Kwokar Film Studio / 國家電影製片廠 [1937-1957]

Submitted by OldTimer on Wed, 04/12/2017 - 09:34
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Translated from the Wikipedia page in Chinese:

Kwong Tzan/Tsan 鄺贊 (1892-1958) came from Taishan (also called Toishan), and his original name was 鄺迺志.  His work included photography, radio and audio film recording.  He started his filming career in Shanghai and later moved to Hong Kong in 1937 where he became the founder of 國家電影製片廠 / Kwokar Film Studio (also called National Film Studio), and another company 自由片場 (phonetic transcription is Ziyou Studio, meaning Freedom).  Besides as a producer, he worked in all technical aspects of film recording.

In 1938, Kwokar Film Studio was located in Causeway Bay, and the following year it was moved to Kowloon City where its founder set up a second studio Ziyou Studio.  The last film produced was dated 1957.


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