HO Kom Tong’s Chinese Wikipedia page

Submitted by annelisec on Fri, 06/19/2020 - 23:22

This one.



When I find errors in Wikipedia in the English part I can correct them myself. However this error is on one of the Chinese pages  


Can anyone help? Ho Kom Tong's  father, who is unproven, is listed as fact. It references Eric Peter Ho's book.  Except that book clearly states that his paternity is unproven, (His father was not Boseman because he was out of town at the relevant time).  I can identify where the errors are using Google Translate, but I don't have the Chinese skills to correct the actual words. 

Can you help?  

Here is the text that needs correcting

何甘棠(1866年9月16日-1950年),本名何啟棠, 字棣生,是香港望族何啟東家族成員,是富商何東及何福的同母異父之弟,何甘棠非荷蘭裔猶太人何仕文跟施娣所生的兒子,而是施娣与中國男子郭兴贤所生的兒子[1],是纯粹华人一名,曾任怡和洋行買辦等職,為香港著名商人及社會活動家。



  • 何啟棠(何甘棠), 字棣生(施娣與中國男子郭兴贤所生)[1]
