York Building [1905-1958]

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Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Dates from HK Land via Annelise.

Here's the approximate location of the building as it appears on a 1911 map (Plate 3-4, Mapping Hong Kong):

[gmap polygon=22.282014010865765,114.15817379951477 + 22.282267167009177,114.15825963020325 + 22.282138107071777,114.15870487689972 + 22.28186509527318,114.15862441062927 |align=Center |zoom=17 |center=22.28176499078823,114.15845274925232 |width=350px |height=350px |control=Small |type=Map]

Photos that show this Place



Kings Building and York Building

Marine Lot 287 Lease acquired on 24th December 1901

Both Buildings completed in 1905

Palmer and Turner were the architects


Offices for

Kings Building:   Jebsen & Co – started out in Kings building

York Building:     Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs


1955 decided on phased redevelopment

Union House phase 1 completed in August 1960 on site of Kings and York Building

York Building also housed  the offices of the Java China Japan Lijn, the Dutch steamer company founded in 1902 with headquaters in Hong Kong from 1903. The company ‘s first general agent was Philippus Johannes Roosegaarde Bisschop (1871-1937). Hè is on the Juror Lists 1907,1908,1909,1910.1911 and 1912, where his address is registered as York Buildings. These were his offices. Hè lived on the Peak in the house then called Tjibatoe.

The Java China Japan Lijn moved its offices to Des Voeux Street after WWII. As part of the Koninklijke Java China Pakketvaart Lijnen (Royal Interocean Lines) its offices moved to Interocean House at North Point in 1958.