I'm looking for photos / sketches / portraits of him for the CPS project's history book. He started out as a Hong Kong Government Cadet in 1865, before being appointed as Police Magistrate in 1870, replacing Goodlake. He left Hong Kong in 1892, and by then he was Chief Justice and had been knighted [1].
There aren't any results for russell in the photo search at HKPRO. He served with Legco, but they don't have a photo [3]. No relevant results for russell hong kong in the UKNA.
I've only found him in one family tree so far [2].
James Russell
I am an indirect descendant of James Russell. We have a lot of information about his time in Hongkong, mainly photographs, newspaper cuttings and artefacts. I also have details of his family tree.
I have started by comparing some of our photos with those on here and I've identified some as coming from the Afong studio.
I plan to start adding some of these photos. I don't think any of the photos include the CPS, they are almost all portraits.
Looking forwrd to collaborating.
Here is an amusing story ...
Here is an amusing story ...
re: James Russell
Hello Theo, thanks for getting in touch.
The CPS project is already finished, but I'll still enjoy seeing any information and photos you can share with us.
Regards, David