Fred J H KELLY [c.1900-????]

Submitted by David on
Fred J H
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

DoB from John Black's list, which gives Mr Kelly's occupation as "Police".

The Bibliography in "The Quest of Noel Croucher: Hong Kong's Quiet Philanthropist" notes that Fred Kelly kept a diary in Stanley Camp in 1945:

Kelly, Fred. The Diary of Inspector Fred Kelly of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force: compiled during his internment in Stanley Detention Camp (21 January 1942-31 August 1945). Hong Kong: Public Records Office, 1974.

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Fred Kelly was a Police Sub-Inspector, who before the Japanese occupation was in charge of Hung Hom Police Station.

Very small point, but at risk of being pedantic I would simply point out that the Hong Kong Police did not earn the title "Royal" until post-1967 for their efforts during that tumultuous year in HK's history.

Fred Kelly's diary, as correctly pointed out, is kept in the PRO in HK. It started life as a letter from him to his wife, but I believe I am correct in saying that he was not able to post it to  her - so it "grew" and became a diary. When she decided to donate it to the Force, many years later, it caused a bit of a furore as in it he was quite critical of certain police officers in the Camp, some of whom were still alive at the time. But fortunately wiser counsel prevailed and it can now be viewed by anyone in the PRO.

A word of caution, however. Some years ago, when I went to read it I was only allowed to read it on microfilm or microfiche - I'm not sure of the correct term - because of its' condition. I also think Kelly wrote it in pencil. This made it somewhat difficult to read. Such is life.