace
45---/08/08- In / affectionate / memory of / John Gordon Turner Pooley / advocate and solictor of / Kuala Lumpur [1903 - 1921] / born at Stonham Aspall Suffolk England / on November 6th 1874 / died suddenly at Hong Kong / on June 23rd 1921# 8521
45---/08/09- Albert Herbert Rennie / 1857 - 1908on curb -In loving memory of
45---/08/10- In memory of / The Hon. Lionel A W Barnes-Lawrence / R.N. Ml.C Harbour Master, Hong Kong / born 26th ? May 1855 died 2nd October 1906 / erected by the past /and present officers of Harbour Departmenton curb -Blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see God
45---/08/11- In loving memory / of / William H Dalgliesh Junr. / of / the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank / who died 2nd January 1905 / aged 27 years / Believe in the communion of saints# 6898
45---/09/01- In loving memory / of / Stanely Cooke / born in England October 6 1905 / died in Hong Kong November 15 1972 / Rest in peace# 11890
45---/09/02- Chung Chi Sing / aged 15 years / born 14th October 1923 / died 15th October 1938# 9787 ?
45---/09/03- In sacred memory of / Thomas Edmund Baker / beloved husband of Doris / father of Gloria, Vivi, Eileen / Pamela and Kenneth / born 31st July 1913 / died 10th April 1970 / Always in our thoughts# 11829
45---/09/04- In / loving memory / of / Comr. William Charles Hastings R.N. [retired] / Post Master General Hong Kong / born 23rd April 1852 / died 22nd January 1902B J & Co. # 6496
45---/09/05- In loving memory / Robert Gerald Holland [baybay] / beloved son of / William & Charlotte Hastings / born 11th January 1889 / died 29th June 1898 / Of such is the kingdom of heavenB J & Co. # 6032
45---/09/06- Till he come' / in loving memory of / Margaret Richenda / "Chenda" / yougest daughter of Joseph / 4th bishop of Victoria / and Ellen Hoare / born May 21 1894 / called home December 2nd 1901 / In thy presence in fullness of joy
45---/09/07- To the memory of / Ellen Maria / the beloved wife of / Lawrence Gibbs / died 26th January 1910 / aged 43 years / "What i do thou knowest not now / but thou shalt know herafter" / John XIII.7
45---/09/08- To the memory / of / Catherine / the loving wife / of Lawrence Gibbs / died 18th August 1901 / aged 37 years/also the memory of / Catherine Marjorie / the dearly loved daughter of / Lawrence and Catherine Gibbs / died 3rd April 1902 / aged 2 years / buried at seaon curb -"The Lord gave and the Lord hath taketh away"
45---/09/09- In loving memory / of / Emma Gertrude / [Sister Gertrude] 2nd daughter of Henry John and Elizabeth Ireland / born 7th June 1856 / died 5 May 1898 / of plague contracted while / nursing "Sister Frances" / for nearly eight years a member of the nursing / staff of the Government Civil Hospital / Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God / erected by the community of Hong Kong
45---/09/10- In loving memory / of / Elizabeth Frances / [Sister Frances] / 3rd daughter of William and Frances Higgin born 21st Sep. 1861 / died 29 April 1898 / of plague contracted on duty / for nearly eight years a member of / the Government Civil Hospital / in HK / Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God / erected by the community of Hong Kong
45---/09/11- Sacred to the memory / of / Sara Elizabeth Barker / matron of the civil hosp. / born January 16th 1858 / died June 5th 1911 / for 17 years a member of the nursing / staff of the medical department / 'His servant shall serve him' / erected by her brothers and sisters and fellow workerson curbs - He will gather them from the east and from the west# 7760
45---/10/01- In / loving memory / of / John / beloved husband of / Sybil Gardner / who oassed away / January 24th 1938 / For the Lord did call / and he did answerBrown Jones & Co. # 9726
45---/10/02- In / loving memory / of / Anastasia / dearly beloved wife of / Constantine Goldin / born 3rd January 1897 / died 26th December 1937 / Rest in peaceJ S Lee & Co. # 9719
45---/10/03- In loving memory / Frederick Nolan / born 23rd May 1903 / died 14th April 1972 / Chan Kwai Fong / born 23rd Oct. 1913 / died 2nd Oct. 1977 / erected by daughter / Chan Wai Yin# 11948 # 11878
45---/10/04- In / memory / of / Frances / dearly beloved wife of / S J C Stanesby / and mother of / Audrey & Colin / died 13th Dec. 1937 / aged 33# 9715
45---/10/05- In / loving memory / of / Andrew Harper / who / died 25th June 1937 / at the age of 73 / May he rest in peace and / awake in a joyful resurrection# 9674
45---/10/06- In / happy and treasured / memory of / George Peil / Matthews / born November 30th 1920 / passed on June 19th 1937 / "Much has been taken much abides / all that in him was joyous and courageous and friendly / is an abiding memory & inspiration"Brown Jones & Co. # 9672
45---/10/07- In loving memory / of / Smollet Campbell / born 12th August 1852 / died 20th August 1915 / Peace perfect peace with loved ones far away / in Jesus' keeping we are safe and they# 8106
45---/10/08- front - In / loving memory / of / Marian Nina Roy Caldwell / who departed this life / 13th January 1913 / in her 46th year / With Christ which is far better / Phil. 1:23right side - Togetherback - George Arthur Caldwell / who departed this life / 1st November 1915 / in his 54th year
45---/10/09- Sacred / to the memory of / Mary Fairlie / beloved wife of / William Nicholson / who passed away 31st August 1911 / aged 29 yearson urns - Nicholson
45---/11/01- In / loving memory / of / Arthur Worth Stamford / Smith / boorn 24th March 1907 / died 1st Nov 1968 / One short sleep past we wake eternally
45---/11/02- Blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see God / In loving memory / of / Victor Samuel Wong / born 15th February 1920 of Sydney / Australia / God called away / 18th October 1936
45---/11/03- Herman A Nelson / missionary / St Paul, Minnesota, USA / born Oct. 8 1904 / died Aug 8 1936 / He fought a good fight he kept / the faith II TIM 4:7backHerman A Nelson# 9607
45---/11/04- I H S / In loving memory / of / William George Lay, Commissioner / Chinese Maritime Customs / born October 30th 1862 / called away Nov. 15th 1921on curbs - Peace perfect peace
47---/03/01- Cornelio Harris / aged 50 years# 5732
47---/03/02- In memory of / James Compton / aged 14 / 1894
47---/04/04- H Hansen / 28-2-1900# 6718
47---/05/07- A. Grothe / 10.9.1902 / 6519


Nicolai Duus Swedish and Norwegian Consul who died at HongKong on 5 December 1861 was at least 51 years old and probably 54

By email:

Regarding the text "Lt. Cor. (sic, should be Lt Col. )RM", Faure was not a Lt. Colonel in the Royal Marines, but rather a Lt. Commander in the Royal Navy.

I was past the grave of Olive Batley a week ago. She has a nice resting place not far from the back of the church building in the cemetary.

The headstone says she was killed in a Cathay Plane crash in 1949, and I believe she was the stewardess.

Anyone know anything more about that incident?

I googled her name and it seems she was also a good singer and played with Eddie Guzman at one of the ballrooms around North Point somewhere.

RIP Olive, and only 24 years old...sad.