Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day & Month are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day & Month are approximate.)
Later place(s) at this location
1910s Hotel Mansions
Many years ago, in fact it
Many years ago, in fact it was during the first World War, about ten of us were living in the Hotel Mansions which was atop a building across Des Voeux Road from the Hong Kong Hotel proper, but of which it was part.
Building History - please change demolished date
Hotel Mansions/Union Building
Completed in 1905 as extension to HK Hotel
In 1921 Union Insurance of Canton bought Hotel Mansions and renamed it Union Building
Bought by HK Land 1946
Old Union Bulding demolished in early 1961
Union House phase 2 completed in 1962
Source: HK Land at 125
I've updated the demolition date from 1958 to 1961. Please could you let us know the source, for reference?
I've found confirmation of the completion date in the 1905 PWD Annual report:
The remaining large blocks of buildings on the Praya reclamation east of Pedder Street, including "Hotel Mansions", "King's Building", "York Building" and "Royal Building", were completed during the year.
Source is the Hong Kong Land
Source is the Hong Kong Land at 125 year anniversary book here
Hotel Mansions 1907
Hotel Mansions / Union Building
According to the China Mail, demolition of Hotel Mansions was started in the first week of July 1960.