Lau Fau Shan police station [1962- ]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Date completed

Hopefully I've got the marker in the right place - please correct me if not.

Completion date comes from the Film Services Office website:

Former Lau Fau Shan Police Station had been in service since 1962. The squad of the station moved out in 2002 and merged with that of the Tin Shui Wai Station. The station was built on a small knoll by Deep Bay. The outlook of the building is in a blue-and-white colour scheme. On the rooftop, there are 2 lookouts set up to keep watching for the illegal immigrants entering the territory. The other facilities are just like those in any police station, with a reporting room, conference room, detention cells, etc. The Yuen Long District Council has the plan to open the area as a tourist attraction in the near future. This move is to serve the purpose of boosting tourism in the Lau Fau Shan area.

Photos that show this Place




The Former Lau Fau Shan Police Station was built in 1962 to replace an earlier police station on the same site. Strategically located at the top of a small hill of Lau Fau Shan town, overlooking Ping Shan in the east and Deep Bay and Shenzhen in the west, it was an outpost and operational base of the Hong Kong police to keep a watch on illegal immigration, a function that it had fulfilled for decades. Moreover, the Lau Fau Shan Automatic Weather Station was operated there during the 1980s to meet the growing demands for regional meteorological data for engineering projects in areas under development. In 2000 the squad stationed in this police station was incorporated into the manpower of Tin Shui Wai Police Station and the site was vacant. The site was accorded as Grade 3 historic building in 2014.