Diary pages from this date

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Doreen had shorthand lesson.

Newspaper says Philippines waiting for enemy; also suggests an attempted landing at Bias Bay.

Death of Dr. Hermann Balean from acute anemia. He joined the BMA in 1902 and was appointed to the Hong Kong Medical Board in 1937.

Balean gravestone.jpg
Balean gravestone.jpg, by brianwindsoredgar



This gives January 19 as date of death, but the MacNider Diary and the gravestone establish today.




Bright, warmer morning.


Fitted bed for Weir. ((Not sure which Weir he is referring to))

Clouded over, cooler pm.

Germany to shift capital. Clark air-field raided, Anglo-Indian forces within 500 mls of HK.

Lorry with wood 6pm & another with veg 7pm. & rice party.

Parcels soon?
