Eugene CAMMIADE [c.1879-1958]

Submitted by Admin on Tue, 06/11/2013 - 17:03
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)
(Day is approximate.)

Margaret Spencer, grand-daughter of Eugene Cammiade, writes:

I was born in H K in 47 and stayed there for a bit over 40 years when I came to the U K for the first time! All my parents, grandparents, in laws are all buried in H K but my eldest daughter still lives there so I get back at least once a year to visit old school friends etc. and we have a flat in china. my grandfather ((Eugene Cammiade)) who was French was post master general of China so our China roots go back quite far! 

Philip Cracknell:

I have these details but would love to learn more:

CammiadeEugenePostal Commissioner10 Sept 1878Transferred Shanghai July 1942

Cammiade   (Miss) Marie Louise28-Mar-18Transferred Shanghai July 1942

Cammiade Richard Charles HenryClerrk26-Jan-08Transferred Shanghai July 1942


Mum ((Marie)) and grandfather ((Eugene)) and my uncle ((Henry)) were interned in Stanley camp for a bit and also Kowloon. My uncle Henry was sent back to Shanghai.

I know that my mother and grandfather didn't go back to Shanghai, if they did, it wasn't for long and they were then billeted in Kowloon. My uncle who lived in Shanghai with a White Russian penniless countess remained there.

Mum married William Forsyth Smith, he was torpedoed during the war in the merchant navy. They met in China in 1936 and met up after the was in 45 got married in 1946.

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Hello Margaret,

While researching my paternal family line (Smith), I have been trying to trace what happened to William Forsyth Smith who is my 1st cousin 2x removed.

If you see this message, could you please email me at:


Kind regards,

Julie smiley

Carl Smith Card Removals from Happy Valley Cemetery 1976

Marie Josephine Cammiade burial 24 March 1941 aged 53 years dob circa 1888

Eugene Cammiade burial 14 August 1958 aged 79 years dob circa 1879