Hung Shek Mun village

Submitted by wvmarle on Fri, 09/04/2015 - 18:02

Any information on the history of the village and immediate surroundings?


At the moment there's one building that looks like a former dwelling, and nearby a building that looks like some kind of power plant. Big steel door, two large exhaust pipes. A big trailer (the kind of that's normally pulled by a tractor or truck, too big to pull by hand) is parked inside a big banyan tree (i.e. the tree has grown over and through it).

The bay is dammed off (as usual), with a salt-water area behind it. There's another dam with a second artificial lake, higher level. I haven't tasted the water yet, I guess it's fresh (it's above high tide level).

The village has no pier, nor any visible remains of one. We landed on the rocky shore nearby, by pushing the boat against the shore and stepping off.

Nearby in the hills is also a reservoir, signs at this reservoir (first visited about 2011/2012) indicate this is a drinking water reservoir to supply Kat O. It looked maintained. Is it even still in use?