Chris POTTER [1941- ]

Submitted by Admin on Tue, 08/06/2013 - 16:28
Birthplace (country)
Hong Kong

Chris wrote in to the Stanley Camp Discussion List:

I regret coming so late to your party! ..and I'm not sure how probing the old scar tissue is going to work out - but here goes anyway..

As I read the old messages a bell jangles in several places - too many to cover in one hit, so I'll pick on a couple.

Margery Fortescue! My mother (Norah Potter) mentions her many times in her notes: they were good friends in Stanley.

A Savitsky! I have a drawing signed by him of my mother and me (as an infant in a sling on her back). I'll try to post a pic.

Some facts: my father, John Potter (HKVDC) was killed on Christmas Day 1941. He was a partner in Leigh and Orange, architects.

I was born in HK in September 1941 and Stanley ((Internment Camp)) became our home for the duration. 

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Andrews Cards 11 September 1941

Announcing birth of Christopher John Potter 3 September 1941 (sic) in Hong Kong son of John E Potter  and Norah Mary ( nee Huson) 

Passenger List Hong Kong to Liverpool arriving October 1945

Norah Mary Potter age 33 widow and Christopher John Potter age 4

New Zealand Naturalisations 26 May 1959

Christopher John Potter born 3 September 1942 (sic)



Your dad and my dad were cousins!  Hello!  As a child I was very familiar with your father's name - I know that Dad investigated what had happened to him and found out he had died.  In the china cabinet as a child there was a photograph of the two of them together - sadly I do not have this photo.  There was also a rock from a beach they went to the last time they saw each other.  Again, I no longer have access to this.  My father was Ernest Frank Potter, born 30 November 1907. I hope this rings a bell.  I have been searching for what happened to his family for some time and here you are!

Gillian Potter


Hello Gillian!

It's really good to hear from you. We have quite a lot of catching up to do!

I have some photos going back 3 generations and we should be able to put names to at least some of the faces.

Let's get together by email.. Mine is

I look forward to hearing from you -


Hello Chris,

I have just finished reading your book, My Beautiful Island and want to say I found it profoundly interesting and enlightening. I found the personal insights about life in the Stanley Camp helpful in gaining some understanding of what life was like for internees.

I also now know a great deal more about the history of the Hong Kong Yacht Club building on Kellett Island, which I visited recently completely ignorant of its history - though no longer!

Perhaps you have also inspired me to get on with the writing project that has been on my mind concerning life in pre-war Hong Kong and in the Stanley Camp... though time will tell.

I wish you all the best,

Andrew Hill