Current condition
Hello -
I have searched without success for something about the Horse Riding School that we (as children) use to go to. I am sure it was up the Peak - but not far from PG Farm (as we often called in there en route). We used to go to the horse riding school virtually every weekend for lessons. The owner had seven ponies named after the Seven Dwarfs - (only there was no Snow White!) He also had some larger horses and my father had his favourite with which he went riding up the Peak while we had our lessons in the rink at the school.
It was probably the Pokufulam Riding School that still exists today at the bottom of Pokfulam Reservior Road which comes down from The Peak. Try Googling Pokfulam Riding School Hong Kong or variations of that and you should get a number of listings. Its still shown on street maps today and Riders from there certainly used to use various hiking paths around the lower areas of The Peak.
Thank you IDJ -
You could be right - though the name is not familiar. Mind you it could have been changed. I suspect the name changed when the owner sold out and moved to Australia - after 1960 sometime, I think. He was Portguese, called Tito, his wife was Mae and they had twin daughters who would now be in their 50s - Gail and Glenna.
Re: Riding School - Peak
Hong Kong Telegraph 5 September 1934 announced that "Miss Pamela Scott Harston, a well known lady jockey was opening a riding school for children at her home, No. 529 The Peak. Miss Harston has enclosed a half an acre of ground surrounding her home and has made it into an excellent riding ring.
The new school is well situated, being surrounded by many bridle paths. It is hoped the more advanced pupils will use these paths when riding to Tytam or Deepwater Bay."
Thank you Moddsey,
Interesting - I wonder if this school eventually became the school run by Tito Xavier and Mae in the 1950s? It certainly had an excellent riding ring - alongside the house - and would have been about half an acre, surrounded by many bridle paths.
I'll supply some photos - they might jog someone's memory!
Riding School location
I've had a look at the photos, but unfortunately I can't see any landmarks I recognise.
The shape of the hillside in this photo is quite distinctive:
Does anyone recognise it?
Regards, David